Gijinka academy

Levi x Hanji zoe

The sinful skeleton
Wishtobeawolf submitted a new role play. @Wishtobeawolf, please edit this post to include the sign-up information.

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Orientation: (gay, bi, lesbian, straight)




Gijinka you are:

Appearance: (use a picture)


Good or bad side:

History: (must put a history, no will be rped)


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Name: Hidden Sha'do -Nickname Shadz-

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Gengar


Personality: Mischievous, daring, Rude, Loud, overbearing, basically an all around annoying person. Yet somehow he still can be charming and funny, a natural prankster, Hidden will trick and deceive just about anyone. His favorite activity is fooling the unsuspecting.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Not much is known exactly about Hidden's past, but that he's come from a foreign country. His family is gone and no relatives have custody of him. He's come to the Academy to study how to harness the power within him, it's not like there's much else to do. With his new abilities Hidden will rise to the top and become the most powerful gijinka in the world...and nothing will get in his way.

Crush: Unknown

Other:He floats around. :D

--- Double Post Merged, 3 minutes ago ---


Name: Liana Sciafor

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Haxorus


Personality: Quiet, well-mannered, and observant. She doesn't get into others business or fights, Liana keeps to herself and trusts no one. Strangely enough the only person close to her would be the trickster Hidden. Most others keep away, afraid of her strength and even good looks. It wouldn't be a lie to say she is beautiful, but no man would dare confess.

Good or bad side: Good

History: She comes from a rather wealthy family, born an only child, her parents showered her with attention. She was taught at an young age how to read and write, her teachings giving her a high vocabulary. Liana's upbringing was that of a fairy tail, and she has loathed it. It was like a work of fate itself to receive this letter of acceptance from the academy, one that she would not refuse.

Crush: No one

Other She has scythes in her arms, not axes like shown in the picture.
Username: Aroura

Name: Lauren Screech, 18

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Mismagius

Appearance: (use a picture)

Personality: Keeps to herself and does not meddle in others business for it is rude and impolite she very much dislikes being interrupted or over talked by loud obnoxious people she enjoys a good book and wondering though gardens don't allow her to cook unless you want food poisoning

Good or bad side: Good

History: She came from a classy middle class parents that taught her the arts of educate she was an only child so he spent most of her time alone or with her parents. One day she started to form strange powers that she kept hidden until she unleashed them on some bullies from her school to defend a student. When her parents found out they were calm about it and put her in home schooling. She was given a red stone used to keep her powers from going on the fritz in random moments of time but she would eventually grow stronger requiring her to have a larger magic containment device. She eventually would come back home but this time in control of her powers.

Crush: me and Lysandere are dating

Other: she requires her staff so her attacks aren't all over the place
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Username: FrigidKnight

Name: Umatheria / Uma

Gender: Girl

Gijinka you are: Claydol


Personality: Uma has always had a nasty attitude, even when she was a child. She is haughty and thinks she is superior to most others. If you aren't interesting to her, you aren't worth her time. Uma also has a tendency to be rather lazy as well, but she is smart. Uma does not like to lose either and can be quite crafty.

Good or bad side: Bad

History: Uma had a pretty normal upbringing. She was born to rich parents who weren't sure if they were going to be able to have children. Uma was an only child as well and so her parents spoiled her. Uma was mostly bored of her life at home and often threatened to run off. Her parents, busy, didn't really take her word and just saw her as a rebellious child. Uma got a rep for being nasty and mean to people. She bossed anyone around that she could. Her smarts and good looks got her out of situations more than she deserved. Uma can't wait to break free of her boring life.

Crush: None


Username: FrigidKnight

Name: Hal

Gender: Boy

Gijinka you are: Whimsicott


Personality: Hal is very shy. He will run away from social interactions and prefers the company of himself. He is very sweet though and giving. He has trouble expressing his thoughts and often tries to explain things through actions. Hal is naive about things and easy to step all over, but he is abnormally optimistic as well.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Hal lost his parents at a young age and was bounced around from relatives until his mother's mom took him in. Hal loved his grandmother but missed his parents very much. He would have nightmares about the accident that they died in. His grandmother was worried about his mental state, but despite being a loner, he was rather well-adjusted. She can only hope he comes out of his shell soon, but Hal has no desire to change anytime soon.

Crush: None


Username: FrigidKnight

Name: Ninette

Gender: Girl

Gijinka you are: Vivillon


Personality: Ninette is a motherly type of person. She is always looking out for others and tries her best to make everyone happy. She can be overbearing and overprotective though but she is just looking out for everyone. Ninette also has a tendency to not look after herself but she tries not to do this. Ninette is also rather forgetful. Still she is a cheerful, positive person who dislikes rude people.

