• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.
"You must be heading to the portal, I sure hope the children are okay." Dae-Jung had been staring off into the distance, waiting for the taxi to arrive, when the words of the taxi driver snapped him back to reality. As a father, he prayed for the same, as this was nightmare inducing for him. Sure, he knew his daughter wouldn't be there because she was too young, but he could picture the sheer terror of being in that scenario. It's one of the reasons he's glad he's a hunter; if he could save just one child, he'd gladly put his life on the line to do so. "I am, I sure hope so too I plan to do everything in my power to make sure to get as many as possible out." The voice of Dae-Jung was reassuring, but this was a C-Rank dungeon, and he was only an E-Rank, but he couldn't just sit around and do nothing; it wasn't his way.

"Well then guess I better put my foot down."The taxi driver gave Dae-Jung a little smile; it wouldn't take long to get there, but every second counted, and it seemed even the taxi driver wanted to help bring another hunter into the conflict. After a few minutes, Hanyoung High School came into view, and Dae-Jung became increasingly worried with each step the taxi took ahead. He had no idea what he was putting himself into, let alone what he could see inside, but his thoughts had already scarred him. The taxi came to a halt, and the driver smiled as he turned around."Don't worry about the bill; just help as many people as you can and stay alive; we need more people willing to jump into a fire now than ever before." Dae-Jung's face was covered in a smile as he steadied himself and exited the vehicle. "It means a lot to me, I'll do my best." That was all Dae-Jung required for a boost of confidence; he also wasn't the kind to disregard his bill, on the seat where he sat was 15'000 won roughly the cost of the trip.

Dae-Jung took a deep breath and gazed around the outside of the school before moving forward toward the main gate. It didn't take him long to arrive, and his eyes darted over the scene fast, attempting to get as much information as possible. As expected, a member of the hunter association stood at the gate, and it appeared that he wasn't the only latecomer, as a fellow hunter stood in front of him. This hunter was a female, just shy of a foot shorter than Dae-Jung, clothed in armour and armed in a fashion that led him to assume she was a thief, warrior, or some other close ranged combatant, which was a promising start given that Dae-Jung was an archer. Dae-Jung didn't want to interrupt them just now, so he approached them and just listened in. It turned out that his prediction was correct; she was another hunter looking to help.

"Pardon me for interrupting, but I'd like the answers to those questions as well; my name is Dae-Jung Jee, and I'm an E-Rank hunter also here to help." Dae-Jung began by greeting the member of the hunting association, intending to get the formalities out of the way before turning to the female hunter beside him. "Since we're both E-Class, I think it's best if we join a party; my name is Dae-Jung Jee, and I'm an E-Rank Archer," she says. Despite his earlier nervousness, Dae-Jung spoke with confidence, and he seemed weirdly relaxed right now. "Would you like to form a party with me, miss?" Dae-Jung asked, extending his hand in front of him to the younger looking female.

The Black Knight The Black Knight SilverFeathers SilverFeathers

Hexblood Bandit Hexblood Bandit

K-Pop Group: G-Origin
There was the multiple tapping and thumping of boots and shoes. Several feminine voices were building in the hallway of the studio until four women emerged.


Bon-Hwa Yi
Class: Soldier
Guild: Blitz

Bon-Hwa was running her fingers through her blonde hair and tugging on her white top to adjust it around her bust. She sighed some nervously and whispered under her breath, “I so hate photoshoots.”

A tall girl with rainbow hair, and a large baggy sweater playfully leaned over to peek at Bon-Hwa’s face. Bon stopped in startle, and the girl grabbed the hem of her top, pulling on the elastic band that held it beneath her bosom. Snap!

Bon squeaked and crossed her arms before her chest. “Choon!” she yelled. She raised her hand in an attempt to slap her. Choon Hee skipped away from her giggling.


Choon Hee “The My Little Pony” Chin
Class: Enchantress
Guild: Blitz

“Did it take your mind off of the photoshoot?” Choon Hee asked.

Bon blushed and frowned. “For a minute, but then you reminded me again.”

A girl with black hair and an orange hat walked over to inspect Park’s equipment. She was chewing on some bubblegum and bobbing around the lights and camera. “Woah, this girl came prepared,” she said in awe. “She’s really going to get a closeup of you, Bon Bon!”

“Don’t say that!” Bon exclaimed. She clapped her hands against her cheeks and whimpered. She always found something about her pictures to hate.


Eunjoo Hwang
Class: Assassin
Guild: Blitz

The last girl was the tallest, and she was the most masculine out of the bunch, which deviated a little from what a k-pop star usually looked like. Near surpassing the most popular rainbow-haired member of the group, Hwa Young Jang, had a legion of female crushes. She often wore male outfits over her broad, muscular frame, and every now and then she’d surprise her fans wearing a gown at banquets or the music awards. She was the most photogenic among the girls. Photographers loved capturing the unique balance of feminine beauty and hard masculinity.


Hwa Young Jang
Class: Paladin
Guild: Blitz

Hwa was observing the cameras and lamps from behind dark shades. Choon Hee was acting like an energetic brat as usual. She tended to get really excited at photoshoots. Hwa didn’t care much for them, but apparently, her fans loved collecting her photos. She was wearing a red, collared dress shirt. The button was undone showing the muscular tops of her pectorals. A charcoal, black waist coat covered her torso along with matching dress pants. Her dress shoes were black and lightly buffed with a sheen.

ERode ERode
The loud hiss of ice rose in volume behind Rui-Ling until a figure in black swirled in front of him. The humanoid was shaped like a man, but his body had no details. Only the outline of clothing could be discerned from his shape and from what could have been a hood shone bright yellow eyes. The shadow was bent at the knees. His legs were wide and his forearm was resting on his thigh as he circled around Rui-Ling, inspecting him. He skidded to a halt in front of the pink-haired teen and stood straight.

He tossed out his left hand, and then tossed out his right. The figure’s hips bucked to a song that didn’t match what was currently playing in the ice rink, while his arms rose above his head. Clap! Crossing his arms at the wrist before his front, he uncrossed them, shooting his fists out to either side as his hips rocked to the inaudible beat. The figure hopped, crossing his legs, and then uncrossing them to land firmly on the ice without wobbling.

None of the other skaters seemed to notice the dancing figure as they continued to skate around the ice. A gray, translucent window suddenly expanded in front of Rui-Ling while the shadow figure continued to dance.

You have encountered a daily quest? Do you accept?


If Rui-Ling accepted the quest, the mission would read: Win the dance off.

If Rui-Ling denied the quest, then the figure would mysteriously vanish.

Sector: 16 [Yangcheon]
Mentions: The Black Knight The Black Knight

Rui-Ling’s first reaction at the emergence of an intruder to his personal space was to protect his phone, his own blades grinding against the ice as he slowed to let them pass him. But rather than move on, the individual had slowed as well, matching his velocity and circling around him. Yellow eyes glimmered beneath the dark hood and the two of them stopped at the same time, both locking eyes.

