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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

JF: Mind telling me about something? Oh, anything really.

JF: Maybe that might be concerning the Earth? How about the fact that it's no longer there?

JF: Ring any bells?

Okay....little too sarcastic....she'd apologize later.



Shadow giggled and smiled back at him. "Alright. Just try not to fight with her too much, alright? I wouldn't want you wearing yourself down because of it."

@Midnight Phantom
"A forbidden ritual... Sounds devious."

AA: the ritual requires several things that are difficult t0 0btain

AA: and it requires the sacrifice 0f a sentient being

"YEP. Definitely devious. No way are we doing that."

You look at Aura.

"I'm sorry, Aura, but there's nothing we can do."



Equius: Sweat

You wipe your forehead. When did she find out?!

CT: D--> May I ask where you heard that from

JF: That isn't important. What I want to know is why you didn't tell me.

JF: Did you think I couldn't handle it? That I'd be heartbroken? Do I seem that weak and attached to where I lived?



Shadow smiled and hugged him. She was happy he was here....yeah, okay. Stop dwelling on the Battle of Skaia. She was sure if he wasn't sure he wouldn't be okay, he would have thought of another way.....hopefully....she pressed closer to him, trying to push away the negative thoughts. She'd make sure to ask him later.

@Midnight Phantom
"Afrien, no. We are not performing a profane dark ritual. We've already got enough dark magic from Duke."

@Midnight Phantom


CT: D--> I didn't tell you because you couldn't afford to be distracted

CT: D--> If I had told you, you wouldn't have been able to join the attack on Derse

CT: D--> Then your allies wouldn't have all made it out alive

CT: D--> To be fair, I was planning on telling you soon

JF: How soon? When we were done with this game? When I might or might not have lost contact with you and the others because of it?

JF: Do you even know what will happen if and when we beat the HS and win the game? Do you think we'll continue talking and being friends just because we already were?

JF: That isn't how the real world works. It could be the only reason we can talk to each other is because of where we are at at the moment. We may lose contact with you as soon as we win. We...

Amanda: Deep Breath

She stopped and took a breath. Calm down. Calm down. She was starting to sound like her mother. Great. That's just what she wanted.

JF: Why couldn't you trust me to handle it?



"Oh come on Afrien, can't you be a little nice? What did I say about fighting?" She asked with a light giggle before turning to Chryom. "And Mr. Chryom, if you could try to not be so rules oriented and try adjusting to how Afrien is, he might go a little easier on you." She suggested, looking between them with kind eyes.

@Midnight Phantom
CT: Because I saw it, Amanda

CT: I saw the timeline where I told you about Earth

CT: And I saw Ken die to Jack

CT: You wouldn't have been able to win the game

CT: Your timeline would have been doomed

Aura: Shrug

Using Demon Magic couldn't be so bad, right? Eh, who knew. And, you still needed to see what those punched cards held... Well, you'd check that later.


Amanda clenched her fists and hit the wall. She was that weak? She couldn't believe it. All those years being able to hide and run from her feelings failed her? How? She just turned her phone off and set it down, completely forgetting about her Glovetop. All she was wondering about was how she had let herself become so dependent....so weak......just by being around the others....how? What had happened?



Shadow smiled at the both of them. "Thank you....though something tells me I'm going to have to make sure you are actually doing it....." She added with a nervous giggle. This....this might take a while....

@Midnight Phantom
Amanda turned the holoscreen off and slid against the wall. How....how did it get like this? When did someone else's words become helpful and meaningful to her? She didn't understand. Why...why did being close to people make her feel like smiling....and not pretend, but for real. Like how she used to smile when she was a kid. She didn't understand what was going on....what was wrong with her?
Afrien : Message Ken

You privately message ken so Lyssa cannot snoop.

CA: Hear me Out

CA: We make Lyssa a troll Body

CA: Grow it to Adulthood

CA: Let her go In

CA: Revert it to A Grub

CA: And Stomp the Bitch

CA: Bye bye Chaos God


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