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Ghost in the Machine

Romulus VenZiel] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10555-assailant/ said:

As the Nafarians suits were were both insulated against the vacuum of space should the need arise and comprised of metal, the electricity merely conducted across the metal plates, having little effect on the Nafarians within aside from causing a limb to jolt here and there. One Nafarian tripped due to this mishap, but Zander and the rest continued running.

Enraged, Zander slung his shotgun over his back, and pulling out instead his personal side arm, aiming directly at the human at the front of the formation, the human he guessed was Max despite the perpendicular motion. Of course, if he wasn't, the human would die a horribly tragic death, but none of that mattered, it's life meant little to him. He swiftly aimed at the man's rockets, squeezing the trigger three times as the gun's recoil sent jolts up his arm. The rest of the squadron followed suit, raising their own rifles as they fired at the humans to the best of their ability while under the stresses of sprinting, red bolts whizzing towards Max's squad. Surely, with such a thick hail of rounds one of them was sure to fall.

Soon after the barrage, Zander held up his fist, motioning his squadron to cease their running. "Halt! We're too slow for their boosters!" He cried. A squad of Valtrikes slowly approached Zander as he reluctantly slipped a fresh mag into his sidearm.

"Should we pursue him sir?" The Man on the lead Valtrike asked, to which he was responded to by Zander shoving him off of the Valtrike and into the dirt.

"Police business! I shall be commandeering this vehicle!" He exclaimed with glee as he revved the speeder's engine. pointing an open palm forward to the other two valtrikes behind him. "Forward! After the human scum!" He commanded before setting off after the humans, quickly tapping silent commands, giving coordinates for the other Valtrike squads and the foot soldiers to follow as he went.

Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Healthy

Harold Dawdson: Healthy (Hosting)

Veronica Sheral: Healthy

Yusef Jordel: Healthy

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Injured (Left Shoulder)

Suredor Mogun: Healthy

Jekerov Perelon: Healthy

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Healthy

David Nasalef: Healthy

Mogar Vav: Healthy

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

Bullets whiz around the running soldiers. Max screams for them to continue running. Most bullets fall far behind, as Nafarian soldiers forgot to account for the movement. Some soldiers, however, were smarter than that. On bullet ends up shooting into Gregor's side. Losing control of his rockets due to the pain, he falls down, cracking his neck — among other things — upon impact and killing him instantly. Another bullet hit Ferador in the shoulder, however he was luckier. He begins to fall to the side, but a well placed burst of a rocket gets him back on track with the others. One last soldier is hit, and it remains to be seen whether he was luckier than Gregor or not. He is shot in the foot and falls over, unable to keep balance. He slams into the ground and survives, but breaks many bones in the process. He lies crippled in the dirt, yelling for the group to move on, but silently wishing someone would save him.

As the vehicles trail after them, Max barks an order to a soldier. The soldier nods and drops another arc grenade, this time primed to detonate at about the time the vehicles would reach it. No way their vehicles can survive that.

The being directed it’s attention to the planet’s surface as the defenses continued to raise. It was receiving multiple alerts regarding high casualties of the planets surface defense units. The being turned it’s gaze in the direction where it appeared they were showing up the most. Two points of contact alerted him. A number of them being destroyed in a combat situation. The other point was a proximity alert to one of the planets entrances.

The being regarded both points with a slight look of irritation. “Cockroaches...” he muttered. At his will the three walkers stopped firing into the sky, letting the rail guns handle it. Rather two directed their cannons elsewhere, one leveling on the fighting near the downed crash. There was a brief moment of charging, at which point the walkers support leg slipped slightly on a slope leading to a rail gun.

The shot fired soon after, it’s aim off target to the point that it slammed a furrow across the ground ahead of the Dredge and before the Nafarian’s, neither side taking hits but most certainly alerting them to the walkers presence

The second walker began making it’s way towards the opening, it’s long legs carrying it slowly, but the size made up for it as it began closing the distance towards it and charging it’s cannon.

Meanwhile the third and final walker engaged the group approaching the opening, firing it’s beam in a long sweeping arc that cut up and across the back half of Max’s group, enveloping six of his men before they could even scream.


The Trelian ship had landed on it’s side, a large swath of land having been destroyed as it slid across the ground. But the most noticeable thing was that the side was covered in small robotic figures, and the large hanger entrance was filled with them as well. Odds are that shortly after impact these things had attacked. But given that they were still coming at it odds are there were survivors.

The rest of the Trelian fleet above the planet didn’t hesitate to take the jump being offered, using grav tethers to pull the damaged Eudora through as well before the rest followed it.


It would seem that the same trick wouldn't work twice. Zander's keen eye caught sight of the second arc grenade immediately, and knowing what they did prior, he made a swift order for his squadron to evade the oncoming grenade. In response, he and one other soldier swiftly survived the arc grenade, however the third Valtrike wasn't so lucky. It zoomed right over the arc grenade, causing it to explode right beneath the vehicle. The electricity, while doing little damage to the man himself, caused the ship to jolt upwards and the non roguetonium circuitry. This led to the Valtrike to instantly spin out of control, crashing into an explosive inferno that engulfed a tree.

The two remaining Valtrikes, Zander and his last squadmate continued their ongoing pursuit, however, that would soon be the least of Max's worries as two more Valtrike squads could be seen zipping through the trees, a distance off from the left and the right of the Max's troops. Worse still, the humans could hear a boom echo off in the distance, followed up by two looming shadows encroaching right over the heads of both humans and Nafarians, burying them in dim darkness.

Looking up, Zander swiftly identified both the ships as Nafarian, a Razor and an Inzidion class. He smiled to himself, before shouting at the humans, knowing his prey to soon be trapped.

"You better slow down now before you really piss me off! Zander don't do well when he be cranky!" He roared after them, oddly referring to himself in third person.



"God damn... Coporal, what the hell are those things?" The captain asked as he surveyed the robots. Had he not spoke with the Trelians, he may have believed them to be the inhabitants of the ship he was attempting to save.

"I... I don't know sir." The lieutenant replied. "They don't match anything we have in our records."

"Well if they're not with us or these Trelians than surely they're against us. Release combat squads, Armored support is approved." The captain paused for a moment, thoughtfully stroking his chin. "And send in our dreadnought unit. Their squad leader has been itching to be deployed from the moment we've arrived. They'll be tasked with immediate infiltration of the Trelian ship." The captain ordered.

"Of course sir!" The lieutenant shouted back, his thin fingers dancing across his holo pad. "Eh... Sir?" The Lieutenant asked.

"What is it lieutenant?"

"There doesn't appear to be any form of clear LZ down there. What should I tell the pilots?" The lieutenant questioned.

