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Graded [Gloomhold Swamp] The Kink in the Food Chain



Darin hops off the boat, quickly getting into position behind Paru and Ko, loading another shot.[1] He gave short glances at the ongoing combat, particularly the monstrous bear, ready to switch to using his bayonet at a moment's notice; fortunately, that didn't seem to be the case.

Aligning his gun once again, Darin used the opportunity and closer range to concentrate on the target, making sure his aim was focused and hands were steady, before pulling the trigger.[2] Without delay, Darin loaded and fired another shot[3]; this second one was less focused and prepared due to it's rapidity, but kept up the rate of fire nonetheless.

Action [1]: Movement & Positioning
Action [2]: Used Ability [Precise Shot E]
Action [3]: Basic Attack [Gun]

E Grade Cooldown: 0/1​
  • Precision - D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • Precise Shot - Constant Positioning [Gun] E, Range E, Accurate E, Steady Hands E, Focus F - With steadied hands and concentrated focus, Darin swiftly fires a projectile with high precision at the intended point of contact if said point is 30ft or less away; in the case that the intended point of contact is on (or is) a moving target, act as if the target's movement grade was reduced by 2. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
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Overgrown Bear.jpgA few sparks flew as the bear's claw clashed with Ko's rapidly drawn blade. The sharp edge of steel tore through the animal's hardened outer layer. The beast reeled back as blood began seeping through the deep wound. And upon setting its wounded paw down to balance itself, it burst further. A breakline in the hardened layer tore up its leg and fanned out near the neck.

Hardened shards broke off as the wild animal turned to switch targets. Its primary defense was tearing itself apart. Still, it refused to retreat or slow down. Even when it spread its maw - and tiny fractures began to riddle its face - it kept attacking them. Until Paru swung her sword to deflect the fangs trained on her, and the layer of hardened plant matter surrounding its head shattered. The crumbling plant matter forced the bear to reel back, which allowed Paru to leap into the trees.

Enraged, the beast approached the riverside tree Paru had taken refuge in, headbutting it before the animal got onto its hind legs. Butting it hadn't worked, so it attempted a different method of pushing its weight into the tree. It stared up at Paru and roared fiercely, unknowingly working an opportunity into the hands of a positioned marksman.

Sights trained on the beast, Darin pulled the trigger. The shot rang out and pierced a hole through the bear's skull before the smoke could leave the barrel. The beast stumbled for a moment and crashed down onto the river bank. The remaining vines spent the last of their energy lashing wildly before rapidly turning brown and rotting away in moments.

Swampy.jpgHowever, even though the beast had been slayed, it would not remain in place for long. From Paru's vantage point amidst the tree branches, she would be the one to notice a shadow moving below the waterline. As well as seeing it grow larger. The bubbles announced its arrival before something massive broke the surface with a deep, booming roar. A flood of murky water washed over the area as the monster breached the riverbank by climbing its way ashore with reptilian claws. And in doing so, the ambush predator revealed itself to be similar to a crocodile. However, it was not an average crocodile...

The reptile was covered from snapping jaws to tail in aquatic plant life. Its back and sides were covered in thorny spines with the remnants of Fishhook's damaged buildings lodged between. A monster large enough to snap its jaws around the fallen bear and forcefully drag it into the river [1]. As it turned back, the monster whipped its tail across the ground [2]. It whiffed past Darin and Ko, only serving as a warning for them to stay back as it took its stolen prey below the surface. Moments later, only its shadow could be seen rapidly moving upstream [3], deeper into the swamp.

Action [1]: Movement [Superstrength E]
Action [2]: Deterring Lash – Natural Weapons E, Area E (15ft), Flexible, Knockback
Action [3]: Movement [Water Speed D]

Strength D
[Fangs/Claws/Tail] Natural Weapons E

Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Orikanyo Orikanyo
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"That little shit." Ko looked at the retreating gator with with his hands on his hips, staring at it like he was watching a dog shit on his freshly cut lawn.

