Glory of a New World Character Sheets

silverpenguinx the thing is, your character's power also makes them very difficult to kill, and saying as this RP follows as much to realism as possible, not even the angels and demons are immortal, so, you need a power with flaws. I need characters in this who can die. Not just be like Superman and shrug off bullets, which I can see your character easily doing.

  • Name:Vern Birgoss


    Gender: Male

    Race: Human

    Good/Rogue/Bad: Good
boogedy boo!! Eeep
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ninbinz The war started about 3 years ago, and ended 6 months back. Also, did you read the rules?

And everyone else, I will be posting Kyra's father either today, or tomorrow. Don't worry I follow my own rules.
Name: Jay

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian

Good/Rouge/Bad: Good


Jay is a rugged looking young adult with short brown hair, blue eyes, and wears a slightly wrinkled tan button up shirt and old looking green cargo pants. He has a black quiver strapped securely to his back along with his compound hunting bow for quietness and appears to be around 175 pounds and 5'11".




Jay is a agile parkourist that is able to maneuver and escape thought the tight buildings of the inner city. He is also well experienced with his bow against enemies from a distance but struggles to fight in close hand to hand situations of which he would normally run.


Jay is a level headed patient adult that is highly resourceful and keen to his senses. He is also known for his kindness toward others when he doesn't feel threatened.




Jay grew up New York with his dad who was a major professional bow hunter that dreamed of his son following in his foot steps, from his fathers accomplishments as well as his determination in school he was able to go a to college in California where he resides today.



boogedy boo!
With there being ten roleplayers in this RP, I will have to close it. If a RPer leaves, I will re-open it. And people, in case I didn't make myself clear earlier.

You may have up to three characters at a time. A character may die, and then be replaced, but don't think of doing this to have omega cameos. 
Sheogorath you get to be the final member allowed in for a while. Be happy!

President Kazuma Tokonoma










<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime202.jpg.ee1522f46c6de10be80cb0db1e5f4749.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2251" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/Anime202.jpg.ee1522f46c6de10be80cb0db1e5f4749.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


None. Who needs that?


-Tokonoma Style: A type of sword-fighting technique developed by Kazuma's great grandmother that includes various other sword stances and styles together. While most may see it as a mess of cobbled together techniques, the Tokonoma family's ways of swordfighting is near peerless in design and was made to put pure pressure on the opponent with swift yet strong slashes. His physique is built for speedy attacks along with attacks that are strong enough to slice through light armor. He takes a more indirect approach, however, and does not always follow the exact discipline of the Tokonoma style. Be wary of his gun and his unscrupulous ways.

-Hawk-eye: His sharp eyes miss nothing, and while his shots do, they usually aren’t far away. He never uses his gun though.

-Presidential Orders:

He is the leader of a mercenary corporation, and has an army of dispensable mooks to use as human shields and guns at the same time. One wonders what he has done to them to make them follow his every order.

-Hellish Endurance: There’s something scary about a man who can take a few bullets to the chest and still be able to calmly stride his way over to kick you in the face. Whenever President Kazuma is determined to give you an earful and then some, make sure you pack enough bullets, because once he makes his mind up, you won’t stop him from coming after you.


“Violence breeds violence, but in the end, it has to be this way.”

The process doesn’t matter. The results are what do to this man. President Kazuma is very much unlike his predecessors and is a man lacking in certain emotional aspects. He takes no joy nor sorrow from sending his men to their deaths or crushing the opposition into bits and certainly takes very little interest in anything that is not related to monetary income for his company, one that still stands tall despite the war. He is unnaturally calm even in the face of impending doom staring in his face and is rather quirky at some moments, reportedly commenting on the weather as his men were being slaughtered. He is one to take politeness at face value and will respond in kind. Violence and such, however, do naught but spurn a rather tranquil fury state. He does keep his cool, but you might want to watch your back for mercenaries popping up and swarming you.

In combat, he uses everything to his advantage, throwing his mooks in front as human shields, catching one and using him to take a bullet and so on and so forth. It doesn’t help that he WILL use civilians and innocents for these reasons as well, or at least, the unimportant ones. He has a distinct British accent, occasionally mixed with a certain slur.