"Oh, that's a simple solution lieutenant. Tell them to blow those damned robots to hell, they will make their own LZ lieutenant."

Meanwhile, in the ship's hangars, troops bustled about between dropships, loading them up with troops, supplies, and vehicles. Within minutes they were deployed, the dropships swooped above the borg robots, their chin guns coming to live as they released heavy rounds down upon them. The each cleared a good number of the robots before releasing their payloads, dropping groups of legionaries and tanks that instantly engaged the borg forces. The last dropship down, a rather heavily armored dropship, revealed it's own payload. It was rather small compared to the rest, releasing only seven soldiers. These soldiers looked different from the rest however, their armor was almost entirely red, and looked more form fitting and sleek than the bulky suits of the legionnaires. Each of the soldiers flicked their wrists, and from them, long, sizzling red blades appeared from under their wrists, curving slightly at the front towards their eventual points. The troops were methodical in their killing, quickly clearing a way towards the downed Trelian ship. The red soldiers took point, primarily using their blades to slice through the Borg soldiers, however occaisonally one would sacrifice one of their blades in favor of a modified sidearm to kill their adversaries in the distance with precision. Although the borg had never encountered this class of soldiers from the Nafarians before, one thing was for certain; they were deadly, and would not be easily felled.
The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 306 Leviathans + thousands of aero/space units

Facilities: None

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge allies
  • Nafarians
  • Trelians
  • Syhelians
  • Terrans
  • ???( Apex's species )

Above the Planet

The first shots of energy had brought a devastating effect on the fleets that have arrived onto the unknown world. Silent beams of light have shot through the lumbering beings and brought the giants down one by one along with the other asteroid bodies that they've summoned from the wormholes. It was chaos. The wormholes have stopped summoning Leviathans and left the remainder to fend for themselves. The Leviathans dove down en mass towards the planet to escape and evade the deadly presition of the planet's railguns.

As they had descended it came to no surprise that they were being taken out one by the railguns whilst fighting the planet's gravitational pull and the fiery hot air surrounding their rough bodies. A number of air based Aliuu escaped the inferno and sprawled out in the air to maybe distract the railguns' fire from the Leviathans or just ensure that the fleet hasn't been completely wiped out.

The huge creatures that have managed to make it to the surface landed heavilly onto the planet thus unleashing shock waves and whipping huge clouds of dirt and dust from their craters. A little more than a handful have survived the onslaught of the projectiles, however they're heavily damaged. The lumbering creatures groaned as they lay in the impact craters trying to regenerate.

Planet's surface.
Hounds of War


The Footsoldiers


The Commanders


The Heavy fighters


The Tanks


The Light Flyers


The Heavy Flyers


The Leviathans


Ira stretched her twelve tentacles and cracked her neck from the sudden crash. She walked onward along with the other Aliuu creatures and tapped her pad. The flat plastic looking board seemed to be working and the woman smiled lightly to herself. She looked up towards the sky and saw that the air was still experiencing some fiery debri and smoking smoldering biomass. The asteroids that they've spawn seemed to have made i more or less onto the surface and begun to leaks out small spores and greenish gasses. It would appear that the asteroids were the doing of the Gravemind. For the now they seemingly serve no purpose except to spread his essence and to keep watch on the downed leviathans.

Ira blinked as she noticed that things were going out of hand here. How is their envoy handling things here on the surface? Ira pressed a number of holographic symbols onto her tablet and had a display oval shaped holographic 'ghost interface' hovering over the tablet. She dialed the Lady of the Ravens.

"This is Commander Ira speaking towards the Dredge Envoy, Lady of the Ravens Gulamora." She paused for a number of seconds.

"We've crash landed with seven vessels and are on high alert and defensive positions in our area. Where are you and what's your situation?"
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Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Deceased

Harold Dawdson: Healthy (Hosting)

Veronica Sheral: Deceased

Yusef Jordel: Healthy

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Healthy

Suredor Mogun: Deceased

Jekerov Perelon: Deceased

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Deceased

David Nasalef: Healthy

Mogar Vav: Deceased

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

Max looks behind him as half of his group is wiped out, leaving only six survivors. Max screams for his team mates but keeps running, ordering his men to take cover. Using their rockets, they decelerate slowly until they come to a stop behind a mound of dirt that had formed through the conflict. Max assesses his teammates as a medic heals Ferador. He gathers up who's still alive as Patricia looks around.

"Wait," She says, worry coming into her voice. "W-where's Jekerov?" She looks around at the survivors. Many of those survivors, in turn, looked around for him, but Max hangs his head slightly, already having discovered the grisly truth. "Where is he?!" A science officer pulls up the team vitals and, seeing for himself the truth, hangs his head. Patricia rips the vitals out of his hands and gasps when she sees that Jekerov, her brother, is dead. She drops the vitals and hangs her head as well. Max looks to her and speaks with great sorrow in his voice.

"I'm sorry. I-" Patricia stops him and speaks, sounding as though she is holding back tears as hard as she can.

"No... he... he knew what he was getting into when he signed up for the military." She gives a sad chuckle. "The bastard. He had a kid waiting for him at home. A wife. Rather insensitive to just leave them like that, huh?" Then everyone watches in solemn silence as she falls over, bursting into tears. After a little while, she pulls herself together and becomes silent, leaning against the dirt. Max chooses his next words carefully and begins to speak.

"We've lost people today. Good people who never did anything wrong. Husbands, wives, mothers, fathers, sons and daughters. All of them died here for one thing, and that is the freedom of Remnant. They died for their family, and I'll be fucking damned if I let that go to waste!" He stands as righteous fury courses through him. "The pit, and the core, are right around the corner. We are so close. If we stop now, their deaths will be in vain. Let's get the core and fuck up those Xeran bastards. Then, we come back with more people and more weapons, and we BLOW THE SHIT OUT OF THOSE THINGS!" The soldiers cheer as Max raises his gun in the air. "LET'S MOVE!"

They once again begin running towards the pit, as anger and determination fuels them, as destiny looms only a short distance away.

They soon make it, and it was... less than expected.

"Is that an elevator?"

"This is definitely the place." They shrug and cram themselves inside and begin descending as tacky elevator music plays.
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A rough, assisted sprint through thick foilage found Hally's nightguards at the cavern's(Or whatever the heck it is) entrance. Cloaked against the brush, one of her nightguards moved to enter the cavern. Due to the GPS systems installed on the suits using dishes on orbiting Nafarian ships to track them, she was swift to issue an order for him to halt.

"No!" She whispered loudly as she crouched low in the dirt. "The humans are too close. I'd rather be at their backs!" She hissed. The nightguards obeyed her orders, the one heading for the pit quickly retracing his steps and returning to Hally's side. All knelt with her now, waiting patiently as Max and his humans drew near. As soon as they passed the nightguards.

