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Ghost in the Machine

Amongst the smoke, ash and falling debris, the falling metal shards of the once great Land Walker crashing down around the inky twilight of light caused by the black smoke and sun rays filtering in through it cast by the far distant stars. Two stripes of glowing green blared into existence, placed upon either side of a blackened, dented and scarred full helm which had seen more than its fair share of combat, the only break in the seemingly solid sheet of metal was three jagged metal overbites that made a sort of horrific artificial grin upon the Helmet, one on either side of the jaw and s single one below. The helm slowly turned in a 360 degree arc and then back again, surveying the surrounding area closely and when done with said surveying a throaty. “Braaaaahahahahaa” Echoed from inside the helm, as if whatever was inside was laughing at the sight of all the destruction. The exact dimensions of this thing was almost impossible to determine as the smoke impaired vision but slouching down it stood at around nearly 15 feet from the ground. A voice, feminine in nature rang out amongst the war torn fallout zone of the Land Walker, silken in its tone but rough undercurrent. “Ahhh the smells…. so good to be out of that accursed ship… I had… almost begun to fear the Lady of Ravens had forgotten about us… eh Sister?” The creature said, in referring the second hulking shape behind it, slightly hidden in the ever falling ash and dust.

Aligora rolled her neck with a slight groan, "Aye, was starting to get cramped as well..." she muttered, stretching her joints. "So... what are we doing again? Blowing things up?" She asked with a grunt, scratching her jaw line. She surveyed the area as she waited an answer, the smoke slightly inhibiting her vision due to the lack of a helmet. Of course it didn't matter, most Ardino wore no helmets, it impeded their excellent sense of smell as well as the ability to bite pesky life forms.

Nagashira, for that was her name, stepped forward slowly with that careful, dainty graceful step that the Dredge were known for even in a full mechanized battle suit. “I believe that the Lady of Ravens wishes us to… whats the word she used… ah yes i beleive it was deter some of the approaching neighbors.” A grin, those three breaks in the helm split to reveal the maw of what some might have called a meat grinder. “Aparently they have gotten most… tiresome to the good Ladies interests in this area, and she knows we Love pest control.” A shrieking metal object cracked from the sky and slammed down not ten meters away from the pair, the weapons pod. Such heavy equipment was dropped separately after the two after a incident where the weapons sort of misfired in said container. Nagashira glides over to it almost in that creepy Dredge gait and calls out. “Dibs on the Bessie Mauler.” referring to the 10 barreled monstrous minigun like weapon which fired the akin of a 20mm railgun only at 2,000 rpm. The thing had been tested and proven in the field to rip the turrets off medium tanks.

"Dammit.. ahh whatever you take em, I made sure my new babies were dropped this time. Haven't got to test em in the field yet." Aligora grunted as she thumped her way over to the pod. Aligora walked around to it's other side, opening it up with a grin before turning around and unfolding her wings slightly. With a bit of careful maneuvering she stepped backwards until the object in the pod was lined up with her suit clamps.

With a loud clang the object attached itself and Aligora stepped away. On her back rested a large object divided into three pieces. Two rested at the top, laying side by side on either shoulder. The third took up the bottom and looked like it would fold out to the side if activated. "Ready to blow shit up then?" She asked with a rather wide and bloodthirsty grin.

Nagashira was less subtle in her way of getting at her gear, she just grabbed the pods metal sheeting and ripped it from its hinges, throwing the two metal slabs like frisbees at over the smoke at where she thought the enemy was. Then she grabbed the massive minigun with two claws and all its respective ammunition, grabbed a arc throwing/ grenade launcher type with the other, and a deployable shield in the last. “riiiight, i think i'm good now… wait… no ones gonna take the Napalm cannon?” The female said. “ahh its all right you wonderful piece of technology that allows me to burn my enemies alive… slowly… and oh so painfully. Thou will be used next time, i promise.” And with those final words the Dredgnaught ‘locks and loads’ the weapon that if it still existed, would violate the Geneva convention, probably every other law against honorable warfare in the history books… but in Nagashira’s mind, who the fuck cared?

Aligora turned to look at her partner a moment with a grin, "Highest kill count gets the good bed next time." She challenged before engaging her creation. Two pods unfolded from her back, curling over her shoulders and opening in the front to reveal countless small warheads ready to launch. These, although small, had proven to punch holes in most anything. Aligora doubted they'd let her down.

From below the pods the third object unfolded and curved around beneath her hand to reveal a large mini gun. Although it wasn't as big as Nagashira's it still packed a mighty punch against anything, armored or not. Jutting from it's top rested a joystick that most likely controlled the rig. Without waiting Aligora unfolded her wings and flapped once, launching herself into the sky with a mad cackle.

“OI! YOU BITCH!” Roared the Dredge after her host. Nagashira crouched low to the ground and kicked off, blazing away and eating up the distance between her and the enemy soldiers who, all of them, from the Nafarians, the Alien Nazi’s, the Borg, were still watching in awe (save for the borg course) at the smoking wreck that was the Land walker.

And those still paying attention were treated to the sight of something right out of a horror movie, as this thing elegantly came out of the smoking wreck of the Land Walker, lengthwise it was around 40 feet long from tail to head, in full mech/armor that flowed flawlessly with the creature as it moved along the ground as if it was in the Nutcracker and she the main character. Black, oozing smoke poured off and billowed around the battle scarred material, pooled around its feet as it rushed forward at seemingly incomprehensible speeds only because the way it moved fooled the eye into thinking it was slower yet faster than it actually was going.

Pulsating green, serpentine movements which were hypnotic and enthralling to watch. Though one of the Xeno asshat Nazi’s got his shit together long enough to notice the giant ass minigun that was being brought to bear upon their position and got down just in time to hear the weapon fire. The gun sounded like the damned come back to haunt the living, that ripping, tearing sound as the shells shrieked through the air and impacted directly behind them. It was a short burst, to sight them but those bullets hit the dirt with such crushing force that it caused small tremors in the localized area where they hit. A line of utterly wrecked and destroyed earth, the top of that hill had been mowed down more or less into a small mini plateau.

And it was getting ready to do it again.

(Your reactions gentlemen. Another ass rape incoming then we haz to deal with the Borg that is coming to completely, and utterly fuck out shit up... we probably after this should focus on the murderous robots)

A collab between @Jarkov Malachai & @Atom
((Forgive me if I miss anything important in my post, I skimmed.

Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

Before Max could say anything to the person on the other end, the call was interrupted by Galumora. Despite being incredibly angry with her, he couldn't help smiling at her voice. He may be in competition with her, but at least she didn't want to enslave and annihilate his race. Soon the call was separated and only he could hear her. He listened to her offer, and considered it, before hearing a report from his soldiers about the walker being destroyed. He immediately returned to her. "Of course Lady Galumora. I humbly accept this offer."

Now given the coordinates of the pit, all the men turn on their suits and begin running towards the pit. Every push of a foot, a jet comes out of it, causing the soldiers to accelerate rapidly and run incredibly quickly towards the pit.
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Maniacal and mad, he payed little head to either the arrival of the land walker nor it's destruction and viewed the oncoming robotic beings as a worthy challenge should he encounter them. And while he briefly considered the concept of retreat, he quickly disregarded the notion, instead favoring stalling the behemoths long enough to attempt an orbital bombardment should the captain allow it. Afterall, he had forty soldiers, and he was willing to bet, that, while the soldiers being only mere legionaires with only a few of them hefting heavy weapons, they would be unable to beat the two beasts before him. Instead, he quickened his calm saunter to a fast-paced sprint, surrounded by three of his finest soldiers.

"I want units one and three to focus fire on those behemoths and watch for those damned robots! The rest of you with me!" He roared, ducking behind brush and trees as the bulletstorm hailed across the field. He heard the screams of the first Nafarian casualties, pushing their woes to the back of his mind while he focused at the task at hand, for he had humans to kill, and one to capture specifically for his captain.

Meanwhile, roughly twenty five of the Nafarian soldiers turned their weapons on the Dredges, roguetonium coated rounds being spit towards their targets while a few of the men quickly hid behind any cover available to them as they loaded their heavy weapons.


The captain struggled angrily against his psionic bonds, glaring angrily into his captor's eyes. He was bewildered. How could a foreigner possibly have gotten their hands on a rather high class Nafarian war machine? Hellions were often armed to the teeth, and the concept of destroying one was a feat that usually ended in multiple casualties for the opposite faction, not to mention the idea of capturing one.

"You are no Nafarian!" He roared in a fit of rage as he continued to struggle against his bonds. "You wear our skin but you are not one of us! The council will surely catch word of this foreigner! And when they do your people will pay!"
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On the Surface

The battle began to rage as the Nefarians opened fire upon the onroaching Dredge, after the first few bullets hit the creature it braked hard grass dirt and smoke throwing up in the air and kicked off to the side and crashed back on the earth, serrated metallic claws scratching great furrows In the earths surface. Of the many shots fired at it, most missed though of the ones that hit a few penetrated the Mech/Armor that the creature wore, however... it didn't get through the creatures own biological chitin as the stopping power of the rounds had been greatly reduced. All in all it was more an annoyance to the Dredge as it opened fire with that minigun like weapon of its again. The first five seconds four men died almost immediately of the attacking Nefarians, another had his arm blown off as the sheer force of one of the rounds flying to close to him tore it off, and then another three were obliterated. Blasted in half by the creatures weapon, their bodies looked like some perverse childs doll who had a serious mental obsession with pain.

It was just difficult to get a bead on it, it kept moving in that fascinating gait, the smoke that billowed out from the cracks of the armor hid the exact dimensions of where it was and what it was doing and of course there wasn't much cover on the open plains from that giant minigun. It kept firing but crouched low, muscles bunching together and gathering strength as if prepping for something... or someone.

But then it laughed, this raccous, laughter that spoke of a creature obsessed with hunting down and killing its prey, one of which found its prey's efforts to escape its inevitable, unchangeable, unescapable fate... hilarious and oh so amusing.

Meanwhile, while the men alive from the first casualties of the Dredge, those loading their heavy weapons to take out the Dredgnaught were just about ready. One soldier, one toting a rather nasty looking piece of equipment hefted it to his shoulder and sighted it at the Creature currently wrecking his comrades. But then a slight pain in his chest made him look down at the massive tail that ripped through his armor and blasted out the front of it like some old 1970 terran Alien movie. The man fell to the ground lifeless and was soon joined by two more of his comrades whos throats had been ripped open as a single, four taloned, back spurred foot delicately stepped over their unmoving corpses.

The red burning eyes of this Dredge observed the chaos before him and sincerely hoped Nagashira wouldn't shoot him on purpose again. When she got in the zone she was definitely not a team player. The Dredge male slowly faded back into the grass.

Another poor sod who had taken cover behind one of the only boulders out there on the field saw the grass moving in a straight line coming for him. He raised his weapon and fired a single shot off before his last sight was teeth.

A scream abruptly cut short joined the others of the dead and now dying Nefarians on the battlefield.

"Oh really now?" Arimius chuckled in amusement. "I believe the only ones who are going to pay will be you and your crumbling empire." Arimius glanced at some of the screens on the bridge, watching as Roguetonium fire slowly creeped its way up the Razor, soon the bridge itself would be next, and Arimius had no intention of staying for that. And so at a whim, he was off again, back onto the bridge of the 'Hellion'. Watching as the last of the Razor succumbed to the barrage, Arimius began fabricating a fake distress call from the vessel in the captains voice, requesting immediate assistance though neglecting to mention the fact that he had been facing down a Hellion. With any luck he'd have more noteworthy challengers this time.
@Anyone Whatsoever

--The Vertex Imperium--

In the midst of the endless blackness of space, forces had been deployed to reach a designated location: The recently risen planet in an uncharted galaxy, a planet that had created a stir in the sudden unveiling of some form of technology. The signal that had beamed throughout the universe itself certainly didn't go unnoticed. As sudden chaos appeared to unfold, others would soon detect the disturbances, seeking to respond in an instant. Light shone through the infinite darkness as an entire combat fleet made their way towards the planet itself. The ships, brilliantly silver in their design, bore a single, ebony emblem that united them all. Staunch in their recently formulated mission, the commands that the Vertex fleet had received for simple. Or at least, the sounded so...

"I want us within range of the planet within the hour. We're going to locate that disturbance, and figure out what the heck caused created the signal," A mechanically masked voiced rang through the fleet's communication's, broadcast from the largest battalion among them. Thus, emitting copious amounts of light as they warped, soon enough, the fleet was maneuvering within range of the planet.

