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Fandom Ghostly Lives: A Bleach RP

Glass smiled before vanishing and apearing behind Jushiro with a pure black mask that resembled a crows head and looked at Juroshi with enough killing Intent to paralyze a normal person, all of a sudden to gigantic looking tentacles that were 3x bigger than the first ones came out that resembled armored centipedes as they pointed at Juroshi as Glass said "lets play" as a massive amout of spirit pressure came out as he walked slowly towards Juroshi.


Jacques giggled at Deceruma. "Why not just kill them all? Besides you didn't need my help riiiiiiight?" He cocked his head to the side and giggled again. "Shut up Kazaki you're always whining, maybe you should stop being so weak and learn how to open a garganta, that way you can do whatever you please." His giggles turned to laughter as he looked back at Deceruma. "When can we go back?"

Kazaki snarled at Deceruma, but bit his tongue. Jacques however pissed him off. "Do you ever shut up? You're always giggling what the hell is wrong with you?" He was curious as to when they could go the material world, however. One thing Jacques and himself did agree on was that it was great fun fighting shinigamis.

Glass let Jurshiro attack both shoulders as they dug deep in there but all Glass did was laugh as his spirit pressure rose more from it and a cocking sound came from the centipedes and went right for his swords and the other went fro his body as Glass laughed like a maniac thinking his last thought that would make scince "even if i do lose i have one more trick that will wipe everything out besides me if it comes to a life or death situation".
Deceruma's spiritual pressure gets stronger again (10 times stronger than Ichigo's). "Shut up you both. We are going back when all Anti-Shinigami troops are complete again." He said and hus spiritual pressure vanished again. "The leader of the 10th Troop gave me informations about the new Captains: Mercer Ancrath, Lena Kuchiki, Nagatomi Law and Ray Reizeen. We only know, that they all have a big Reiatsu and a Big Spiritual Pressure." He said and looks emotionless.

Ray watched the fight from the distance. "He'll put on hus mask..." He said to himself and smiled.


As Ichigo stood up, Orihime already healing Henrui, cause her Regeneration didn't activated after her neck regenerated. "What's..."

Jushiro pulled his blades out of Glass' shoulders and deflected one tentacle but the other smashed into him sending him flying into a nearby building. He rebounded quickly back onto the street. He waved his hand across his face activating his hollow mask. His spiritual pressure was crippling now and he sank a few feet into the ground beneath him. He was above Glass faster than the eye could trace and he threw one sword downward at him at nearly the speed of sound. He then moved behind him and sliced upward at his right arm looking to finish what he started and sever it.

"Ah thats no fun Jurshiro" he said in a demented voice and broke through the roof of the building to escape the blow and to let his arm's regenerate, "your not going to catch me with that trick twice Juroshi"" as he started destroying the walls connecting the roof and the building before tossing it with him on it. after he threw it he jumped using his centipedes to destroy it while trying to damage juroshi as he was losing a lot of blood but regenerating the wounds fast.
Juroshi was hit with a couple pieces of fallen debris from the falling pieces of building, but no serious injuries. He sat under the rubble for a second charging as large a cero as he could muster, and then launched it from the middle of the wreckage this cero was at least 5 times larger than his earlier ones. He jumped into the air charging yet another cero and launched this one at Glass as well. He followed right behind the ceros swords at the ready.


Jacques smiled widely. "Reizeen thats who I fought, its strange he's actually a vizard and he's pretty strong. Strong enough to defeat us though? I don't think so." Jacques thought about his fight with Ray and it made him even more eager to go back to the material world to fight him again. He dare not disobey Reizeen-sama or Deceruma however, they were much more powerful than him and he didn't have a death wish.

Kazaki stood at attention as Deceruma seemed to be angered a bit. The last thing he wanted was to get on the bad side of Reizeen-sama or Deceruma, they were to very scary individuals. He was curious about what their gameplan was however. "So, whats the plan to get into the seireitei exactly?" he asked Deceruma in a much more timid voice than usual.

"He's able to defeat us." Deceruma said to Jacques. "He fought against you with 10% of his powers, right?" He asked him and then turned to Kazaki. "We don't attack Seireitei now... don't I told it just a second before? We gave to wait for the other 9 troop leaders." He said and sighed.

Glass was coming down and landed on a platform of raw energy and looked down at the debris with a smile, until a giant Cero was shot at him he took out his wings along side his centipedes and made 5 walls of energy but they were blown through and the Cero took off his right arm bug went in his wing so he smiled. He blocked the other one with ease and blocked Jushiro's blades with the other as his at started to regen very very slowly.
Mercer said:
"Im glad you're still with us, though I'm sorry to hear about those injuries," Mercer said, "How many Arrancar did you fight?"
(Why don't the notifications want to work?!)