"Now!" Hally whispered quietly, jumping to her feet and sprinting in after the humans as she did. The rest of the Nightguards followed suit staying right on Hally's heels as they did.

They ran behind the human's backs, mere feet behind them as they ran, however they were not quick enough and only five of them managed to make it inside the elevator with the humans. Each were cloaked, taking shallow breaths as they waited in the elevator bay. Undetectable by any means sans hacking into the GPS systems on the suits, the nightguards went unnoticed for the moment, choosing to wait to reveal themselves as opposed to fighting in the elevator. Besides, if she waited perhaps Zander could catch up to the group. If he was good for anything, it was a good distraction.


He came a moment too late, his Valtrikes skidding to a halt just outside of the pit as the elevator went down. He instantly jumped off of the Valtrike as he ran after the humans, arriving just as the doors shut. He slammed both of his armored fists against the elevator, causing them to dent slightly from his wrath.

"Damnit! He roared. "By Ven'Ziel I will gut those humans when I get down there! I will wear their damned spines as necklases when I'm done pissing all over their corpses!" His shoulders heaved as he remained leaning against the elevator doors. The remaining Nightguards uncloaked behind him, watching him with a great deal of concern as they stood with their arms crossed. One of them stifled some laughter at the sight of Zander's antics.

"You missed them by an inch sir!" One of the nightguards teased. "A little faster and you would've been there!"
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The Lady of Ravens

"Ma'am, things are getting hot down there, should we pull them?" The science officer said to the Dredge Matriarch Galumora who was watching the raging battles with interest. "Send them down another... ammo drop. Tell Nagashira to be on the lookout for those... Landwalkers. It will be some time before we are able to destroy one as-" A blinking sigil appeared and cut the Female off.

The Communications officer stood up, saluted and barked. "Lady Galumora, the Swarm has contacted us, shall we initiate the link?"

The Pirate Queen paused for a brief second before nodding a yes and waving a hand airily and discreetly nodded at the science officer, telling him that the re-supply pod was a go. A button press and or two and away went a small ball of fire down onto the war torn surface.

The Bridge was then treated to the lovely Image of the Aliuu Commander. No one said anything though, they were, after all this time in the Service of Lady Galumora, pretty well weathered to freaky alien bullshit so their expressions didn't change in the least. Galumora however got up from her throne, a action that was quite rare in itself and made the crew look alive, and sauntered over into more visible light where she put one hand on her hip, another underneath her chest and raised two arms as if expecting a hug or declaring something and said in her well rolled and exotic voice.

"Commander Ira! I did not know that you were nearby else... else I would have called sooner and said Hello yes? I spoke earlier with one of your... subordinates but he seems to have... passed on. For the glory of the All Mother, may he rejoin the masses." The Dredge female finished slowly.

"To answer your question... Commander, the Kukri is holding position approximately 500 kilometers above the planets surface in the grey zone. I must say we have been rather... comfortable, no difficulties as of yet but you and I know the dangers of war, so unpredictable yes?" The Lady of Ravens grinned as she said so.

"However out situation on the ground is..." The Pirate Queen arced her body slowly and gestured to the holo monitor where she had been observing the entire fight. The Science officer was smart enough to re-route the feed so that the Swarm Commander saw it directly on her holographic device.


Nagashira had run out of ammunition for her minigun a little while ago and the Nefarians were smart enough to advance during this period of vulnerability. However the supply pod came crashing down upon a group of them and blasted them in every direction like rag dolls. The Dredgnaught quickly dashed forward and ripped open the supply drop. There was ammo for the Bessie Mauler but there was simply no time to reload the massive weapon. Instead, she grabbed the four heavy sub machine guns (Sub machine guns for her, any one else try firing one and they would get knocked on their asses) and jumped out into the fray calling her Host Aligora on the coms with the message. "Big girls all yours! she needs a reload though!"

The Nefarians and their tanks made it to the edges of the Downed Landwalker finally, after they had trudged forward through the boggy plains, the amount of blood spilled and body parts made a sort of 'squelching sound' everytime a boot lifted off the ground. The air was rank with the Iron scent of blood and the horrified, gruesomely obliterated faces of their fallen comrades didn't help their moral. Every now and then they would pass a tank, a burning wreck with the front tore open, flipped over like some angry child had gotten tired of its toy and simply threw it. But aside from the far off scream, metallic or not of some Nefarian falling to the Borg or the reverse being true it was oddly quiet without the never ending barrage of death from the Creatures position.

All those thoughts vanished as they heard a slight shrieking from the sky, as if something had wind whipping about it as it fell to the grou- Then they thought nothing at all.

Nagashira rose up from the crater, having used her wings to give her an advanced drop point and get further out without those damn tanks peppering her the whole time and crushing five poor Nefarians in the process. Those remaining in the battalion quickly died as the Dredgnaught whipped out those four sub machine guns and laid down a perfect 360 degree killing zone. It was amazing, beautiful, glorious and graceful. Almost like watching a dance as the female Dredge arced and curved sensuously as those four arms mowed down all around her. No matter how the Nefarians tried to maneuver around her, no matter what they tried to do to flank it mattered not for the Dredgnaught had no blindspots. Those six eyes combined with that all around visor could focus and see in a perfect 360 degree angle around her, nothing escaped her notice, but that didn't mean she could avoid everything.

While Nagashira layed horrendous fire down all around her, simply popping your head up could mean death from whatever cover you were hiding behind, bullets tearing through men and armor, flesh and metal like a image of swiss cheese, two tanks came around the corner and opened fire before she could maneuver out of the way. Nagashira was fast in that mech suit, she couldn't do the mind/stomach twisting contortions that other Dredge could do however, and as a result took not one, but two shells to the chest and lower shoulder. They exploded into their noxious bubbling, oozing liquid doing what appeared to be tremendous damage to the Dredgnaught but it seemed not to care for the large burning holes in its outer armor as it rushed them, all six limbs propelling it at speeds of almost 85kmh when combined with the mech suits bonus's. The first tank managed to get another shell in and fire it at the rapidly approaching monster while the second tanks crew lost its nerve and fumbled with the shell loosing their opportunity.

The Dredge bitch slapped that round right out of the air as it had done once before, jumped over the first tank and twisted in mid air, grabbing the turret with three clawed hands and the Turret with another and its tail and the cumulative force of Nagashira's jump and her own strength the Literally rips the turret off of that tank and doesn't even stop for a second, she bull rushes the last remaining machine, shrieking like a demon, leaping up into the air and Slamming that Turret down like Thors hammer onto the enemy tank where it impacts, crushes and the explodes in a fiery storm of death... silence... surely that must have killed it, theres no way anything could have survi- a single foot, blackened and charred, followed by Nagashira herself, blood covered, charred and armor boiling around her. Behind her she dragged the turret of that tank with its occupants upper halves just dangling out with all their entrails hanging and dragging behind.

