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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Aura: Notice

It seems you are out of your candy-craze, but Amanda was in imminent danger. You still felt a bitter taste in your mouth at the sight of her, but you wanted to do something. It seemed, however, you couldn't. You instead run over to Lux's location. You'd call her Lux, just because you wanted her to change from a blood thirsty beast to a moderately normal human. Maybe the name would help, who knew.

Lux: Be knocked out
"My god! Leave me alone!" She said, looking back at the others. But, before she knew it, she flew straight into a candy cane bar. She ended up falling to the ground, her head spinning. What just happened?

Aura: Fudge

Did he just...? Oh god, AGH! You look back at Ken, who thankfully looks preoccupied. But you knew that wouldn't last long. Seeing Amanda falling, you become concerned. Ken was fudging PERSISTENT. You prayed he wouldn't find you, and finally arrived to Lux's unconscious body. She'd be fine, but... You didn't know how long you would be.
The candy flies straight at Amanda, and...!

Ken: !!!

You double over, clutching your stomach. The candy stops its assault, clattering harmlessly to the ground around Amanda.

Afrien : That Tears It

You locate Ken and begin charging there.

Afrien : Back Attack

You would have rammed Ken in the back, had he not just lost his Buzz.

Afrien : Snag

You swipe the Sucker from Ken, and swallow it whole.


@electroShogun @MoltenLightning
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Amanda: Be relieved

Amanda was relieved when the candy dropped, but her head was pounding and spinning at the same time. Stupid candy canes. She never did like them.

Amanda: Glare At Candy Canes

She did. She gave the cage her best glare without furthering any head damage she may or may not have. Stupid festive candy, ruining lives and heads.
Theo: Sugar low

You collapse holding your stomach, never have you ever been more sick, and you willingly avoided being sick for two years straight!

"This is the worst hang over ever."

Theo continued to moan, it felt like she was going to die!
Aura: ???

Ken? What on Earth? What was he doing??? You notice Afrien had just swallowed the sucker. Something in your chest screams out, but you shove it back. That sucker needed to BURN. You run over to Ken, in case he decided to fall unconscious.
Afrien : HOLY FUCK

Suddenly, every color of the rainbow bursts into your mind. The world twists and turns. You can see smells and taste sound.

Afrien : Puke

You fall on the ground and puke a ton, the Trickster colors fading from your body.

"Huuuh- HUAGH!"

You continuously puke on the ground. Eating that Lollipop was a bad idea.
Duke: Notice

In your current state, you spot Afrien and have malicious thoughts once more. You stare at him, curious of what made trolls so different than humans. Was it just the candy-corn horns or was it more...internally. You initially wanted to find out earlier, but last time you were running on fumes and passed out...This time, maybe you could get to know him "skin deep".

*Bicycle Horn Noises*

@Midnight Phantom

You do, jumping up and sprinting the other way. FUDGE FUDGE FUDGE! You pick up Lux on your run-by just in case and keep running.
Duke: Question

You do not understand what's going on. Perhaps Ken was telling everyone to play a game of hide and seek.

Duke: Comply

The lens of your shades begin to spin, as though it was a disc on a record player. You create a GIANT GIFT BOX around you and hide within. You can't help by giggle a little bit.

*Hyena Noises*
Shadow flies over and gently picks Afrien up and carries him to cover. "Are you alright?" She asked after setting him down.

@Midnight Phantom


Amanda shakily found cover, her head still pounding. She swore to whomever was listening she was going to make sure that damn candy never existed.
Shadow gasped and wondered what she could do. She didn't know how to deal with a....what was it? A magical illness? That's what she was guessing. Her eyes turned down in worry and she rested his head on her lap and moved his hair out of his face. She didn't know what to do to help....

@Midnight Phantom
Ken: Lose control

You feel your grip on your body get torn from you.

Trickster!Ken: ...


You glare at where Afrien is hiding.


You float up into the air, rainbow-colored electricity crackling around you.


You unleash a wave of pure magic all around you. The candy-cane bars shatter, raining sharp fragments down.
Aura: Feel wave

You try and stand your ground, but the force is too much. You get blown back a few feet, then smash into the ground behind you. Head-first. Lux, of course, was blown even farther back. You feel yourself starting to cough up blood, and look at Ken. You see several versions of him, your vision beginning to get shaky. Did you just... Get a concussion...? You suddenly don't recognize anyone around you... Where... Where were you..?
You here noises from outside, A PARTY MUST BE GOING ON!


You pop out of the GIANT GIFT BOX, like a jack-in-the-box, and start playing some music on your RAGNAROCKSTAR for the party!

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