Good or bad side: Good

History: Ninette was the oldest out of five children and was often left as the babysitter and watcher of her siblings. She grew to want to be a parent at a young age and became reaching out to helping others. Ninette didn't have much time to focus on herself though with looking after her siblings and doing her best in school and doesn't know what she wants from life. She does know she wants to help others.

Crush: None yet

Username: HollyLeafForver (I just made this girl literately i made her well i was typing)

Name: Mariko Shazuki

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Buizel


Personality: Mariko is a spunky girl who loves to play sport mainly swimming though.

Good or bad side:Good

History:When Mariko was born she had a buizl tail, the doctor did not notice but her parents did. Right after she was old enough to be let out of the hospital her parents who were human gave her up to an adoption center. After that a pair of Gijinka's actually they were both buizels as well, came and adopted her. Since then shes never been much for people and she only knows of that story because when she turned 10 she was told. But Mariko has also always been home schooled and has never had much contact with anybody except other Gijinka's and that was only at party's and formal events. Oh and all through that she has always had her tail.

Crush: Gale Smith

Other: She actually loves fire!

Accepted and all of the other gijinka's are already at the school so just pretend you were on the bus and there as well 
Okay well add those other two in first then start rping
Username: HollyLeafForever

Name: Gale Smith


Gijinka you are: Charizard


Personality:Gale loves to flirt and

Good or bad side:

History: Gale was born into a Gijinka family so hes always had the leisure of knowing what he is and who he will be forever, His parents are actually never there so Gale has had to make do himself, he lives in a big old mansion on the side of a moutain and the only people hes ever met are the ones he has slept with and the ones that come to the partys he holds.(Including Mariko but he has not slept with her)

Crush: Alot of people, but he dose like Mariko but will never tell her.

Other:He dose not have any kids nor will he, He loves everybody but guys who think there better the everybody else.
Accepted but just a reminder for well everybody, your characters cannot and i mean cannot fall in love with each other so it has to be somebody elses character

Name: Dakin,Ruairidh ,and Mairead names are how they appear in the picture


Gijinka you are:Gastly,Gengar and Haunter


Personality: Just full of themselves and are always playing tricks on people.

Good or bad side: Bad

History: These three are actually form different families and they all ran away and found eachother ever since then they have been living together in the pokemansion and have never been seen. They don't talk about there family much because they have forgotten and don't care.

Crush: None Yet

Other: Nothing
Only one of them can be accepted since you can only have three characters so choose the one of them 
Besides there is already a gengar gijinka
well still, id like for there to be tons of different gijinka's and there are already alot of dark and ghost types, we need a ice type or something
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/d46e5efe2d0369c70f909f7183e24a25.png.2d3c623ca927a8ec6059a4034058701c.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17652" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/d46e5efe2d0369c70f909f7183e24a25.png.2d3c623ca927a8ec6059a4034058701c.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Username: MattieLee

Name: Lysandre

Gender: Male

Gijinka you are: Espeon

Personality: Strong, Smart, A bit of a flirt, A Troublemaker

Good or bad side: Chaotic Neutral (He isn't evil but if there's something in it for him he's willing to do things like get in fights or steal or something like that, His Mischievious nature gets him in trouble)

History: Was raised in an old temple, after the death of his little sister his parents taught him how to fight and protect the people important to him so he wouldn't have to go through the pain of losing someone again. When he was younger he was sweet and innocent, he was really shy and didn't talk much but once he hit his teens he started to become the him he is today. He started to get revenge on the kids who picked on him when he was small but he kept fighting finding some kind of superiority complex over his former tormenters.

Crush: None yet




  • d46e5efe2d0369c70f909f7183e24a25.png
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What are the available types?

(Meh I was going to be a Banette but you said there can be no more ghost/dark types, so I'll have to look for a pokemon)
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.3b482f2b91fa8aa1a6c15cffb0432f21.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="17679" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_05/images.jpg.3b482f2b91fa8aa1a6c15cffb0432f21.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Username: MattieLee

Name: Jade

Gender: Female

Gijinka you are: Milotic

Personality: She is really shy and quiet

Good or bad side: Good

History: She was born in the oceon and can breathe on land and in water, She was raised in a rich family but wasn't really all that spoiled in fact her family was really strict and had lots of rules, she likes to be around friends and of course loves to swim.





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