The Video feed cut off and the Swarm Commander was greeted by Galumora's serenely smiling face... or what was the equivilant of it.

"As you can See commander Ira the situation on the ground is... doable for now. But if you would be a dear, send out a bio cloud to heal some of Nagashira's wounds, thank you . Im sure she would most... appreciate it. Is there anyway I can be of assistance however?"

Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Deceased

Harold Dawdson: Healthy (Hosting)

Veronica Sheral: Deceased

Yusef Jordel: Healthy

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Healthy

Suredor Mogun: Deceased

Jekerov Perelon: Deceased

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Deceased

David Nasalef: Healthy

Mogar Vav: Deceased

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

The elevator rumbles down, still playing the music as they go. The soldiers take a breather, preparing themselves for whatever lies ahead. All they know is that they finally made it. They'd save their people.

One of the soldier's goes to rest on a wall and bumps into something invisible. Cloaking technology wasn't foreign to him, so he quickly takes out an arc grenade and holds it primed, yelling out "Reveal yourself, or I hurt!"
~Onboard the Retribution~

Taeral gasped as emerged from the 'medical bay' of the Retribution, body fully formed and matched with his psionic presence. This strange being that had destroyed his previous body was not to be underestimated and he would have to warn the Syhelians of him in due time. However he still had much to learn, and the Retribution's sensors had kept him up to date on developments on the surface which was where he was heading next...well not quite.

~Asren Alliance~

Hindered by the planets defenses the Alliance fleet is forced to stand by a short distance away, recuperating from the costly battle and hoping for the best with the survivors of the Stingy Banker who were planet side. It seemed they had been forced into a strongly defensive posture around their rudimentary base camp and were barely holding on against the robotic onslaught.


The man holding the arc grenade heard a quick laugh before he felt himself being lifted off his feet. The nightguard quickly uncloaked as it held the man where his face would be, presenting the whole elevator with the visage of a tall, seven foot Nafarian decked in pitch black armor. A red, V shaped visor glowed bright in front of the man's face as the Nightguard closed the man's fist over the arc grenade, closing it tight as he crunched the man's fist against the cold metal of the grenade.

"Here I am." The nightguard scoffed slyly in a deep, foreboding voice as he continued increasing the pressure on the man's fist. "Go ahead. Detonate that grenade. It would please me to see your hand explode."

Faint hisses could be heard around the humans now as the other nightguards drew their blades, still invisible to the human soldiers as they positioned themselves around the cargo elevator, ready to strike at a moments notice.

"Now I suggest you all lower your weapons and do as we say. Unless you wish to see me gore this man here and now." He stated plainly.


@Jarkov Malachai

The Nafarians continued fighting down to the very last man against the Dredge. But it would seem that even as she slew the last man on the field, the Nafarians were far from done, as from the large hangar of the Razor floating eerily above her, more dropships spewed like insects, angling themselves downward as they swarmed about the dredge. This time they opened fire on her as they dropped their payloads, more tanks, and legionaires making their way to her lumbering form.

This was not all the Nafarians had in store for her however, as red lights began to flicker on along the belly of the Razor class interceptor, charging heavy ship-to-ground cannons that were generally reserved for skyscrapers. It would appear that the Nafarians were finally throwing all their might at the one Dredge, viewing her as the primary threat down on the planet. Perhaps a rather harmful trait for all involved, as they wasted nearly all of their ground teams fighting the Dredge as opposed to focusing on the swarms of Borg that surrounded the hill.


After a quick study of the room, and thanks to the Nafarian legions now filling the pit, it was soon discovered that the room was filled with multiple elevators. Zander nearly jumped for joy at this revelation as nearly one hundred Nafarians lay before his eyes. Unfortunately, with the arrival of the legions, so did that of a Dreadnought commander. Outranking Zander and taking any form of command he had in the situation. He tapped his feet angrily as he sat in a cramped cargo elevator, peering over a sea of bobbing grey heads each clad in nearly identical power armor.
Romulus VenZiel] [B]Elevator[/B][B] [/B][URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10555-assailant/ said:

The man holding the arc grenade heard a quick laugh before he felt himself being lifted off his feet. The nightguard quickly uncloaked as it held the man where his face would be, presenting the whole elevator with the visage of a tall, seven foot Nafarian decked in pitch black armor. A red, V shaped visor glowed bright in front of the man's face as the Nightguard closed the man's fist over the arc grenade, closing it tight as he crunched the man's fist against the cold metal of the grenade.

"Here I am." The nightguard scoffed slyly in a deep, foreboding voice as he continued increasing the pressure on the man's fist. "Go ahead. Detonate that grenade. It would please me to see your hand explode."

Faint hisses could be heard around the humans now as the other nightguards drew their blades, still invisible to the human soldiers as they positioned themselves around the cargo elevator, ready to strike at a moments notice.

"Now I suggest you all lower your weapons and do as we say. Unless you wish to see me gore this man here and now." He stated plainly.


Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Deceased

Harold Dawdson: Healthy (Hosting)

Veronica Sheral: Deceased

Yusef Jordel: Healthy

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Healthy

Suredor Mogun: Deceased

Jekerov Perelon: Deceased

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Deceased

David Nasalef: Healthy

Mogar Vav: Deceased

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

The man who's hand was being held loosened on the grenade. His head lowered as he appeared to surrender, until he flared his jets. In the span of a second, his body flipped as he kicked the man in the face at an intense velocity. This gave him enough to yank his hand out and detonate the grenade. The electricity may not destroy the armor, but it should at least show them where they are. As he does so, his foot lands on the mans face as he shoots flames onto his face constantly.
The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 7 Leviathans + approx.15,000 units

Facilities: Gravemind's Meteorites

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge allies
  • Nafarians
  • Trelians
  • Syhelians
  • Terrans
  • ???( Apex's species )

Planet's surface.
Hounds of War


The Footsoldiers


The Commanders


The Heavy fighters


The Tanks


The Light Flyers


The Heavy Flyers


The Leviathans


Ira looked over to the impact craters that were spreading the greenish gas and gazed back onto her tablet.

"I'm afraid that the Gravemind has his own agenda. After all, those spores and that gas doesn't even heal our own units." She shook her head side to side.

"All other medical or repairing focus has been put onto our remaining leviathans meaning that our broodmothers are unavailable at the moment. However I can send units who are willing to mend or fuse with Nagashira if not help you on your onslaught with whatever those things are that she's fighting."

