

Spaghetti Master

You’re surfing the web randomly one day and you find a really cool site. It’s called, and it’s one of those websites where your character has to kill a bunch of monsters and stuff to level up. Once you level up to level 13, you win. Finished the game. So you make a character and start playing the game. It turns out, it’s really easy to level up in the beginning, but gets progressively harder. As you go on quests, you can get fame and fortune. Or you could get killed by the first monster you see.

One day, a few months after you started playing the game, a window pops up on the screen and asks you if you’re enjoying playing GameOver. You check the “yes” box and try to close the window, but it won’t let you. Your computer screen freezes and you think, Great. I got a virus. After a few hours of trying to fix your computer, you go to bed, since you’ve stayed up ‘til ungodly hours trying to level up.

When you wake up, you find yourself in a green field sleeping on soft grass. You look down, and you find that you’ve turned into your character, and you’re inside the game GameOver! The grass field you’ve been sleeping on is called the “Emerald Plain” and you notice a bunch of other people—also turned into their characters—waking up around you. All of a sudden, a voice resonates through the air and a screen appears on the Technicolor sky. Both say that you are now inside GameOver, and if you will start at the level your character left off at. If you succeed to reach level 13, you are free to leave and return to your normal life. But if you die here, you die in real life. And you only get one life.


Ashlee woke up with a stiff, sore back and cold hands. She rolled over without opening her eyes and felt grass on her bare arms. That definitely seemed out of place. Ash blinked a few times and sat up, shading her eyes and squinting under the bright blue sky. Looking around her, she noticed that she was sitting in an impossibly green field with other people who were also just waking up. The sky really was bright blue, and seemed almost artificial since it was completely cloudless. And then Ashlee looked down. She saw that her hair was brown, not its usual reddish, and she was wearing the same earthy-toned dress that her character, silverLilac, wore in GameOver. This is definitely a dream. I've had other dreams where I'm in GameOver, I just have to pinch myself, right? Or see if I can fly. Ashlee stood up and wobbled a little with that unsteadiness you get right after waking up. She pinched herself as hard as she could but only succeeded in making a red mark on her right forearm. Only when Ash heard a monotone voice project through the field did the gravity of the situation sink in. The voice said,

"I trust you have all noticed that this is the Emerald Plain, where all your characters started this game. Well, you have now taken the place of your avatars and it is up to you to reach level 13 to escape, or it's game over for you! Oh, and one last thing, you only get one life. If your HP drops to zero, you die here and your body dies in the world outside of GameOver. Good luck!" ((sooo hard not to type "may the odds be ever in your favor"))
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Andrea slowly opened her eyes, only to be blinded by the sun. She squinted and sat up, noticing that she wasn't in her room but in a grassy field. The field was a vibrant green that just couldn't be real. Everything around her seemed too.. perfect to be real. She then noticed that her hair was longer than usual and white. Her eyes widened as she looked down at her short white outfit. Why did she look just like her character from GameOver-- Trainwreck? Finally, she heard the voice tell her what was going on. Andy was shocked, how was this possible?
Ebenezer heard the voice echo throughout the fields and was shocked to hear what it had said. So I either reach level 13 and get the heck outta here, or I stay and I quite possibly die. Lovely options to choose from. He opened his eyes in order to see around him and saw the ever so familiar Emerald Plains. Eben himself had often stuck around here to help new players before going off to kill some beasts and complete some quests that he had. Looking over himself, he saw that he looked exactly like his avatar Luxtra and gave a smile crossed with a frown. The long hair of the samurai like character cascaded down his back and he felt the wind cause it to sway, often getting caught on his sword that hung upon his back. The tight clothes that Luxtra wore were now on himself and he marvelled at now his muscular body and the tattoo on the left side of his chest. Who's to say that I won't enjoy myself while I'm here? I've always been one to enjoy the gaming life rather than the social one.
Jungmo rose. The feel of grass on his fingers were... shocking, to say the least. The voice rang through the fields and he looked at his hands. Jungmo couldn't hear what the voice was saying, but he already suspected what was going on. There were steel plates all over his body, sliding and clicking and whirring like in...

