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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Chelon: ...Ooooh...Yeah, that seems waaaay more logical.

Chelon: Accelerate

You speed up Kapalesprite, making him move at a faster rate. In about two minutes, he was already half way below the surface.

Chelon: Soooo, do ya wanna wait up here oooor should we get movin'?

Chelon: Examine Tumor

Yup, there it is, the Tumor. You look at the giant spiky yin-yang ball with interest. This was truly a behemoth of bombs and very shortly, it would be in your sylladex.

Chelon: Bomb the bomb

You toss your CC-BOMBSHELL at it and watch as the Tumor implodes into a captchalogue card, leaving behind nothing but empty space. You pick it up and examine it, holding it up in the air.

Chelon: Weeeell, dat was easy.

Chelon: Do ya think anyone is actually goin' to take their time to make their way to the center of Skaia for somethin' that may or may not be their?...Well, beeeesides us.

Chelon: They got the Treasure, we got the Tumor. Weeee got some leverage, if they try anythin' funny, possibly even somethin' to barter for their G-frog.

Chelon: Sharing is caring

You give a TC-BOMBSHELL to Fox and hold onto the other one. After telling Kapalesprite to politely piss off, you put the Tumor Card into your sylladex.

Chelon: Transportalize

You activate the TC-BOMBSHELL and explode your way back to the base.
You use the TC- Bombshell Tortoise gave you and return to base.


Ken: Wonder

There's something bugging you... Some nagging memory in the back of your head... You can't put your finger on it, but you feel like you've forgotten something...

Never mind that, now! You've got more important things to worry about!

"Please, Lyssa. I know we can come to an agreement."

Aura: Huh?

You listen to Afrien, then Ken. You had no idea why they were trying to talk to Lyssa.

'Hey Lyssa, did you hear them?'


'Would you like a body?'

'No. Troll bodies are INCOMPETENT AND WEAK!!'


'I'll allow you to talk so that you can tell them.'


You feel your voice come back.

"Thank GOD. Oh, and Lyssa says that trolls are incompetent and weak swines that don't deserve to see the LIGHT OF DAY!!!"

Your face shifts a bit at the end, but regains its regular look once you stop talking. Wait, what did you just say???
Aura: Question

"Okay, why are you addressing me like Lyssa?"

Lyssa: Explain

You take over for a moment.

"Okay, look. Trolls are NOT on my 'wanna-be' list. I'm not even sure I WANT to leave. Why get a new body when I could just have THIS ONE!?"

You smile deviously, fangs showing.
"I refuse to have a troll as a body. Why not let me have..."

You think for a second.


Your eyes widen maniacally.


You get back into control, shoving Lyssa down.

"We're trying to get Lyssa out of you, Aura. We need to convince her, though. And Lyssa, I know you can still hear me in there. A Horrorterror body is absolutely impossible to replicate. The apparatus is just far too small. The best I can do is get you a robot body. I can give it weapons, too, if you want."


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