Gijinka academy

Des is kinda Demisexual, just so ya guys know, so she isn't exactly going to moon over or freak out by seeing a stranger naked.

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I'm waiting for Swift but she lost her interest into the RP. I think I might leave this as well. *sighs*
I'm thinking about putting up something similar to this if you'd like to wait and look at that. I just have to get permission from Tamara because it was originally her rp on another site....
Terribly sorry, but I don't get the privilege of notifications. I have not lost intrest, but it seems to be doing fine without any other reply anyway, so forgive me if I sound angry.

texting on the tablet, hurrah.
I have posted the rp I was talking about. Its called Changes if anyone wants to look it up. It'll be a fresh start for everyone that joins, I guess
No I've just been busy is all. Sorry, wolf has left this in sad state of repair as well.

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