This wasn’t a common occurrence for Rui-Ling, but this wasn’t the first time such a phantom appeared either. With a big grin, the pink-haired youth swung at the ‘Y’ option and raised his face up, staring down at the shadow dancer while they moved to the beat of a song that could not be heard. A beat that could not be heard, but a beat that could nevertheless be inferred. About 115 bpm, well in the purvey of most pop music. The movements were explosive and eye-catching, stiff as a metronome while indicating a powerful enough core that stability could be maintained even in a low-friction environment. Doubtlessly, if the shadow man was more man than shadow, he’d have some killer abs and glutes. But Rui-Ling had danced with people like that before, and he had come on top (in popularity contests unrelated to dance skill).

“Well alright, if you wanna scrap big bro, let’s go!”

While quick, popping movements were the domain of modern dance, from tutting to pop n lock to grunk, Rui-Ling’s own dance training had its roots more in contemporary styles, and he used the shadow man’s own erratic movements to further accentuate the smooth grace of his own movements. Rolling his neck, he swayed with the established beat, limbs sinuous as streams of wind while his legs extended upon the ice, blades carving circles in his wake. He brought his legs in and out, extending and bending them to increase the verticality of his own motions, before, with a final twist, Rui-Ling leapt up, both arms extended skywards while his feet snapped together.

A salchow jump, his ace in the hole.

One toe touched the ice, the other extending upwards while he glided backwards away from the shadow man. Rui-Ling flashed his winning smile, bubbly and innocent but exposing his canines. As they say, lions used their full strength to hunt even mice.
Sector 10

Pulling his van up just outside the police perimeter, Young- Soo parked his van between the many press and news vehicles that seemed to have flooded the area to report on the ongoing event though the police kept them from getting too close to the awful action. Stepping out of his vehicle, Young-Soo lifted his hood over his head, having chosen to remain in his Hunter gear since his encounter with the Dragon and ready for the upcoming crisis, and headed towards the crowd.

"As you can see the school still remains under attack...."

"What's your husband last name mam? Gw...."

"Sir we are doing all we can...."

A multitude of voices rang out from all around him, as Young-Soo navigated his way through the mass of people as everyone tried to get their voice heard from scared parents, stalwart policeman or inquisitive reporters. With all the noise and movement going around him, the anonymous ACO manage to weave his way through without too much hinderance. Though seeing the tears of a few families, as well as police, had weathered him emotionally. Hopefully now though with his help, there wouldn't need to be anymore.

Taking a deep breath, Young-Soo moved towards the school gate and the gathering group beside it. Standing a little away, he lifted his hand up and cocked his head to one side slightly to make himself more noticeable to the small band of Hunters. "Hey, is this where the volunteers gather to help?"

Young-Soo removed his hood and gave a polite smile "I'm only a E rank but I think I can be of some help. Why else would the Hunter Association have alerted me to the dragon in Nowon?"

The Black Knight The Black Knight . SilverFeathers SilverFeathers , Dextra Dextra
District 12 -> District 10

As usually mornings after a hard day of work were the greatest enemies for Hana, neither the suns rays or his trusty alarm couldn't wake him up, but his long day of work started as it happens a lot in this apartment with the help of the elderly lady he rents the room he lives in, she came into his room not making even a sound walked up to his bed and whacked his feet with her cane as she said loudly.

“Wake up, Hana! You have to throw away the trash, and go to work it's getting late it’s almost noon by now. I will make you something to eat so hurry up.”
Hana groaned something.
“Wait it's this late already.”

Then he jumped out of his bed walked up to his closet got some clothes to change into, and went towards the bathroom to clean himself up.
In the meantime, the elderly lady whose name was Ji-Hye went to the kitchen to make bento for Hana who she treated like her grandson she never had, although she was a bit of a tsundere about it.
As she was finished making some food, which ended up being fried rice, Hana walked out of the bathroom now all prim and proper, he then sat with Ji-Hye and ate his bento while listening to the radio.

Then he heard the news about the portal outbreak in a nearby high school, hastily gulped up the rest of his food, washed it down with the tea, he then grabbed his bag along with the trash bag he had to take care of, and ran off and saying this on his way out.
“Sorry, Ajumma I've gotta go now.”
Ji-Hye yelled back while waving her cane at him.
“Yeah you better go and save some people or I'm gonna raise your rent.”

On the way down the stairs, he quickly grabbed his phone and sent a text to both his professor and the Vet clinic he apprentices in that he won't be able to attend today, cause of hunter business.
As soon as he exited the building he threw the trash bag into the trash can, grabbed his bike, and rode off towards District #10 where the portal appeared
Seo-Yeon clicked her tongue. She knew that the difference between E and D-rank was pretty big, but seeing some mage block every hunter's attacks effortlessly was already annoying to deal with. Her eyes flickered to the teacher before returning to the mage. Nothing was gonna get through that shield with the level of everyone that's capable of attacking the monster right now. They needed a massive boost to turn the tide of the fight and right now, she was doubtful of the usefulness of the injured teacher.

Then she felt power coursing through her and glanced towards the collapsed D-rank knight with an amused smile. 'Huh,' she mentally commented. 'Guess he had some fight left after all.'

With renewed vigor and power, she moved. Her body felt light with each step that crossed the distance between her and the mage. Muscles tightened and braced as she gripped both weapons with an iron grip. Her eyes shifted from hesitation to prideful confidence as she swung both her weapons in tandem to break the shield and kill the monster behind it.

1d100 (82)+95= 177; damage: 170
1d100 (10)+95= 105; damage: 170
1d100 (66)+95= 161; damage: 170
Fatigue: 50/100

The Black Knight The Black Knight

ERode ERode


The dark figure stopped dancing when Rui-Ling accepted the quest. Patiently, he stood there, watching the Hunter challenge him. When he was done, the shadow man’s head slowly tilted to the side near mockingly in his silence. The lights blacked out in the ice rink and a spotlight shown over him and Rui Ling. If there had been people still around, their voices couldn’t be heard. The only sound that filled the space was…K-pop.

The shadow figure slowly extended his left leg out before lifting it and dropping his skate back down. He performed three shoulder shrugs before repeating the previous motion with his right leg. After three shoulder shrugs, he toddled toward Rui-Ling to the beat of the song before he thrust back his left leg. He similarly slid back from Rui-Ling to once again create space as his arms were bent as though he were running.

Rolling his wrists, he bent at the knees, bobbing up and down as he rotated his arms. He stepped left; stepped right; before rising upright, dusting off his left shoulder, and then right while rocking to the song. When he stopped, the music ceased. It seemed Rui Ling could finally hear what the shadow had been dancing to.


Haneul Seo. Just an E-Rank…

Seung’s dark eyes rolled over to the young woman as she addressed him as though she were National Intelligence Services or something. It made him internally cringe every time an E-rank approached this school. He was slow to respond to her question because he wasn’t sure he wanted for anymore E-ranks to enter within. Already, E-ranks had snuck in, barged in, throwing themselves at the threat. He gave an E-rank a swap stone, and he just might find the swap stone on the floor of a classroom before it would ever get used. Regardless, Seung didn’t leave the chalk spot. If either the C-rank or D-rank emerged from that school, then he was going to take them out.

