Games you'll never run... maybe.


Ze Hamster of Lurkdom
So... I'm sure there are game concepts you have that you'll never run. Why not post them here?


Gunslinger Solar

This.. isn't quite the gunslinging solar of the south... rather it's something else.

In an Alternate Creation, where the shogunate's end resulted in all mortals dying (but not the dragonblooded), there are only dragonblooded of varying breeding. Occassionally, there would arise the situation of a child... exalting as something else. Before the proper age for dragonblooded exaltation.

They are taken away from their homes to a special school... a school where they are taught to worship the Empress, to love the Realm and all of Creation. Where their skills with their charms are honed to a razor-sharp age.

Brainwashed thusly and working alongside their handlers, they serve the Realm as cold-blooded assassins, master strategists, brilliant savant-artificers, beautiful propagandists, heartless lawyers... and all in the service of the Empress.

Your life-span is measured til you go insane and need to be stopped before you start destroying things as your predecessors are wont to do.

This, however, is in your character's future. For now, you are still training and studying with your kind at a special school.

Welcome to The Empress' Academy for Gifted Youngsters.


A high school celestial exalted game? In a world where there are only Dragonblooded and no mortals? :twisted:

Inspirations : Golden Age X-men, Gunslinger Girl
Autochonator Salvation

Haven't seen the movie yet, but have played future shock and skynet enough to know the feeling.

Futuristic game, very dark in which the Lion has merged with the Machine God to become something else and raised a new generations of necromachines, conquered Creation and the Underworld and quickly turned Creation under a shadowland under his command.

Pockets of resistance still holds but every people killed is a soul lost, the future of mankind is very uncertain... and now more than ever true heroes are desperately needed.

Sort of crossover between the terminator - mad max - the matrix (the desert of the real part of it) universes.

Very much like the Dark Age Wildcats/xmen.

I sense an elegan/tg/entleman...

Changelings IN SPAAAAAACE!

The year is 2069, and a poorly-worded Pledge sanction has left a group of the Lost on a mining ship headed for the Kuiper Belt.

Even more unfortunately, one of the crew is a practictioner of 'Hedge Biology' and has accidentally unleashed a mutant Briarwolf that is stronger, faster, sneakier, and significantly more acidic than normal.

Obvious merger of Changeling and Alien
Grey said:
Changelings IN SPAAAAAACE!
Funny you should mention this, because I played in a game eerily similar to this a number of years ago, only it used CtD rules, as Lost hadn't yet been released. It was, shall we say, interesting.

I for one will never run Wyld Thing

In the far North, Wyld Zones have begun appearing with increasing frequency. To investigate the cause, the Empress has established several research stations staffed by the Dragon-Blooded within these areas. Outpost 31 is but one of these stations.

In the closing days of Descending Air, the researchers working in Outpost 31 are drawn out by the sounds of violence outside: a Haslanti airship in pursuit of and firing on a simple beast of burden. The airship crashes, killing its crew, and the researchers take the creature in. The beast is eventually revealed to be a powerful raksha which delights in taking on the forms of its prey the ensuing paranoia it causes.

Can the valiant Dragon-Blooded researchers destroy the Fair Folk menace before they all kill each other? Can they escape the growing Border- and Middlemarches of the North? Or will they all succumb to the deadly menace of.....

The Wyld Thing!

Inspired (of course) by The Thing.
Exalted Fortress

The Empire is crumbled. The solars are back in business. Cool, right ?

Not yet, the death lords are sending their deathknights in siege of the living and the solar exalted are the best to fight them.

The was between sides is long and brutal. Capturing objectives. Stealing ennemy information. Driving a cart with a first age explosive device to the ennemy base. These are but few of the missions that solar and abyssal exalted must take to fight the other side.

Will you be the aggresive dawn/dusk warrior ? The extra tough heavy zenith/minight combatant ? The Artefact-device Twilight/daybreak engineer ? The stealthy and agile night/day cast ? Or the eclipse/moonshadow spy that works behind ennemy lines (and has pictures of other peoples momas with them) ?

A cross between Exalted and Team Fortress II to celebrate the spy and sniper updates.
Err.... No thanks.

As far as the game I'll never run goes, it'd be something like this:

All of One

Game is most likely your run-of-the-mill Solar Exalted game, except with a twist: the circle is formed of characters all of the same Caste. Players would be required to diversify in concepts in order to cover many roles, all the while staying true to the Caste in one way or another.