Ira looked behind herself at the large colossal leviathan, groaning and the aerial creatures that have been unleashed for its defense and looked at her own ground forces that she had controlled. A number of Tanks, several thousand of the Hounds of War and a few hundred Heavy fighters. Her eyes narrowed and she walked over to a foot soldier and a heavy fighter. She raised her plasma pistol and killed both of them after several shots.

"I'll improvise something for you in the meantime while my forces come to aid Nagashira." Ira cocked her head while ripping out the flesh from the footer in great hand sized amounts.

"Ah..." She recalled the Dredge asking if she was of any assistance.

"Yes, Do you have time to explain to me what has been happening on the planet? I see no reason to stay here and waste time."

Despite the rockets, the nightguard still held on, crunching the fist in entierty around the grenade. The force of the rockets however did drag the Nightguard across the room, disorientating and forcing him to bend to his knees in order to slow the movement long enough for him to draw his blade with his free arm. It erupted with an ear splitting cackle as he held it at length before plunging it into the elevator floor, keeping the nightguard in place. With mobility now his again, he was able to regain his senses just as the man began to flip, sending his boot into the Nightguard's face.

Unfortunately for the man, however, the nightguard still did not free his arm, causing his entire shoulder to go out with a sickening pop. Regaining his senses both from the kick and being dragged across the room the Nightguard swiftly swung his blade at the man's foot, the hot, searing energy blade cutting through flesh and bone alike.

"Poor choice pathetic human." He spat as he unclasped his sidearm from it's holster, pointing it directly at Max. "Now kneel."

"No!" Cried feminine voice suddenly, as the second nightguard revealed herself, sptinting alongside the Nafarian holding the sidearm. "The captain wants that one alive." She commanded.

"Of course I wasn't going to kill it sergeant!" Cried the man in response. "Only incapacitate, or mangle it perhaps." He said with laughter, laughter which was echoed by three more disembodied voices about the elevator.

"Now all of you, weapons down, and no one else dies." Hally chimed in, shooting a glare at the Nightguard to her side.

Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Deceased

Harold Dawdson: Healthy (Hosting)

Veronica Sheral: Deceased

Yusef Jordel: Injured (Right Foot cut off)

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Healthy

Suredor Mogun: Deceased

Jekerov Perelon: Deceased

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Deceased

David Nasalef: Healthy

Mogar Vav: Deceased

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

"Hmm..." Maxwell considers his options as the soldier howls in pain. I'm almost there, I can't surrender now. "I-"

"Sir," Comes through his radio. He recognizes the voice as Yusef Jordel, the man who's foot was cut off. "Allow me to give them hell." Yusuf summons all his strength and, using his one good foot, propels himself forward as he stick a bomb on the Nafarians back. Before the soldier can do anything, the bomb detonates as searing hot metal shoots out, as well as arc energy and a ball of fire.

The bomb instantly killed the nightguard it was attatched to, blasting a hole straight through his chest and sending Hally skidding across the floor. The arc struck her as well, but as with the legionaires the armor took the blow with little effect to Hally herself. This would appear to be a poor move for the humans to make however, as, during the commotion, the other three nightguards had placed themselves behind the humans. Three of them soon found disembodied blades stuck straight through their guts, the energy blades sizzling angrily against the flesh as it began to burn.

Hally soon recollected herself, coughing blood against her visor as the impact rattled her body despite the nightguard armor. Still, she stood with a raspy cough as she angrily drew her sidearm, pointing it straight at Max.

"Mission be damned!" She shouted. "Tell your men to stand down or I'll unload this whole fucking clip into your head!" She ordered as her nightguards dropped the impaled humans as they repositioned themselves. "Do it or this entire fucking platoon is as good as dead!"


The Lady of Ravens

"Why of course commander." The Pirate Queen replied smoothly, she subtly snapped her taloned fingers behind her back. The Science Officer got the message and pulled up the readings and data he had been able to gather so far and he cleared his voice before speaking to the Swarm Commander.

"From what we have been able to determine, there was a massive signal sent out across from what obviously, considering the large diversity of those responding to said signal, a rather large swath of the known universe. Upon arriving to said source we found this planet and several other factions already vying for control. Upon a deeper analysis of the data we have found out that a power source beyond anything that we have ever seen lies at the heart of this technological marvel of a celestial body. This power source defies all attempts at classification and readings well... im trying to right up a new algorithm to figure that out so it doesn't crash my software again..." The Science officer sat down after a small bow.

"Thank you Little One, a most admirable job." That compliment made Bai'core grin from ear to ear, she didn't give out compliments as such lightly or regularly, his Ship Mistress.

"I myself would love to acquire this said powersource as do many others who would pay most handsomely for it I would bet, I might even accept an offer or two after I got a goooood... long... look at it myself." Galumora chuckles,
hruu hruu hruu. "But the All Mother has demanded it be taken in the swarms hand and as she knows I am ever her willing servant. " The Lady of Ravens finished with a charismatic flourish. A flurry of activity caught the Dredge Matriarchs eye... or well one of them and the amazing eagle like vision of the Dredge's odd star slit pupils allowed her to see everything that was going down from where she stood. Looks like Nagashira was in trouble... again.

"While I would love to stay and chat Commander, theres a battle going on and I do believe im missing the best parts. I just hate missing out on the carnage yes I do
hruu hruu. " And with that the Dredge cut the link and immediately ordered another one be initiated with the Nefarians.

"Prep the Firefly Drive for these coordinates just above Nagashira, get our Translocation room online and ready to beam her into the cargo bay if necessary." The Dredge Female demanded and Lieutenant Valerian nodded and instantly went off down to the Trans' room to begin preparations.

"Link Ready Ma'am. Initiating."

On the Nefarian's Command Ship

The screens suddenly went dark and fuzzy for a moment upon the Bridge before they were all greeted with the image of the Infamous Pirate Queen herself, Galumora, the Lady of Ravens.

"Bonjour Gentlemen... now I don't mean to intrude upon whatever it is that you are doing and hope that your ... not offended by me so ungraciously baring in on you at such a time but I couldn't help but notice that the giant weapon of... as a friend of mine would say, PWNAGE is pointing in the wrong direction."

The image of the army of borgs incoming, robots as far as the eye could see appeared on screen and steadily marching forward they came toward the Nefarian positions.

"I don't suppose that's your fault though now, I do believe we got off on the wrong foot so as of the moment I am throwing the proverbial olive branch across the... border line so to speak. Care to stand down as of the moment to avoid any more... unnecessary bloodshed?"

Back underground and at the Center of the Earth... 'cept its not the Earth.