Seung closed his eyes and sighed an exasperated breath through his nostrils. He tipped his head back until he felt the sun on his face.

Pardon me for interrupting…Dae-Jung Jee…E-Rank…

Seung’s brows crashed together like two vehicles on his forehead, and a vein pulsed at his temple. Now they wanted to form a party. Well, it was better than the group that went in scattered and independent. A third E-Rank Hunter appeared, and Seung finally decided to speak, “We send out notifications to everyone, hoping that if they didn’t stand a chance that they would be smart enough to steer clear of the danger. It is not a summons for some special chosen few.”

He faced the three of them. “There is only one C-Rank in there. I gave one of the Hunters already inside a swap stone if he runs into the C-rank prior to reaching the portal dungeon, so you should be fine (unless that Hunter is already dead). There are already multiple E-ranks inside fighting back the creatures that have taken over the school. If you want to go in there, then be my guest. You may be able to form a bigger party with the survivors and work together to clear the school. Whatever loot you get, you can have. The Hunter Association will not claim your spoils.”
SilverFeathers SilverFeathers Dextra Dextra Twist Twist
Jiyeon's previous attacks had left him only a little winded. He had to take a few steps back to recover. But there was still a fight, so he stayed put and turned his attention towards the D-rank. None of their attacks had scratched it. It was a dicey situation; his odds were slim. If it came to it, he would flee, but not now.

As he caught his breath, the reality of the situation encased him. Students crowded in one corner, a battered old teacher struggling to stand. Fighters and mages were scattered throughout the room. A fighter of some sort, dressed in rogue-like clothing and a black-feathered cloak, force out a wicked-looking scythe out of a now-dead bugbear's skull. Jiyeon stared at the body before a window popped up in front of him. +5 XP.

Halfway there before level 2. That was promising; he would definitely reach another level at the end of this. If he was. Shaking off the thought, Jiyeon dismissed the box and narrowly dodged a swing from one of the two remaining E-rank bugbears. He started towards it but was surprised when it fled. It was only a moment before he turned his attention back at the mage.

Jiyeon was planning his attacks when a wave of red flame engulfed his vision. Instead of burning, it energized him. Jiyeon's vision became sharp. His sword felt lighter. That old teacher had buffed them, thank god. He moved forward with confidence and ease, readying his blade and pistol before running forward to attack with renewed confidence.

2 Attacks Against Bugbear (D-rank, Mage)
1d100+95 (P. Attack: 165) [RESULTS: 93 + 95, 188]
1d100+95 (P. Attack: 165) [RESULTS: 13 + 95, 108]

1 Attack Against Lesser Bugbear (E-rank)
1d100+95 (P. Attack: 165) [RESULTS: 90 + 95, 185]

Guard (+10 Defense)
50+95+10=155 Defense

60/100 Fatigue

Sector: 16 [Yangcheon]
Mentions: The Black Knight The Black Knight

K-pop. And not just any K-pop, but boomer K-rap from almost two decades ago. Hahah. Rui-Ling remembered hearing that in his childhood, and as the shadowman toddled up to him, he aped the same movements, squaring up face to face with the featureless individual and flashing his teeth at the oldtimer. Percussions and decadent lyrics rolled into his head as the phantom demonstrated much smoother movements than before, no longer relying on eye-catching athleticism to make a point.

"Fair enough, fair enough!" Rui-Ling said, his tone light and disaffected. "But c'mon big bro, you're really digging into some of my trauma here, making this a K-pop dance off. Didn't you hear about my retirement?"

Two fingers pinched the rim of his hat, pulling it lower until the spotlight shadowed the upper half of Rui-Ling's face, turning the young man into the polar opposite of the shadowed figure: perfectly defined, but eyes hidden. He had no magic to blacken the ice rink, nor to call forth music from the ether, but he did have a phone, and he pulled it out again, flicking to his favorite boomer song and thrusting it towards the shadow. As the ticking of a clock sounded from the speakers, he rotated the device in imitation of a pendulum, popping his chest in and out in accordance to the beat. The instrumentals, sweeping and tense, kicked in as he swung out with his hips, pinching his shoulder blades and then caving in on the next bar, controlled but expansive movements accompanying the siren cries. Arms thrust out with renewed vigor and exacting precision, striking all the notches of the invisible clock, before the last note was struck with a finger gun stretching for the shadow man's chest and then rising upwards to the twelve o'clock position. Slowly, his skates grinded to the left side, both knees bent as Rui-Ling tilted his head backwards. All anticipation. All potential energy. All waiting. For the silence to break.

He kicked. Stomped down. Hands to the side. Stiff movements with violent momentum as he matched the tempo of the song, one arm snapping in and out before the song drew out again, allowing him to slide one foot toward the shadowman until he performed a split on the ice. His back foot swung forward, his body rolled up into a standing position again, and Rui-Ling smirked, brushing his arms against each to pull up the sleeves and expose his pale, sinewy forearms. They were neither stacked with muscle nor bulging with veins, but were rather almost blade-like in their alignment, and with only a few inches separating the two dancers, he thrust his arms to the side, crossing them and twisting them in artful sequences as his wrists bent into sheer right angles. His fingers interlaced into a cage, then bounced against his chest, and thrust out towards the shadow's face, creating a screen.

Pushing off in that moment, Rui-Ling skated in a tight circle around him, fingers stroking the air that separate the two of them as he entered a routine of jumpless spins, only separating at the next siren call of danger. A wink was traded, and he strutted up once more, blades chipping at the ice with each hefty step, only to retreat at the recursion of the sirens. But stealing a heart wasn't a task to be given up so easily, and on the second approach, the chorus kicked in instead, and Rui-Ling unleashed. His hips popped to the music as his upper body leaned back, hands swinging over his head, revolving under his chin, before reaching out towards the shadow. His fingers splayed outwards, wrists rotating as they closed one by one over an invisible, intangible rope, and he pulled himself upright once more, arms swinging wide as if throwing open the gates.

Curling against the arc of his neck, his fingers pressed against his lips as he flicked a kiss, then snagged onto the rim of his hat again, pulling it right off. In that single moment, Rui-Ling's eyes were evanescent in the glare of the spotlight. In the next, the hat came down, landing on top the shadowman's own glowing eyes.

And in the final moment, as the hat fell off onto the ground, Rui-Ling had disappeared before his eyes.

A true disappearing act...if not for the sound of the pink-haired youth's breathing, coming from behind the shadow. Maybe he really was a bit out of shape, if only half the song was enough to get him tired. Naw. No way. It was because he was doing all this shit on ice!
Haneul Seo - E Rank - Warrior
Sector 10, Hanyoung High School
Front Gates -> School Hallways
With: Dae-Jung Jee, Young-Soo Sun

Haneul lightly turned her head as another approached them, different from the tearful civillians and cautious police officers, he very much seemed like someone who came here with the same purpose as herself. Even before he opened his mouth, she had inwardly already assumed he was here to also try and help with the situation, with his leather armour and stone bow. Despite appearing a bit like a tall, intimidating gangster, he spoke very politely, even going as far to refer to her as miss. Although she was used to employees and the like referring to her as such, it wasn't often that random strangers used the term. Nodding at him with a small smile, she shook his hand politely as she replied. "It would be my pleasure. An Archer and a Warrior would make a good pair." She beamed at him quietly, her face softening from its icy expression earlier.