"Have ship weapons primed and set on lethal, we're a bit late to the party, and already lifeforms are being detected,"
Apex commanded, leaning back in his seat next to his pilot. His gaze was shrouded in the cobalt light emitting from the helm's eyes, coupled with the radiant gleam from his HUD. His form was almost entirely armored in silver, the compound on his torso providing the greatest amount of protection. Two small antennas integrated into either sides of his helm had enabled his easy communication with the soldiers under him. To complete this war-like vision, he had donned a unique sort of camouflage on the lower half of his body, mostly protected by plating.

With the planet in sight, the time for action had finally come. "Alright boys... start deploying scout ships onto the planet. Cloaking mechanisms on, we don't know what all is down there. Captain, accompany the scout dropships, be sure to stream live feed from the planet to me. Understood?" At the confident assurance of the military captain, scout troops were sent down onto the planet only minutes later. Slowly but surely, they would descend through the atmosphere, cloaked, and awaiting further instruction...


The Lady of Ravens

Those upon the Bridge of the Kukri watched in a mix of fascination and horror as the Twins of Terror as they liked to be called, also the Duet of destruction, the double devastators and a host of other really dumb names though no one would ever tell them that to their faces for they liked having THEIR face attached and not used as breakfast pancakes, pretty much played whack'a'mole with the Nefarians. It was like watching someone kick puppies on a Intranet video. However when a warning sigil came up on the Science Officers holo panel, he took note and slid back tin his seat trying to identify the cause.

"Lady Galumora! another fleet has shown up, its about 50,000 kilometers away from the planets outer atmo but is sending smaller ships to the surface!"

The creature which reclined upon that blackened, shadowed throne sighed. "I so wonder, where do all these people come from hmm?.... how far did that signal go across the vast uncharted regions of the stars?" No one answered Her and the Ship Mistress sighed again and sat back more comfortably upon her chair and raised a hand to signal for a glass of wine, watching battles did get one thirsty. A man rushed out from somewhere behind her and held out a crystalized goblet of some type of dark rich red liquid which a delicate claw reached out and picked up daintily from the platter it was resting upon.

"Thank you Little One..." The Dredge Queen said absent mindedly, sloshing the liquid about in the cystal glass peering down into it before taking a small sip.

"Contact our new Arrivals, if you would be so kind as to arrange such Bai'Core?"

The science officer got chills whenever she called him by his actual name, he had been with her for years but still... damnit man he should be stronger than this. "Setting up Link."


The ships which had just warped in on the Bridge suddenly got a coms request and before they could answer it the image of the shadow veiled pirate queen appeared on the monitors. The Darkness hid most of her body save for the writhing coils in the inky black, six glowing violet eyes which stared out from the void with something akin to amusement and a single clawed hand which sloshed that dark red liquid sensuously in a crystal goblet.

"Gentlemen Gentlemen!" Called a sonorous, deep feminine voice. "A little late to the Party aren't we hmm? I am so
terribly sorry... that we started without you but ah im afraid no invitations were sent out so no one knew the time to show up for this little... Soiree." The Creature grins, teeth blaring in the dark just before it faded off into the black again.

"what brings you here good Sirs? I doubt its for the... company."

Meanwhile the ships crew kept the warp drives hot and ready while alert for any... objects, anamolies or mindfuckage coming their way.

The Landwalker fell with a deafening crash, only made louder by the secondary explosions that went off only seconds thereafter. The explosion, contrary to what was likely expected, did not produce a shower of blood and body parts as expected. As a matter of fact, the explosion appeared to have produced no signs of Trasakian death at all.

There was, of course, a reason for this.

Trasakians are, like many other races throughout the known universe, xenophobic. On top of this they also have throughout the years accrued advanced technological systems. One of the systems they have managed to create over the years is semi-self aware Artificial Intelligence. Said AI is a highly enjoyed feature of the Trasakians and is oftentimes incorporated into their military forces as automated systems, be them defensive or offensive. The Landwalkers were one such automated creation.

The "death", if AI's can in fact die, of one of the Landwalkers quickly drew the attention of the other three still left standing. They all turned in seeming unison towards the now burning hulk of the fallen Landwalker, emitting a sound that can only be describes as 'negative'. The large cannons protruding from them began to charge, various parts giving off a mechanical whine as they spun up, rapidly turning the visible end of the cannon from a light shade of orange to a deep red. However, they did not have time to fire before a new and, to the AI controlling them, more pressing matter had revealed itself.

The massive robotic army.

The Landwalkers all turned, once again in seeming unison, to face the army. They then unloaded their cannons into the ranks of oncoming robots. The cannons unleashed lines of red-white hot energy arcing towards their targets, burning massive swaths of the grassland before them. The landwalkers emitted this energy for fifteen seconds before charging their weapons once more, occasionally billowing out scalding white clouds of what can only be steam as they vented heat.

Meanwhile, the dropship, previously heading towards Max's downed ship, broke off its flight path, now choosing to return to the main fleet. The other dropships aboard the other landwalkers did likewise.

The captain eventually stopped his struggle, focusing on the view port just long enough for the roguetonium energy weapons to slam into his ship. The shields, that had regenerated over the course of their short conversation had regenerated once more, but under the combined might of the Hellion's aresenal it barely stood a minute against the barrage. The shields swiftly began to glow bright red before shattering entirely against Arimius' assault, the remaining bolts slamming into the ship, hot liquid roguetonium splashing against the thick, reinforced glass of the view port, causing it to shatter entirely, filling the Captain's final sight with a sea of red.

It didn't take long for a Nafarian reinforcement fleet to respond to the distress signal, a much larger detatchment comprising of roughly one hundred ships. Most of the fleet was comprised of Razor class Interceptors and Aktun class frigates. A dozen Inzidion class destroyers brought up the sides of the fleet while a Hellion class super destroyer of their own lay in the center of the fleet. It would appear to Arimius that what remained of the unified government took the chances of inter Nafarian conflict seriously.

Soon after the fleet's appearance, the image of a Nafarian in a jet black uniform appeared on Arimius' screen, overriding many of Arimius' communications systems, stealing the opportunity for him to deny or ignore the hail. His face looked rather gaunt and tired, stressed from the hardships of the empire's current situation. A plethora of immaculate, shiny medals of various colors adorned the left side of his chest.