Straight, but who cares about orienting, huh?


Shinju-Kai, a mercenary group, founded by a certain lady with the name Kai Tokonoma, grew to large extents over the years. Kai adopted a son by the name of Kishuna and trained him in the art of her own style, along with soldiers that have left their units, regular civilians and others that wanted to earn a little extra cash on the side. The influence of Shinju-Kai grew and more people began to join. We won’t dwell on the exact history of Shinju-Kai, so let’s just skip to Kazuma’s life, huh? As with his predecessors, Kazuma was trained by his father, Kamiya Tokonoma, to follow the discipline of the Tokonoma style before passing on the sword and the ownership of Shinju-Kai to him.

Before the world went to hell, the world war broke out and Shinju-Kai’s assets sky-rocketed. Kazuma, not one to pass up this opportunity, started his own funding of his company’s needs, and now, in the devastated world, Kazuma is nothing but ready to set out forth to see what he can take and what he can earn for his company.


-A katana with as much endurance as he. Passed down for generations, Kazuma was the only one after Kai to think of using it as a weapon. It is nigh unbreakable, forged by an unknown source that was reputed to make the best weapons to ever exist.

-A Beretta 92F. No special additions. Just….a stock Beretta. Shoots bullet good.

-Bulletproof vest: Hey, survivability, right? Hidden under his suit. Makes him look a bit more bulkier than he is, but his suits are sometimes tailored to avoid this.

-Mooks: Damn straight. Each equipped with an anti-infiltration handbook to watch out for pesky hero wannabes or otherwise seeking revenge from breaking into the company and trying to murder him. Also they come in different flavours. There are those with the RPGs, there are those with the assault rifles (usually Kalashes) and then there are the ones with the katanas, which are deceptively fast. All are equipped with ballistic vests and helmets, along with military-esque combat gear, in black and red colours.


“Tokonoma” means alcove, a recess in a wall. What was a niche again? Seems close, huh?

Boogedy boo, by the by.

I hate the history. Don’t ask.



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Sheogorath the one thing, is there cannot be too many RPG's, and all that. Johnny's sniper won't be in the RP very much, or won't be used often. So, yeah. I don't want stuff like that. One of the reasons I don't like to have very many guns in RP's. Otherwises accepted.
Vern wasn't in the army during world war 3, he retired from duty as an officer before it started, if you like I can add an extra paragraph or so.
Most of the time, Kazuma is going to deploy the ones with swords. Though the ones with Kalashes will appear sometimes, slightly less often than the sword-wielding ones. The RPGs will pop out here and there with a squad or so. There should be only two throughout currently, unless this stretches for a bit.

Name: Corporal Kylar Gould

Age: 26

Sex: Male

Race: Human,African-American,Local

Alignment: Good

Powers: None. He's completely mundane.


EOD Technician. Kylar is a trained EOD Technician,with plenty of experience. As such,he can ID and disarm most explosives,given the time. Even disguised ones. The riots during the war taught him well.

Pistol Use. Kylar is a police officer,and as such knows how to use a handgun effectively.

Mace Etiquette. Not a mace per se,but the drill's the same with a nightstick. He knows how to use small and medium sized blunt weapons.

Reflex. Kylar's a seasoned police officer,despite his age and rank. His experience honed his reflexes to a fine edge,allowing him to respond more quickly than most other humans. In extreme situations,time seems to slow down to him.

Hand-Eye. Kylar's experience at bomb disposal also sharpened his ability to control his body's movements masterfully. Under no circumstances will he jitter.

Heavy Armour Training. As anyone can tell you,heavy armour demands a certain technique to be used without encumbrance. As an EOD technician,Kylar is a master of this technique.

Hyperfocus. Kylar can enter a state of hyperfocus. One object or task becomes his entire existence while he's in this state,allowing him to think with absolute clarity in regards to that object or task...At the exclusion of his perception of literally everything else while he's in this state.