Noticing another hunter, one dressed in light-coloured robes who seemed to be wielding a tome of some sort, Haneul watched him curiously as he introduced himself. Though she assumed he was a mage, since he didn't introduce himself as such, she didn't want to assume things. "Welcome to the party. But, a dragon?" She smiled amicably at the newcomer, though she couldn't help but tilt her head by the end. She hadn't gotten any news about a dragon appearing anywhere, but maybe she had just missed the notification. Slowly, she turned back to face the stone-faced blue suited man from earlier as he started speaking. Haneul found it amusing watching him grow more and more frustrated by their presence, his expression distorting further with every new addition to the party. It was somewhat a sight to see, even if it was only out of the corner of her eye because she was more curious about her new party members.

His warning definitely fell on deaf ears. She thought to herself with an internal chuckle. He probably thought they were all brainless idiots recklessly trying their shot at glory and fame by throwing their lives away in a crisis much higher ranked than they were. But, what he thought, and what her family thought, none of that had ever really mattered to her. "Thanks for the info. Be safe." Haneul thanked him in a perfunctory manner, before walking into the school with her two companions. She had long unsheathed her twin blades, wielding them carefully in each hand as she walked. "I assume you both are ranged fighters, so it would be best if you remain behind me. Use me as a shield." She advised in a light-hearted manner. Perhaps she would've felt a little safer if they had another melee fighter with them, but she didn't mind it too much. Hopefully they'll be able to support her well enough from range. Her eyes carefully wandered to the bloodstains and shattered window panes, as well as the startling, occasional bloody corpse. She didn't let her mind dwell on the fallen too much, instead she managed to notice the occasional hair/fur tufts on the floor. "Is that fur?" Haneul decided to voice her thoughts quietly, since she wasn't alone.

Dextra Dextra Twist Twist
Ji-Ho heard the unmistakable sound of the giant thing behind her giving chase. It's weight and boots seemingly stomping through the hallway in pursuit. If Ji-Ho wasn't being chased, she may have been shocked by the scene around her. The halls were a mess of books, papers, and bodies carelessly strewn about, though she noticed all of this as she carefully avoided these items (except for the blood, because it practically covered everything and she wasn't able to fly... yet) as she attempted to race away from the creature. Realizing how difficult it was for her to make her way through the hall, Ji-Ho wondered how the giant thing behind her could manage, though it seemed to manage just fine from the sounds of it.

The teenage girl, frightened by the sounds getting closer turned abruptly into an open classroom, her shoulder hitting the door frame as she attempted such an abrupt change of direction. The sturdy frame and her off balance movements combined to knock the young thief off her feet and to the ground. The creature would surely catch up to her now.

Escape Roll: 28
Fatigue: 20/100

ERode ERode


The shadow man had calmly and patiently watched Rui-Ling's performance. When he had finished, the shadow figure turned toward him, his hands clapping together with firm applause. The tempo was like a heartbeat. The shadow approached Rui-Ling and dissolved into a black smoke that passed into the young man's body.

Skill Acquired!

Doppelganger Lv 1.
Summon 1 phantom with the same P. Attack as you. The Phantom will attack an enemy for the same damage as the summoner to include critical damage. Summoner can also swap places with the Phantom to avoid a lethal enemy attack or to reach a location out of summoner's reach. However, the summoner chooses to use the Phantom, they will spend MP and Fatigue for each action.
MP Cost: 10
Fatigue: 10​

The lights flashed on, and a mob of ice skaters were standing around Rui-Ling in a circle. They applauded and cheered, while others had their cell phones out as though they had been recording him. They hadn't seen the shadow man. Instead, it looked as though Rui-Ling was just a quirky performer.
Jwan Min-Jee - E Rank

Sector 10 - Hanyoung High School

One might be familiar with that restless, persistent feeling - that drawn out irritation, an excruciating pang of agitation ringing nonstop - like an ominous bell struck over and over again in the confines of the mind. It builds up to a senseless nervousness, panic. Hard to kick once you start feeling dread setting in, looming over.

Min-Jee felt the exact same sensation, sweaty palms and blurred thoughts, whenever she struck a life-death vals with a monster. Nonetheless, what she found most pathetic was that subsequent utter relief washing over, back at confident peace and tranquility once she got the job done. The thrill, for her, was not in the hunt, but the kill. It only meant she was indeed still alive.

This disgusted her to no extent, yet, there she was standing with a bloodied up scythe in her hands - "That's one..." - As she watched the monster's body drop, a clinical, detached glare in those eyes hidden behind the veil of dark cast by her hood. She couldn't quite pin-point the mot juste for what she felt looking at it. If you were to ask her how it felt to live in a constant 'kill or be killed' scenario every week or so; how it felt to take a life -- she wouldn't know how to reply -- she'd only been killing monsters so far.

That thought was irrelevant right now.

The scythe swung over to her side, it was finely weighted to her hands, but the sudden exhaustion after swinging it back and forth made it heave, she could feel it in her shoulders. Min-Jee held a stolid walk backwards, not in a hurry, eyes on the remaining monsters. Then a window appearing out of nowhere took her out of that 'flow' state. A floating box she'd seen before, an old friend that left her with only an insatiable confusion, comically disruptive and with that tasteless no-hue color of rain droplets burning holes in her eyes.

You leveled up!"

She felt something tugging at the corners of her mouth, her lips stretching, holding the urge to give a snide remark. The same reaction as the first time, vaguely, it pleased her in a sense, disgusted her in another. Like the most euphonic, yet most god awful sound in the world. It was romantic, something out there tracking her efforts as if she were a mere ant trapped in a maze-- Reassuring her that this was some sort of game. Never failed to get a reaction out of her, likely never will.

Her attention trailing off from the one-sided fight, a mix of both surprise and bewilderment hit her face at first as the teacher's words got to her, then an - "Eh?" - It took two beats, the man bellowing a war cry and collapsing, for her to wrap her head around the fact he was being serious. Min-Jee's worst nightmare in a hunt was the ever-so drearing fact that everyone was prone to cut out the hero act when the odds were slim.

Even those who appeared as guardian angels, running with their tails tucked beneath their legs whenever they had anything bigger than fame and ego to lose. And she could definetely feel her cynicism right about now, like a hard hit in the gut, tangible enough for her to grasp it - " 'Guess you do mind, then, huh?" - An apprehensive sigh that built up into a chuckle, she shook her head. There was really no logic behind his actions, you were supposed to be out for yourself here. No coherence to it, things just happened. Or so she thought, holding onto that thought after she realized the teacher's motives were right under her nose, huddled in a corner and shaking as if all of them were about to burst into tears any moment now.

