Gijinka academy

But I'm like so behind. DX I'm up for coming back blind I guess, puts me in the state as if I was in an actual coma. xD
Read back I think a page for finals.

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HURLY SHIT? 8 months huh? Ok so if you'd be so kind, at least tell me what happened after the 8 month time skip. I can kinda pop Lauren out from somewhere. Hidden was in a coma from all of the things with moonlight.
Well not much actually happened besides my legendary character having a child and a few new couples were around with some new people and poor hidden is gonna have a hard time catching up in work since the test for the finals is going on but it is kind of a fighting thing instead of a actual test so it will not be that bad
p-p-p-p-p-page 438? I was at 50 when I last came about...*Sudden nuclear explosion in cranial region* Ok, so were having finals right? Is this like a tourney fight system?
Yeah it is like a fight tourney system but you do know that hidden is gonna be like really weak for the time being since not walking for eight months
Well I can at least make Lauren have strength, Ok a few more questions then I'll stop being newbie. Do we already know who each person is fighting, are there teachers now, and who are the new characters and couples? :3
If i told you all the new characters well you would have another brain explosion and the teachers are just kind of Like npc's being played by me and it is kind of like a sign of thing at the office
I guess I can just look at the character sign up page. Alrighty, think I'm good. I'll prob be 15 min before I can actually post. Is anyone else alive besides me and my rival here? ;3
I'm opening this to the public, Do we want to allow or disallow egg moves?
I don't care what Arorua says, Bayah would totally sell Mega evolution stones like they were crack or something.

"You wanna buy a rock?"

..or maybe Servial WILL eat them.
you REALLY wanna give river THAT MUCH of a power boost? alright then be my guest.

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