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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

She took out the money and handed it to him. She then left a tip before leaving, saying thanks on the way out. This....this was cool. Predicting an enemies movements would make fighting Derse and and Jack Noir so much easier. She wanted to talk to one of the trolls about it, but they were busy dealing with a crazed troll named Gamzee. She smiled as she walked back to Duke's. Now to play with the stones. >:3

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Equius: Subdue the highb100d

You wait for Gamzee to turn his back on your hiding spot, then leap at him. You lock his arms behind his back with one hand and run the relaxation program with the other.

"Forgive my impertinence, Gamzee."


"This is for your own good."

You activate the program, spraying sopor vapor into Gamzee's face. He struggles for a few seconds, then relaxes and falls unconscious. You release him and message Karkat.

CT: D--> Gamzee has been subdued


CT: D--> I would appreciate it if you didn't use such foul language

Karkat: Message Afrien



@Midnight Phantom
"See what, i was avoiding everyone trying to think about how to present myself with these." She said pointing to her pants "these are literally the weirdest things i have ever worn, and i wear tails."

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"But does that come as a surprise He always acts before he thinks which can be fun in some cases but not when you want results says Francis" Wolf said in a serious tone, but ended off with a giggle. "That is so true You are so smart Francis"

She giggled as she rolled her eyes. "You aren't as smart as you think you are You just have a big ego that doesn't know how to quit Says Melissa" She said with sass before giggling again.

She burst into laughter and leaned back in her chair. "That just proves that you think too much of yourself Says Melissa Yeah but that's what makes these meetings fun Says Francis And I agree with them both Says me" She said through her laughter.

"Hi" Theo said awkwardly 'maybe the pants thing doesn't even matter?' She wondered to herself 'aura is probably gonna tease me about it other than that people will probably hardly notice' she thought wistfully.
"No, no nothings the matter anymore!" She said before her stomach started growling "aside from my stomach." Theo started rummaging for food, she felt like she could eat a horse!
"Yeah, these outfits are pretty weird, like, whats up with the cape?" She said this pulling on her cape "oh, speaking of outfits, FECHNER GET YOUR *SS IN HERE!" She half yelled. Fechner came out of the amulet covered in blood "FECHNER WHAT THE F*CK!" She yelled "you caught me at a bad time." He explained "Thats the blood of my old body isnt it." She sighed "Just, get back in the amulet i will run my own errands later. " Fechner returned himself into the amilet with a smile on his face, as he was finally able to do the thing he was created for, to be an evil *ss hole.
Shadow: Head back

She had calmed down a bit and was thinking clearly....or as clearly as she could knowing Afrien was panicking about something. But, she was fine now. She headed back to Duke's hive and walked in, sitting down on the couch and cuddling with Faust for extra comfort. She was exhausted but she didn't want to sleep. She was afraid she wouldn't be able to wake herself up if she did.


Amanda: Blow things up

Gladly. She took the bag out of its hiding place once she got back and went outside to where there was basically nothing. She then grabbed a dark blue stone and threw it to the ground, assuming that's how they were used, and a whirlwind came from the broken stone. Okay, so that's why it was only one use. She did the same with the next few and found out what they did. Yellow was lightening, White was light, and black covered a certain area in complete darkness. That was a good thing to know. Now to put them into her arrowheads.

Amanda: Head back and Alchemize

She almost ran back to Duke's and started combining her arrowheads with he stones. As soon as she was done, she had EXPLODOARROW, FREEZEARROW, LIGHTARROW, DARKARROW, and LIGHTENINGARROW. These would be fun to shoot at people. >:3
Equius: Check on Nepeta

CT: D--> Nepeta, are you safe

AC: :OO < equius!

AC: :OO < im fine

AC: :( ( < where are you

CT: D--> Karkat requested that I subdue Gamzee

CT: D--> I found him and sprayed him with sopor vapor

CT: D--> He's unconscious, but alive

AC: :OO < wait

AC: :OO < you went out there to find gamzee?!

AC: :OO < are you crazy?!

CT: D--> Nepeta, please

AC: :( ( < you could have gotten hurt!

AC: :( ( < or even worse!

CT: D--> Nepeta, calm down

CT: D--> I'm fine

CT: D--> It's safe to come out now

CT: D--> I'm heading toward you

AC: :33 < youd better get ready for the biggest pouncehug of your life mister!

CT: D--> I will be prepared

Nepeta: Message Amanda

You remember that you were kinda mean to Amanda earlier. You feel bad for it, and decide to apologize

AC: :( ( < *ac skulks toward you a sad look in her eyes*

AC: :( ( < hey amanda

AC: :( ( < i uh

AC: :( ( < i want to apawlogize for being rude earlier

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Amanda: Message Nepeta

Huh? Was she mean to her?....Oh! When she decided not to talk. Na, that's cool. Besides, she got shit done and now had exploding arrows. Who wouldn't be happy about that?

JF: *JF hugs AC w!th a b!g sm!l3*

JF: !t's all good! Thanks to you, ! mad3 sh!t 3xplod3 >:3

JF: ! can fr33z3 stuff too. And mak3 l!ght3n!ng...y3ah, !'m now purr3tty bad ass.

JF: But, 3nough about m3, what about you?

JF: !s psycho Gamz33 gon3?


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