As the Nefarian black ops practically gut their prisoners, the one on the far left was about to get one nasty surprise. As he slams his blade home the black ops soldier couldn't help but wonder why the skin on this Terran seemed to move, ripple and - His thoughts were cut off as the entire upper torso of the now dead human seemed to erupt in a massive surge of flesh and bone which came out of nowhere, he was soon met with at eye level a broad, black armor chitin covered chest. In what seemed like slow motion, that blob of flesh and bone grew four wickedly powerful arms each complete with a set serrated talons which clamped down upon the Black ops unit and watched as this creatures mouth opened wide, and then wider, then wider, then cracked right down the throat to the chest cavity where these rib like teeth vibrated hungrily, to consume him, devour him.

"Ohhh fuck" someone said, maybe it was Max, maybe it was the nefarian, or some other black ops or terran no one knew, but no one present couldn't disagree with that sentiment.

Time continues its slow, molasses like movement for all as the Dredge, for Max and his remaining men recognized it, slammed down onto the Nefarian with its horrific maw and
Crunched . Blood splattered everywhere as the mans armor visibly dented inwards and the Dredge gave a viscious jerk upwards, placing a back foot on the Nefarians lower torso and kept pulling upwards and ripped the man/alien in two. Bones and sinew cracking and sliding past eachother sickeningly as intestinal organs piled on the floor. The Dredge looks up from its kill, dropping the other half of the man to the ground.

And Max knew something was wrong, Galumora looked nothing like this creature before him, physically yes they were similar but the way this one held itself, so tense and poised, that look in its eye, those star slit eyes was not one of the charismatic, intelligence that the Lady of Ravens had. No... there was nothing in this ones eyes but death, the promise of it, the salvation of it, the ecstasy of it. this all happened in less than a second.

Time resumes to normal speed as the black ops man to the side of the now ripped in half man pulled out his own blade and with that seemingly incorporeal weapon brings it down in a powerful over hand hack only to find that... his target wasn't there, it was to the side, no the left, above right shit! It got right under its guard and though the Black ops soldier tried to kill it with a well practiced jab the fact of the matter was that the Dredge had four hands... four arms. Two grabbed the Nefarians own in a vice lock grip and the other two in unison came forward and with crushing force
slammed into the soldier sending him careening back against the elevator wall. The Creature kicked off with its hind legs and slammed into the ceiling and then skittered along like some cockroach where it then lept again avoiding fire like some graceful ballerina right atop The Sergeant's position. That head turned 180 degrees on its axis to stare down at Holly, blood still dripping, flesh dangling from its maw as a emotion cross with bloodthirst and longing warred amongst those eyes.

(ill leave it here so you can react to it, unless of course Atom will kill us all if we prolong this any further in that case ill simply edit in the rest)

The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 7 Leviathans + approx.15,000 units

Facilities: Gravemind's Meteorites

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge allies
  • Nafarians
  • Trelians
  • Syhelians
  • Terrans
  • ???( Apex's species )

Planet's surface.
Hounds of War


The Footsoldiers


The Commanders


The Heavy fighters


The Tanks


The Light Flyers


The Heavy Flyers


The Leviathans


Ira put the tablet away and started to play around with the flesh and biological mass of the two creatures. She snapped bones, twisted muscles together,places layers upon layers of tissue and spun everything together to a new odd shape. The mass soon grew and came to life after the young Aliuu had injected something from her own system into the peculiar and had changed. The tentacles ripped themselves open and expanded with odd buds and balls sprouting from within and outside the tendrils. The creature's mouth had sunk inside its body and sprouted like a flower to resemble a 'face'. It's four legs have gone and the creature could hover and fly.


"This'll do." Ira cracked a smile. The tentacles massed creature turned away from Ira hovered along side the humanoid Aliuu. Ira rubbed it's tentacles with her free arm and grabbed her tablet again to communicate with the Dredge matriarch.

"Where is this Nagashira? I've improvised a medic of sorts to help her with her healing." Ira asked through her comms. This time she didn't bother withe the hologram projection since she didn't want to distract the envoy from whatever she was doing.

Elsewhere the meteorite impact points have begun the fill their area with a greenish brownish mist, the impact points were starting to grow a type of 'mold' or 'moss' around the crater and the stray spores that have been lost with the main group and have landed began fuse or melt with the substance that's growing out from the craters. The spore turned red and then blows up like a balloon. After awhile it turn into a tentacle with a mouth and an eyeball.


The Gravemind fell silent and the tentacle exploded into bits of flesh.

Captain Veely

The captain leaned back, giving Galumora nothing more than a mere smirk as he drummed his fingers carelessly against the arms of his command throne. He found it rather funny and pleasing that this alien filth contacted him when it's proud warrior was near death. But all things aside, he knew that giving into her demands soon after it had spilled so much Nafarian blood was not an option. The troops on the ground would want the beast's head. And so, he would give it to them.

"I'm afraid I cannot accept this 'olive branch' you are so kindly extending to me, however I do find it interesting that you offer it when your beast is on the brink of death. Fitting, isn't it? That you only choose to offer this so called branch as we ourselves are on the brink of victory. I'm no ditz you alien filth. I can see those cybernetic beings approaching, and I intend to deal with them once your little warrior is nothing more than a rotting corpse." He stated.

The captain spent a moment flicking through a few files on his holo pad before turning it to face the view screen. On it, Galumora could see what she had already been watching, the battle at hand between the Nafarian legions and the single Dredge. The captains smug smirk did not dissapear as he showed her the battleground, leaning back in his comfortable chair, he addressed Galumora again.

"I'm afraid your alien filth has spilt too much proud Nafarian blood to be spared, and in mere seconds it will be reduced to nothing more than ash to be mixed in with this world's soil. So tell me... alien, why should I even bother listening to you?" He said coldly.


She had not expected the thing to come out of the human's body, and watched in horror as it tore through two of her comrades. The blood splashed the walls as black plates of armor fell lifelessly to the ground with what was left of each of the nightguards. In a panic, she instantly fired the three promised shots at Max's form, however two of the shots missed, slugging harmlessly into the wall behind him. The third shot however impacted his shoulder, missing any bones or major arteries and cutting straight through his muscle, leaving contact with the shell's liquid roguetonium coating to a minimum. The wound still burned however, as whatever was left of the coating slowly ate away at his suit and his skin. She was not too taken with the humans however, as she was able to sight the abomination before it reached her. She quickly rolled to the side, causing whatever the hell it was to slam into the bulkhead behind her.

"Shit!" She croaked as she regained her balance.