"Oh my God, like in GameOver."

Jungmo took another look around. There were others, sitting on the plains, looking just as confused as he was. He cleared his throat.

"Um... hi."
Michael opened his eyes quite abruptly, blinking a few times when he did. He surveyed the terrain as the voice from nowhere explained the situation.

All right, that's awesome! I've always thought shifting to be the coolest power.

He stood up, oblivious to the fact there were other people there.

"Might as well make the best of this. What a whole new level to immersive gaming."

He looked off at a hill, trying to decipher the direction he was supposed to go in.

"I don't remember the Emerald Plains as well as I should. I should probably visit this place more."

It was at that point he saw the other people sitting there, looking dazed.

"Oh, okay, people. I'm just going to go anywhere else."

He turned around and started walking off.
awakening in a nearby tree, dante or rather xros, as he soon finds himself to be, was surprisingly calm...until he spoke. "someone wanna tell me how the hell we got dragged into the game?" he asked in a annoyed voice as he jumped down from the limb, his body emitting a black aura noting him as cursed. "and more importantly, where i can get some breakfast."
Jungmo looked at the departing man.

"Hey! Dude, where are you going?"

He didn't respond. Perhaps Jungmo should have tried leetspeak.

"N00b st0p 1 n33d to t41k t0 u"

No response. He was pretty far away now. Jungmo shook his head and muttered to himself, "Why would I think that'd work?"

Jungmo noticed a man fall out of a tree.

"Hi, were you listening? We are IN the game now. I think..."
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xros looked over at jungmo "breakfast still matters. hope this works." he said stretching before he took a fighting stance the chains surrounding him and his sword appearing in his hand. "darkness, hunt!" as shadows appeared from beneath him taking out several of the low level beasts. and collecting there loot. he began to drink a low level health potion and dropped the rest of the loot, including the small amount of currency. "i'm heading to town, might be some info on the boards. gateway, town." he said as the shadows took him in and he reappeared in the nearest town.
"Is nobody else concerned with the whole we could die thing?" Jungmo asked out loud. But the shadows already swirled around him and he was gone.

"Lovely," Jungmo muttered to himself.

Jungmo looked at everyone else. They were just kinda lying there, not doing much.

"Hi," Jungmo calls out, "I'm Caven. What's up, everyone?"
Michael got to the top of a nearby hill, trampling grass and flowers as he went. He looked back at the gaggle of people, in time to see one of them teleport. He started sprinting to the end of the hill, starting his hawk transformation. Deep inside him was a core of energy that stored the DNA for the two animals he could shift into. He cracked at this ball, trying to break it. A small crack was made in the side, and he stumbled, energy seeping out into him. He made another pass and this time, smashed the whole thing open. His head shrunk, his mouth moved forward into a hooked beak, skin turned into feathers, and his feet turned into razor-sharp talons. He pumped his wings hard to get some air.

Wow, that's really tiring. When I played the game, sure, it used my character's energy, but when I transform now, it's exhausting.

The hawk's super hearing caught one of the people that came with him saying their name.

Caven. Hmm, I think I've heard of that guy.

He flew above them, watching them from further away than they can see, using the hawk's super vision.
dante walked to the boards in the middle of town and begain searching for any information as to what happened but there seemed to be none, after a while of looking he decided to go back to the fields "gateway, return." he said vanishing into the shadows again reappearing back near the tree he awoke in. he takes a seat searching his inventory to make sure everything was still there.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00135e8_playful_snow_harpy_by_sakimichan-d5odkw1-Copy.jpg.e0bbe806fe37b9c850daa82871ca01cb.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="4863" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_08/57a8be00135e8_playful_snow_harpy_by_sakimichan-d5odkw1-Copy.jpg.e0bbe806fe37b9c850daa82871ca01cb.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Avaline woke with a startle as words boomed from no real source but the sky, proclaiming; "I trust you have all noticed that this is the Emerald Plain, where all your characters started this game." To this, Avaline widened her eyes, and noticed she had no sense of arms, but wings. And she was not sitting, but perched in the center of the vast, green field, by her claws; claws, which should have been feet. "Well, you have now taken the place of your avatars and it is up to you to reach level 13 to escape, or it's game over for you!" Avaline believed the voice instantly, for how else would she have the body of a harpy? "Oh, and one last thing, you only get one life. If your HP drops to zero, you die here and your body dies in the world outside of GameOver. Good luck!"

