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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

"Nonono! I have been eavesdropping on the Trolls, and they seem to have been mentioning some powerful being from their allies session named 'Jack Noir'. I think we should make a clone of him, and kill it on camera, send the footage to the Trolls, and scare their dumbasses shitless! Kyahahahaha!"

Gamzee: Remember

You remember something and hurriedly post on the memo.

TC: ShIt gUyS I JuSt rEmEmBeReD SoMeThInG

TC: sOmEoNe mEsSaGeD Me


TC: i tHiNk iT CoUlD Be oNe oF ThE HeXeS

Ken: Remember

ES: Oh that reminds me

ES: Someone weird messaged me too

ES: disregardingHummingbird

ES: Probably another of the Hex

ES: And Im almost certain that theyre a Mind player

@Midnight Phantom @MoltenLightning @Nawmoo @ShadowHuntress @Kurai Okami

CT: D --> I have already confiscated anything that can be used to run the program

AC: :33 < good work equius!

TC: HeY, mAn! I NeEd tHaT!

AG: Relax, Gamzee. This is for your own good.

@Midnight Phantom
"That... WHAT?! You can't be serious. That'll just spur them on! And, in the small chance that they are scared, they'll become even more persistent in trying to STOP US!"

It seemed that you were a little more frustrated than usual.
"You don't understand! This being comPLETELY fucked them over when they met it! If we can kill it, they will give up on fighting us altogether! they will know they have no chance and give up all hope!"

Shadow: Snap out of it

Shadow, who had been in a daze, blinked and looked around. Where was she again?...oh right. Giant wingbeast, destroying it, victory. Who was talking to her? Oh! It's Afrien! "Ah...sorry...I was kind of out of it. What was that?" She asked, blinking at him before yawning. Has she always been this tired? "Oh, wait...are you alright Afrien? You're the one who got eaten."

@Midnight Phantom


Wolf watched them argue back and forth before growing bored again. They never really learned, did they? She went back to talking to Francis and Melissa. At least they had something new to talk about every time.
She shook her head with a smile, though she held back a yawn. "No, it's alright. I have to see if everyone else is okay first..." She said, looking around at the other two. They seemed fine, but it didn't hurt to ask. "Aura, Ken, are you both..." She stopped to yawn before continuing. "Are you both alright?" She tried again.

@Midnight Phantom @electroShogun @MoltenLightning

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