Games you'll never run... maybe.

Variation on a theme.

The Usurpation didn't happen, you are a recently exalted Solar. You realise that the horror of the Great curse is infection all elder solars.

Recently exalted solars start a small covert rebellion, Assassinating elder solars to create more rebels, but will they really join in the fight to kill the masters who make creation work?
You always wondered if it was real. People talk about it sometimes: that game that the whole world revolves around has some shadier, darker sides of it...some say it's as old as the pyramids themselves. You always thought it was just some urban legend, even though you shiver when you look at the case in your hand and wonder if your ancestors were right to fear the dark.

Then, after enduring hell to get back after getting taken away from those you love, you find that the legends were true.

"It's just a card game?" Not anymore it ain't.

You better hope your motorbike can keep up, or your gonna get left behind.

Requiem For a Card Game: A Changeling Crossover Campaign

...somebody shoot me, please.
Well, I did revive my BLEACH/Kamen Rider Kiva/Kaze no Stigma/Evangelion/Hellsing/Mirror's Edge Scion campaign. Guess it's only a matter of time before this appears in the forums.
Can my character's voice give him super strength ? Or screw rules if he has 5 in ressources ?
Midboss said:
Can my character's voice give him super strength ? Or screw rules if he has 5 in ressources ?
Screw the rules, I have Gossamer 5!

Actually, Kaiba's personality type in the Abridged Series would work pretty hilariously well in a fae game... xD
Saint Seiya Exalted.

Why I will never run it?

Because it would require redesigning martial arts to fit each constellation (Or at least a couple of charms each) Design various artefact armours, and of course players would be Sidereals.

Astrology would probably also be changed to flavour each actual astrological/cosmic/ heavenly body.

But it would be awesome. Specific artefact armour flavoured to each constellation.

Mortals striving to become exalted through bonding with said armour.

Massive martial art challenges to save Athena.

Solars = Gold Saints

Sidereals = Bronze Saints (Series hero's they always seem to be better at fighting then their stronger more cosmicaly attuned brethren.)

The Road to Terra Incognita

A circle of reincarnated Solars all unite as ancient memories pull them towards an ancient city from the First Age. They do not know if it is still standing, but an ancient manse at its heart redirects the dragon lines to make it impossible to find unless one is a Solar, meaning that, apart from its mortal population (assuming they survived the Great Contagion and Fair Folk Invasion), no-one has been within many, many miles of it for thousands of years.

Now it's time to reclaim their prize.

The Dancer's Legacy

In the beginning, there was not Primordial, nor Wyld, nor anything, save eternal emptiness and the Dancer.

The Dancer's true nature is unknown but it is truly beyond any other being, for its steps alone left an imprint on the grand nothingness of existence and created Elsewhere, the Wyld, and, eventually, Creation.

In Creation were born the five elements; Air, Earth, Fire, Water, and Wood. In the beginning, each was equally solid, and Creation was divided into grand, solid masses of these elements, stuck in unchanging unity. However, one day, Earth tricked its brothers. It challenged them all to display their power by changing shape. First, Earth shed itself of its solid form and then joined it once more. It invited its brothers to do the same, but Wood refused, instead displaying its power by dividing itself into many, many smaller forms. Earth then stole the solidity of Air, then of Fire, and it stole most of that of Water as well before the others warned it. Now, Water can only become solid in the cold. For this, all elements save Wood are antagonistic to Earth, trying to steal its solidity, with Air grinding it against itself, Water buffeting it, and Fire melting it.

In the aftermath, the crystalline remnants of the Dancer's passage in Creation began to grow and take form, assuming concepts and shapes in this newly dynamic world. Many shone through Wood, becoming plants and animals, but the largest shone through Fire, Earth, Water, and Air, becoming the Sun, which burned, the Stars, which twinkled like gemstones, the Moon, which flowed like the tides, and Darkness, which was invisible yet known like Air. Eventually, concepts like time, spirits, intelligence, and so on drifted into the world, and it eventually became what it is today.

Mankind was the last, greatest thing to appear, forged from all five elements, and swiftly gained dominion over this new world. However, the dominion of man was challenged, as the second step of the Dancer summoned forth grand beings that would become known as Primordials, who threatened to destroy this beautiful Creation as their plaything.

The Sun, Moon, Stars, and Darkness all met and agreed to send champions to fight the Primordials, unable to do it themselves, and so they sent fragments of their power to lay quiescent in human women, who would, one day, give birth to a child who would embody the power of their progenitor. The Sky Children would then feel an innate pull to one another, growing rapidly in power as they did in age, and, eventually, they would unite to defeat the Primordials.

