Game times? [Crearth: The Third Age]



So, when were we going to try for game one here?

Also, is Paranoid even paying attention?  :lol:
He has joined, and asked a little about how I wanted character sheets done, but other than that, I can't say for sure.

As it is, I still need to get on the ball and finish up my history bit and actually post the character sheet stuff I had intended to myself.

However, if people want to try to get a game this week sometime, I have Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday free. LK's computer will need to be fixed by then, though, and I'll need your AIM ID and LK will need to get himself one. *pokes* Otherwise, it'd have to be after 11 PM on the other days. Since LK goes in at 2, it'd only be like a two hour session that way, since he'd have to get off by 1 so he could eat. *glowers*

I'll also need the rest of the chracter sheets up. I'm probably going to put most of mine up tonight, but that would still leave our last member's in the air. Of the days presented, I'd rather Wednesday or Friday sometime, so that I can use Tuesday to try to finish preparations. Might be best to shoot for next week sometime though (March 2-8th), but if people want to try for sooner, I won't complain.

*Edit: Oh yeah, and Ops, ya might want to get one more 3 in one of your Twilight Caste Abilities...or you're gonna have to switch to Zenith Caste. *g* I also reccomend looking at the Pacifist Flaw (either version, 3 or 5 point), if you're interested. It seems appropriate to what I know of the character.
Gurk...  well...  I guess he can get some more craft.  

So, never thought I'd ask this for an Exalted game, but what element would modern pharmaceuticals fall under?

And as I'm pretty sure I spent all this points, I'll have to take the flaw just to get his craft dots.  3 point version though.  While he's not a fighter, he will as a last resort, and he will suck at it.
Pharmaceuticals fall under Craft: Water, Medicine, and the Thaumaturgical Art of Alchemy, generally. Complicated chemisty isn't so different from Alchemy in many ways, save that it might be based off of Lore instead of Occult. Of course...I somehow doubt you have the points to actually purchase Alchemy without yet another flaw or two, unless you spend a little xp on such. It's not a bad investment, though as Mr. Shiny Heal Bitch, less useful than for others. Still...drugs that can be used by others and without the use of essence, which can prove damn useful. Essence Pools are not endless and one Solar cannot be everywhere at once. This is especially true when a company of troops, a city-state and its surroundings, and a growing militia of every ablebodied man and any volunteer ablebodied women between the ages of 16 and 50 are all likely going to be needing medical attention...with a rather limited supply of trained medical staff.

Note that one of my Henchmen already has the second degree of Alchemy, though, so it's around, even if you can't get your shiny Solar hands on it...just in the hands of an un-Enlightened mortal.

As for times, well, hopefully we can get my computer fixed soon. Currently Windows is dead, and I need to remove and replace it, most likely...once I've done that, I can find out if there is any further damage. Unfortunately, I lack the CD to do so on hand. Ryan does have a copy, though.
Computer is technically functional, though somewhat...unreliable. Parts have been ordered and should arrive in 2 days. Still, even as is, it should be up to this sort of thing just fine.
Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday are free for me (that's sunday the 2nd). I think I'd rather Tuesday, Thursday, or Friday, personally.
By the silence, I shall assume no game this week, unless people want to try to do something friday evening? LK and I are going out for a belated birthday dinner for him thursday evening, and I'm not about to try to cobble crud together for something tonight even if I got responses fast enough...I hate to rush.

So. Friday, yes, no? (This would be March 7th)
This is a bad week for me.  In addition to all the normal work, I just got two new workstations I get to format and set up, so that he can hire two more people soon.

Hint to DG, get over here to use Perkins after work soon.  Read lesson 1.

Next week might be good, either the online game or the WoD one in person.

It will be fun.  You're going to the hospital! It's gotta be safe, right?
I don't know if people will see this, so I've let LK know to warn people on top of this, but there had been discussion of doing an online game tonight, which is now out of the question. I just got called into work. Sorry.
So, we have any schedules for next week yet?

Mine is the same as always, so it's all up to you guys.  

I'm up for any of the three next week.
Hmm. I doubt this coming week is going to go over well. I've got sunday and tuesday. One of them days I want to get the next lesson done for the brailling stuff (if I can), and I'm not sure I'll have the free time before the other to really come up with everything I need to run. However, I do intend to use at least one of them to work on the plot, so hopefully if there's a good day for everyone next week, I'll be able to run it without a hitch.

Just so y'all know. But I could possibly try something Tuesday or Sunday if it's good for other people.
If ZPE is free on one of your days off, we could do WoD that evening so you can use free time to study.

I'd prefer in person, but I do have a scanner, so worse comes to worse, I make PDFs of your character sheets and e-mail em to you.  But I'd rather do that as a last ditch scenario.
Sunday, Wednesday, and Friday, though with Sunday being Easter, that's probably out. Might be able to do something Friday if I've managed to get somewhere with my lessons and apartment cleaning in a reasonable amount of time and other people are free or whatnot.