She then tossed her sidearm to the side as she drew her second blade, bending low as she reactivated her cloaking device. With her spare time she checked her squad vitals, finding that one final nightguard remained alive, making her numbers now equal with the humans. But they were the least of her worry now. She kept her footsteps silent as she arced around the beast, remaining on the defensive and not letting her cloaked state get to her head while she desperately waited for the elevator to hit it's destination. The mere seconds seemed like hours to her as her very life remained on the line. She only hoped that her comrade wouldn't do anything stupid to get himself killed. Besides, from the looks of her coms chatter, there would be an entire Nafarian army storming in after the humans and this new species, and surely then they would be able to best these humans, and this god forsaken beast.
Play Time....

The elevator jolted to a halt suddenly, and quite hard at that, managing to catch anyone unprepared with the sudden jolt to throw them to the ground. It was a short moment before the door opened, and the speed as well as the events in the elevator probably meant no one was paying attention. At least not until they heard the mechanical whirring and clanking.

It was horror that awaited them, trapped in this area with what looked to be thousands of robotic figures in their destination. The hall looked to be big enough to fit a small cruiser at least, and it was packed with robotic forms who each had turned to regard them.

Let the ass beating montage begin!!!



Field Team

Maxwell Teller: Healthy

Jason Jones: Deceased

Harold Dawdson: Injured

Veronica Sheral: Deceased

Yusef Jordel: Healthy

Gregor Shawn: Deceased

Ferador Jikal: Injured

Suredor Mogun: Deceased

Jekerov Perelon: Deceased

Patriaca Perelon: Healthy

Howard Ural: Severely Wounded

Ishimal Leral: Deceased

David Nasalef: Deceased

Mogar Vav: Deceased

Ship Team

Killian Osiris: Healthy

Jackson Jones: Healthy

Fredrick Jiral: Deceased

Gavin Ramsey: Healthy

Isop Kira: Healthy

Greg Aesop: Minorly Wounded

As soon as the alien appeared, the medic on the team seized the opportunity to rush to their stabbed comrades and heal them. Thanks to their medical kit, most survived, however one met an unfortunate fate. He then ran to Max and healed his arm, before the elevator slammed to a halt. Outside stood many robots. The hallway was very tall, and that gave Max an idea. "Soaring Eagle, go!" With that, the last few survivors turn their rockets up to max and blast off into the air, soaring at high speeds over the robots.

The elevator ground to a halt, distracting Taeral from his eavesdropping on the events conspiring in the adjacent elevator. And oh my what a distraction. Hundreds if not thousands of robotic sentries were between him and the answers he sought. A quick scan revealed the relative insignificance of these droids, and so Taeral turned his attention to the nearest cluster of worthless scrap standing in his way. At a mere whim these would-be adversaries began to break down as Taeral converted them from matter to energy. The entire process took mere seconds and Taeral moved on to stage two, reusing the energy to construct his own servants in the image of the droids he just crushed. Soon enough he had his own personal robotic vanguard, identical in appearance and functionality to the rest in the hall, but loyal to him and rather superior in quality.
The Hall

Max and his men launched into the air and, given their distance in the elevator to the main hall it appeared they would have a successful flight. That was until they crossed the threshold of the elevator. Almost immediately the walls nearby opened up and multiple turrets slid out. Their first shots were without warning or hesitation, three of the turrets catching the flying medic full in the body and ripping through him. Even if he’d survived the shots he’d have died from the ensuing fall, and even if he’d survive that no one would have survived the mass of robots that swarmed him as he fell into their depths.

Meanwhile the front line of bots began firing on the occupants of the elevators arriving without hesitation, heavy plasma fire tearing in their direction.

Holly quickly sped out of the elevator room, eager to rid herself of the violent, murderous beast that was likely moments away from flaying her. Her nightguards exited as well. However they could not follow her as the GPS systems that allowed the nightguards to track one another did not work so far underground, and with the threat of the borg armies at hand, none of them dared turning off the cooling systems that ran through the armor that prevented it from thermal detection. Each of the nightguards continued their sprint, ignoring the borg armies as they evaded them to the best of their ability. Killing the borg was only a secondary goal for Holly, a goal that she would leave to the legions that would be coming down shortly after her. Instead she pumped her legs hard, despite the searing pain and fatigue that coursed through her body, setting her sights on whatever it was that had drawn the now deceased humans so far underground.


The legions, led by their valiant dreadnoughts continued their massacre, cutting through the numerous borg with ease. Within mere minutes they were inside of the gutted cruiser, and fighting through the narrow corridors, slaying all in their path on their way to the Bridge. Finding the doors sealed, the dreadnoughts quickly strapped satchel bombs to the thick metal doors. The doors blew open in a fiery inferno, leaving a gaping hole that led into the spacious bridge. Three dreadnoughts quickly hopped inside, their visors glowing a dark red, and their weapons drawn as they sweeped the area, seeing mostly dead Trelians. They did, however, discover one of them to still live, holding a sidearm at the newly opened doorway.

The Trelian captain was quickly greeted with the sight of the three, seven foot red armor clad warriors, her saviors from what would've been a sure death. Each of their suits shined immaculately against the sunlight that seeped through the ship's broken viewports. Deep gouges lay in one of the being's shoulderpads along with pockmarks where borg rounds had impacted their chestplates. Despite the slightly crumpled armor pieces, none of them seemed to be bothered by the metal that was most likely irritating their skin. The armor also carried red lights that coursed about the Nafarian's chestplates, legs, and arms, likely the armor's power source.

"Clear!" One of them shouted in a deep, coarse voice, as he lowered his weapons. "You can lower the gun now. We're here to take you out of here and back to your people." He said, offering a red armored hand towards her.

The sounds of oncoming borg could be heard in the distant halls, causing one of the dreadnoughts, a thin female to snap her head towards the Nafarian's improvised doors. Her body tensed as she clutched her rifle.

"Sir! Sounds like more of those damned cybernetics. We don't have much time!" She alerted them.

The man who addressed the Trelian captain turned to the female, nodding his head, his arm still outstretched.


The Lady of Ravens

Galumora watched on both the Nefarians screen and on her own as Nagashira took that tank turret and was basically using the thing as a war hammer to completely wreck the onroaching enemy, she had sustained a few more wounds but nothing that seemed to slow her down as she flipped a tank and slammed into it afterwords pushing the thing along the ground towards a group of Nefarians using it as a shield before she stopped, swung her arms back and golf clubbed the shit out of the side ways tank sending it rolling and crushing the poor infantry that happened to be in its way and slamming into another tank disabling it. Nagashira did the captain morgan thing with a foot on top of a small pile of dead and warped Nefarians and Screamed her defiance out to the rest, it echoing even amongst the two starships and the amount of force behind it caused some of lesser will to shudder. Absent mindedly she sent the coordinates of Nagashiras location to the Swarm Commander

"Yess I can quite see that's shes near death, oh so very much so your absolutely right." The creature said smoothly and made an odd sort of gesture in the air and stared rather oddly at the Nefarian.