Lena tilted her head, thinking. "Two or three. Though only one of those was a full fight, and it was an Espada." She told him, taking a drink
Ray sighed and than looks serious. "Yuaeda!" He said and left his Shikai. "Sorry for bothering your fight, but I think something is wrong..." He said. His arms suddenly stopped to bleed. "Make it fast, please." He said and gave him a smile before he vanished and reappeared towards the destroyed Shop of Urahara. Hus eyes widened. What's... going on here? What happened? He thought and entered the destroyed Shop. He saw that Orihime is healing Ichigo. His whole arm are Red. "What happened..."

Ichigo said nothing, he only looks to the ground.

Uryu looks to the ground too.

Orihime continued to heal Ichigo.

Henrui sleeps. She looks sad while she sleeps.


((Can someone please help me with the Characters, it's tooooo much xD ))
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((Yeah I probably can @Aqua you should take a couple since you only have one right now.))

Jushiro saw the captain disappear and decided that he had to go after him. "Sorry Glass but I'm gonna have to cut this battle short again, places to go people to see, plus your missing an arm." With Jushiro disappeared after the captain. When he arrived at Urahara's shop he was in awe at what he saw in front of him. "W-What happened here?" he asked as he darted down towards the shop.

@Aqua @Rayischo
Ray looks emotionless, means he's really angry. "What happened, Ichigo... Rukia... Orihime... Chad... Uryu... anyone... tell it me!" He yelled and punched against a wall. His Hollow Mask appeared for a second.

As Ray yelled, Henrui woke up. Her eyes widened.


((It would be nice if @alcoholiccat take over Uryu and maybe Kisuke and you @Aqua take over Chad, Orihime and maybe Rukia.))
Kisuke emerged from the destroyed shop. "It was the Anti-Shinigami squad Ray. This one was powerful too, even Ichigo was no match for him, and Reika..." Urahara trailed off. He looked at the remains of his shop and clenched his fist. "I don't know how many of them there are, but this could be serious trouble for both the material world and he soul society"

Uryu remained silent and kept staring at the ground replaying what had just happened in his head. There was no way he could defeat an enemy of that power level. He couldn't even move against his spiritual pressure. He felt so useless at this point but he knew there was nothing more he could do.
"Anti...Shinigami Troop..." Ray asked. His hair covered his eyes. Suddenly, his Spiritual pressure gets really strong. It's 5 times weaker than the Spiritual pressure of Deceruma, but still 3 times stronger than Ichigo's. "How much time... do you need to open a Garganta..." He asked Kisuke.

Ichigo looks a bit shocked at Ray. This Reiatsu... why the air around him tastes like Blood... and this can't be his own Reiatsu... it feels like Hollow... He thought.

As Henrui felt Ray's Reiatsu, she looks really scared. She slowly started to cry. That's a normal Reaction, if anyone feels Ray's Reiatsu when he's angry.

"Maybe an hour or two, but it doesn't matter because we have no clue where they are. It's not like with the espada when they took Orihime we knew they were in Hueco Mundo. In this case we have no clue where the enemy is hiding, we have no choice but to wait were sitting ducks." Urahara didn't like the way Ray's spiritual pressure when he was angry like this, but he couldn't blame him.

"It also puts us at a disadvantage due to yours and Jushiro's power restrictions, I think for now you and Yuaeda should return to the soul society have your restrictions lifted and bring back some more reinforcements, then we wait."
Orihime was still healing ichigos wounds slow but steadily and was almost done

Chad was looked at Ichigo not saying anything as he thought something.

Rukia was sitting down resting while orihime was healing Ichigo waiting for the Others.
Ray looked at Kisuke with Blood red, Wolf like eyes. "Find out where they are please..." He said, as his Spiritual pressure vanished and he calmed down again. "Yuaeda! You're going back to the Soul Society and try to find Kenpachi, Ikakku, Yumichika, Byakuya and Hitsugaya..." He said and looks at the Direction of hus Lieutenant. "Rukia! Ichigo! You both will help me to try to find any of this Anti Shinigami group B..." He wanted to say something bad, but that would make him even angrier. "You both will help me!" He said.

Ichigo looks at him. "What? You want to fight them?" Ichigo asked and than looks at Ray's Blood Red Wolf eyes. His Blood thirst are stronger than his Reiatsu. "Forget it..." He said and sighed before he stood up. "Thank you, Orihime!" He said and smiled. He pick of Zangetsu and stretches.

Orihime got up saying "Ichigo please take it easy for a little"

Rukia got up and said "yes"

Glass was jumping on top of roofs laughing a little with his crow mask on corrupting his mind.
Ichigo looked at Orihime and smiled. "Don't worry! I'll kick their ass if they want to attack me." He said and turned to Ray again.

"If you both are ready, than: come on!" He said and vanished with Shunpo


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