"This is royal lieutenant Nuk Ez'Lon, relaying a message on the behalf of General Velsus Gren'Shevaad. You have violated Nafarian military doctrine by firing on your fellow Nafarian. I ask that you immediately surrender your ship to me and allow my soldiers to take you and your crew into custody for further questioning by the council. Do you comply?" He stated, his young, pure voice pouring through Arimius' speakers.


The troops fell quickly to the Dredge's attacks, only a few remaining alive as they began lobbing grenades as they pulled back, forming a weak perimeter around the beasts. One shaken soldier crouched low behind a tree, blurting a quick, rushed command into the coms.

"This is corporal Halazon Tel'Zala! Our forces have come under heavy fire, we request immediate reinforcements, I repeat we request immediate reinforcements." The man ducked low as one of the dredges felled his cover, nearly decapitating him. "I highly suggest heavy support! These things will not be going down lightly!"

He then threw the radio to the side, knowing that he too would soon fall with his comrades. He cursed Zander's name under his breath. The man was too reckless, but even still, he would buy his sergeant a few more moments. Anything if it increased the odds of the human's deaths. He appeared abruptly from behind his cover, shouldering his rifle as he squeezed the trigger, aiming for the beast's head.
@Jarkov Malachai

--The Vertex Imperium--

At the female creature's sudden appearance upon the monitors, Apex had immediately taking action, rerouting the screen of a monitor into a hologram visible to him. A moderately large, holographic screen had emitted from his gauntlets with radiance equivalent to his HUD, visible only through the helm's specialized eye components. Before the Captain could speak up, Apex hissed, "Continue your descent, I'll speak with this.... thing." Beneath the helm, his lips had curled into something of a smirk, stretching from ear to ear. The haughtiness lined throughout his rough visage betrayed growing his suspicions. Alas, it wasn't thoroughly surprising that SOMEONE would open transmission, considering the circumstances...

"What brings me here?" He chuckled. "The same thing that brings everyone else here. Kinda hard to not notice a massive signal emission through various galaxies, isn't it?" His eyes flickered over to the pilot, who's expression was that of moderate surprise. "Gonna have to get this conversation done with quickly, I need my channel open to receive updates from the scouts," Apex thought, his gaze shifting back to the holographic monitor. "Now whom might you be?" He inquired, his tone flecked with briskness..

Arimius tilted his head in amusement. He could always thrash the fleet that had obligingly presented itself before the Merciless. But that would mean utilizing weapons that would brand him as a foreigner. It seemed it was time for him to make his exit.

"Lieutenant Ez'lon, how kind of you to join me. I regret to inform you that my crew and I will not be submitting to your demands." Arimius yawned as he lay sprawled out on the command chair, when it came down to it the Nafarians were as boring as any other lesser race. "I have no need to fear you or the council when I myself am under the protection of a certain general. But I suppose that's too much information for the Emperors lapdog." He drawled as a mocking grin stole across his borrowed face. It was the last sight Nuk Ez'lon would see before Arimius terminated the com screen.

A moment later, the 'Hellion' entered warp, plowing directly through one of the outlying Razors as it made its escape. It would be the last the Nafarians would hear of this rogue Hellion for quite some time. As later searches would reveal, no one knew of the captain of the Hellion and his allegiance. But somebody of influence MUST be hiding him, a Hellion couldn't just disappear could it?
A loud thud of something large hitting the ground sounded from behind Halazon Tel'Zala. Before he could fire or even turn a set of jaws larger than his head appeared in his peripheral vision on both sides. The nafarian perhaps had a split second to think oh shit before the jaws slammed closed with a loud bang, reducing much of his skull to gore.

Aligora ripped what was left from his neck and turned, opening wide to release a guttural gorey roar as she opened fire on the nearby Nafarians. The two pods on her shoulder fired repeatedly, peppering the area with explosions that all but finished what was left of the Nafarians. What little remained were soon torn to shreds by her mini gun.

@Romulus VenZiel
Whatever it was caught said tone and its eyes narrowed dangerously, the air around Apex suddenly seemed claustrophobic and heavy. The creature shook its head slowly and made a Tsk tsk noise. "I offer salutations and greetings and am met with such... manners. I wonder what they teach out in the wider world I truly do."

The female took a slow sip from its crystal goblet of wine and smacks its lips refreshingly.

"Did you know that Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit? Completely unbecoming if I do say so myself, but I am known to be a" it paused and tilted its head. "... forgiving soul. " that last bit was said with emphasis.

"I shall keep to the rules of common courtesy even if you do not do so Monsieur. But as for who I am... I am Galumora, The Lady of Ravens. Id say it is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance but then id be lying now wouldn't I hmm?" The Lady of Ravens reclined back upon her throne and stared at the Monitor awaiting a response and staring at her as she was. One couldn't but help of getting the feeling of being toyed with or gazed under a microscope, as a scientist might a intriguing specimen, one which the scientist was losing interest in and preparing to terminate it. A most disconcerting feeling.

Those six violet eyes burning like miniature suns, boring into those on the other side like drills.


Space Above Borg World

Drifting too close to the Trelian's colony ship, the ship's captain caught word of their communications. He didn't gather much, however he did come to the conclusion that this strange species that had initially brought him here were not loaded with military forces, which is what was previously predicted by the council. This certainly did change things, for Nafarians, as vicious and war hungry as they were had no interest in killing civilians, and with this revelation he instantly began hailing the Trelian colony ship, hoping for a reply.



With the Dredges distracted he and his squad ran a good distance away from the battle, leaving his men for dead. He continued to press forward through the thick brush, searching desperately for the humans. Eventually he caught sight of them, first seeing the top of a human head from a ditch. His smile grew wider as he quickly pumped his shotgun, picking up the pace along with his squad.

"In the ditch!" He commanded, pointing forward towards the human's hiding space.
Maxwell Teller

Human: King of Remnant

As soon as Max catches sight of the Nafarians, Max runs through the options in his head. If I keep running at this rate, I should be able to escape them no problem, but they might send more forces after me. Maybe... He quickly ducks under the ditch, and as they are running to them he pulls a cylinder off of his back and throws it. In midair above the Nafarians, it explodes sending huge amounts of electricity into them. It then arced off of them and into everyone, so everyone got huge amounts of electricity, killing most of them immediately. They continue rocket running, lest a few of them have survived. The men in Max's squad cheer as he grins. Arc grenades, never fails.