This suit is heavily padded,insulated,and features ballistic plates. Overall,it provides AMAZING protection against small arms fire and most explosive ordinance. However,as an EOD suit,it's a very effective pressure cooker,and it's sheer weight makes it a pain to wear all day. It's modular design makes for easy removal or donning.

PROTECTIONS: Small caliber/power rounds (pistol,SMG,buckshot,bomb/grenade shrapnel),blunt trauma (blastwaves,blunt weapon strikes).

WEAKNESSES: Piercing trauma/large/high power rounds (stabbing,rifle,LMG,ect),proper slashing trauma (trained slashing,axe),incendiaries.


The shield is,when stood at his feet,going up to his collarbone,instead of his pecs. Furthermore,there's no mail slot. Finally,the top of the shield has a bulge,large enough to accommodate a semi-automatic shotgun. The barrel is pointed down.

The Mk II Riot Action Gear is a revolution in police protection technologies. Made from an alloy containing steel,titanium,and aluminium,it's durable and marginally lighter than straight-up steel. The shield is six inches thick,and so it will stop even anti-materiel rounds. The user's arm runs from bottom to top,strapped in and holding the primary grip. There's a secondary grip for the other hand as well,and,finally,the shotgun's trigger assembly immediately above the primary grip,meaning the internalized shotgun points down. The shotgun's bore is twelve gauge,and the magazine is loaded bullpup. The standard magazine contains ten shells.

Overall,the entire system weighs about thirty five pounds. The Mk II Riot Action Gear was developed as a means to protect Riot Response officers in the face of increasingly violent and disorderly protests against WW III. The aim was to protect the officers from anything short of a bomb,and ensure that they are equipped to respond to any threat in a riot situation. The design achieved these goals spectacularly,seeing mass production and widespread use before the end of the world's governments.

Kylar has the SFPD's standard issue SIG Sauer P229 handgun,chambered for .40 S&W,as well as a nightstick and taser. Furthermore,he carries ten spare magazines for his handgun,four spares for his shield shotgun,and he keeps a hand-cranked dynamo handy for recharging his taser. Aside from that,Kylar has a kit designed to disarm nearly any ordinance in the world.

Well,you have his armour.


The chap up front,minus the face tattoos. Just add a TOUCH more muscle.

Six foot three inches,215 lbs.

Personality: Kylar can be described as a "White Knight". If he sees a misdeed happen,he will take steps to punish those responsible,and try his best to make things up to the victim,even if it's only a proper burial. He'll let some things slide if there's a good reason,but he'll still give a brief lecture.

Orientation: Straight,widower.

Background: Kylar was born in sunny San Fran,and raised right. His brother joined the Army as soon as he could,and Kylar decided to serve his country from home,as a police officer. Kylar passed the all of the screening tests the police threw at him,and was accepted. After training and a brief probationary period,he was told to chose which branch to commit himself to. Seeing that EOD was in dire need of personnel,he opted to join them.

Over the years,he quickly became the EOD Division's golden boy,going through their training as if he made the tests himself,and responding to the distressingly frequent bomb threats with cautious vigor,disarming all of the real bombs quickly,and IDing when a bomb is fake. When the war broke out,he was put on loan to Riot Response to deal with the bomb threats at riot zones and to supplement their numbers. As the war dragged on,there seemed to be riots every day,and bomb threats came in seemingly by the hour.

Finally,when the war ended,and the world's governments seemingly vanished from existence,Kylar was left with his unit. They stuck together,and taken whatever resources they could,and helped whoever they could. Slowly,however,they died off. Now,Kylar's the last man standing,and he owes his life primarily to the Mk II Riot Action Gear that he borrowed from Riot Response.

Quick update:

I left on a trip to China/Taiwan thinking internet would be no problem for me, but it turns out I was wrong. D:

I decoded my phone, but it will only be able to have internet in Taiwan, which I am currently in China. Some hotels I'll be staying at might not have wi-fi, while others will. Meaning for about ten days, my internet access is uncertain. Jet lag is a bit of a problem for me as well. I found myself dosing off as I was typing this.

I'll get a post up soon. I'll be leaving for another hotel tomorrow, so I'm not sure if I'll have internet.

Yay screaming Asians and stinky tofu. :v

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