The sight of that and the ephemeral red veil latched onto her, warm in its embrace as it went from a slow burn to a blood-boiler of an adrenaline spike, was enough to make the giant monster appear as just some doped up high school jock from those old overseas flicks. Min-Jee popped knuckles in her left hand individually, scythe slung to her shoulder, eyes narrowed and locked in an intense focus. She had this brainstorming nudge since she was a child, making up scenarios and counting chickens in her silence -- She could very well tell the students to run off to safety with their teacher, though that could very well turn out badly with god knows how many monsters were out there. There was also no guarantee that the D rank here would drop before this surge of strength wore out.

This made her head tilt, a heavy sigh leaving her. Seeing as every other hunter went for a strike, almost like they'd practiced it, coordinated it on a whim; paying no mind to the student's safety; that battle-lust spun through simplified it for her. Just jump in and start swinging. Things just happened, right?

Now Playing. . .

With an overhead stance, she dropped a guillotine on the Bugbear. Following the downwards motion, she planted her foot on the scythe in an attempt to drive it through his leg, ending in a wide swing to his face. Not waiting to feel if bone gave in, if something folded on itself, or if blood was drawn, she backed away and stood alongside the other hunters. The feathers in her dark cloak trembling, as if a flock of crows ready to scatter.


Action Log. . .

Basic Atk. (x3) on D rank Bugbear Mage

1° Mag Atk. on Bugbear mage . . .[1d100 : 14] + 85 > 99 (Slash)

2° Mag Atk. on Bugbear mage . . . [1d100 : 48] + 85 > 133 (Slash)

3° Mag Atk. on Bugbear mage . . .[1d100 : 33] + 85 > 118 (Blunt)

Stats . . .

Rallying Cry buff applied.

Mag Atk. = 155
Agility = 35 (+50)
Hp 130/130
Mp 180/180
Fatigue 50/100

Sector: 16 [Yangcheon]
Mentions: The Black Knight The Black Knight

When the lights flickered back on and reality bombarded his senses with the ovation of others, Rui-Ling calmly picked up his hat, flourished, bowed dramatically...and disappeared, turning first into a black silhouette before vanishing into the air.

A moment later, Rui-Ling was seated on one of the empty benches beyond the plastic walls of the ice rink, having summoned, then swapped locations, with his Doppelganger, before unsummoning it immediately after. There was, perhaps, an opportunity there to advertise his social media. Certainly, if they were impressed with this, they'd be willing to check out his other videos. But that wasn't all that interesting, and he didn't want to spend that sort of time either. Rather, as he watched them from a safe distance, abuzz with questions as to what had just happened, as to who that pink-haired dancer was, he felt an uncharacteristically dirty smile surface. With luck, they would do the promoting for him. With fortune, they would make him go viral. And with just a little push, he would be able to wake up next morning, having the pieces he needed to become a Youtube Partner.

But that was the future. Right now, Rui-Ling still had bills to pay and rent to be made, and his savings were half the man it used to be. Securing his hat back onto his head, he returned his borrowed skates, pulled his sneakers back onto his now-sore feet, and popped out of the stadium before any of the others followed after him. There was a Starbucks nearby, relatively empty for the time of day, and without thinking too much of it, he slipped into the cafe, stepping up to the front register.

"Hey," he smiled charmingly at the barista, "Just your blackberry fruit tea, please. And...that cake pop over there too. The one with the chocolate sprinkles?"

Sure, Rui-Ling had already gotten two rewards for his little skirmish at the ice rink, but he always deserved a third to slake his thirst and sate his cravings. As he waited for his order to come up, he pulled out his phone once more, scrolling through the web in search of temp work from the Hunter's Association. A low-level Gate would be great, of course, but considering the deadlines he was dealing with, the youth wasn't feeling all that picky. So long as the jackpot wouldn't be spread out to a small army of similarly money-conscious Hunters, he was fine with most anything.

Ah, he forgot.

Turning his gaze away from his phone, Rui-Ling addressed the barista once more. "Oh right! Anything interesting happening in Yangcheon today? Like, events n all. Don't usually come here, so it'd be sweet to leave with another sweet memory~"
Haneul Seo - E Rank - Warrior
Sector 10, Hanyoung High School
Front Gates -> School Hallways
With: Dae-Jung Jee, Young-Soo Sun

Haneul lightly turned her head as another approached them, different from the tearful civillians and cautious police officers, he very much seemed like someone who came here with the same purpose as herself. Even before he opened his mouth, she had inwardly already assumed he was here to also try and help with the situation, with his leather armour and stone bow. Despite appearing a bit like a tall, intimidating gangster, he spoke very politely, even going as far to refer to her as miss. Although she was used to employees and the like referring to her as such, it wasn't often that random strangers used the term. Nodding at him with a small smile, she shook his hand politely as she replied. "It would be my pleasure. An Archer and a Warrior would make a good pair." She beamed at him quietly, her face softening from its icy expression earlier.

Noticing another hunter, one dressed in light-coloured robes who seemed to be wielding a tome of some sort, Haneul watched him curiously as he introduced himself. Though she assumed he was a mage, since he didn't introduce himself as such, she didn't want to assume things. "Welcome to the party. But, a dragon?" She smiled amicably at the newcomer, though she couldn't help but tilt her head by the end. She hadn't gotten any news about a dragon appearing anywhere, but maybe she had just missed the notification. Slowly, she turned back to face the stone-faced blue suited man from earlier as he started speaking. Haneul found it amusing watching him grow more and more frustrated by their presence, his expression distorting further with every new addition to the party. It was somewhat a sight to see, even if it was only out of the corner of her eye because she was more curious about her new party members.

His warning definitely fell on deaf ears. She thought to herself with an internal chuckle. He probably thought they were all brainless idiots recklessly trying their shot at glory and fame by throwing their lives away in a crisis much higher ranked than they were. But, what he thought, and what her family thought, none of that had ever really mattered to her. "Thanks for the info. Be safe." Haneul thanked him in a perfunctory manner, before walking into the school with her two companions. She had long unsheathed her twin blades, wielding them carefully in each hand as she walked. "I assume you both are ranged fighters, so it would be best if you remain behind me. Use me as a shield." She advised in a light-hearted manner. Perhaps she would've felt a little safer if they had another melee fighter with them, but she didn't mind it too much. Hopefully they'll be able to support her well enough from range. Her eyes carefully wandered to the bloodstains and shattered window panes, as well as the startling, occasional bloody corpse. She didn't let her mind dwell on the fallen too much, instead she managed to notice the occasional hair/fur tufts on the floor. "Is that fur?" Haneul decided to voice her thoughts quietly, since she wasn't alone.

Dextra Dextra Twist Twist

Young Soo could only shrug at his new teammates comment though the rather barbed words from the Hunter Association official, even if they weren't aimed at him, did get him thinking....

If the Hunter Association hadn't notified of the Dragon then who did? He furrowed his brow as another thought came to him. When he tried to take a picture of the Dragon, all he had got was a blank photo of an apartment building and the messages he had sent alongside had also refused to send. So how could the Hunter Association have contacted him?

