Gandora High (Accepting)


Welcome to Gandora High your new home for all types both demon and creature both good and evil. There are few things that are different. For one our dorms our on the other side of the school and is known as Gandora Heights and we have mokanas around the school to help when needed. There are many exciting things that await you in Gandora high. We meet the needs of all our students either it be just letting you out for the walk on the town or honing your skills we have it all. Thank you and enjoy yourself at Gandora High.

The Story of Gandora

Years ago After the Great War. A treaty was signed so all supernatural Creatures could live in peace.

But that changed once the humans found out their world and decided to take them out and drive them from there own home. A young mage by the name on Hotek decided that he would design a school where all monsters and Creatures could all come together to hone there skills in becoming top rank fighters against the human threat. And thus the opening of Gandora was formed. As time rolled on humans saw less and less of these creatures and soon came to thought to them as just myths and legends the school was no longer needed as a combat school. But as a school to where students could express there powers and ability with out feeling threatened or harmed. To this day this school still stands as the center piece of all monsters and supernatural beings alike. But There are still people out there who want to rid them self of this " False peace" . But Gandorahas powerful students will to stand tall and fight against any threat to come there way.


We are also allowing people to also become teachers or staff if they want to be.

As students/Teachers you must register here gives us your name age and your being and don't be afraid to tell us a little about yourself as well.




Rank ( first - fourth year))

Looks: (picture or description)



Weapon:(not optional)

Other: (not optional)

Students / Teachers -

Name: Vaarsuvious


Race: Angel

Rank: first year

Looks: He has a pair of black wings with a span of ten feet, which he tends to keep folded close to his back and underneath a billowing, pitch-black cloak. His skin is slightly tan, and his eyes are grey and pupileless. He wears loose pants, but no shirt, and he has black tribal tattoos on his chest and arms. He stands six feet, three inches tall, and his cloak has a hood which he keeps pulled up when he's not just relaxing.

Bio: He prefers that people not know about him until they've earned such information.

Extra: Tremorsense

Wepon: Solid steel hand and a half mace

Other: His mace is enchanted to be unbreakable, and his cloak allows him to blend into the shadows.


Name: Prof. Deox Watikins

Age: 23

Race: Mage

Rank: Teacher

Looks: A tall tan-skinned man with red and black hair with almost cover his brown eyes and a gentle face. He carries a scar on his left cheek. And a crux on the tie of his blue tuxedo suit. You can't really miss him because he always has a new book in his hand.

Bio: Prof. Deox is a mage who spends most him time teaching students Spells and charms that can be used in multiple ways through out life. He was family was actually given this job to teach all students because of the legacy of all have well trained mages and spell-caster. Despite his calm manner he's also equipped with defense which makes him a strong friend or a worthy foe.

Other: Magiatius Awakening- A spell used only when feeling threatened. It unleashes this mage's full potential and allows him to see and do things others can't.


Name: Ryohei Sovatare


Race: Demon

Age: 29

Rank: Doc.

Looks: Shot blonde hair, brown hilights in some strands as well very straight to the point it's tough straw. Average height, build not to lean.

Bio: Ryohei past isn't something that would count as a happy one for this one man has experienced so many tragedies. In the beginning he killed his mother when he was born and suffered emotional abuse from his older brother. His father had became a distant one, never returning home until a couple of weeks. Then after a month it was when Ryohei knew his father either left him or was killed. With that he was brought up with his brother who finally started physically hurting but in a way where no one would notice. Trying to drown him in the pool or bathtub, sitting on top of him or even using his own power to hurt Ryohei. It wasn't until Ryohei escaped from the torture from the help of his mothers brother. A very powerful demon the man was and that was when everything started to change when he took Ryohei into his custody. During this time usually demons would have gained their powers but Ryohei was one of the hundreds who has not activated it.

Other: A introvert he is, he stays within his bounds and never bonds with anyone. Very tense around people and never lets his guard down.

Weapon: none.

Power: (unknown for now)


Name: Ebony

Age: Appears 18

Race: Unknown

Rank: Fourth year

Looks: ((Obviously the girl))

Bio: Ebony doesn't like to talk about her past.

Extra: Powers appear to be a strange light energy.


Other: No.


Name: Valentina Stone.

Age: 17 years old.

Race: Half human- Half dove.

Rank: 3rd year.


Bio: Valentina was raised in an Italian wealthy family. Her entire family were half human- half Dove, so it wasn't a surprise when she was born with wings. She was quite happy with her life. At least.. That was for awhile. In the middle of May, her family was murdered, and she was forced to leave her wealthy life behind and live with her Aunt. Her aunt wasn't particularly the nicest person, and made her do hard tasks constantly (Kinda like the story of Cinderella, except without the stepsisters..). Valentina was recently sent to Gandora High, since it was a decision made by her aunt. She truthfully didn't want to go, but her aunt insisted since she thought of it as a better school for her.

