Glorious Font of Mountain Dew (OOC) [Incarnadine Waters]

It's not the same, though. It's things like Swan still holding a bargain with the Wyrm King. He's NOT the same person; Desus is long dead. Everything in Exalted, everyone's reactions to the Solars, treats each and every one like they are the reincarnation of the Solar when, in fact, they're just host to the power.

Honestly, it reminds me a little of Avatar, now that I think about it, given how much Aang talked with his past incarnations...
And another correction, the Exalted Essence is more than just the power.

Lytek strips it of most personality, but he doesn't actually wipe them clean.
Yeah, but it's kinda hard to address what the Exaltation is. Clearly it isn't the person itself or you'd not have the Deathlords; the higher souls of dead Exalts. Imagine someone seeking revenge on Larquen Quen and attacking his Exaltation's bearer when he, the actual Larquen Quen who committed the actions, is the Mask of Winters.
Beneficent River

Khayar of the Silver Heart


Rey Pey Yung

Twice Blessed Kenina

Your new playground is open, folks.
The court of orderly flame has somewhat standardized the worth of fire elemental mercinaries. Basic flame ducks are Resources 3 bimonthly. Most people start with this sort of buisness before having stronger groups offer contracts or gettin involved in political/buisness/romantic alliance.

By contacting Excelion from the court of orderly flame, you know he hires out his younger flameduck discipes for 3 resouces bimonthly until he feels you've misused them.
Isn't resources -1 a major kind of expenditure...

Then again, I'll likely only be using them for the time it takes to deal with the opponents, plus a little bit longer.

Never mind, it isn't.
Are there any other types that I can get? Diversity is not a bad thing in an attack (probably want at least one Ifrit and Thunderbird in this attack). The Thunderbirds are battle-lusty, so they might work cheap, right? But then again, they are also tempermental, so we don't want to summon them too long before the battle.
I'll be a bit busy for the next week so I might not be able to make any posts. I'll let the ST control my character if they need to.
Same with me. I don't know how the Chemo is going to hit me and besides that I really don't know what to post. The GM can fill in for me if he needs to.
I'm back, so you can go ahead and start up the... prologue thingy I'm in. I'll finish up my character soon.
Book 1c: The Lady By Candlelight: C 1: Smoke on the Water

Do any of my fellow playes in this mission still around? there are only two or three of us posting, and we haven't even moved.
Book 1c: The Lady By Candlelight: C 1: Smoke on the Water
Do any of my fellow playes in this mission still around? there are only two or three of us posting, and we haven't even moved.
I am still around and alive, but the Chemo has taken alot out of me. I have asked the GM to post for me till I get better, but I'm beginning to think we have been forsaken or something.
if all we're waiting for is how many flame ducks or whatever we can get, would it be better to try and PM the ST that, and work it out there? in the mean time we can get to the location, and start scouting it.
Paladin said:
Book 1c: The Lady By Candlelight: C 1: Smoke on the Water
Do any of my fellow playes in this mission still around? there are only two or three of us posting, and we haven't even moved.
I am still around and alive, but the Chemo has taken alot out of me. I have asked the GM to post for me till I get better, but I'm beginning to think we have been forsaken or something.
I see Khadavla on MSN once in a while... should I ask him about this once I get the chance?
yes please, if the game hasn't moved along by then.

I can have my character do something immature, but I don't want to do it too often, it can get tiring if done too much.
Peteman said:
Are there any other types that I can get? Diversity is not a bad thing in an attack (probably want at least one Ifrit and Thunderbird in this attack). The Thunderbirds are battle-lusty, so they might work cheap, right? But then again, they are also tempermental, so we don't want to summon them too long before the battle.
more than one ifrit isn't the best idea, though hopefuly they'd just wind up trying to showeach other up.

Huraka, flame ducks, and thunderbirds are the combat worthy fliers that comet o mind. When we get there, maybe Brine Hounds and Jokun.
Alright, put me down for Sweet's 7 Flame Ducks, as well as my 1 Ifrit, 2 Huraka, 4 Thunderbirds if the other elemental summoners can get the Brine Hound and Jotun, or 2 Thunder Birds and 1 Brine Hound and 1 Jotun. Special note: leave explicit threats to the Thunderbirds regarding team killing.
I don't see how you can summon all that Peterman. I knew Exalted was waay over the top but thats just stupid rediculouse.
Peteman said:
Alright, put me down for Sweet's 7 Flame Ducks, as well as my 1 Ifrit, 2 Huraka, 4 Thunderbirds if the other elemental summoners can get the Brine Hound and Jotun, or 2 Thunder Birds and 1 Brine Hound and 1 Jotun. Special note: leave explicit threats to the Thunderbirds regarding team killing.
Day to prep (nessecitated by the need for the two Huraka to bend the winds for transport purposes.)

Dancing Winds summons 2 Huraka:

Sweet summons 2 Flame Ducks who introduce themselves as Emerald and Topaz.

Travel day 1: Must land and encamp or find hospitality on the island before the next sumoning. Mark ofthe air dragon stillshowes on Dancing Winds forehad.

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