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Fandom Games of Thrones: Check and Mate (Character Sheet)



...the Story Teller
Character Sheet










Personal Desire:

Life Goal:

Preferred Weapon:


Bio: (at least 2 paragraphs containing 5 fully structured sentences at least)



Talents: (no more than 4)

Greatest Fear:

Greatest Delight:

Greatest Accomplishment To Date:

Greatest Failure To Date:

Appearance: (Realistic but not real pictures please. I will show examples in rules)
Serenity Alabast


1526096145498.pngName: Serenity Alabast
Age: 16
Height: 5"3
Weight: 120 lbs
Hair: Golden blonde and reaches a length of 6 feet long
Eyes: a bright violet
Skin: pale as fresh snow
Health: remarkably good health
Personality: kind, gentile, sweet, wise, cunning, perceptive and not easily fooled.
Personal Desire: To unite the kingdoms as one and bring peace to Westeros
Life Goal: To see her desire a reality and to find her own place in it
Preferred Weapon: her pets, and friends are her weapons but also her brilliant mind and of course the magic she was born with.
Rank: Princess


Born to a royal family in the forgotten land of the Haunted Forest, residing in the ruins of the Fist of the First Men. This family had been deeply connected to the magic and ancient rituals of the land. This caused them to be told about as legends and myths and regarded as fair folk because not only are the family elusive but also elegant and their genetic material is to be desired for their appearance alone. The fair, as they had been called, not to the Children who were both far darker in nature and smaller in stature, were not human but appeared so save for their beauty and the magic they possessed that fallowed them and gave them flight as if they were wings. It wasn't until a normal human had ventured into the forgotten lands that normal man's DNA had been introduced to the people and Serenity was born. A child with all the elegance and wisdom of her mother but the determination and recklessness of normal men. Unfortunately tragedy always seems to strike at the moment of most happiness. Serenity's mother had passed away, or so they say, in child birth to the young princess. Though the queen was mourned and beloved, they still had the royal bloodline to continue. From a young age she and her half brother were inseparable. She being the fair, golden-haired, sapphire eyed, gem encrusted embodiment of beauty and he the dark haired, brown eyed, mischief-making embodiment of adventure. As the years passed and the two siblings grew, Serenity became ever more beautiful and ever more wise and gentile. She became the living embodiment of a the goddess of beauty with jewels embedded into her very skin. At this age misfortune befell the royal family once again and the sibling's father passed away from illness, leaving her elder brother to rule. But the seeds of men's greed had reached the kingdom and the king's brother, their human uncle, had taken residence by her brother's side. She saw him whispering dark things into her brother's ear and she soon learned that dark times were coming. As more years passed Serenity learned how to run a kingdom, how to fight, that she had a special gift with the human anatomy and how to make it do what she wanted with the smallest of touches, how to make a garden bloom in the depths of winter, how to sing and dance for her brother's delight and many other things. But one thing she never learned was betrayal. Not until her brother and uncle came to visit her one night in her room. As the moon crept higher in the sky and the stars came out to dance and glimmer in the blanket of darkness the old man and her elder brother entered her chambers but she felt something was off. She was told that she was a traitor but she never did anything of the sort and that is when she saw her uncle's sword pierce her brother from the back and shed his blood. Serenity screamed in horror and disbelief that this was real, but this was reality. Her brother fell to the floor dead and her uncle loomed over her with a look of lust and desire in his eyes. She knew then his intent was to take her as a bride and rule her lands but she would not let that happen. With a blood-curdling scream she did the only thing she could do. When he tried to force himself on her she jabbed two of her fingers into his neck and cut off the blood flow to his brain and made sure that he would not be a danger to anyone ever again. After the ordeal Serenity took power but she was not yet queen. She would have to wait for her eighteenth year for her coronation but she was indeed the ruler of the land. She hesitated to reach out beyond her boarders to try and foster peace between her people and those of the human civilization. She looked to the great wall that stood guarded by the black knights. A once great order of proud nobles that kept vigilant guard, now only watched by criminals and the unwanted. She could not understand how humans could forget themselves so easily. Forget their past, their history and let it fall away into legend. The fair never forget, and remain true to their past and who they are but still look to the future and what they can learn. Tails of men's war and violence spilled over the wall and was carried by the trees to be recorded and understood by the fair. The humans believe that their wars and tales belong to them alone but they were heard. Serenity heard of the great conqueror that rode on the back of the great black dragon that spewed dark fire. She heard about the descendant of that king going mad and the war that ensued. Behind the wall, Serenity's ancestors were unable to lend any aid or wisdom to the foolish mortal men but this was their own doing. However, now that Serenity is in her throne, she will extend her reach and venture beyond the wall herself and lead the humans back to the old ways and how it should have been.

Likes: Singing, dancing, painting, gardening and diplomacy
Dislikes: extreme violence, betrayal, insults to her family, disrespectful people, sour things and liars
- singing
- dancing
- diplomacy
- fighting in any way possible, more specifically, hand to hand combat
Greatest Fear: failing her people and family. Losing them would be her personal
Greatest Delight: singing in her garden of different colored roses
Greatest Accomplishment To Date: managing to unite three kingdoms in peace at one time by playing matchmaker so that each pairing were compatible and they wound up falling in love.
Greatest Failure To Date: She was unable to protect her brother's mind from her vile uncle's words and his manipulation until it was too late and the attempt on their lives stole her brother from her.
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  • Trust Again
    Various Artists

    Ashryn Tsiuri Targaryen
    Little Star, Astra (If you dare)
    21 years old
    date of birth
    October 31
    Queen of House Targaryen
    Queen/Dragon Rider
coded by natasha.

Okay - now I am done lol
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