"Captain Veely... that is your name I presume." When the man stiffened ever so slightly as his Military training no doubt had beaten almost all displays of emotion out of him, Galumora's predatory eyes were keen enough to pick up on it and the Dredge Matriarch grins ever so slightly.

"Ahh it is you! Oh dear me I almost didn't recognize you due to the flag you currently are flying and that symbol you wear. My most humblest of apologies, my intelligence must be faulty for I could have sworn." The audio feed suddenly cut out and Bai'core, the Kukri's Science officer re-routed the feed, using his superior technological skill and prowess, directly to Captain Veely's HUD (or the equivalent of it) and The Lady of Ravens sickly sweet voice whispered ever so softly in his ear.

"That your allegiance lied elsewhere... Captain Veely."

A single piece of Data was transferred to Veely personally, a test of skill for Bai'core, the young science officer would be celebrating later tonight if they all lived for his achievement.

All it contained, was a single date, and the first few opening threads of an Audio log. One that was all to familiar to the Captain.

Audio was soon restored and the Creature sat back and gave a small pout almost. "Oh my, seems there was a problem with the link, on your end most likely, but you cannot imagine my heartfelt sorrow when I heard you would not be able to Join a little get together you were invited to not so long ago as I myself was invited as well but couldn't make it. I believe your delay was a Previous engagement yes?" The Dredge Matriarch examined its talons and held them up in the light, their serrated, vicious edges gleaming.

"I must say... me and a few others were oh so curious as to what this was and I couldn't help but snoop around, I do hope you will forgive the intrusion as you only had the best of Interests for... Nafaria."

The Pirate queens silver tongue had done its work well, without explicitly stating it, she had gotten the message directly across to the Nefarian Captain as well as sowing doubt, or at least planting the seeds of it in the minds of his crew. She had something black and rotten, festering and putrid about Captain Veely and she let him know oh so discreetly the entire time smiling, but it was a fake smile, one that a being might have on only for the reason of trapping its quarry in a death grip.

"On another matter I have to wonder, Captain" The Lady of Ravens ubruptly stood up and sauntered forward from her throne oh so slowly into the light, casting a haunting look about her, like the leopard that closed in on its prey stealthily step by lithe, graceful step.

" what is it that they teach you in those schools of yours? Obviously... not... manners." Galumora suddenly snapped that last word and the weight of it carried like a hammer blow to the nards, it rolled off her slender frayed tongue like burning acid.

The command crew of the Kukri suddenly went cold with fear and anxiety and one man snapped his holopen by sheer reflex hearing that single word spken in that tone, the air in the Kukris Bridge suddenly was heavy and claustrophobic, the open room to small and the walls pressing in seemingly from every side. Lieutenant Valerian was still standing near his Lady but had obviously broken out in a cold sweat though his face showed no other emotion he looked as if he kept wanting to turn around and bolt for exit if it wasn't for the fact he was slightly concerned that any sudden movements would draw her attention to him.

"I have been needlessly insulted more times here in the brief span that we all arrived than I ever have been in the past year from you Star-walkers which I have extended every code of courtesy and honor that civilized societies demand and respect only to have them thrown back in my face every... single... time." She snarled, armor chitin flared out to reveal the pulsating lights below it, lips drawn back in a snarl to reveal the hundreds go bright white fangs which gleamed dully in the lighting.

As Galumora spoke , hidden frills alongside her spine and neck filled out, pulsating rhythmically while joined by the Dredge's skin, those soft purple lights were now blaring red, as were the females previously violet star slit eyes. They now burned an uholy red, the color of hellfire, the color of POWER, of BLOOD, of damnation! All eyes were drawn to the Pirate queen as that aura of fear, worthlessness and claustrophobia extended even to the Nafarians ship as they seemingly could not look away from her, it spoke to something instinctual in those who watched, it screamed to their long imbedded survival instincts PREDATOR PREDATOR! She looked like something out of their worst nightmares, speaking to the fears of their ancient ancestors who spent the nights in terror of the dark and the monsters which lurked in it, ready to devour and slaughter all those who ventured too far out of the protective light. Combine the fear with the aura that made those affected want to bend their knee and prey she didn't kill them, it was a potent effect on the minds of those on both ships. One poor soul on the Kukri was shaking so bad he almost fell out of his seat.

"We did not fire first." The Lady of Ravens continued. "You did, not I but even so my offer of neutrality and ceasefire still stands." A pause before the video went dark and only the audio remained after which The voice of the infamous Pirate queen echoed around the Bridge of the Nefarian ship. "Choose wisely and quickly.. Captain Veely... "

"My Patience wanes."

End link
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The Swarm of Petrarica
Space: Unknown area of space

Celestrial-Bodies: Unknown planet

Vessels: 7 Leviathans + approx.15,000 units

Facilities: Gravemind's Meteorites

Factions present:

  • The Swarm of Petrarica
  • Dredge allies
  • Nafarians
  • Trelians
  • Syhelians
  • Terrans
  • ???( Apex's species )

Planet's surface.
Hounds of War


The Footsoldiers


The Commanders


The Heavy fighters


The Tanks


The Light Flyers


The Heavy Flyers


The Leviathans


Ira didn't get an answer from Gulamora but she did get the coodinates. She drummed her fingers in an impatient rythm and slid her hand off the white tendril of the improvised medic that she had recently created from the matter of two of her soldiers. The woman's tentacles stretched upward and grabbed onto the thicker tendrils of the white creation and she hung onto the creature while gathering her own telepathic strength. A number of Aliuu had gathered around her, numbering to a thousand strong and prepared to follow the young woman on her next mission. She has been ignored by the Lady of the Ravens and she ponders why.

Next thing that had happened was an immense pressure of some sort pulsating from her tablet. This pressure was unlike anything she had witnessed bionically or psyioncly. The air around her bred weight and crushed her, forcing the Aliuu commander to support herself onto her knees. The medic too fell onto the molded green Earth wangling it's tentacles violently from the pressure the tablet had been emitting. It felt like they were being crushed by an ocean.

"Nnnnrg!" The woman pressed a button to end the comms and everything had lifted suddenly. Ira got back onto her feet and shook herself off. The intensity of whatever Gulamora was emitting could still be felt on her and her soldiers. Even the injured Leviathan felt uncomfortable with the pressure that the tablet gave off. Ira gritted her teeth and grabbed her weapons before riding the medic once more.

"We're moving out!" With that the legion of monsters roared. The creatures, flew, ran, crawled an skipped onward from the Earth.
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