And there isn't a in person game happening or something. Either way.
Well, I hate to do this, but I'm going to call a leave of absence. I've been on emotional overload these past few days (as LK can attest, sincer he's bearing the brunt of it), and I want to get lesson 2 and 3 of the braille stuff done before I start worrying about more stuff like this again. I've got one too many balls in the air to handle at the moment, I think, what with som apartment issues that need clearing up this weekend, house/apartment hunting, the other worker at my job who's pregnant being forced onto early maternity due to high blood pressure (mmm, pre-eclampsia)...then my other RP sites, this, work, those braille lessons, and still trying to sleep enough...blargh. I'm basically putting aside just about all of my RP stuff at the moment.

On top of that, my son just gave me the flu. >.> *grumble*

Either way, I'll be sure to have something ready for the 15th of April (thank god my taxes are already done, or I'd probably be bing carted off to a loony bin right now or something), or at least the nearest day around then that everyone has free. Figure that should give you time to get your character done, too, Kamina.

Anywho, I know RL comes first and all that, but I feel it best not to leave people in the dark, and I still feel like I should apologize at least a little. Any questions you want to ask to clarify details of the setting, feel free to ask. That I can's just taking the time to stat out encounters and stuff that I'm running into a brick wall over. The setting I have fairly well in my own head...just don't always get the details onto paper that well. Questions help. :)
Hmm. I have just about reached the point of assuming that until I get maternity leave or a new job, I'm not going to get a single weekend off. Which is annoying, considering all the people who complain to me about working this weekend or that weekend lately. Feh.

Weekends are apparently not going to be an option for me at all. Even asking for having just one off in the next two weeks hasn't made a difference. So. The question is, would people be free next Wednesday or Thursday? (May 14th and 15th, if that helps)

It's about the best I'm going to manage for a while, it seems. >.>
Feh. Seems a no, since they've passed. Gonna be packing and moving the next couple weeks, so probably not going to have a chance until after Memorial Day...however, since that will move truck day off of Friday, things might improve...though with one co-worker on Maternity herself, and everyone else grabbing vacation, it's hectic around there. *sighs* If all else...I'll be heading on Maternity end of June, myself, and then I'll have a lot more free time. Heh.
New offer: Saturday June 14th? Any takers?

I've requested such off so as to have the weekend free for a family picnic, but since that's on sunday, I shouldn't have issue with running a game the evening before. Considering that I've been working the past three months weekends pretty much consecutively, I'm thinking I have decent odds of getting my request granted. If I don't, I'll know in a week, though, and update people.

And be royally ticked at work...I worked Memorial Weekend despite being sick enough to be unable to eat without throwing up, so they owe me. c.c At least, that's how I feel. But, that's kind of beside the point.

Anywho, it's probably the last opportunity for me to run such until July, since this weekend, we're moving (and have a graduation to attend), next weekend, I'm not positive we'll even have net access due to the move (though we should), and we'll be trying to get things set up in the new place. The weekend after the 14th and 15th is about when the baby's due, so I'm planning nothing for then, or the one after, since babies don't always arrive on schedule or any goodness knows when they'll actually show up. *chuckles*

But, the 14th should hopefully be a go, if people want it...what say ye?
I should be able to, but will not be able to confirm until about a week before.
I have work from 4-10 on the 14th, but I would be fine to do a session after that if people are willing. Also, I am really bad at keeping up with things on forums, so if you ever get a gametime that most everyone is good for and I don't post anything, just call me or something.

Hmm. Seems that DG is going to not have that day off after all. However, she's going on maternity leave the next, should have a bit more free time after.
Guess that's what happens when I forget my library card in the car so allow him time ot get to the comp first. Just as a note, I have a family picinic two hours south of my home on the 15th, so I would not reccomend making plans for then. After that, we can ply by ear, depending on when the baby decides to arrive. Possibly the weekend after (so long as the baby isn't coming at that point will work.

That'd be the weekend from Friday the 20th to Sunday the 22nd. Kid is due the 23rd, but tentative plans could be made on the assumption they don't arrive until then or later. Can't really say much more (at least not easily) until we have internet access once again. Should hopefully be monday-tuesday next week that that happens.
Now that the baby has arrived, and I'm on leave, as well as pretty well much recovered from things, let's try to get this show on the road, shall we? Unfortunately, I'm not sure how easy that will be.

So far, I know that Ops and Kamina prefer weekends (friday, saturday or sunday) due to work/university stuff...or has this changed? LK (on weekends) would need to be off by 12-1 AM* (not that I'd want to game much later than that anyhow) due to having to head for work...and, unfortunatly, I'm not sure how free ZPE's weekends are. Meh.

I'd personally prefer to start games at around 6-7 PM* on any given day we were to do such, though I wouldn't be surprised if I'm likely to have to start a bit later than that, due to time constraints of others and such...but I'd really rather not start any later than 8 PM* if I can avoid it, as if it's on a weekend (which seems likely to be about the only time half the players will be available, so necessary), that would give 4-5 hours for a session, if necessary. I don't think I'd be able to start later than 9 PM* on a weekend, as I'd like to be sure there's time enough to finish things.

Of course, starting earlier would never be a bad thing... *g* If people are able to, anyhow. So...could people let me know when (time-wise and day-wise) is best for them?

*All times are EST (or is it, who cares?)

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