(This game would be a game for one Solar, one Lunar, one Sidereal, and one Fiend caste Infernal.)
I can't recall, did someone already suggest Neon Malfeas Evangelion?

Because I would run the hell out of that.

Grey said:
I can't recall, did someone already suggest Neon Malfeas Evangelion?
Because I would run the hell out of that.
What, like the poster? :lol:
Something like that...

Alternatively, now that the stats for Essence Pulse Cannons are out:

No one could remember how it happened. How the world fell under darkness.

At least, no one who would would do anything.

No one who would oppose the corrupt Machine Spirits.

No one who would challenge their power.

Or so Apostate Wily believed.

Twenty floors above the dark streets of the Patropolis, Dr. Light lived in a run-down tenement.

An eccentric and brilliant man, Light was a thinker, a dreamer, an Alchemical Demiurge, a man of ideas.

Ideas forbidden in Wily's society, the society in which he lived, the society in which he worked, the society that he would set free.

And so light worked, far into the night, when the watchful eyes of Wily's servitors weren't upon him.

He'd set his skillful hands to the task of creating a device to bring about a change, to create a machine to bring freedom, to create a man to save the world.

Twelve years Light worked and on a cold night in the year 200X, Magnificent Jade Protoype was born.

A perfect man, an unbeatable machine, hell-bent on destroying every evil standing between man and freedom, built for one purpose, to destroy Wily's army of evil Gremlins. Ready, willing, prepared to fight

Transcendent Multimodal Artifact Matrix submodule: Antagonist Pattern Acquisition (Wits 4, Essence 3)

This submodule allows the Alchemical to download artifact templates from defeated enemies' Transcendent Multimodal Artifact Matrices up to an hour after their death. Only one template can be downloaded from a single body (player's choice; they are given details of all templates the enemy has). They have access to the template for (Essence) days; at any point in this time period, they may spend the usual experience cost as a Training effect to permanently store the downloaded template.

That is all.
An idea that's been bouncing round in my head. This is less "Game I'll never run" and more "Game I might run in about a year when I have more books."

Empire of Smoke and Steel

The years after the Usurpation were chaos, pure and simple, as the Sidereals enacted their plans and the Terrestrial Exalted looked around and saw the world they had taken charge of. Slowly, the disorder was reigned in, the new Dragonlooded overlords developing their power structure and settling into the rule of the Shogunate.

Then the Autochthonians returned.

Portals opened throughout Creation- first one, then seven more, a lifeline between each of the Eight Nations and the abundant resources of Creation. Destructive wars gave way to diplomacy, the Alchemicals acting as spokesmen for the people they Championed, bargaining for the resources they so desperately needed with the magitech expertise that would keep the infrastructure of the First Age running.

The Sidereals saw a quandary- they couldn't use their Resplendent Destinies to infiltrate Autochthonia as they did the upper echelons of Dragonblooded society, having no authority over his Design, but they could see the utility of the Autochthonian's expertise. As is their way, they split- now into three factions. The Bronze advocated Dragon-blooded rule, sticking to the plan as made, and minimising contact with the Great Maker's people; the Gold Faction hoped to use the expertise of the Alchemicals to release the Solar Exaltations; and the new Steel Faction advocated combining Terrestrial numbers with Alchemical technology to stabilise Creation.

The intrigues of the Bronze and Steel Factions in the Shogunate courts went on for decades, but eventually an uneasy balance prevailed. The two cultures of Creation and Autochthonia became cordial trade partners, their cultures- by the subtle work of the Bronze- not mixing, with the Terrestrials using hired Alchemical and Autochthonian Mortal experts to maintain, but not modify, the First Age technology.

Still, even the Alchemical savants did not fully understand some of the more arcane pieces of First Age Solar motonic engineering, and slowly, some vital artifacts deteriorated.

Then the Deathlords showed their hand. A Great Contagion the like of which Creation had never seen caused Autochthonia to seal itself off, pausing only for a brave Assembly of Alchemicals to risk their lives to take a sample for study in order to allow them to return.

There was not time to wait for all the Alchemicals in Creation to return. The memorials built for them are a place of quiet contemplation and awed pride for Autochthonians even today.

Yet some of those left survived, fighting back with their powerful Axiomatic Charms against the Raksha horde that invaded Creation at the height of the Contagion. The bravery of these Alchemicals, alongside the Dragon-Blooded Host, was enough to buy time for a Terrestrial woman- none now know her identity- to seize the heart of the Ralm Defense Grid and push back the Fair Folk.