"He stole my kill, how rude." He sheathed his sword, figuring that, if that gator had the kill, there was no need to contest it in it's home field advantage, plus he didn't want to get his feet wet. And in truth that was really the major decider of if he was gonna consider this a victory.

Threat gone.

Feet dry.

All was well.

"Well, good work everyone."



Darin brandished his bayonet as the odd crocodile emerged from the water, not happy but still prepared to engage the creature in a melee fight. That fight never came, however, as the thing took the bear and swam off. Darin stood at ease, but still felt wary of the circumstances.

"Yes, good work..." Darin said in response to Ko, his eyes and mind now turning to regard the stone arch, which the bear had been attacking earlier. Now that immediate danger was gone, he thought back to how that bear had been coated in vines and plants, ones that seemed actively alive as much as attached; it was unsettling, yet also intriguing.

Stepping towards the arch, Darin would walk circles around it, cautiously keeping a small amount of distance, while examining it with [Watchful Focus]. He was far from any kind of investigator, but perhaps even he could gleam something from the structure; being a marksman, he thought that it was worth a shot. "Heh" Darin mumbled with a slight smirk.

E Grade Cooldown: 1/1
  • Watchful Focus - Focus E, Perception E , Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
long white hair yellow snake eyes deer antlers cat ears kunoichi angry s-3959307883.png

Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

Paru jumped down from the tree and stood next to Ko frowning. It didn't feel like good work everyone. Part of her had wanted that kill too, but another part was quickly growing more excited. "Looks like we've found the real culprit... Now how do we fight it?" She wandered around the area for a moment, thinking about their situation. She'd never fought anything like this before. But it was a predator and a large one at that. It would need to feed again soon. She stopped where the bear had died and the vines had fallen off of it. "What if we get another animal? Like a buffalo? Or several boars? A horse would work, too. We could use a large pile of meat to lure it out of the river again."
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgAs the monster's shadow moved upstream and disappeared, it felt as though the tension slowly faded from the surrounding area. The buzzing of dragonflies and other insects returned to reclaim the lost territory. And in the distance, movement returned to the underbrush as small critters left their hiding spots. Algea-covered bugs and mossy larvae the size of frogs moved across the ground - attempting to avoid the attention of cat-sized frogs hopping along the exposed roots that were burrowing through the area.

As all life returned to the area, Darin noticed a response from the stone arch when he circled it. A faint spark shimmered in the center of the stone arch and then disappeared. It had only remained long enough to make an onlooker wonder if it had actually been there. But it had been there, and something moved because of it. A small collection of stone at the base of the stone arch rapidly grew a layer of moss, followed by small roots that bound the loose stones together into the crude body of a tiny, golem-like creature.

It tested the range of movement on its limbs before using them to climb up the side of the arch – halting at Darin's eye level. The small rock serving as the creature's head spun and twisted in place until two black indents locked onto Darin's face. “You, you! Did you make it go? Where did it go?” It asked in a soft whispy tone before it fell silent to consider its own question. “Deeper! Where fish are sinking fast.

Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal



Darin kept a firm grip on his weapon, watching the small, stone creature climb up the arch. The way it's 'head' turned to look at him was unsettling, but as it spoke, it seemed nonthreatening.

Looking back to Paru and Ko, Darin would give a hand gesture for them to come over here, before responding to the golem-like creature, "We made it leave, yes. Who, or what, are you?" He gave pause to consider his next words, narrowing his eyes, "Did you somehow write those messages for help?" It seemed like it was a logical conclusion, given the evidence and circumstances; hopefully Darin didn't appear as a fool if he was wrong.
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pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-3682543080.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beasital>​

Paru looked around as the swamp came back to life, moving out of the way and stepping aside for all the critters. "I thought the dragonflies were bad enough. This place is twice as awful when it isn't scared to death of plant bear things. Give me a cool dry forest over this grimy bug infested sweat box any day." She punted an algae covered bug that got too close.

She walked to the waters edge and stared into the disgusting river. If they did want to bait this thing out, whatever they used would have to stink fiercly to draw from wherever it went. Maybe they could find it's lair and hit it while it slept, but how would they manage that? "Ko, that dog nose of yours picking anyting up? Any scent we might be able to track? I'm getting nothing with my sight, everything here but you runs cold."