I'd love to run this, or hell, actually play in it, but I just can't see myself ever having the time.
199X : Adventures Across the Einstein-Rosen Bridge!

It is the twilight of the twentieth century, and life in the holy American Empire is good under the august rulership of Emperor Norton the 4th as it prepares for the dawn of the twenty-first century.

But all is not well, there are those who would endanger the way of American Life; Truth, Justice and Freedom for all.

In the savage fecund jungles of Mars, the insidious remnants of the Japanese Empire-Nazi Germany Alliance skulk and prepare for the next Great War, only this time it would be between worlds.

Even on earth, in Africa, there is dissent against all of Humanity and not just America as the hyper-intelligent dictator of gorilla city, Raksha, speaks of gorilla ascension and displacing all of humanity in a perverse mockery of Darwinism.

But despite these and other dire threats to Humanity, America, and Earth, it is still a golden era of wonders and prosperity as flying cars and Zeppelin air-trains fill the skies. While a cultural and musical revolution flourishes in the Speakeasies that dot the cities of America, lighted by plotonium power plants.

More than that, humanity has step forth into the greater universe with space guns that launch void-faring ships that sail upon the solar-winds.

And it is here where you stand. What tales will they tell of you?

Will you lurk in the dark underbelly of civilization, a private dick investigating crimes for his next meal and rent?

Or will you battle the Nazi in the skies over the jungles of Mars where they have enslaved the savage but noble martians?

Dare you match wits and cold steel against the brightest and deadliest of the gorilla kingdom?

Or will you step forth into infinity, sailing upon the aetheric currents of space between worlds and battling alien menaces?


Game theme is Pulp Adventure!

Game system likely would be Adventure! by White Wolf, or Spirit of the Century...

I would so want to play in this...
The Plot Mechanics

A game for a circle of Sidereal Exalted who go about Creation following the wake of the Solar circle who are ACTUALLY meant to be the protagonists, tying up the loose ends of all the plotlines that the Solars have blatantly ingored or subverted.
I tried to think of a way to run a game where the world's megahertz had been stolen and the tubes were clogging up with cats, and the players had to put on their robes and wizard hats and be an hero, without me going insane and climbing a clocktower. I failed.
I've finished Prototype yesterday, and I think the concept of the scenario was great.

Viral infection starting to spread and destroying civilization as we know it, amnesic character with strange superpowers trying to pull the pieces together (consuming the bodies of people and digesting their memories doing so).

Would be a great plot for a solo campaign with a lunar.

"I hunt, I consume, I become... I'm gonna find who did this to me, and I'm gonna make'em pay !" :twisted:
I want to run a game set in a huge magitech facility in Lookshy where one of the researchers triggers, oh, I dunno, let's call it a "resonance cascade" and demons pour through cracks in reality and the 7th Legion comes in to silence the whole thing and the researchers try to survive with nothing but their JADE CROWBARS.

Chaka said:
The Plot Mechanics
A game for a circle of Sidereal Exalted who go about Creation following the wake of the Solar circle who are ACTUALLY meant to be the protagonists, tying up the loose ends of all the plotlines that the Solars have blatantly ingored or subverted.
This actually sounds like it would be epicly awesome.
I probably will one of these days.

It won't so much be tongue in cheek as outright parody, though.
Wyld Trek- Travels through the cauterized wyld aboard the CS Enterprise. Going where no mortal or Exalt has gone before.

Exalted Rangers- Super Sentai Exalted.
Khantalas said:
magnificentmomo said:
Exalted Rangers- Super Sentai Exalted.
No, it's obviously named Super Sentai Immaculate Dragon Action Go!. Nothing else would suffice.
Didn't you had a game idea like this in myth-weavers. Color coded warstriders with dragonblooded of every element 8)
I had 1 (read: one) game in myth-weavers that started, which died off anyway. You might be thinking of GitP, where I started a gauging interest thread that contained a similarly named idea.
Khantalas said:
I had 1 (read: one) game in myth-weavers that started, which died off anyway. You might be thinking of GitP, where I started a gauging interest thread that contained a similarly named idea.
GitP what is that? Also I think I saw your idea in a game planning thread. I guess it was this one.

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