By the standards of the Shogunate, the new Scarlet Empress was unusual. She actively sought the aid of Creation's few Alchemicals, and made a distinct effort to preserve the lives of the few Alchemical Demiurges present in the Patropoli and Metropoli of Creation. Though they were cut off from Autochthon, and thus couldn't channel his power to create new Champions, she hoped to inspire enough loyalty in them to keep them by her side when the seals were breached.

And so it proved. Some fifty years later, when the Autochthonians returned with their belated vaccine for the Contagion, they found a new Realm led by a Terrestrial of unprecedented power- and supported by a few Champions. Not all of those who had been left in Creation abandoned their loyalties to the Eight Nations, of course, but the numbers were still significant- a number that could only grow now the Realm, more open to Autochthonian culture than the Shogunate, provided a destination for Autochthonians dissatisfied with their lot.

Those leaving Autochthonia were integrated into society, great gifts being lavished on the few who proved capable of Alchemical Exaltation. The process was far more difficult without the soulgem infrastructure, an innovation that simply wasn't practical given the likelihood of souls reincarnating beyond the border of the Realm, but the greatest sorcerers and savants found processes- unreliable, inefficient, to be sure, but useful nonetheless- to examine the past lives of a soul and transfer it to an Alchemical soulgem.

Years, decades, centuries passed, and the Realm's power waxed, its infrastructure revolutionised by Alchemical-designed magitech. The Blessed Isle is now crossed by railway lines, hauling goods and people the many miles around the centre of Creation. Satrapies have much to gain from access to the same technology, though a few states, particularly in the Scavenger Lands, remain aloof, some having struck their own deals to access similar advances. Lookshy traded access to its arsenal of First Age equipment- some of which was invented long after Autochthon left Creation, thus giving the Autochthonians inspiration to investigate areas they never would have considered- for aid and expertise in miantaining and upgrading it, and the other cities relied on their size or usefulness to their allies to protect them.

The Immaculate Order see the Champions as equal to the Terrestrials- equal but different, with their tradition of service, rather than rulership. Some Alchemicals even join the Order, rare though it is, their ethos of service and self-sacrifice making them valuable assets.

So stands Creation- a world of industry, smoke, and steel. But a terrible threat has emerged from the Underworld- the Mask of Winters has revealed the Deathlords, and they now scramble to gain access to the power of Alchemical magitech, marrying it with their own twisted genius to create terrible wonders that shake the world. The Empress has disappeared to who knows where, leaving the Great Houses scrambling for power, the Fivfold Assembly of the Realm's Alchemicals right in the middle of their struggle.

And in the midst of this chaos, the Lawgivers have returned.

So yeah. Game concept. Wait a year, when I've had time to get the Terrestrial book and possibly work out the Immaculate Smoke, Lightning, Metal, Oil, Steam and Crystal styles, and we'll see what happens...

Funny how much comes out of the idle thought, "Fire Immaculates dual-wielding short beamklaves... Yeah, that'd be cool..."

Crazy and awesome.

I only recently got my hand on the alchemicals book.

It's pretty darn shiny.

Ever since I got my hands I'm still wondering the Idea of a Vulcan Essence Canon.

"Hey! Say Greetings to my little Comrade!"
Same, actually, so I've been reading it a lot.

The whole Communist-steampunk-dystopia thing really suits me, I think- Alchies are my favourites by far (only got rules for Alchies, Solars and Abyssals, but still).

I just wish there were rules for Collosi.
I have a real thing for Soviet Era Communist aesthetics and propaganda. It just has such an epic awesome feel to it.
This concept is pleasing to me. I will have a character sheet for you in one standard Earth year.

Alchemicals have managed to supplant Infernals as my favourite Exalt, but not by much.
I can't stop picturing this hulking Orichalcum caste, carrying a massive repeating crossbow, saying "I am Heavy Weapons Guy, and this is my weapon..."

I still prefer Infernals, however.
I'd've said he was a Jade Caste, personally.

Also, Patriotism-Provoking Display: YOU TOO can look like a Soviet propaganda poster!

One revolution of Terra around Sol to get MoEP: Dragonblooded and Scroll of the Monk, and then work out six Autochthonian Elemental Immaculate styles (although it might make sense to go for Immaculate Metal styles instead- on for each Caste, like the Elmental ones)... Should be fun!

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