As Paru plotted, she saw Darin's gesture and wandered over curiously. She stared at the being for a moment. "Wh-what is it? Like a frog or something?" She reached down and poked at the things center. As Darin talked to it, Paru spoke to Darin, ignoring the small construct. "Ask it if it knows where the big thing lives. Maybe we can hit it by surprise!" She smiled eagerly at the thought of a possible new trophy.
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Ko was about yo be snarky back towards Paru but.... then... The rocks started to talk... And silently he had to stifle the fact hr was gonna take a pee on it. Mostly because he had to go and if your gonna pee you may as well do it somewhere. At the foot of a tree, near a big rock, it was just a thing you know...?

But now the rocks talked...

"....Wrll thats new... I guess?" He saw a tree eat people, so talking rocks couldn't be too far off.

"Uhh... Doubt the big beast we're searching for is the croc. Judging from the fellah, he'd know what a croc would look like and would just tell us. It has the teeth and green hide but... no leaves, and not big enough to batter houses like that." Ko spoke with a shrug, keeping an eye on the rock.

"So? Tell us rock thing, wheres the biggest beast around here?"
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble
The small golem's head spun and twisted to follow Darin's movements. It gave the appearance that the black indents were either not functional eyes or locked in a straight gaze. “We are pebbles. I are Pebble.” The creature answered the first question. Despite lacking expressive features, it felt as though it was curious when Darin brought up the messages. “The heart is broken. We seek help!

Paru appeared to be the first to heed Darin's gesture and joined him at the arch. Her arrival drew in Pebble's gaze. The small stone spinning and twisting before the indents centered on Paru. “We are pebbles, I are frog?

Upon being poked, the stone that made up the center of its body shifted. Paru had pushed the center stone out of formation, and the small vines quickly pulled it back together. As this happened, Pebble reached for Paru's hand and used her arm to climb up to her shoulder. She could sense an odd energy pulsing from the rocky limbs on her, almost adhesive in nature. It gave the impression that Pebble could not be easily removed from any surface it clung to.

From upon Paru's shoulder, Pebble twisted and spun to follow those who spoke. Paru and Ko asking two parts of the same question signified the importance to Pebble. Where had the 'big thing' gone? “Deeper!” Pebble replied as he had before, “Where the fish are sinking fast, it stomps the shallow water.

Luckily, the cryptic explanation came with a dash of magic. Paru would have felt an almost comforting warmth from the creature as it cast something. Up ahead, dormant roots began shifting through the ground. And the underbrush parted to reveal a path through the dense thicket.

Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Orikanyo Orikanyo
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Darin watched as Pebble climbed up Paru's arm; the thing seemed harmless, for the most part, though he found it slightly unsettling in a way.

He opened his mouth to ask just where 'the fish are sinking fast', but closed it upon noticing an opening form through the plants of the swamp. "Well then, it would appear that our next path has been revealed." Darin said the others, before beginning walking to the path, musket at the ready. "What exactly is 'the heart', Pebble?" He asked with a brief look to the creature, quickly returning his vision forward into the thicket.
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-2127353380.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

"Yeah, you are frog... At least you look like one anyway. There was an old man in my village who-" As the thing begin to climb up her arm, Paru froze in discomfort and made a miserable face. "<Wh-wha-what's happening?! What are you doing?>" As it stopped on her shoulder she narrowed her eyes at it and gave it a few more pokes with her finger in an attempt to dislodge it, but realized that was fruitless and not really urgent. "<Well... that happened... Ko, if this thing does anything weird, or I start acting weird, remove it with extreme prejudice please. But... I guess it's fine for now... It's not doing much...>" Her pokes became more like gentle strokes you give a cats chin before she pulled her hand away. "Shallow water, eh? That sounds more like it. Not ideal, but workable." She looked to the path that opened before, feeling the magic radiating from this little creature. She was starting to hate nature magic. Well, not hate... but it seemed to keep rearing it's ugly head around her. That was supposed to be her sisters area, not hers... Paru followed Darin, looking to Pebble as she walked, curious for its reply. "You said the heart was broken right? I know that feeling... Couple mugs of beer and your sister's best friend will clear that right up."