As the Nafarians suits were were both insulated against the vacuum of space should the need arise and comprised of metal, the electricity merely conducted across the metal plates, having little effect on the Nafarians within aside from causing a limb to jolt here and there. One Nafarian tripped due to this mishap, but Zander and the rest continued running.

Enraged, Zander slung his shotgun over his back, and pulling out instead his personal side arm, aiming directly at the human at the front of the formation, the human he guessed was Max despite the perpendicular motion. Of course, if he wasn't, the human would die a horribly tragic death, but none of that mattered, it's life meant little to him. He swiftly aimed at the man's rockets, squeezing the trigger three times as the gun's recoil sent jolts up his arm. The rest of the squadron followed suit, raising their own rifles as they fired at the humans to the best of their ability while under the stresses of sprinting, red bolts whizzing towards Max's squad. Surely, with such a thick hail of rounds one of them was sure to fall.

Soon after the barrage, Zander held up his fist, motioning his squadron to cease their running. "Halt! We're too slow for their boosters!" He cried. A squad of Valtrikes slowly approached Zander as he reluctantly slipped a fresh mag into his sidearm.

"Should we pursue him sir?" The Man on the lead Valtrike asked, to which he was responded to by Zander shoving him off of the Valtrike and into the dirt.

"Police business! I shall be commandeering this vehicle!" He exclaimed with glee as he revved the speeder's engine. pointing an open palm forward to the other two valtrikes behind him. "Forward! After the human scum!" He commanded before setting off after the humans, quickly tapping silent commands, giving coordinates for the other Valtrike squads and the foot soldiers to follow as he went.
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@Jarkov Malachai


Apex shook his head in a fair amount of disbelief, Galumaro's speech ebbing away at his derisive demeanor. "Honestly, I really couldn't care less what some multiple eyed freak thinks about sarcasm. You're wasting my time, and I'm a bit preoccupied at the moment, so I'll make this rather brief," As foreboding crept up on the back of his head, he found himself wanting nothing more than to get this over with. His smirk had flickered, lessening slightly, but remaining still. His gaze appeared scrutinized as he looked dead into the entity's own eyes, growing contempt lined across those eyes. Raising his left hand to his right, his finger was held over a single button upon his gauntlet, just below the holographic monitor.

"Sorry ugly, but I'm going to ask that you don't make the mistake of contacting me again. I'm quite positive you have a variety of other things to do aside from distracting me. Goodbye, and with common courtesy, screw you," With great haste, he clicked the button, causing the hologram to vanish in an instant. His armored form stood, shifting his gaze to the exit. Placing two fingers to the side of his helm's antennas, Apex firmly commanded, "Fleet technicians, get that hideous freak of nature off my monitors, and prevent any other unauthorized broadcast, now." Without another word, he strode outside of the pilot's area of the massive battalion.

--Vertex Scout Dropships--

"Alright, slowly..." The captain ordered, at which the scout ships had begun reconnaissance, their forms hovering several feet above the ground. While their weapons were primed, the scout artillery didn't possess nearly as much firepower as regular ships, and thus, their best bet was to simple stay out of combat with anyone. With no intentions of deploying any of the troops inside down, the ships gently glided forward, searching, waiting...
@Romulus V

The Nafarian’s received no response from the colony ships themselves, but one of the larger fleet ships surrounding it hailed them in return, their captain soon appeared on the Nafarian’s monitors, a young Trelian woman it appeared.

“Do not fire! Please do not fire!” She shouted quickly, her face carrying a look of utter panic. “We are non-hostile! I repeat, NON-HOSTILE!” She said. Behind her the Nafarian’s could hear and see the panic that was the main bridge of the Trelian ship.



The being turned it’s eyes towards the battlefield as multiple energy signatures registered on it’s sensors. It’s eyes alighted on three rather large walkers tearing through the planets robotic defenses. Those things would be troublesome if they found the right target...

The being coiled it’s legs before launching into the air. In a bright flash of light it disappeared, reappearing suddenly over one of them and coming down on it hard, with enough mass to shake and alert it to his presence. But it was of no matter, the thing would be destroyed soon. The being lifted both arms above before it stopped, something catching it’s attention. It stood for a moment in contemplation before stepping swiftly to the side as a passing drone fired at him.

The being quickly dispatched the thing with a homing missile from it’s wrist. With that gone it turned back to the top of the walker and slammed it’s fist into it. It took a moment to uplink with it’s systems and confirm the being’s suspicions. AI controlled...it took not even a second for the being to dominate the AI and force it’s programming to respond to him, and then from their he followed the data streams out towards the others, as well as the drones and fighters in the area. Anything controlled by a biological element, like a pilot, was soon forced into a suicide dive. Everything else began to attack the various ground forces.

The three walkers all moved in unison, cannons raised to the sky. Using the walkers own uplink to their host fleet the being found both coordinates of them, as well as a stockpile of data that he soon relieved them of, mostly regarding technology and locations as well as the other fleet coordinates in the planets orbit. Using those coordinates the three walkers began firing into space at their host fleet first.

Meanwhile all across the planet the defenses were finally rising, massive rail cannons that rose from the ground. With the cannons now exposed it was a simple matter for the being to direct their fire using the coordinates it had stolen.

Soon they began spitting death and destruction into orbit.

This, Commandant Sturm quickly decided, was not good. He watched as the walkers began firing upon their ships, stream after stream of damaging energy impact against the ship's shields. Most were holding, for now, but quite a few were not. He watched on the hologram as numerous frigates and destroyers fell out of formation and back into orbit, followed shortly after by one or two dreadnoughts. Even the battleships were beginning to report damage. Many of the officers on the bridge rambled on about casualty figures and shield percentages. The information, really, was irrelevant. The fact of the matter was simple:

The fleet couldn't stay here, at least not in the planet's orbit. They'd all die.

Those walkers were a problem. If his hunch was correct, as long as they were still synced up to the fleet, they still had their positions zeroed in. It was a simple matter to disconnect them from the fleet, an action essentially putting the walkers into a free-roam mode, it was another matter altogether to deal with them after that.

The fleet, as well-armed as it was, simply wasn't equipped to take on three rouge walkers. The battlecruiser could likely take them all out, but that is completely ignoring the railguns currently being deployed. Even then, the ship would incur a good deal of damage.

Too much risk.

Sturm thought quickly, weighing all available options. Eventually making his decision, he sighed quietly in resignation. He then stood up, quickly pacing the bridge as he barked orders.