Avaline stood slowly, her eyes unfocused as she felt her new body. This... This was her avatar. Not her own body. Her breast plate caught her eye with a glimmer from the sun, and she moved her wings as a gust of wind fluttered her many grey and white feathers. Avaline could feel the abilities of her avatar, Xion, flowing through her. Avaline didn't realize the pure power her character controlled.

She felt her backpack was heavy with items she's collected over a long period of time playing the game, and felt a bit more safe. These items would surely help her, along with her many skills.

Avaline smiled only slightly, though the words rung in her head, she shrunk down and flew up into the air, the wind brushing her face, and she laughed. It's always been her dream to fly. Not with machines and fancy gizmos, just to fly.

At head height of most of the players, though only the size of a hand, Avaline looked down at the others who were presumably like her. A sour thought came upon her mind; which ones would die? The game was very hard, there was no way someone wouldn't die. "... Is there a healer among us?" She questioned aloud, fluttering around the wousy avatars.



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Andrea slowly got up and began to walk around the place, trying to figure out what to do. She figured that everyone was confused right now, so she probably wouldn't get attacked. She walked over to a nearby lake to look at we reflection in the water. Yup, she really had become her tiny, white-haired avatar.
Jungmo shrugged.

"No healer that I know of. I suppose that is pretty important... Don't wanna, I don't know, die."

Jungmo sat down on the grass again. There was a soft breeze, and he couldn't help but notice that a woman had walked over to the lake. He approached her.

"Hey," he said, "You have any idea how we got here?"
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Ebenezer stood up and stretched, making sure that he wasn't injured in anyway before heading over to the nearest lake to look at his reflection. As he made his way there, he saw another girl and moved faster. He stopped by her side and asked her a few questions, "Who are you? Do you know what's happening? And what's your avatar like?" Maybe at least one person could become an ally or something. Safety in numbers is what I've always believed.
Jungmo saw a man with a ponytail sit down next to the woman.

"Hey," he said, "I'm Caven. I'm guessing you're a real person. We were... absorbed into the game, I guess. That's what the suspicious divine voice told us. We are our avatars."

Jungmo stared at the lake. ..Maybe?

He felt his armor whir and click and some of his energy drain from his arms and legs into his back, shifting the armor so that they would cover Jungmo's limbs and head. His arms became limp and his elbow bent back, making his forearm flatter. His skin became colder and his back hardened until it became a shell.

"Teenage mutant ninja turtles," Jungmo muttered to himself before diving into the lake.

The cool water swirled on Jungmo's rough skin. The lake was cleaner than the ones back at home. I suppose, since this is a fantasy world... Jungmo breathed in the water, feeling strange. For the first time in his life, he breathed in underwater and wasn't swimming instantly back to the surface, choking and coughing. He could breathe underwater.

Jungmo dived out and looked at the man. "So what's your name?"
Andrea turned to Jungmo with a smile, "No.. I'm trying to figure that out myself."