"...Okay so maybe the crocodile WAS the creature.." ko admitted, a shrug gracing his shoulders. though Paru seemed to be... cautious of the... pebble... thing... Which was smart, she was learning well not to trust everything that grasped and grappled you. Not that he was doing such, something tells him their realationship would stay exactly like this lest something earthshaking would occur and change their comrade level bond.

Though she did also seem with that last comment into girls? So maybe that was it?

Couldn't fault her, women were nice to behold.

Still the odd deer cat snake looked to be uncomfortable.

"Right, so, kill the croc and be done then. Where is it rock thing?"
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgPebble
With Darin bravely leading the charge, the group began to walk the slowly revealing path. The plants and roots ahead shifted out of the group's way with every step they took forward. The thicket consistently kept 30 feet of cleared path ahead of the group, no matter their pace. Perhaps an indicator of Pebble's range of influence, yet their pathway did not close behind them as they walked. Once the group had traveled a couple hundred feet into the thicket, Pebble began to stir. Its body twisted as it considered the questions asked along the way. “You! Your heart is 'parent'?” Pebble asked, its limited grasp on the Common tongue more apparent, “We are pebbles, the heart are 'parent'.

Pebble made it seem the heart of the swamp was some kind of parental figure to it, perhaps to all of its kind. But how could a parent be broken? “Ragged man among our roots broke the heart with whispers!” The small golem sounded agitated, and its head spun clockwise. To which the path ahead began to curve in the same direction. “Whispers made the heart confused, the heart makes all the same.

It is one of the same,” Pebble added with a twist of its head in Ko's direction, “Deeper, closer now.

Its words were cryptic, but an observant eye would notice the eerie examples of everything 'made the same' growing around them. While the group had progressed forward, the surrounding area had begun to shift towards the uncanny. The changes were small but noticeable, with Pebble's words as guidance. Some tree branches were starting to look like gnarled limbs. The mosses growing on everything were either tough and layered, like scales, or so fuzzy they resembled animal fur. And every so often, it almost seemed like the knots and burls on the trees resembled animal faces. Crocodiles, bears... fishfolk...

Closer now!” Pebble called out, not only unphased by the sights but also actively taking attention away from the surroundings to direct it at the clearing ahead revealing itself. It was a large area of shallow waters, with a massive weeping willow that stood amidst the murk. Its roots alone were the size of trees, leaving large arches and natural bridges as they burrowed through the waters like a sea serpent. Other than those roots, the only dry areas were patches of muddy earth that had stayed above the water level. And it seemed there were two figures located upon one of those patches. Without approaching, or heightened senses, it was impossible to tell what they were from the edge of the clearing, but one appeared to lie down in the mud while the other sat at their side. And the sitting figure brandished what looked to be a large rod, possibly a spear.

Voider Voider StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Orikanyo Orikanyo

"...Hrmm... Guess we aren't being led astray...." he said, though he had no idea where the hell he was. Not to mention it looked kinda... Foreboding. Like, this place is primed for some shit to go down. It was looking somewhat like an arena with a fighter waiting for you to set foot into it...

Far be it from him to keep it waiting.

Stepping on into the area he gave a wode shrug.

"Well? Wheres the beast? I don't have all week to jump, dance and sing to the tune of whatever crap I need to do to summon it up.

Need to collect all the five rock orbs of wasted time and smoke enough flitweed to steam our brains to mush?

Send it out! The beast that needs to be cut down so much!!"


Darin 256x256.png

Darin felt wary.

The twisted flora as they progressed closer to the 'heart' of the problem, the mystery of just what they were facing; and now, after reaching their destination, the odd sight before them. Darin looked around the area, and was going to begin a slow approach, before Ko's proclamation.

