[Gaming Group] Real World Exalted

I'm not interested in the God-King route to power. Hearthstones work just fine for Essence regeneration and Cults get noticed.

I'll do the fast-talking if needed, otherwise I'm looking for Artifacts and hoping to get into a nice laboratory.

Jaksio said:
Please stop talking about your crazy artifacts ideas. It's freaking me out. :lol:
Aww... :mrgreen:
If you've got a laptop you can use, you could try going to a local public library for your connection.

As for where I'm going to take my character in the future- well, since a lot of people seem to be planning for combat as a secondary priority or going for more concept-focused builds, I think I may be going the combat-twink route, just in case it's needed to keep everyone else alive at some point.

Hmmm. I wonder if having read the book's descrip for Water Dragon Style counts as having a manual for training the style? It does include a brief description of training procedures and a precise description of what each Charm can accomplish.
Anime face makers for those who don't want to (or can't) properly draw a character picture for themselves:

FoxRichards' FaceMaker program

geN8hedgehog's Anime Face Maker

I used the Fox Richards version for my picture.


(And, yes, my oldest kid used to look like Harry Potter)
Alright, I have internet, and now there's a good chance that, barring some sort of catastrophic series of events, I will have internet this weekend as well. So I will be running the game as scheduled.

Now, Jaksio and Andoriol, if you can be around on Friday, at 2 PM CST, I'll be running you through your Exaltations in the same room name, Exalted: Through the Looking Glass.
Aasharu said:
Alright, I have internet, and now there's a good chance that, barring some sort of catastrophic series of events, I will have internet this weekend as well. So I will be running the game as scheduled.
Now, Jaksio and Andoriol, if you can be around on Friday, at 2 PM CST, I'll be running you through your Exaltations in the same room name, Exalted: Through the Looking Glass.
Glad to hear that your crisis is almost kissed goodbye.

I have free evening that Friday so no problem with that. BTW There will be password for login into room?
Feh.. had large part of it done using that one.. then discovered that it has failbeards..

And the other one always ends up looking like a girl ^^
Toptomcat, I rolled randomly to decide what type of 4 dot hearthstone you get.

Congratulations, you are the proud new owner of a Stone of Inhuman Beauty. You look pretty.
Aasharu said:
Toptomcat, I rolled randomly to decide what type of 4 dot hearthstone you get.
Congratulations, you are the proud new owner of a Stone of Inhuman Beauty. You look pretty.

Appearance +4 is not to be sneezed at, that's pretty much a guaranteed +3 against anything that's not an elder Changing Moon relying on the Instinctive Appearance Unity. Of course if that's the case we're all boned anyway.
:? I will be moving this weekend. :?

:| I'll TRY to make game, but I make no promises. :|

:evil: I have to be out of the house by noon on Monday. :evil:
Hah. Okay, I'll take that. It's pretty good so far as natural-mental-influence social powers go, especially because my go-to plan for convincing important NPCs of something important is to use my Dueling Torcs to assure both parties that neither is using mindfuckery powers on the other. Otherwise, Exalted is a setting where it's actively dangerous to sit down and talk with some types of people because they're so supernaturally persuasive, and I was afraid that it would make important NPCs paranoid enough to be flat-out unwilling to listen to us. That's one of a very, very few social magics that will work in that context, so I'll take it.
OK, so 2 PM in my time is... 9 PM for you, Jaksio, right? Anyways, I have to work tomorrow, but I should be done around noon, 1ish. I'll set the room up at noon, on my lunch break, and if I'm a bit late, don't worry about it. I might get off later, but shouldn't be too late.
Here's a quick, brief primer on using OpenRPG for better Exalted gaming.

Type "/dieroller" to see what dice rolling package you're using. You're going to want to use the full command "/dieroller wodex" if it's not already set to it.

To make dice rolls, it's best to just write it all out. Die rolls are contained in square brackets, and in addition to being a handy fast calculator which can handle everything short of exponents, it handles die rolling and arguments.

[1d20] would roll a twenty-sided die, for example; handy if you're playing D&D, but we're not. We're playing a game with much more complex die resoloution. You're going to want to roll [Xd10.exalt()], where X is the number of dice you want to roll for an ability check. Roll [Xd10.exaltDmg()] for rolling damage die (it also works for those like mortals who are not subject to the Rule of 10).

You can also, for example, use [Xd10.vs(Y).ascending()] if you need to roll it without short-handing it. Primarily this will be used for bastards who can alter target numbers, like Sidereals and Infernals. Y is the target number, the .ascending ensures that 10s get placed at the very end for easy counting.

The command "/me whatever" will print anything after the /me as an action emote, like IRC.

OpenRPG uses HTML text parsing. You're primarily going to be interested in the <i>, <b>, and <u> tags; Italic, Bold, and Underline, respectively. Remember to use the ending tags; <i>Italic</i>, <b>Bold</b>, and <u>Underline</u>.
Unfortunately, we're full up. Sorry.

Also, some of you may have noticed that we have our own section of the forum. You have to apply for membership in the group that I head, and then you can post there. This way, we can keep all our rambling there, instead of cluttering up the rest of the board.
How exactly does one go about doing that?

Also, I regret to inform y'all that I'm going to have to pull out of tomorrow's game- a medical emergency has come up which takes priority. Sorry. :(

To join a group, go to Control Panel -> Usergroups. It should be on the left-hand column of things.

From there, click the handy radio button and select 'Join'! Hooray!
Aasharu i might get late around hour or two for today game. There were some unexpected circumstances. I will try to be on time but its unlikely.
*looking up from my bags o' trash*

Can I get a recap of the game, if someone has the texts?

Anything else, please PM me.

Aasharu, if you want to do anything to RP my absence, just let me know.

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