And even then with a virtual window?!

Young Soo had almost forgotten that part, the mix of fear and adrenaline jumbling his memory. He had associated it with the Dragon's attempt to talk with him but that window, or a similar one, had started that little encounter right?

The exasperated sigh of the official and the sound of footsteps pulled him from his thoughts, with Young-Soo quickly getting in step with his new allies. ""I have a C rank tome that should be able to keep any baddies at bay so hopefully we won't have too do that but I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Young-Soo and I'm a Mage so you would be spot on Miss..?" He looked between his two companions, and extended his hand to the man beside him to introduce himself.

A pungent stench of iron and sweat wafted through the air, making Young-Soo's hand falter mid air as they neared the school. He was used to death, sadly, as it was part of the job but on such a dramatic scale was a different story.....

Dextra Dextra , SilverFeathers SilverFeathers
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The Bugbear Mage crossed its black, hairy arms before its face as it was bombarded with spells. They had pierced through its barrier. How was this possible? Its amber eyes darted to the body of Mr. Gwan, and its lips rolled back, baring its fangs in anger. It had been his magic!

One of the students had opened the window as Jiwon had ordered and tumbled out. Seung Ryu’s eyes grew in surprise to see that someone had survived. Members of Seoul Metropolitan Fire and Disaster Management (SMFDM) were racing to the student’s aid. Other students started to quickly follow, tumbling out the window into the arms of rescuers.

Well I’ll be damned, Seung mused. E-ranks actually managed to do something right. He aimed the sensor at the classroom and detected that majority of the magical energy was consolidated there. Where was the C-rank? He motioned the sensor over the school and found it moving quickly. It must have been chasing someone. He wasn’t sure if it was the mage he had given the swap stone to. He hoped he would use the stone and not foolishly die…unless he dropped it.

Inside the school, Lesser Bugbear 3 chased after the Greater Bugbear and shouted, “Rom ura toda! Rom ura toda!”

The Greater Bugbear slid to an abrupt halt and gazed over its shoulder at the smaller bugbear running toward it. It scowled at its claims, its hackles raising in anger. Lesser Bugbear 3 collapsed on its knees before Greater Bugbear and whimpered pathetically, “Na vura! Emem su maga!”

The Greater Bugbear turned to Lesser Bugbear 3. It brought its massive fist down like a hammer atop of it, crushing and splattering it against the floor. “Krat!” it snarled.

Shaking the ichor from its hand, Greater Bugbear glanced back down the hall to see that the human it had been chasing was gone. It didn’t have time to delay anymore. It had to deliver a hasty report to the leader. The Greater Bugbear turned and barged into the stairwell to begin its urgent ascent.

Seung continued to watch the sensor, watching the Greater Bugbear change directions. It was heading up. Perhaps back to the portal. I’ve stood around and done nothing. I think it's time I get involved, Seung thought to himself. The E-ranks may have stood a chance against the D-rank, but he knew for certain, the C-rank would be too much. He glanced down at the mark he was standing on. He wouldn’t have to stay rooted if he just dealt with the bigger threat. Seung bent at the knees and then sprang high into the air, using a level of the Jump skill. His hands were tucked into the pockets of his coat as the garment flagged in the wind. With one foot extended, he landed lightly on the roof as his other foot settled after. Calmly, he strolled over to the stairwell that he knew the Greater Bugbear would soon emerge from.

Meanwhile, Duri Wan reported on the survivors.

“Survivors are escaping through a window! Rescue teams are on the scene escorting them to safety and to immediate care! What a relief!”

She then jumped in fright when Seung Ryu suddenly leapt away. “Ah! The man from the Hunter Association has ascended to the roof! Is he going to deal with the portal himself?”

In the classroom, the Bugbear Mage was overwhelmed. As much as it desired to vengefully destroy the downed tank, its body was soon engulfed and incinerated in the magical barrage. The mage’s bestial screams faded on a chilling echo as it was reduced to nothing.

Lesser Bugbear 2 grasped its head and started to scream as it felt its conscience being re-written. It tossed its head, spittle flying from its fanged jaws as it fought the takeover. After a few seconds of fit, the creature began to calm. The expression on its face softened before its body vanished in a blue, dispersing smoke.

You have acquired Lesser Bugbear!


Lesser Bugbear
Level: 1/10

HP: 65
MP: 100
Defense: 65
P. Attack: 65
M. Attack: 55
Accuracy: 1d100+(20)

Vitality: 15
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 15
Agility: 20
Sense: 5
Fatigue: 0/100
XP: 0/10


Berserk Lv 1.

Lesser Bugbear becomes consumed by a fiery rage and makes five consecutive attacks against an enemy when his HP is reduced to 0.
P. Damage: +20
MP Cost: None
Fatigue Cost: 20

Bash Lv 1.
Lesser Bugbear puts all of his strength into a single blunt strike.
P. Damage: +10
MP Cost: 10
Fatigue Cost: 10

Give Lesser Bugbear a name ___

On the roof, the Greater Bugbear burst through the door. Its eyes swelled in startle upon seeing the blue-suited Hunter standing in its path. Seung released the magic sensor in his pocket and swiftly brought his hands to his left side. His fingers were curled around the handle of an invisible weapon. Threads of dark magic spiraled and lengthened into a greatsword before the brute’s chest. The Greater Bugbear stumbled in its desperate attempt to not run into it, but its inertia drove him into the blade as Seung thrust it deep into its chest. The giant creature rasped and slumped over Seung’s shoulder. Its dark blood spilled through its grit teeth as it growled, “Narak ura toda!”

Seung didn’t appear to struggle even while the massive beast rested against him. He didn’t know what the creature said but responded any way, “Same to you.”

The Greater Bugbear then sucked in a dry and thinning gasp as its face suddenly hollowed. Its fur turned white and skin tightened against its bones as muscle and fat were sucked away. Its body shriveled down to its skeleton, turning black before its bone crumpled into a blanket of ash. Seung straightened from his stance and twirled his sword to fan the ash away. The veins about his face were raised and pulsing, drinking in the vitality he had stolen. He unsummoned his sword and turned to walk over to the portal to guard it against anymore invaders.


