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Fantasy Gifted Academy ([{Always Open}])

Will we shut down the RP due to few replies?

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Still incredibly tired, Briar stumbles into gym, in sweats and a t-shirt. Her wings sag miserably, she hadn't had water in hours and was barely in any contact with an elements since last night. She had spent the whole night trying to learn anything about her family. "Hello headmaster." She says as she yawns
CoolCortex said:

The Bell Rings

Control class is over, and it was time for Gym, if the Gym teacher won't come early, Tiberius will teach as well, Thank you.

@Ami the breadling
@FalseUser12 @Shiro kurogane
Mika walked to the door. But before she exited, she turned to the headmaster and did something that occurred rarely with the coldhearted girl. She smiled at him. "Your pretty okay. I hope youll do the gym class...", she said and then exited.
Yami entered the building and looked to the bit of paper in his hand. "hm..." Yami had read the paper, but didn't know what class was right now Nor did he really care. "guess i'll just wander around for a bit." He thought walking forwards. occasionally, if a passerby looked into His eyes. They would see permanently darkened eyes with a dangerous glint. Of course, this didn't mean Yami would do anything without being provoked. It was just one way to distance himself from others. Add to that the cloak with it's hood pulled over his head and you got a pretty suspicious looking person. In actuality, Yami was just using the cloak to hide his incomplete human form as he still couldn't revert to a perfected human form and often resulted in retaining his beast forms ears and tail even in human form.

Hearing the bell go off, Yami found a map detailing the layout of the school and headed in the direction of the gym. Entering the gym, Yami glanced around before heading to a wall and leaning against it. He kept the hood of his cloak over his head as Yami hated people seeing his beast form ears. His tail was hidden by his wrapping it around his waist.
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The squawking sound of her alarm woke her up. Kita stretched thinking she wasn't last and that she hadn't missed a few classes. Once she reliazed she did, she scrambled to get ready, throwing on her new gym clothes and hurring down to the gym. "Sorry, I'm really late. My alarm kinda didn't go off" she said walking in and sitting down. She looked around, yawned and stretched again, a few small bolts of lighting popping as she did. She then proceeded on waiting for class to start.
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Briar is curled up the floor, with her eyes closed but not asleep, trying catch up on the z's she missed the night before.
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"Is seems like Coach Lance isn't here..." Headmaster Tiberius says, "My turn to teach...Again..." Tiberius sighs, he enter the gym in his gym clothes and says, "Welcome students, to our first Gym class...Coach Lance is well...Not here...So let us begin gym! The academy is currently planning for pool but before that, today we will lerrn about the strength of our powers, I want 2 volunteers to have combat here, please!"
Mika nodded. "Dont be afraid. If my blade hits, it wont cut you. It will do damage and exhaust you. Like a punch. After too many hits, you will lose conciousness.", she said. She did a set amount of damage with her blade. It was a flaw and at the same time a perk of what she was.
Yami stayed silent and watched the gym class from the back of the gym. It never hurt to get an idea of the powers of others. Mostly because if you found yourself on the receiving end of those powers at least you would have a vague idea how to best minimize damage to yourself.
"You forget, I'm a goddess. You don't need to hold back on me," Kita teased. She didn't care if she lost, all she wanted was to see the extent of Mika's capability. She got up and stood infront of Mika, stretching out her hand. "Come on, humor me. It's traditional for people about to duel to shake hands."
Mika stood up as well and shook Kita´s hand. "I just levelled up. It will be fun to see my new abilities, though i doubt a normal swordsman stands a chance against a goddess.", she said, made a duel-bow and then drew her blade. "Ready when you are, your highness."
Kita shuttered, "Don't call me that." She looked over Mika, as she did, a sword of l lighting appered. "Useful trick I learned from Zeus,"she mutter, and charged.
FireMaiden said:
Kita shuttered, "Don't call me that." She looked over Mika, as she did, a sword of l lighting appered. "Useful trick I learned from Zeus,"she mutter, and charged.
Mika waited until Kita had nearly reached her, until she used her Lichtschritt. It made her charge towards Kita and passing her with a slice at the speed of light. She came to a stand behind the goddess, turning in an instant and waiting for her opponents move. One mistake would let her land her Greathearts Strike, which would basically stunlock her opponent and inflict high damage.
"Good, but not quite!" Kita jumped out of the way, and used her sword to leap over Mika and delivered a hard kick to the back of her knees. Mika was right about her sword though. The back of Kita's neck had l ready begun to feel damp. Looking down at Mika, Kita swung her sword, sending Mika to the other side of the gym.
Mika flew and crashed into a wall, going to her knees. The hit had been hard. Mika´s dress turned from blue-black to a red-black colormix. Her hair got red as well. Mika stood up, smiling, though a little blood was leaking out of the corner of her mouth. She was after all competing a goddess, taking another hit would be the end of this battle. "Playingtime is over...", she said. Her voice was demonic. Mika´s DemonModeNeo had activated through the strike, which showed how hard she already had been hit. Mika charged at Kita and swung her sword in a powerful uppercut, trying to lock the goddess in her Atheral Scream. If that ability would fail, Mika would be unable o dogde for 2 seconds. Why had videogame characters always to be balanced? Hit or not, this attack would decide the battle.
Kita saw the opening and swung again, causing Mika to fly in the opposite direction from the students. She had managed to dodge the scream, well most of her. Her face scrunched, and the sound of her left arm snapping filled the gym. The lighting sword dissappeared and she clutched her arm. "Hey, not bad Mika, remember rpg characters always start at level one. Oh an head master, if you dont mind, I'm going to the nurses office," she said in a pained groan. As she walked out she saw a boy in a cloak. She could only see his face, which looked a little beast like, but his energy was human. "Beast boy, your nickname," she mumbled, walking out of the gym.

