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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{Always Open}])

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Oh the headmaster did hear her, and he instantly freezes time, walks up to the frozen Mika, and pinches he cheek hard. He then goes back to his table, and continues time.
CoolCortex said:
Oh the headmaster did hear her, and he instantly freezes time, walks up to the frozen Mika, and pinches he cheek hard. He then goes back to his table, and continues time.
Mika squeaked. "Hey!", she said, reflexively drawing her sword. "Headmaster or not, i wont let that through unpunished!", she shouted, obviously hurt in her pride as swordswoman by his action.
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CoolCortex said:
"A fight you want, a fight you'll get!"Tiberius says as he steps up his table and throws away his tie.
Mika got into a ready stance. "I shall restore my honor and pride or find glory in death."
"I shall...Uh...Succeed!" Tiberius stutters, "How about a bet? If I win, you get a 1% deduction from all your grades, and if you win...Name your offer!" Tiberius says.
CoolCortex said:
"I shall...Uh...Succeed!" Tiberius stutters, "How about a bet? If I win, you get a 1% deduction from all your grades, and if you win...Name your offer!" Tiberius says.
She nodded. "Alright. If I win, i mustnt attend classes if i dont want to. For example gardening. Oh. And i have no supernatural powers. It would be unfair if you used any. I am just a girl."
CoolCortex said:
"Deal, and Mika...I've read your file...I'm not dumb...HIT ME WITH YOUR BEST SHOT!!!" Tiberius yells.
Mika immediatly dashed to the front, using her Blitzschritt. The bad thing about her abilities were that they had a cooldown. She would not be able to do this for the next minute. She hoped she wouldnt need it.
Before the impact hit Tiberius, he froze time, he moved way aside so he would not get hit by the frozen Mika, and resumes time.
CoolCortex said:
Before the impact hit Tiberius, he froze time, he moved way aside so he would not get hit by the frozen Mika, and resumes time.
Mika was surprised as he suddenly was aside, she had not even see him move. She immdiatly turned to strike with her sword at him, not using any skills but just slashing.
Tiberius reversed time to before Mika turned and stopped, he immediately leaves the classroom and leaves Mika inside.
Mika slashed... nothing? THere was nobody in. She sheated her sword. "Wow. Funny.", she annoyedly stated and sat at a chair, waiting for somethong to happen.
Celestia was looking for the headmaster and found him. "Where are you going?" she asks. "The control teacher is not here?"
Tiberius heard complete silence, so he froze time, entered the room to see Mika waiting...Tiberius smiled and returned to his table, then resumes time. "Do you give up?" Tiberius asks Mika while he pants. @Ami the breadling
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CoolCortex said:
Tiberius heard complete silence, so he froze time, entered the room to see Mika waiting...Tiberius smiled and returned to his table, then resumes time. "Do you give up?" Tiberius asks Mika while he pants. @Ami the breadling
Mika shrugged. "How can i defeat an enemy i cannot hit. I dont know if you can manipulate time or are faster than light, but i know i will never ever hit you. You tricked me. ", she said and then a malicious grin covered her face. "However, i never agreed to not skipping classes, only to downgrading my grades."
"Oh God, your right!" Tiberius says dissapointedly, "Fine! A good thing you gave up too...Manipulating time doesn't just weaken me...It also stretches a big amount of pressure in the time vortex...Which can be dangerous if it rips and causes a black hole..." Tiberius continues.
CoolCortex said:
"Oh God, your right!" Tiberius says dissapointedly, "Fine! A good thing you gave up too...Manipulating time doesn't just weaken me...It also stretches a big amount of pressure in the time vortex...Which can be dangerous if it rips and causes a black hole..." Tiberius continues.
Mika shrugged. "I dont think i will ever win any fight here. I lack power, am just a girl with a sword between people with extraordinary abilities. I would have gotten stronger through leveling up, but how am i supposed to do so outside of my game?"
"Well...You're talking to a 3-time champion in the Programming Awards! Perhaps a few lines if code could help you..." Tiberius says as he pulls out his computer, "After all, this is Control class!" Tiberius continues.
CoolCortex said:
"Well...You're talking to a 3-time champion in the Programming Awards! Perhaps a few lines if code could help you..." Tiberius says as he pulls out his computer, "After all, this is Control class!" Tiberius continues.
Mika shrugged. "Sure, you can try. But i dont think it´ll work...", she said almost carelessly.

(I dont know, leveling her would give her more than 5 skills on her set. Then again they are way weaker than anyone else, so that might not be bad. Dunno, You decide."
(Maybe replacing some of your powers with new powers but some will just be stronger) "Gimme...A few minutes to create a new pack of code..." Tiberius says as he quickly types several lines of code.
CoolCortex said:
(Maybe replacing some of your powers with new powers but some will just be stronger) "Gimme...A few minutes to create a new pack of code..." Tiberius says as he quickly types several lines of code.
(Yeah, why not. Maybe making Blitzschritt get like faster and wider and name it Lichtschritt instead and stuff like that. Like upgrades. But i am still having a bit of fun on that. You decide which abilities get upgraded.)

Mika shrugged, playing around with the sheath of her sword. She obviously was bored.
"Aaaaand...Done!" Tiberius says as he finishes the code packet. (Sorry late reply) "So...Just...Uh...Insert this pack into your programming...However that works for you..." Tiberius says as he hands over the CD where the pack was imprinted on.

*So here are your upgrades:

  • DemonMode-Neo: Three times more powerful than regular DemonMode.
  • Lichtschritt: A more faster, farther, and wider Blitzschritt.
  • Grandheart's Strike: 10-hit combo.
  • Aetheral Scream: Double the power of the regular whisper.
  • (New Power) Forever Strike: The Forever Strike is a 5-time combo of a powerful strike with the blade that can slice anything, the Strike foes as fast as 100 mph.

@Ami the breadling
CoolCortex said:
"Aaaaand...Done!" Tiberius says as he finishes the code packet. (Sorry late reply) "So...Just...Uh...Insert this pack into your programming...However that works for you..." Tiberius says as he hands over the CD where the pack was imprinted on.
*So here are your upgrades:

  • DemonMode-Neo: Three times more powerful than regular DemonMode.
  • Lichtschritt: A more faster, farther, and wider Blitzschritt.
  • Grandheart's Strike: 10-hit combo.
  • Aetheral Scream: Double the power of the regular whisper.
  • (New Power) Forever Strike: The Forever Strike is a 5-time combo of a powerful strike with the blade that can slice anything, the Strike foes as fast as 100 mph.

@Ami the breadling
Mika took the disk. She turned away and spun the CD rapidly, pressing it onto her chest. It got sucked into her chest and Mika glowed in a blue light that emitted from her. Then, she drew her blade, let a hand glide upon it and whirled it in he hand before sheating it. "Time for a true display of skill!", she said. That was a line she always said when leveling, one of the three possible lines that was. She had no control over that.
Briar runs in, looking sleep deprived and fresh out of bed. "I am soooo sorry I'm late!" She huffs and slides into her chair, her heartbeating incredibly fast.

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