Glory of a New World Character Sheets

ForgottenBlood you'd have to make three character sheets, the angel, the demon, and the child. I'm really trying to make that more effort than it is worth, but if you're up for it.

Also, they'd have to have a VERY TIGHT control on their emotions, as their emotions go hand in hand with their powers.
Boogedy Boo

Name: Nico Blaeythe

Age: Appears to be 21, likely much older

Gender: Male

Race: Immortal(Can't die of old age or disease, but can die from mortal wounds taken during contact)

Good/Rouge/Bad: Good

Looks: He looks EXACTLY like this.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/542df8fc802025d28668d59a426b5741-d3iihja1.jpg.0e8947d60f27f734a5fb4cfb9580dfee.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2064" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/542df8fc802025d28668d59a426b5741-d3iihja1.jpg.0e8947d60f27f734a5fb4cfb9580dfee.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


  • Darkness Manipulation: Can control darkness, making even the smallest amount of it into substantial elements, such as his sword blade, to be explained later. He can make shields and walls and such. The larger the object made from darkness, the more energy is taken out of him.
  • Shadow Walking: Can pass between locations using shadows as gates to and from the Underworld. The more time he spends in the Underworld, the more likely he is to die. For this reason, he only uses Shadow Walking as a last resort, and rarely brings anyone with him, as transporting someone that cannot Shadow walk normally drains his energy.

Skills: He is very good with hand to hand combat, and also good with his sword.

  • Sword hilt: Black metal with gold and silver inlay and patterning. He makes the blade out of darkness and it solidifies. He slides it into his belt loop when he's not using it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/D0486548-0-large.jpg.460bd42f5a78d6fdc45d97769f8f2e43.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="2065" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_06/D0486548-0-large.jpg.460bd42f5a78d6fdc45d97769f8f2e43.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's very sarcastic but he's protective and kind. It takes a lot to earn his trust, and even more for him to open up to you. He's afraid of attachment because, being immortal, he will live long after everyone he becomes attached to has died.

Orientation: Straight

History: Nico became immortal through a bit of a freak accident. He discovered his Shadow Walking as he was sitting in a shadowy corner, brooding. He was wishing he could be anywhere else but there, when he fell into the shadow and ended up laying on his back in the Underworld... right outside Hades' throne room. Hades saw him and tried to kill him, as mortals are not allowed in the Underworld.

But Nico had other ideas. He challenged Hades to a sword fight. If Hades won, he could take Nico's life. If Nico won, however, he would become immortal, never dying, because he never aged. He couldn't die of disease. The only way he could be killed was through a mortal wound. Nico won the fight, but every time he travels through the Underworld, Hades tries to kill him, either through treachery or a formal challenge.

He managed to survive through World War III, being unaffected by radiation from the bombs. He emerged in northern San Francisco to see the utter devastation at the end of the war, and the anarchy is caused. He tried to find others to help, but has been unsuccessful as of yet.

((He was originally Greek, hence the Greek mythology references. Since then he has lost all connection to his heritage.))



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I would like a halt to posting unless you haven't posted once. I want everyone who hasn't posted to have at least post once so people don't get lost. 
BloodyRaze accepted!
Haha, should I post right away? I actually pulled some of it from one of my favorite fantasy series, Percy Jackson and the Olympians. The Shadow Walking and the Underworld/Hades stuff was from that series.
I don't mind not posting. :) Around 4, I'll be gone for a while too; maybe coming on once or twice tonight and tomorrow morning but not super often.
TheFallOfitAll I thought that Scarlette came over, it said in one of the posts I think... I'm gonna go and look real quick... 

TheInfamousHavoc said:
Today, she was wandering a bit farther towards the south side of San Francisco than she desired, but she planned on leaving just as soon as she got enough supplies. xxxxxScarlett held the hilt of her katana as she walked down the road, cautious for anything that came out at her. It had been one to many times where she had been attacked while wandering the south side of San Francisco, and she had learned from her mistakes.
Oops, I mistook it for that she had already come over. Sorry!
Augh, I didn't get any alerts for this thread. ;-;

Good thing I didn't post though. :B


I kept thinking of Nico D'Angelo as I read through your post. o-o;;

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