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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Chelon: Converse


Chelon: Weeeell, imma go catch some z's, g'night.

Chelon: Abscond

Like the turtlely turtle that you are, you retreat to the safety of your own abode. You were sure nothing was going on right now and if there was something up, they would let you know.

Chelon: Examine room

Everything looks the same, except for the letter that was settled on your pillow.

Chelon: Examine Letter


It looked like, to you at least, two turtles sucking face...But it didn't mean that at all. You knew exactly what it meant and it meant that you STILL could not go to bed.


Chelon: Make preparations

You slowly make your way outside and summon Kapalesprite. You swear is last prototyping has made him worse, but you have to deal with it. You give him a TC-BOMBSHELL and tell him to go somewhere. He examines it for a full minute, before promptly leaving. You then go back inside and wait.
Chelon: Converse

Chelon: Maaaan, why you always assumin' dat I be up to stuff. Can't I just moooosey around our domain, without judgement of my fellow peers?

*Yawn Sigh*

Chelon: Weeeell if you must know, future me sent another letter.

Chelon: Show letter


Chelon: I'm guessin' the kids got something that miiiight threaten us. What have they been up to?

Chelon: Suuuure, kids with hope usually like to do nothin'. Aaaanyways, since the kids aren't around right now nor are they within the Incipisphere, i'm gonna hang out in the land of blacks and whites. You wanna come?

"I suppose."



Sollux: Have premonition

You feel like Afrien is going to have a bad time. You message him.

TA: hey man

TA: ii ju2t got thii2 weiird feeliing

TA: that youre gonna be iin for 2omethiing bad

TA: be careful ok

@Midnight Phantom
Chelon: Be the other guy...

...You are now the other guy. You have been sent to a very special location and you were determined to get there has fast as you can...Right after you examined some space dust.

Kapalesprite: Examine space dust

NO, DON'T YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT IT! That would be like the seventeenth billion spec of space dust that you've examined, you are completely tired of it! ENOUGH WITH THE EXAMINING OF SHIT!

Kapalesprite: Keep going

You say fuck the examining bullshit and keep on your merry way.

Kapalesprite: Reach destination

You have finally made it to your destination. You see a planet covered in black and white squares slapped onto an non-smooth surface, even some slight vegetation. You land on the planet and place the TC-BOMBSHELL onto the uneven ground.

Kapalesprite: Be the other guy...

...you are now the other guy. You lead Fox over to the Transportalizer.

Chelon: Ooookay, carry me.

Chelon: Duuuude, ya have to. My Tansportalizer Compatible Bombshell is a one-trip gig. We booooth need ta be on the Transportalizer at the same time so youuuu haaaave toooo caaaarry meeee.

Chelon: Iiiif we were bout to lose and had a plan of escape, I'd maybe consider that. Fortunatly, we're still playin' this game, but we're endanger of loosin' our hold of this session. Iiii'm attemptin' ta get back our leverage. Soooo imma just gettin' a souvenir right now.

Chelon: Chiiiill out, Morty, I ain' gonna damage Skaia. You coooould even say I'm helpin' it by..."Removing a tumor."

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ES: Oh

ES: Right

ES: Okay well do that

ES: I hope it works

@Midnight Phantom


"You have a serious problem of never explaining things, Tortoise. If that's all you're doing, then that's fine."

You lift Tortoise onto your back and step onto the transportalizer.

Afrien : Fill Deust In

You shoot a few messages to your mushroom friend, and he gives a nod of agreement.

Afrien : Coax Lyssa

"Lyssa, I would like to make a deal. If we give you a full grown troll body to inhabit, will you leave Aura's body alone?"

Chelon: Transportalize

You and Fox are transportalized to Skaia via TC-BOMBSHELL. You both emerge from its explosion.

Chelon: Eeeeh, guess imma just sloooow to the point.

Chelon: Nah, Kapap-,erm, Kapalesprite got it. Right bu-...


You notice that Kapalesprite has been spending his time examining Skaia vegetation...You're starting to miss Kapapa more and more.

Chelon: Uh, Kapalesprite, buddy?

Kapalesprite: Cut it out

You stop with the examining and get back to the mission. You pull out your...PAL'S PROBE?...Screw it, you start thrusting it into the ground, digging your way to the center of Skaia.

Chelon: Okay, at dis rate, we should be at the center of Skaia in about...Uuuum, I don' know, three days. Four, tops.


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