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Fandom Gamestuck (A Homestuck AU RP)

Amanda: Be relieved yet worried

She sighed. She talked. Good. But who was this Gamzee? Damn it, she hadn't gotten to know every troll in their session. She'd have to work on that...as soon as this passed.

JF: Thanks fur t3ll!ng m3! And ! don't m!nd talk!ng to you! Just....don't l!3 to m3 aga!n or !'ll worry 3v3n mor3, okay?

JF: Now, what do you want to talk about?

Well, great. Ken has no clue either.

"Well, fudge. Should I got investigate?"


"Wow. This is hilarious. Why are they freaked out? Its not even their session, geez. If they had any brain cells, they'd be worried about there own session. Would anyone object if I tried... Messing with them?"

You smirked at this last part, malicious thoughts suddenly filling your head. You knew exactly what you would do. Why were you even asking for permission? Well, probably because you didn't want to kill them all yet. There was still fun to be had.
Nepeta: Be annoyed


AC: never mind

AC: i dont want to talk anymore

-- arsenicCatnip [AC] ceased pestering joyfulFeline [JF] --



"Might as well. I doubt he's gonna tell us what's up."


"As long as you don't try and kill them, Bird."

"Sure Just make sure you dont kill them too soon I want to stretch the fun out as much as we can before it eventually snaps" Wolf giggled, watching the projection. They were fun, even if she wasn't doing anything...yet. She might later, if Melissa and Francis and the others were fine with it.


Amanda: Be slightly annoyed

Okay then...well, whatever. She just hoped she didn't get hurt....that would mean she lost a dear and precious friend and that she might have to hurt this 'Gamzee'.
"haha i might pester the one with those hot legs." Vulture said jokingly, although having ms. hot legs as a basement friend would mean such radical parties. Radical. Up. The. Wahzoo.
Duke: Enter Lounge

Okay and you're back to square one. Good...What were you doing again? Oh yeah, alchemizing stuff

Duke: Combined Space Monitor and Pickled Brain

You made BRAIN BOX! It has all the capabilities of a super computer! It doesn't really help you combat wise, but whatever. You just got a super computer and you didn't spend a single dime, instead wasted a bunch of grist on something you barely were using in the first place. You have no regrets...But you feel like you'll just stick with your good ol' MONITOASTER, you like the concept of a computer that spews out delicious toasted bread.

Duke: Combined Invader's Choice and Keyboard

You made RAGNAROCKSTAR! It's lost all combat capabilities, but you now have a floating round keyboard. So sweet!

Duke: Combined Turn-&-Cough and Pickled Brain

You made MINDFUCKER! A sparking, pulsating, creepy-looking brain propped-up on a metallic pole that looks like a spinal cord. This weapon of mass destruction is an odd, but effective combination of probe and brain. Go scar your enemies both physically and mentally.
"I'll be a flying ferret fudger if I can't..."

You mumble, getting ready to launch from the rooftop.

"I actually have to find him first, but I WILL DO IT."


"Oh goodie!"

You message one of them...

~ disregardingHummingbird }DH{ started pestering electroShogun [ES] ~

DH: Hiiiiiiii there!

DH: I see you and your girlfriend are confuuuuused.

DH: Wellllllll, I miiiiight help you.

DH: Tell me your name.

DH: Before something baaaaaad happens!

DH: Not joking!

DH: ...

DH: Let me show you what I mean.

DH: Watch.


Aura: Find Afrien

You locate the troll, hidden under a rock of all places. Before you can say anything though, you get a pain in your head. You clutch your skull, feeling a scream start rising up as the pain increases. You suddenly have a strange thought. What if, you just went over and slammed your head into a wall a few times? To make everything better? You forget the pain in your head, and silently walk over to the nearest rock face.




You fall over, collapsing into the ground. Another thought poped into your head: Well worth it...


Hummingbird: Giggle

Wow, its been a while since you'd done that! You smile dastardly.

DH: Shes not dead...

DH: Or at least I don't think soooooo~!

DH: So. Whats your naaaaaame?
Theos stomach started to rumble, and she had already eaten all of her snacks. She decided she was gonna sneak back into the house to get some food. 'Just like old times' she thought whilst remebering back when she would sneak out to get drinks from the hiding spot her mom always put the soda in. Theo carefully entered through the bathroom window being ever so careful to not disturb anything. Carefully peering through the cracked door to make sure the coast was clear, and no doubt it was, she slipped through the doorway and carefully begun exploring the house looking for wherever the food was kept.
Afrien : Get Suspicious

You can feel the lifespans in your session changing and you cannot read them.





Afrien : Panic

You go back to quivering in fear.

You run over to Aura and check her. She's bleeding heavily, but she's still breathing. You message this mysterious person.





Equius: Spot Gamzee

You see Gamzee prowling the halls. You steel yourself and get ready to strike.