@Shiro kurogane

@Kiel Farren
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Tiberius almost choked on his chips after seeing Kita's full potential...He saw Mika weak and Tieerius stood up..."Okay...So uh...Well done...Everybody...10 Laps around the gym!!!" Tiberius yells.
FireMaiden said:
Kita saw the opening and swung again, causing Mika to fly in the opposite direction from the students. She had managed to dodge the scream, well most of her. Her face scrunched, and the sound of her left arm snapping filled the gym. The lighting sword dissappeared and she clutched her arm. "Hey, not bad Mika, remember rpg charcuterie always start at level one. Oh an dead master, if you dont mind, I'm going to the nurses office," she said in a pained groan. As she walked out she saw a boy in a cloak. She could only see his face, which looked a little beast like, but his energy was human. "Beast boy, your nickname," she mumbled, walking out of the gym.
@Shiro kurogane

@Kiel Farren
Mika was sent flying again and crashed into the next wall. She fell to her knees and coughed up some blood. Her color returned to blue. "I... failed...", she said. Then she fainted.
FireMaiden said:
Kita saw the opening and swung again, causing Mika to fly in the opposite direction from the students. She had managed to dodge the scream, well most of her. Her face scrunched, and the sound of her left arm snapping filled the gym. The lighting sword dissappeared and she clutched her arm. "Hey, not bad Mika, remember rpg characters always start at level one. Oh an head master, if you dont mind, I'm going to the nurses office," she said in a pained groan. As she walked out she saw a boy in a cloak. She could only see his face, which looked a little beast like, but his energy was human. "Beast boy, your nickname," she mumbled, walking out of the gym.
@Shiro kurogane

@Kiel Farren
(that hurts ;-; why beast boy of all things. jk)

Yami showed blank outwards look, but was confused. "nickname? and why beast boy?" He decided to just ignore it since it had probably had been nothing.
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"Oh God!" Tiberius yells as Mika faints, "Elaine, help me!" Tiberius yells as he tries to carry Mika, Elaine rushes towards her father and morphs into an elephant, she carries Mika and takes her to the Clinic, where Kita was, the nurse wasn't there..."Gah! Guess I'll have to be a nurse too!" Tiberius yells. Elaine lowers Mika on a nearby bed and morphs back to her human form while Tiberius scavenges through the medicines, looking for something.
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Kita walked into the nurses office, and sat down. "Heh, she's stronger than she looks. Managing to break my arm like that." She grumbled. "Hello? Nurse?" She called. Once she didn't get an answer, she looked around. She didn't mind treating her own wounds, she's done it plenty of times. Once she had wrapped it up, she heard the door open and saw an unconscious Mika. "Opps," she muttered, and went back to looking for a sling.

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