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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"We can still... Save her?"

Hope became apparent in your eyes as you looked back up at him.

"Then let's go!"

You shout, scoping the area around.


Hummingbird: Eck

Teal blood was splattered on you, causing you to grimace and try wiping it off. That was WAY easier than you'd though it'd be. Something, a very small something, wailed and cried in pain and sadness. You tried ignoring it, but it made your stomach barely gnaw with guilt for the first time in a while.
QA: I hear what you're saying.

QA: However, what I'm hearing is that you dragged me out here for nothing.

@Midnight Phantom

Chelon: Time for some shenanigans

You hop on Kapalesprite^2's back and go fly off somewhere else on Skaia.
Duke: Grudgingly get going

He didn't even apologies for actually dragging you out here by the hood, the nerve of some people. Anyways, on your DISC-RUCTION OF DUKEYONG, you make a full U-turn and make your way back to Skaia.
Aura: Follow

You follow Tavros's directions, hoping Ken is following you. You see a few figures on the horizon, but can't quite make them out in detail yet.
Ken: Follow

You follow Aura, looking ahead with your mind's eye.

"They're both there. I'll put Sophie in a barrier to keep her safe while we deal with the Muse. After that, we get Deust here and reverse her time to before she turned back."

"Sounds like a plan. We'll get Sophie back. She doesn't deserve to be like this, at all."

You keep reassuring yourself of these things, becoming more determined the more you say it.
Wolf looked at the space player before looking back at the ground. "She doesn't want to talk to any of you right now Says Melissa She doesn't want to hear any more bad things Says Francisca Stop you two I'm sorry about them" She said, her voice turning sad after sounding angry.

Hummingbird: AGAIN?!

You noticed the two flying figures before the barrier, but realized who they were after the barrier. God damn it Ken!

"Again, Ken? I really don't like the position I'm in right now."

You keep staring at him.

"Reminds me of before."

Aura: ???

This was the mystery gunner? Well. It seemed she was just like Theo. A Muse of Blood. Nothing really clicked in your mind on the thought of what she was capable of.
"I'd die either way so just get it over with" She said, glancing up at him. "Just.....take care of Bird, okay? Don't let Fox win" She said with a sigh. She knew this would be the end, no matter what she chose to do.

"Not much else I can do No You can just leave Says Francisca Don't let Fox- Stop it both of you....you know it won't help" She said with another sigh. She couldn't escape Fox. She knew that. And she was too afraid to turn against him. The only way she could see herself getting out is dying, either by Fox or these players. She'd rather have the players instead of Fox.

"Nice Nice Yeah that's totally what this is Says Melissa It is very nice to meet you Mr Space Player Says Francisca Melissa please don't be rude to the boy who controls our lives Says me I know but nice Is he insane or something Asks Melissa He could just be nice or considerate Says me"

Aura: Be silent

As much as you felt creeped out by all of this, you stay quiet. You'd let Ken handle this one... You know if you started talking, you'd start bad mouthing her 'friends'.
"Listen... I believe you. Your ally, the Lord of Time, came to me as well. He said that he's sick of your leader, and he just wants this to end. I told him that he can come with us, after we defeat your leader. I'm offering the same to you. I won't kill you, not now that I know you're not bad. Join with us, help us defeat the Fox."

You hold out your hand to Kaitlynn.

Wolf shook her head and held herself close. "No.....if we do that we'll die Fox doesn't forgive traitors and I don't want to die.....I promised everyone is survive......No you don't have to stay with him Kaitlynn Says Melissa He's trying to kill you anyways Adds Francisca"


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