Wasting no time, Darin ran for the nearest large root, attempting to take cover behind it[1]. Looking over it, he'd keep an eye on the figures, awaiting any response to the group's arrival to the scene; he'd also glance back to Paru and Ko, hoping to make sure they weren't struck by any surprises[2].

Action [1]: Movement (Taking cover behind the nearest root)
Action [2]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Watchful Focus - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​
pony tail white hair yellow snake eyes antlers cat ears kunoichi determined s-640838087.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

Paru looked at the surrounding environment, discomforted by the many bizarre features. Why did she keep ending up in weird nightmare-scapes? Sure she was terrible with directions and got lost constantly, but this was a strange coincidence. As she noticed the fishfolk faces, she shuddered, wondering if she might have shared a similar fate if not for a certain someone. "Hey, uh... Mutt... Thanks again, for... you know, saving me and stuff before..." She looked to pebble on her shoulder and gave him a gentle nudge with her finger. "Hey, Frog, what happened to these people? Surely they're the ones from the village, right? That thing drag them here?" As they entered the large clearing she leaned down to Pebble. "Hey, stick tight, okay? Things may get a little wild." She put her hand on her sword as they moved forward toward the pair on the section of land.
Pebble & Others
Pebble - the Forest Sprite.jpgAnother nudge from Paru's finger made the small golem's body work hard to remain aligned. Pebble appeared unsure about the purpose behind this insistence for touching, as evident by its head spinning wildly to look at the spot where it had been poked. But, it gave it no further thought, distracted by being presented with new questions from Paru. “We are pebbles, they are same.” Pebble insisted, and its head twisted around to give everyone a look-over. “Fish followed without pebbles and touched heart veins. The heart made them same.

With Pebble, you are not same!” The small golem explained and looked around once more. Finding that Ko was rushing into the clearing already, and soon after Darin took off. As the lizard marksman took cover behind one of the burrowing roots, he noticed something odd. Being so close to it, a faint pulsing of energy became noticeable. Upon closer visual inspection, there appeared to be white webbing between the bark that moved like the pulses were rippling through it. The webbing itself did not appear to be woven by a spider, but rather, it was packed and fuzzy, like cotton.

Fishfolk.pngPebble Two - the Forest Sprite.jpgAs for Paru and Ko, Darin also keenly observed them as they approached the mudbank. And as they drew near, the figures appeared to be fishfolk. They were two piranha-like humanoids with glassy, orange eyes and jagged teeth. The one that sat up raised a rudimentary spear at the approaching duo, and near its feet, a small stone golem mimicked the action with a wooden stick. “Who'r'ya?” Its voice sounded like it spoke with a mouthful of water, but its tone was noticeably accusatory. As if it had already decided the duo was to blame for something.

They are pebbles!” The golem near the fishfolk's feet answered in the duo's stead.

Ain't pebbles,” The fish retorted, sticking the spear further under the duo's noses, “Y'ain't lookin' beastly, how'd'ya get 'ere?

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Orikanyo Orikanyo
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>

"I think... Hmmmm... I think what this little rock frog is saying is that it acts as some kind of protection against whatever got... these things..." Paru points to the weird shapes and faces in the roots. "So don't touch anything that looks like a "heart veins". Or... maybe we can cause it's with us... I don't know, but I'm not testing it out."

Paru frowned as the fish man stuck his spear toward them. "Hey, if the little... thing... says we're pebbles, then we're pebbles. We followed our one here." She points to the being on her shoulder, then nudges it again to make sure it's still stuck to her, smiling when it seemed to be still securely lodged. "What about you two? We're hunting a monster, either of you seen one around?"


Darin 256x256.png

From his spot behind the root, Darin kept a close watch on how the scene was unfolding, ready to intervene at a moment's notice[1]. He wasn't sure what the fishfolk were doing here with their own stone creature, but as long they didn't decide to begin a fight, Darin was content to preserve his ammunition.