"Disconnect those damned walkers from the rest of the fleet. As long as they're connected, they've got our position fixed." he said, pointing at the crew member in charge of such matters. He continued walking, this time to the Communications Officer. "Tell the fleet to ready for warp, short-range, out of the range of those railguns."

The hologram showed one of the fleet's battleships shields failing. Multiple energy beams subsequently punch through the craft, which quickly explodes. The explosions begin at the rear of the vessel before making their way to the front.

Commandant Sturm picked up the pace, this time making his way to the Navigation's Officer.

"Ready the engines for warp. The moment those walkers are disconnected from the fleet, we warp. Warp us," he said, leaning over and pointing towards an area far out of the reach of both the walkers and the railguns, but still within sight of the planet. The area essentially made the ship warp backwards, away from the planet, and still face it. It was a move that the ships weren't exactly designed to, but were still capable of, do.


He then quickly walked back to the commander's chair, scarcely having time to sit down and brace himself for the inevitable jerking sensation that was warp.
Trelian Ship Captain


The Nafarian's steely visage met her exasperated cries. For once he looked compassionate, seeming that he even cared about the Trelian's plight. He was quick to respond to the Trelian captain.

"I understand. We've intercepted a few of your transmissions." He stated dryly flicking through some sort of holo pad that rose up from the arm of his command throne. "And I see that your colony ship in question is without power... Perhaps we could assist you with getting your ships out of here." He suggested.


The Lady of Ravens

The entire crew upon the command bridge was holding their breath after that last transmission ended. The tension in the air was almost unbearable, like the old terran talks between the USSR and USA when nuclear war was nearly declared. A single word might break open an veritable shit storm such as the like the poor sods in this system had never seen before. They waited, terrified, for their Ship mistress's rage to break loose.

But the look on the Lady of Ravens face wasn't the utter bone shaking, marrow nawing rage that they had witnessed once before. It was

"What... a child... so immature and ignorant.
That was put in charge of a fleet?" The Dredge queen demanded incredulously, shaking her head and smacking her lips as if she had just tasted something foul. "Ugly? ugly was the best that simple minded fool could come up with? Ugly?" The crew sighed in relief, she wasn't pissed thank whatever gods still existed, she was simply dumbfounded and ranted on about how a simple minded idiot as that got even on a ship. Did they not give written literacy tests to those in their military? That one obviously had never read a book, the vocabulary it used was just plain appalling.

Lieutenant Valerian, a Terran which had seen hundreds of battles and was wide enough to simply nod his head in agreement. Getting into an argument with her at this stage was just a death sentence. Oh she wouldn't kill him, she never killed any of her crew, but she would make him wish he were dead.

The Matriarch continued. "I have never been insulted in such a pathetic manner, I feel almost insulted at the insult attempt it was so childish."

"Yes Ma'am, that guy was a dick-head." Valerian agreed.

The Ship Mistress simply waved her claw dismissively. "Those ships they sent out are scanning the surface correct?" She received an affirmative. "Good, contact Moroc, give him the new objective, anything bearing that Ebony sigil, destroy. Wipe out, prevent it from achieving its goal. We shall teach that child manners."

The Dredge queen paused to look at the sudden chaos down on the surface. The planetary defense grid had indeed come online but thanks to the cloaking tech imbedded in the ship and maneuvers the Kukri had aboard nothing had shot at them yet... yeeet being the keyword. The warp drive was still primed and ready to go the first instance something fishy was going on though.

The Kukri did have computers but here the Dredges more basic technology came actually into an a.dvantage. Most of the systems, weapons control, life support, and even things like doors were still analog and the like. The systems were all sealed off from another and other than the Coms, had no contact with the outside world so the virus or whatever it was didn't effect them in the slightest other than the Com system bugging out for a minute.

"relay this message to Nagashira and Aligora. Find Captain Max and see that he gets to that entrance to the core safely, he is being pursued however, eliminate hostiles on your way to him. Oh also, this ebony symbol, if they see it be sure to blow it up hmm? thank you darling."

On the Surface

Nagashira paused as she got the message across her hud and placed the smoking, red hot mingun to her side and placed a backfoot atop the smoking pile of robot bodies she had accumulated near the wreckage of the first Land walker. She and Aligora had saved the 5 terrans from the ship and had fallen back to the pile of twisted and burning metal for it was the only cover in the area. The Terrans hadn't wanted to come at first but upon seeing their Options they made the smart decision and climbed aboard the Female Dredge and fired from whatever cover they could find, even on Nagashira at some points.

The whole time the Dredge female was screaming "
THATS 578! that bunk is mine bitch!" Or something similar as that minigun completely decimated the enemy advancing. All wasn't shits and giggles though, nagashira had taken a few hits, a rocket to the chest and wings slightly damaged. The chest shot hurt the most as she says. "The metals bent and its pinching me tits!" A message none of the Terrans really needed to hear as robots of doom headed their way intent on their destruction.

The new mission objective updated and she nods before turning to the by now slightly crazy and shell... robot shocked Terrans. "So lads, just got a message saying that were off to help your captain in his quest for the Core, we are now taking volunteers for the trip across war torn hell to get to him with no chances of survival... I understand if no one wants to go but from what I hear, ya'll are not unfamiliar with said missions eh?" a rocket flew over head and exploded in a burning explosion of napalm.

Meanwhile, somewhere else.

One of the Ebony sigiled scout ships was hovering along, scanning the area or doing whatever it is it was doing when a loud clap like thunder seemed to ring from all sides and a massive hole blasted through the side of the scout ship. about the size of a 50 gallon drum barrel for oil. Moroc grinned as he watched it fly pathetically into the earth and ingite in flames. His mission was all to easy. With the planetary defense grid online, all he had to do was watch his six for the Borg and pick off the enemy ships that made it through the flurry of rail guns and anti-ship flak and fire going up into the sky as if shooting stars were gone in reverse. After that shot, the Dredge hefted the massive four handed rifle over its shoulder and onto its back then faded back into the smoke and now steadily falling ash from the dying ships in atmo, his next target was already spotted.
@Jarkov Malachai


Their mission was easier said than done it would seem as eight Nafarian dropships, delayed reinforcements for the late corporal careened overhead. These ones appeared to be more prepared, carrying heavier equipment. Three, menacing looking tanks clunked laboriously on the soft dirt, the groans of straining metal grinding together as it hefted up the tank's weight, and several more detachments of Nafarian legionaries. More interestingly however, is that one of the dropships drifted off for a while, away from the battlefield before lowering itself down to the ground and only dropping five soldiers, a scant amount compared to what the dropships had been known to previously known to drop.