Greater Bugbear
HP: Defeated


HP: Defeated


Lesser Bugbear 1
HP: Defeated


Lesser Bugbear 2
HP: Captured


Lesser Bugbear 3
HP: Defeated

Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon
Enemy Kill +20 XP (D-rank)
Assisted Kill +5 XP (Lesser Bugbear 3)
Total XP Awarded: 20 XP

Pseudo-nim Pseudo-nim
Assisted Kills +15 XP (D-Rank & LB3)
Total XP Awarded: 15 XP
Saved Fatigue: -30

Heterological Heterological
Assisted Kills +15 XP (D-Rank & LB3)
Total XP Awarded: 15 XP
Saved Fatigue: -40

Haze- Haze-
Assisted Kills +15 XP (D-Rank & LB3)
Total XP Awarded: 15 XP
Saved Fatigue: -30

Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
Assisted Kill +15 XP (C-Rank)
Total XP Awarded: +15 XP

End Battle XP

Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon
Combat XP: 30 XP
Literary XP: 1 XP
Total XP: 31 XP

Pseudo-nim Pseudo-nim
Combat XP: 30 XP
Literary XP: 1 XP
Total XP: 31 XP

Heterological Heterological
Combat XP: 30 XP
Literary XP: 3 XP
Total XP: 32 XP

Haze- Haze-
Combat XP: 30 XP
Literary XP: 9 XP
Total XP: 39 XP

Phineas Forge Phineas Forge
Combat XP: 30 XP
Literary XP: 6 XP
Total XP: 36 XP


Bugbear Drops


Wolf Fangs
Rank: D
Materials: Iron
Bonus(es): +15 Strength, +10 Agility

50 gold

Greater Bugbear Drops

Special Dungeon Key (S-Rank) (GM Note: Unfortunately, Seung will take this.)

100 gold

Note: Drops and the ranks of Special Dungeon Keys are randomly generated.

7/11 Convenience Store

Jeoung-eun Nam

"Thank you, come again!" Jeoung-Eun said as she watched as her last customer disappeared out of the automatic doors. After seeing there weren't any more customers in line, Jeoung-Eun immediately took out her phone and began browsing the internet.

Her paycheques as of late have been unsatisfactory for her family. Especially since Sejin had gotten into some 'interesting' hobbies at his university, while she was not one to judge, she was frustrated that he would spend her hard-earned money on frivolities. Due to his new 'hobby,' she now had to get another part-time job to compensate. Unfortunately, there weren't any jobs nearby her house. She didn't have any motor vehicle, and she didn't want to pay a fee to take the transit. That's why she decided to take up being a hunter as a side job. While she didn't have any foolish grandeurs of becoming a top ranker, she did hear that being a hunter could get quite a buck from helping other hunters and wouldn't have to pay for travel expenses if she was lucky.

Especially since she got the healer class, ironic as it was that she became a healer when her brother was striving to become a doctor, that meant she could scam help for a small fee. While she didn't know what the class entailed, she thought it was exceptional since healers could do the one thing that other classes couldn't 'heal.' She could be lounging in the back land and throw an occasional heal and still get paid for it. Though she didn't have any skills right now that could do that, she would have to figure that stuff out later. That's why she had to research this stuff before going into a portal. She needed a plan to get the bag.

"Hello, Hello! I'm talking to you!" Jeoung-Eun immediately shoved her phone into her pocket and gave the customer an affable smile. "Sorry about that! How can I help you?" Though, first, she had to focus on her part-time job. It was a lot more reliable right now compared to her hunter job, so she had to focus on her on this job first.

At the end of the battle, Jiyeon felt the magic drain from his bones, red flames traveling down his body until only a few embers fizzled at his feet. He was tired and was pretty much done with the fight when a level-up window popped into view. He was level two-no, five. Now Jiyeon had... 180 points to use. He slumped to the ground and began putting points into his stats.

His stats now became:
Vitality: 60
Intelligence: 40
Strength: 100
Agility: 95
Sense: 75

Power surged in his arms, yet he still felt fatigued. There was fighting left to do, elsewhere in the school, probably, but it wouldn't hurt to rest for a few minutes and recover from that. He was so close to dying. That swipe from the E-rank bugbear would have severely injured him, maybe broken a few bones or made a few scars... It was scary to think about.

Jiyeon wearily stood up, muscles groaning in protest and sweat dripping down his forehead. Already satisfied with the fighting and the leveling he had done, he noticed the glint of a mana crystal on the ground. He ignored it; he had no use for mana or a refill of it. But it reminded him of the other items in the room. A pair of wicked-sharp trench knives, and a small pile of money. He grabbed a few handfuls (+30 gold) before he ambled out the door, cutlass halfheartedly held at the ready.
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ERode ERode

The barista smiled back at Rui-Ling and replied, “Blackberry fruit tea coming up, and one cake pop!”

She turned to retrieve the cake pop from a jar first, handing the pink-haired tween the plastic-covered dessert before she faced the back counter to prepare his tea.

The barista pondered over Rui’s question and she stepped away from the cup of steeping tea to grab a remote at the end of the back counter. She was reminded that she had forgotten to cut on the TV. She directed it up to a flat-screen TV hovering in the corner and turned it on. There was breaking news about a forsaken portal having opened on the roof of Hanyoung High School. The barista gasped in shock, “Oh no! Those poor students!”

She set down the remote and walked over to retrieve Rui-Ling’s tea before setting it before him. She then placed in front of him a condiments saucer in case he wanted to dress it up. Once he was served, her attention returned to the TV.
Hanyoung Highschool

Jiwon was panting as he unleashed a barrage of magic at the remaining bugbears. He just felt so... drained, yet a wave of relief came over him as he watched the Bugbear Mage fall though he couldn't stop panting to comment or celebrate the victory. It took everything that he had not to fall down as he felt very faint. Jiwon spent a moment to catch his breath as he leaned forward slightly with his hands on his knees. It felt like he had finished a marathon or something, he couldn't recall many situations in the past where he was this tired and worn out. As Jiwon slowly began to regather his thoughts, he began to worry once more. Were there other Bugbears in the school? Did that one Bugbear that ran away manage to go get some more reinforcements? Jiwon began to worry. Despite this victory against only three bugbears... only god knew how many more there potentially could be in the school and more importantly in the portal. It was then that Jiwon understood how little just one hunter could do. Even with other E-rank hunters, without the help of the teacher, Jiwon believed that they would not have been able to deal with the Bugbear Mage. It was then that Jiwon suddenly remembered in the midst of his partial fatigue driven brain fog, the teacher! Jiwon walked past the loot, it wasn't important now even though it looked like at least one of the other hunters was digging through some of the coins. What was more important was to make sure that the teacher was fine.

Jiwon approached the collapsed man and tried to shake him awake. "Mister, hey mister! You okay?" Jiwon said as he tried to wake up the teacher. "Is there a healer nearby?" Jiwon called out to the other hunters as he began to check for a pulse on the teacher. "Damn it." Jiwon muttered to himself as he tried to pick up the teacher and attempted to carry him out. However, given how tired he was... and the teacher's armor... it seemed like an impossible task. It was then that Jiwon remembered the system. He had gained some experience. He went through the menu and noticed he had leveled up a bit. He quickly began to assign himself new stats, and with those set. Jiwon tried to lift the teacher once more. Something that seemed herculean now began to seem very doable. "Hang in there mister, I'll get you to safety so that we can get you fixed up. You've gotta see your students after all and look cool in front of them like some sort of hero. Hell, that's pretty much what you are... you saved a lot of people back there." Jiwon said as he began to carry the D-rank teacher out of the school building and out towards the outside cordon so that the teacher could get some medical attention and get to an ambulance or hospital.
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7/11 Convenience Store

Jeoung-Eun Nam

"What do you mean, you can't give me a discount?!"

Ah, why me.