While keeping watch, Darin noticed the oddity of the root he was hiding behind. Considering the oddities they had seen on the way here, and the story Pebble had given them, Darin was not going to assume this thing was safe. However, he didn't want to break his cover simply for a possibility, so he concocted a truly genius plan: Darin would throw something at it, and if nothing happened, he wouldn't worry. Fortunately, there seemed to be a cough cough pebble cough cough right at his feet, which would make the perfect tool for his impromptu experiment.

Thus, Darin picked the tiny rock up from the swampy ground, and attempted to throw it at the web-like material through the bark[2].

Action [1]: Used Ability [Watchful Focus F]
Action [2]: Threw a pebble at the odd root's webbing.

F Grade Cooldown: N/A
  • Watchful Focus - Focus F, Perception F, Insight F - Darin takes the time to focus on keeping aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown​

"...I signed up to hunt a beast not deal with rock things and..." Ko narrowed his eyes at the fishy folk not too far away. "...Carp-men. Where is the beast? If it's so afraid of the reprisal for it's tyranny it shouldn't have messed with people in the first place. Cowardice, fitting of a lowly beast. The moment something stronger than it appears it tries it's best to hide or ambush." ko took to observing the area rather than dealing with the... lowly creatures of the swamp.

"If only this thing had a shread of honor to show it'self. So that I could test my blades on it and be rid of this swamp..."
Fishfolk.pngThe spear remained in their faces, the fishfolk unconvinced by Paru's words. “Then y'all've followed the wrong guide, darlin'.” He insisted, seemingly offended by the mere suggestion anyone else would willingly follow these small golems. “This'ere pebble led us wrong! An' y'all ain't wanna stick 'round 'ere like us, let me tell ya... This'ere cursed ground now.

This fishfolk grimaced at Paru as she nudged Pebble's body and smiled, but it did not stop him from continuing to engage in the conversation. “Nothin' but monsters 'ere now...” He reluctantly admitted, finding it difficult to accept their home had become so corrupted. “Gloom's been breedin'em day'n'night.

He paused, allowing his cold, glassy eyes to show a spark of regret. The spear lowered, and the fishfolk nudged his head toward his partner, who lay in the mud. There were faint chest movements to indicate breathing but no other signs of awareness – as if his partner were in a coma.

Gloom'll take anythin' stupid'nough to get curious.” The fishfolk continued, using the back end of his spear to leverage his comatose partner onto their side. Their back revealed a patchwork of cotton-like webbing that clung to his shoulder blade like a growing mold infection. And it pulsed with an energy that was familiar to Paru. It matched the sensation of Pebble attaching itself to her.

Y'understand, right?” The fish asked, his orange orbs searching for a hint that she'd made the connection. “Don't be stupid an' try pullin' it now! 'Less ya wanna--” The fishfolk halted when the ground suddenly began to tremble.

Swampy.jpgThe tremors were caused by Darin's pebble, setting off a chain reaction when it hit the webbing. The light impact sent a potent energy pulse through the root, which compelled it into unnatural action. The harsh sounds of wood creaking and bark breaking off filled the air as multiple roots – both above and below the surface – responded to the impact. They rose from the waters and began to whip around the shallow pools like the tentacles of a frenzied kraken. [1] Only halting once up ahead, at the base of the massive weeping willow, a path beneath the roots had been opened up.

Murky water from the shallow pools began draining into the created opening. And among the sound of rushing water, a fierce roar echoed. Something had been drawn out by the triggered webbing, serving as a guardian to the willow. From below the massive tree's roots, reptilian claws appeared within the stream to pull a massive, plant-covered crocodile into the open air.

Action [1]: Whipping Roots - Natural Weapons F, Flexible, Knockback

Strength E
[Roots] Natural Weapons F

StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Voider Voider Orikanyo Orikanyo


Darin 256x256.png

Mentions: Everyone Present ( Vaudivolt Vaudivolt StarPrincessVal StarPrincessVal Orikanyo Orikanyo )

"Gah!" Darin exclaimed, as his cover was not only blown, but began to whip around. Attempting to avoid getting hit by the rogue roots, he ran a short distance and ducked to the ground with speed[1].