These new Nafarian adversaries wasted no time in engaging the two dredges, the tank's heads immediately springing to life as they lobbed explosive shells at the Dredges, the hard metal exploding into both fire and hot, liquid roguetonium that splashed across the Dredge's armor. The dropships meanwhile remained at a distance as they oversaw the battle, however keeping from assisting in the fray themselves. The infantry opened up next, unloading their automatic weaponry into the Dredge's armored forms.

Space Above Borg World

Above the Borg world, the idle Nafarian fleet sprang to life, three Razor Class Interceptors converged on the Trelian fleet as the captain spoke with the Trelian leaders, their weapons cooling as to not alert them. Meanwhile, three more ships began to plunge towards the strange world, two Razors and one Inzidion. The rest of the ships meanwhile remained in their idle state, their weapons still red hot, yet the ships refrained from firing, almost as if they were daring any ships to engage them, their sleek, derelict forms staying idly in place as the two leading fleet captains surveyed the coming battle at hand between the Dredges and their newly deployed and better equipped squadrons.

"Captain Veely. Nightguards are successfully deployed and are heading towards the humans, sergeant Zander's on their heels as well, shall I inform him of the Nightguard's presence?" A young corporal asked, craning his back to look at the captain, who was hungrily surveying the planet via cams on board the dropships.

"Yes. Let him know that they will work to flank the humans when they finally halt. It is essential they remain undetected for now, so let that fool know that he is not to compromise their position." He said as he scratched his chin.

He continued to swipe through the information about the planet's local geography as he settled into a more comfortable position upon his command throne, primarily viewing the pursuit between Zander and the human regiment. He viewed the field like a hawk would it's own hunting grounds, hungrily viewing the humans from his comfortable position far above the action.

"Interesting." He mused as he looked ahead of where the humans lay.

"What's that Captain?" The corporal asked.

"It seems that the humans are headed straight for some sort of cavern. like Scanners are still plotting out how deep it goes, and our human friends are headed straight for it." He explained, leaning forward in his command throne. "Now why exactly would our little human friends be so interested in such a lame cavern for?" He questioned to himself. "Corporal! Get me Sergeant Hally! I have new orders for her Nightguards."

"Of course sir," the corporal replied, tapping furiously on his holo pad while the command screen dropped low from the ceiling, swiftly blinking to life and treating Veely to an up close view of Hally's pale face surrounded by the black metal casing of her helmet. Her red eyes immediately snapped towards those of the captain, the pupil's widening as they adjusted to the sudden brightness of the ship's bridge

"Gah! They really need to fix these damned communication screens, I send my complain directly to Commander Velsa and get nothing in return. Nothing dammit!" She rambled initially before she sighed, calming herself before addressing the Captain. "Yes Captain?" She asked.

"Sergeant, I need you to split your squad, keep half of you on course with the human upsurpers, have them intercept and delay the bastards. The rest of your squad is going to do a little cave exploration." Veely explained, bringing up a holo pad from the arm of his throne.

"What's so important about this cave captain?" Hally asked, slightly intrigued. "Must be really damned important for you to take half of my squad."

"I can't be sure sergeant but all I know is that the humans appear to be heading straight for it and it runs deep." He said.

"Oh so essentially, they want something that we don't know anything about, but we just don't want to let them get their filthy human hands all over it. Is that it?" She asked, processing the concept in her mind. "Sounds fair enough!"

"Good! I'm uploading the coordinates to your HUD now. Divide the troops as you see fit." Veely ordered.

"Rodger sir!" Hally replied before swiftly cutting communications.
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@Romulus VenZiel

The Trelian captain looked relieved, her body relaxing quickly as she wiped her forehead. “That’s...such a relief...” She muttered before turning and giving orders to a nearby officer. The captain turned back to the monitor and began speaking once again, “Yes, assistance would be greatly needed, most of our ships are in critical condition and our colony vessel is entirely powered down after our jump. We’ve been unsuccessful in-”

Out of the Nafarian’s view port could be seen the tracer of a large rail gun shot from the planet, leading right up and piercing through the back end of one of the Trelians largest ships. On screen the connection shook heavily before blinking out, although there was still audio. Through it panic could be heard as the captain from before was screaming out orders. Although nothing could be seen it was obvious through the view port that the ship was going down. The rail gun shot had failed to cause it’s explosion, simply going right through it, but it had obviously hit something important as the ship started to descend without direction, being sucked in by the planets gravity.

The Nafarian’s could only watch as said ship entered the atmosphere in what appeared to be a deadly plummet. But throughout it’s entire descent the ship managed to stay together, and upon it’s crash landing it in fact still did not explode. Luck had been on that ship’s side, and the odds were great that there were survivors on it.

Of the eight drop ships that tried to drop off men, only six made it to the ground for as they were coming into view the Terrans cried out in alarm which of course alerted the Dredgnaught who abruptly swung that massive minigun around and opened fire. The 20mm shells arced through the air like a swarm of locusts from the terran biblical even the Ten plagues of Egypt and ripped right through the cockpit of the vehicle killing the pilot and sprayed upwards to knock out one of the wings, the damaged drop ship careened out of control towards two others. One of the drop ships was lucky to have gotten out of the way due to the lightness of the load it was carrying and a quick thinking pilot however the other was not so lucky as its cargo, one of the Tanks made it harder to maneuver and was slammed into by the other now out of control dropship. The two fell to the ground locked in a seemingly endless dance before being consumed in a fiery inferno.

As Nagashira watched this event with satisfaction the other tanks had landed and opened fire, a heavy shell slammed against her breast plate but due to the angling ricocheted off where it exploded against her shoulder guard. the explosion knocked the Female back a few steps as she stumbled to regain her balance from the hit and looked to the spot for damage assessment. It had gone right through the shoulder guard and detonated on her own biological armor where it sizzled utop it and burned sluggishly, blue crystalized blood seeped from the wound and hissed evilly when it touched the ground, bubbling and warping the earth itself. Now that... was just irritating, ill have to clean and fix that, thought Nagashira.