She looked back to her reflection then to Ebenezer, "I'm Andrea.. Er, well, Trainwreck. But you could call me Drea or Andy, if you'd like. But no, I'm just as confused as you are. My avatar? She's.. Somewhat strong. I can control water and preform dream manipulation."
((if its accepted a healer will be in the rp lol))

Xros closed his inventory and a book appeared in his hand. he stood up and leaned up against the tree as his wolf pack appeared and began rushing through the crowd of people, searching for someone or something as he read the book entitled "the tactics of a leader"
Ebenzer nodded, "I'm Ebenezer... as well as Luxtra. Lux, Eb, Eben and Rosie is what I respond to. Any other nickname and I probably won't. My own avatar is just a normal human-samurai kinda guy as you can probably see... it seems really weird to be in this game. What should we do?" He paused to breath and then continued, "I think personally that we should stick together. It'll make it easier to fight the creatures in the game."
As he watched from above, Michael couldn't help but feel weird about seeing tiny little nametags appear over people's heads. His wings were getting tired though, and he wanted to go down there. Although he didn't particularly want to, he recognized some big names, like XrosStimga, AvalineXion, and WheelOfFate, although the last was more infamous than renowned. If anyone knew what was happening it was them. But something else he didn't get was, why him, of all people, were placed with these players? He glided around, looking for a strong thermal to give him momentum on the way down. He found one just over the lake some of them were sitting at. He loved the feeling of warm air, lifting him up. He used his wings to mirror an umbrella, and best catch the wind. The thermal ended, and he was cast back into the cold high altitude. He didn't shiver, knowing it was about to become colder. He flipped himself over so his beak was aimed at the ground, at a slight angle. He overshot a bit, and had to flap to get back to his preferred descent. He then held his wings tight against his body, leaving gravity and momentum to drag him back to the Earth quickly.

Air whipped by him, his hawk head designed so the wind wouldn't interfere with his eyes, making him lose sight of his prey. He felt like a streamlined arrow, heading to its destination with utmost precision and power. As he got closer, he spread his wings again, catching the air and slowing his fall, not unlike a parachute. He managed to slow down enough to allow his talons to barely grasp on to a nearby tree branch. He managed to lock himself onto the branch before he slid upside down, or fell off. He noticed a man standing right below the tree. Unfortunately for the hawk, it managed to knock a few leaves off, spiraling gently down to the character below, XrosStimga.

That's probably going to alert him to my presence. Good.

He didn't really have the strength to speak out after such a energy-sapping action.
Xros heard something hit the tree but didn't look up from the book "if your gonna try to kill me lets move to another location, emerald plains is for beginners, as such many of the players are younger and shouldn't even be exposed to this hellish situation let alone the death of someone." he spoke turning the page of his book the chains on him moving as if they were snakes, noting he was on guard.
"Okay, Eben. Looks like we're a team then," Andrea said with a grin. "It's actually kinda cool to be here.. I don't think I'll mind it that much."

The petite girl decided now was the time to test her power. She took a deep breathe then put her hand out to the water. She raised her hand slowly and a ball of water separated itself from the lake. A smirk graced her lips. It worked. Andrea Ann was no longer her normal self, she had taken on the powers of the Mage, Trainwreck.
Jungmo waded in the water some more. He cleared his chelonian lungs and said, "I couldn't agree more. We need to form a guild or something, because I sure as hell don't want to die. It'd be nice to have some friends. Three of us, truce?"

Jungmo stuck out his fin to Andy and Lux, but he found himself being pushed along with the rest of the lake. He quickly scrambled onto land and reverted to human form, feeling his armor click and slide again.

"Oh," was the only word Jungmo could get out.
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"Sure thing!" said Drea as she grinned and put the ball back into the lake. This power felt.. Good. It made her feel better than anything she could do in real life.
"So... manipulation of water," Jungmo said. He shrugged. That was pretty darn cool.

But right now, he was concentrating on how dry he was. This world was amazing. He was literally a turtle a few seconds ago.

No. It was dangerous. He couldn't stay for long and he had to get out as quick as possible. He remembered all of the times he almost died fighting in dungeons, barely staying alive, being hunted and almost drowning when his mana ran out. This world was full of perils and they had to escape.

Jungmo looked at the other two.

"So what do you say we look for others to.. join the cause?" I said, smiling. It was good to have allies.

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