Only when the roots halted their attack did Darin jump up, trying to regain his bearings. Looking over to the others, he gave a shout to them, "What is this!?" He hoped that perhaps Pebble would explain something, but that line of inquiry was interrupted by a roar. Darin's head swiftly swung towards the noise, his claws already beginning to aim his musket. Once the creature revealed itself, Darin's focus fully locked onto it, and he immediately began to take shots without warning[2&3].

Action [1]: Used Skill [Fast F] to Dodge
Action [2]: Basic Attack [Gun]
Action [3]: Basic Attack [Gun]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0
  • Precision D
  • Speed D
  • [Gun/Spear] Musket/Bayonet E - A smoothbore musket; fairly simple, but effective if used properly. With a detachable bayonet, it can transform the firearm into a lethal melee weapon.
  • [Light Armor] Gambeson E - A gambeson faced with thick leather, it provides a light but sturdy armor for the wearer.​

"Like I said, waiting and ambushing. Foolish as they come, as if angered by my words it does as predicted." it was time to get busy... And busy he would get.

Drawing his blades, one for each hand, his mind waxed lyrical for but a moment... his desire for battle, met simply, his elation reaching his peak... But would he be met with a battle worthy of his strength? He did not know...

"Worries strangle growth,
Unafraid, defenders stand
Flourishing and free."

He would return the incoming strike accordingly, meeting it with blades crossed and prepared to strike back as they came, charging forth without fear of what may lay awaiting him. the black cloaked young man rushed on, a sight telling of a serious warrior... He would be inspiring to some, if he didn't have a tail that was wagging happily.

Sword of Descernment, Weapon Mastery F, Continueing (Bleed) F, Blight F (Razor sharp), Contact F, Penetrating F, Accurate F, linked F a practiced strike of the blade, from whence the rest come. Grade F, Action 1

1: Ability effectiveness Strength C, Weapons D, Ability F = 8+ Linked +1 if damage applied, blight +1 if damage applied, 1 damage ongoing for 1 round. -1 defenses versus attack
2: Move
3: Move.
white hair ponytail yellow snake eyes cat ears antlers ninja kunoichi s-2377925298.png
Mentions: Vaudivolt Vaudivolt Orikanyo Orikanyo Voider Voider
Languages: Common | <Beastial>​

As Paru recognized the sensation given off by the fibrous patchwork, she frowned and narrowed her eyes at Pebble, slowly moving a finger toward him threateningly. "Alright, little frog, care to explain this? Why's this happening to the fishman? And what exa-" Before she could finish the questions, the clearing around them began to shake and whipping roots threatened to strike. "Hold on, frog." She placed a hand over Pebble, instinctively protecting him, and leapt out of the way of the vines, twisting in the air to avoid their thrashing. As she landed, she pulled her sword of her back and smiled eagerly. "There you are, you wretched monster. Let's get this done so I can collect that bounty and get your head on my wall." She kicked off the ground lunging straight toward the large crocodile, Swing with reckless abandon.

Action 1: Kirin's Agility - Effectiveness 4
Action 2: Move
Action 3: Aggravated Assault - Effectiveness 12 [Penetrating] E, [Drain Strength] F

Current HP: V=2 S=3 CG=2

Kirin's Agility - Fast F, Jumping F, Acrobatics F, Special Movement [Balance Running] F - Paru leaps through the air to avoid an attack, finding a strategic point to regroup from. - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
Kirin's Agility F (1) + Speed D (3) + No Item (0) = 4 Effectiveness

Aggravated Assault - Fighting Style [Beast Cleaver Swords] [Swords] D, Boulder Render E, Crippling Fang F, Fast F - Paru rushes in for a headstrong frustration fueled attack. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown
  • Boulder Render - E - Penetrating - Paru puts all her strength into a single swing. Slow but devastatingly powerful.​
  • Crippling Fang - F - Drain [Strength] - Paru lunges forward, aiming a slash at a targets vital point to lessen their ability to fight.​
Aggravated Assault D (3) + Strength B (5) + Nodachi C (4) = Effectiveness 12

D - 2 Posts
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