Karkat: Reply




@Midnight Phantom
Duke: Enough stalling

These new alchemized items are cool and all, but you know what you came here to actually make. When you get to Derse, you're going to be up against some really crazy shit. What you need is some really crazy shit to fight it off, kind of like fighting fire with fire. Time to make some REALLY crazy shit!

Duke: Combined Invader's Choice and Grimoire

You made FURTHEST DISC! By the look of it, it's just a plain ol' large disc with a bump in the middle...That's floating...And is surrounded by a dark aura of some sort that's constantly pulsating around it, but none the less just a regular disc. However, despite its appearance, it's an unholy fusion of space technology with dark majjyk. The dark mystical powers of the GRIMOIRE have been combined with high-end tech of your INVADER'S CHOICE. It's literally a working UFO...If UFOs were powered by essence of darkness. You've never actually come into contact with a real UFO so you don't really know.

Duke: Combined Prototypers and Grimoire

You made THE GRIMGAUNTLETS! Regular PROTOTYPERS just weren't capable of commanding darkness within your new-found weapon. You needed something a bit more up-to-par if you wanted to control such a dubious contraption. With these, you can control your FURTHEST DISC with just simple hand movements and gestures. You'd admit, it's the same setup you had before with your INVADER'S CHOICE, but there's nothing wrong with that.

Duke: Feel parched

Man, making demonic weapons sure is hard work. What you need is something to quench your thirst.

Duke: Head to Mess Hall

You head down to the mess hall to find that someone is snooping through your consumables.

Duke: Confront

It turns out it's just Theo looking for some grub. Well there's nothing wrong with that, UNLESS SHE EVER SPILLS WHAT HAPPENED TO ANYONE! You worked VERY hard to get rid of the evidence and you're gonna let NO ONE know about it. You're just tempted to go grab the FORGET-IT LIGHT STICK and make her forget ANYTHING she possibly saw...If it weren't for the fact that you forgot where you put your FORGET-IT LIGHT STICK. It's really hard to remember. What, does she even know about what happened or are you just acting bonkers? Now you just need to know.

Duke: Ask Theo

-- quirkyAlien [QA] began pestering artisticMage [AM] --

QA: What did you see?

QA: Or rather, what did you think you saw?

QA: Guess either question don't really matter, just as long as you promise never to tell a soul of what you may or may not have saw.

QA: No one else needs to know of what happened.

-- quirkyAlien [QA] ceased pestering artisticMage [AM] --

Duke: Exit Mess Hall

You grab a can of MT. LIGHTNING a scuttle off in a mysterious fashion.

@Kurai Okami
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Amanda: Head back to Duke's and alchemize

Amanda, having finished whatever episode she had, headed back to Duke's and looked at his Alchemite. She was sure she could use it.

Amanda: Combine MIND'S BOW with the metal you got

She couldn't remember the name of the metal, and she didn't really care to go through her messages to figure it out either. She just punched them into a card and combined them, making a flexible bow. Yeah, she was done with the naming system. It would forever be Mind's Bow.

Amanda: Figure out what stones do

She then took the bag of stones she got and laid each one into a group of the same color. She knew what the light blue ones and the red ones did, so she pushed those aside. Now there were dark blue, yellow, green, black, and white. She wondered what they did and she had a few of each, so testing them should be fun. But....probably not now or anywhere near the house....

Amanda: Head back into the little shopping district

She put the stones back in the bag and put them in a hiding place. She really didn't want to carry them because she might drop them and that might make them all activate on impact. She then headed back to the shops and noticed a sign that said Fraymotifs. Curious on what was inside, she walked in. "Hello?" She called, looking around. Well, the ones on the shelves looked like music boxes. Cool.



Shadow: Go somewhere

So, he didn't want to talk. She could understand and respect that, but that didn't mean she didn't worry. She decided to go on a walk with Faust. Walks always made her feel better, especially if they were taken in breezy places.
DH: *Gasp*

DH: I did nnnnnnot 'take over' your girlfriends body!

DH: That's for her Denizen.

DH: Speaking of which...

DH: Later.

DH: So, you aren't going to cooperate with me?

DH: That's not the deeeaaaal, pal!

DH: I was going to help yooooou. But if you don't take my help, then you can take my 'gifts'. Your girlfriend just got one.

DH: Sooooooo!

DH: Tell me your naaaaaaame.

Amanda: Skim pages

She took the catalogue and skimmed through it, stopping when she reached the mind section. There were two that caught her eye. One was Cognitive Consonance and it made you invulnerable for three turns and gave the user a power boost of 1800 that lasts the whole fight. The other was Mental Dischord and it not only inflicted damage to all the enemies she was fighting, but it took their power and lessened it too.

"How many am I allowed to get? Is there a limit to one or what?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Certainly! And since you're buying two, I'll throw in a special third one for free!"

You retrieve the Fraymotifs and set them on the counter. You then reach beneath the counter and take out a third.

"This is Mens' Moderato. It allows you to predict a foe's actions."

She looked at the third music box and smiled. "Why thank you kind sir. How much do I owe you?" She asked, already setting them in her strife deck. She knew she had enough to pay for it.

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