However more pressing matters drew her attention like the second tank firing at her. Now those things were just pissing her off, she let go of the minigun with on claw but held it with another and when the shell arced in to bringeth the pain as im sure the commander of that tank was smugly thinking, he was oh so shocked when she
Bitch slapped it right out of the air with a harsh full body torque movement which brought all the females strength to bare on that single point. The shell defected a 60 degree angle and slammed into the leg of the Landwalker behind her. Reaching behind to her back, she brought out that rocket launcher looking weapon and sighted it alongside the tank taking a wide stance and screaming this in a piercing, bloodthirsty voice that echoed across the battlefield, resonating with its intensity and vibrating in the helms of the Nafarians who made themselves her foe.


The weapon fired and a almost comically small shard of yellow glowing crystal, this tiny little shard flew across the battlefield, a miniature star almost as it seemed every eye was drawn to the wee thing. It impacted the tank and shattered into 7 small pieces and a small little blue ball which flew forward still and touched the metal. Just when Nagashira was about to call broken dud piece of shit and that tank commander probably thanking his equivalent of a diety, those seven shards suddenly flew into the air and crackled with power. What happened next the survivors would debate about for years, some say they saw a glowing matrix of energy and power form around the tank and surrounding area, others say they saw a massive hole open up through time and space, others say they witnessed something more.... malevolent. Whatever happened it was to fast for even the Dredge to keep track of.

All any one knew was that the earth the tank had been in was now a 60 meter wide and just about as deep perfectly spherical hole where the tank and the around 30 men near it were simply gone. The vacuum created by this anomoly then was filled as air rushed back in to fill the area where the vacuum was and threw a few of the Nafarians around like unwanted bags of potatoes but none were seriously hurt. Thankfully they all had their sealed suits on or else if their lungs had air in them at that time they would have been ripped right out of their mouths as the air inside them tried to rush and fill in said vacuum.

Nagashira just blinked and her helm's jaw split open to gape slightly at the damage the weapon she just fire caused.

"Oh..." The Dredgnaught said in slight awe and shock, the lack of bloodthirst and carnage making her sound infinitely more feminine. "So
that's why she never let me fire it in the ship.... riiiight... wish I had another one."

After everyone on both sides had recovered from
that incident... well lets just say things were not going well for the Nefarians at all. They had to advance across the open plains where the only cover was a few boulders, defelades in the ground and their own dead men and machines. The Dredgnaught and her host as well as the five Terrans were using the wrecked Landwalker for cover and its hard battle plated exterior made for great cover, they just had to watch and make sure they were not near any AI prepped rockets when they cooked off and detonated inside the wreckage.

Nagashira's minigun made advancing difficult for any brave bastard who grew balls especially for the infantry. The single remaining tank was doing a good enough job of keeping Nagashira from advancing from the cover of the landwalker and really fucking up the Infanty, he had hit the Dredge again but it was on the leg and the extreme angle of it as the creature moved out of the way only made it bounce through Nagashira knew she was going to have one hell of a bruise there.

The Terrans, ingenious little things, had taken the Dredge Females launcher, not the one that ported people and earth and everything into the void, but the grenade launcher sort of thing and since it was to large for any of them to use it personally, they had rigged it up as a small artillery unit to lob the shaped charged at the advancing Nefarians. . . by small I mean around 100mm HE shells though some were plasma, those just exploded weird and didn't do much to the Enemy but the HE sure as hell did. Nagashira only laughed uproaringly when she saw what they had done and bellowed over the sound of her mingun. "KEEP 'EM COMING BOYS!"

To make matters worse for the Nefarians the Robot army of doom was advancing upon their position and firing at pretty much everything. Nagashira saw the long term threat and began to focus her fire more upon the horizon line filled waves of never ending robots taking a little pressure off the Nefarians but the 5 humans were still a wee bit pissed at being treated like Cattle. they didn't stop bombarding the onroaching foe, robots or Nefarians.

@Romulus VenZiel

(I believe differences should indeed be settled quickly before the Borg screw us as we have all killed eachother off and made it easier for them.)
@Jarkov Malachai (Speaking to me is one thing, it's the Nafarians Galumora must make peace with. Probably will just bring a massive headache to her but it's worth a shot.)


The Nafarian army continued advancing, some taking cover behind the third and final tank as they continued to push forward. A few of the Nafarians held heavier weapons; rockets and LMGs that they quickly began to unload upon the two Dredges. The tank itself launched yet another heavy shell at the Dredges as they continued their advance. Many Nafarians perished however as they approached the Dredges, their heavy armor doing little against their rather impressive arsenal. They continued their advance nonetheless however, a few of the Nafarians now easily distracted by the Borg who came at their rears. They didn't have to worry about them too much however, as the combined efforts of the Dredges and new found air support from the dropships kept them at bay for now.

Heads were soon turned however, bringing attention away from the battlefield as three large booms echoed across the sky, swiftly being followed up by the appearance of three Nafarian ships. Two of the ships were Razors, the large T shaped ships looming ominously in the sky, the last, larger ship however bore a more complicated design, large, spine like wings angle down towards the ground. It's hangars took up much less of the ship as compared to the Razor's, who's massive hangars took up almost the entirety of the middle portion of the ship.

Their arrival initially brought waves of cheers among the losing Nafarian ground forces, however, after a moment of idleness two of the ships sprung to life, each spinning and turning away from the battle below. One of the Razors remained however, not directly assisting in the battle below but remaining above as a watchful guardian, ready to deploy more Nafarians, or in this case, cannon fodder to the Dredges below.


The Captain watch as the ship plumetted into the the planet's atmosphere. He cursed as he could do little to stop it, however he couldn't risk there being any civilian lives on what could easily be considered a warzone. Given the commotion, more Nafarian Razors piloted themselves towards the Trelian fleet, opening a long term warp portal for the Trelians. The remaining Trelians in orbit were soon treated to a mass transmission fro the Nafarian captain.

"Go! Get your remaining ships out of here, that will take you somewhere safe, far enough away from one of our worlds where you won't raise the alarms of the defense fleet. Once you're there just know that it is pivitol that you stay put for the time being. I can't promise you that my colleagues back on Rofiria won't take your acts as an act of aggression. We will save the rest of your people." He said quickly.

Soon after, four Nafarian ships descended into the planet's atmosphere directly above the fallen Trelian ship. The captain had hoped for the best, maintaining the belief that innocent lives should not be slaughtered in the cross fire of war.

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