Extra: For some reason, Doves are attracted to her, and try following her around a lot.

Weapon: A long white sword with a Japanese word imprinted in the middle of the blade. (さいあい which means 'Beloved' in Japanese:P)

Other: She speaks fluent Italian and Japanese.


Name: Nina

Age: 16

Race: Neko

Rank ( first - fourth year)) First

Looks: (picture or description)

Bio: I really would not like to say much about myself, if I like you and can trust you, you might glean info…but it's not available to anyone and everyone.


Weapon:(not optional) Glistening silver sword

Other: (not optional) Nina is a very good person, and she is best friends with Angelina

Name: Angelina

Age: 16

Race: Angel

Rank ( first - fourth year)) First

Looks: (picture or description)

Bio: I'm a angel. 'Nuff said. If ya wanna hear my Bio, earn my trust


Weapon:(not optional) A light orb, named Toniyoli, that is VERY dangerous

Other: (not optional) Best friends with Nina

(( Shouldn't we at least have a name, age, and appearance? Back story could be revealed later on. ))
Gandora Registrations and Story.

nappy i'm still trying to figure this site out. But once i get it going i assure you will be the first to know

The Story of Gandora

Years ago After the Great War. A treaty was signed so all supernatural Creatures could live in peace.

But that changed once the humans found out their world and decided to take them out and drive them from there own home. A young mage by the name on Hotek decided that he would design a school where all monsters and Creatures could all come together to hone there skills in becoming top rank fighters against the human threat. And thus the opening of Gandora was formed. As time rolled on humans saw less and less of these creatures and soon came to thought to them as just myths and legends the school was no longer needed as a combat school. But as a school to where students could express there powers and ability with out feeling threatened or harmed. To this day this school still stands as the center piece of all monsters and supernatural beings alike. But There are still people out there who want to rid them self of this " False peace" . But Gandora has powerful students will to stand tall and fight against any threat to come there way.

As students you must register here gives us your name age and your being and don't be afraid to tell us a little about yourself as well.




Rank ( first - fourth year))

Looks: (picture or description)



Weapon:(not optional)

Other: (not optional)

Name: Vaarsuvious


Race: Angel

Rank: first year

Looks: He has a pair of black wings with a span of ten feet, which he tends to keep folded close to his back and underneath a billowing, pitch-black cloak. His skin is slightly tan, and his eyes are grey and pupileless. He wears loose pants, but no shirt, and he has black tribal tattoos on his chest and arms. He stands six feet, three inches tall, and his cloak has a hood which he keeps pulled up when he's not just relaxing.

Bio: He prefers that people not know about him until they've earned such information.

Extra: Tremorsense

Wepon: Solid steel hand and a half mace

Other: His mace is enchanted to be unbreakable, and his cloak allows him to blend into the shadows.

Is that okay? ^
I can barely make a character, let alone a whole role play.

However, a friend of mine made one and I've been meaning to ask her if I could post it here.
Idk, I don't actually think I'm experienced or creative enough to run my own rp. I mean, I'm really good at rolepalying, but this forum stuff... it's a new medium to me, I'm accustomed to tabletop rpgs and mmo's.
Name: Ryohei Sovatare



Race: Demon

Age: 29

Rank: Doc.

Looks: Shot blonde hair, brown hilights in some strands as well very straight to the point it's tough straw. Average height, build not to lean.

Bio: Ryohei past isn't something that would count as a happy one for this one man has experienced so many tragedies. In the beginning he killed his mother when he was born and suffered emotional abuse from his older brother. His father had became a distant one, never returning home until a couple of weeks. Then after a month it was when Ryohei knew his father either left him or was killed. With that he was brought up with his brother who finally started physically hurting but in a way where no one would notice. Trying to drown him in the pool or bathtub, sitting on top of him or even using his own power to hurt Ryohei. It wasn't until Ryohei escaped from the torture from the help of his mothers brother. A very powerful demon the man was and that was when everything started to change when he took Ryohei into his custody. During this time usually demons would have gained their powers but Ryohei was one of the hundreds who has not activated it.

Other: A introvert he is, he stays within his bounds and never bonds with anyone. Very tense around people and never lets his guard down.

Weapon: none.

Power: (unknown for now)
Oh look a new person

I think as co-owner I can accept?

Whatever, Young abandoned us so you're accepted.
I guess you guys can start. I'm still trying to figure out a name for my character, so i'll just jump in whenever i'm finished.

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