Jeoung-eun smiled through the verbal abuse that thrown at her by the woman right in front of her. The woman had brazenly bought a total of ₩95,726.40 ($80 USD) worth of convenience store items and threw her a bunch of coupons. The woman wore fancy attire and glamorous heels; it seemed like she was loaded with cash. But why shop at a convenience store? "I'm sorry, miss, but most of these coupons are either expired or-" Before Jeoung-eun had the chance of responding to her customer's question, the customer lashed out and gave her a piece of her mind.

"Expired? They should still be worth something! And what about these? I'm sure these aren't expired yet either!" The woman said as she raised up a coupon for CU, another convenience store. Jeoung-eun mentally took a deep breath and smiled through the hardship. The woman continued to ramble on about how it wasn't fair and that she should still get a discount despite the fact that only one out of the pile of coupons that she brought was actually applicable.

But it's for men's latex!

Jeoung-eun only nodded her head and again restated her stance, "I am so sorry, but they are still expired; I'm afraid I can't give you a discount." The woman in front of her gritted her teeth and muttered to herself. Jeoung-Eun only needed to hear the word "stupid" come out of her mouth to understand what the woman was saying. Finally, a savior in the form of another customer came from behind.

"Hey! Lady, get a move on! We're all waiting back here!" The balding customer said with a wave of his fist.

The woman only narrowed her eyes at the man before taking out a credit card and slipping it into the machine. Finally, she left and took only a quarter of her belongings with her. Now there was more work to be done.

'And I don't get paid for overtime,' Jeoung-eun thought to herself as she started to scan the next customer's items. She was to use this. She was working for a low-paying job, getting harassed by both men and women, and being unable to please her family's financial needs. Her friends, who were lucky enough to go to college, were often surprised at how long she worked at the convenience store. If only her family had been a bit richer, maybe she could have lived a little bit more comfortably.

Looking up at the clock in the convenience store, it was almost the end of her shift. She would have to go and try to do some research on being a hunter. If she was lucky, maybe she could join a party or something.
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Sector: 16 [Yangcheon]
Mentions: The Black Knight The Black Knight


How on earth did that happen?

Not bothering to smile at the barista, whose attention was now fully consumed by the developing news story, Rui-Ling sat down by the counter and watched it as well. Dramatic images of a dark-haired Hunter leaping up into action and of students crawling out from the windows into the arms of rescue teams ran, while a clearly exciting news reporter jabbered on about the statistics thus far. Hanyoung High School was in…Mapo, wasn’t it? Damn, that was awful. Hanyoung wasn’t the school that he had graduated from, but he still knew people from there. It’d been only two years, after all. The freshmen that he may or may not have met could’ve been the third years who were now in danger.

That didn’t mean that Rui-Ling felt all that inclined to leap into action though. As far as he was concerned, the incident was basically solved. Hunter Association, rescue teams, and relatively well-ranked teachers within the building? It was certainly a tragedy for the few who died, but it wasn’t a massacre.

Probably. Depended on the final head count. Maybe he’ll cringe at his callousness in the morning.

He sipped at his fruit tea, took a nibble of his cake pop. Enjoyed the innate sweetness, then added another packet of sugar. Stirred, drank, nodded. Good snacks tasted good, regardless of the news. People died every day, but only those intimately related stayed up at night about it. “God,” Rui-Ling said regardless, his face reflecting a concern that did not match the concern he truly felt. “I know people who go to that school. Hope they’re alright…what about you?”
Name: Jwan Min-Jee
Rank: E
Class: Mage
Location: Sector 10 - Hanyoung Highschool
Tag: Heyitsjiwon Heyitsjiwon Pseudo-nim Pseudo-nim Heterological Heterological

“And that’s four…” – The scythe scraped the floor on her weight, leaning on it; she stared in rapt attention at the red clump of nonsense where an imposing beast once stood. The pitted, flaked essence of whatever paste remained crumbling to monotone waste, then to the anticlimactic shape of the spoils of combat . . . The same type of loot she’d see in a common cash grab JRPG. Dime a dozen – Even began to take the unremarkable weight of the already familiar once you got the full experience in VR – Yet being there in the flesh to see it happen turned out to be a hell of a lot more difficult to stomach. Not in the existential crisis sort of way, in the eyesore sort of way. Min-Jee felt a pull back at the first time she entered a dungeon, seeing the same thing happen to the first monster that ran into her party. What seemed exotic to her, from another world, was painted in the most screamingly empty way possible – As though a life beyond those portals was worth, quite literally, only a handful of gold and some shiny piece of metal with a pointy end.

Moments of close watch later, she wondered if any of the others felt this way. Though that quickly died out as she watched everyone else dismissing it, worked to grab ahold of the new focus – Loot – Maybe she was just wearing her exception a little too proudly, seeing a monster dissolve into paste was the new norm, after all. In an attempt to fit in, to not stand out, she took in that nonchalance. Not like she wasn’t used to it already, she just didn’t like that feeling of losing a couple brain cells whenever she glossed over certain things as if they never existed – “Oppa, you look like you’re one moment away from blacking out yourself. If you need a hand, just ask for one.” – She addressed the other mage in the group, the inexpressiveness of a bored salary man feigning animosity, but her words didn’t betray any meanings, the guy looked exhausted. Her outfit broke out into a flock of crows, each vanishing into a cascade of dark feathers as she emerged with her hands stuffed into her jacket. Min-Jee flexed her jaw, popped her ears at the constant ring of five automated messages stating the same

You leveled up!”

She lowered herself to pick up the loot on her way to the classroom’s exit, taking the blades for herself and tossing the remaining stones for the stoic woman in ironclad to catch. First come first serve, as they say.

  • Wolf Fangs
Type: Daggers
Rank: D
Materials: Iron

Bonus(es): +15 Strength, +10 Agility

The wind blew and with it came a reek of metal, stabbing away at her nostrils. She tried to zone it out this time and focus on getting the teacher out of there. Min-Jee offered a shoulder to carry the collapsed man, his arm wrapped around her, distributing the weight so that his fellow hunter wouldn’t have to bear such a painful walk on his own – “So, what’s the plan? We can leave him at their care with the other students, but are you going back in to close the portal or what?” – She tried not to make much eye contact, just maintaining a polite yet straightforward talk on their way to the exit. It was a guise for where her focus was truly on, a transparent screen she hoped only she could see, the fingers on her free hand tapping at the air in seemingly random patterns, as discrete as she could

“Stats changed successfully.”

Feeling the weight lessen on her shoulder, she sighed – “Don’t know if a bunch of E ranks could make a difference, but I also don’t think there’s any high rank capable of arriving at the scene before these halls are flooded with more of those things.” – She looked around to nothing in particular. As to why she was bringing it up in the first place, even if they weren’t exactly bound by anything to jump into the portal? To talk up her concerns, something, something – lack of confidence and a bit of reassurance – High odds that her thought process was just looking for a signal, that she wasn’t the only one thinking it was the right thing to do.

Or maybe just trying to convince herself to jump into something she knew was damned stupid, even for her. Through Jiwon’s response she’d make up her mind.
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