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Fantasy Game On! - OOC

So, all our characters are pro gamers. Stands to reason they're pretty famous. I'm starting the thread with sortofa red carpet scene I think, where our characters get to walk into the building cheered by hundreds of fans. In this world, pro gamers are the biggest names.
So, all our characters are pro gamers. Stands to reason they're pretty famous. I'm starting the thread with sortofa red carpet scene I think, where our characters get to walk into the building cheered by hundreds of fans. In this world, pro gamers are the biggest names.
I am assuming most will be taking fps and futuristic twist. I plan to take an RPG, MMO and fantasy take on gaming. That cool?
Alright so i posted my character. I'm kind of out of it today so um cs probably needs fixing...I don't know. I also have no idea if i did the game tools right. Just let me know if i need to fix or add anything i'll take care of it tomorrow.
Alright so i posted my character. I'm kind of out of it today so um cs probably needs fixing...I don't know. I also have no idea if i did the game tools right. Just let me know if i need to fix or add anything i'll take care of it tomorrow.
I am going to be very lax with the combat system in the beginning, so don't worry. I realize it will likely take some getting used to.

I'll take a look at your CS first thing tomorrow.
Hey, so I'm kinda nuked and I don't think I'll be able to work on this one. I'm really sorry for the sign-up but I'm gonna go ahead and drop out.
Goonfire Goonfire sounds like a plan.

Any details you want to hammer out now or just get the broad strokes up first?

I imagine it's probably a fairly recent arrangement since Sibylla's been a member of Rampage's division in the US for a while.
Well, I think she and my guy can have a common sponsor (Rampage), so that way there is no conflict of interest there. He can be with, say, Rampage's Europe division. Perhaps a bit of an all-star team in that regard?
I understand the teams being assembled for Kuragi Tech's tournament are brand new and not necessarily regional,so I don't think a "conflict of interest" is something we or the characters need to be too concerned about.

But if you want to give your character a shared loyalty with mine,I think that's a good starting point.
Indeed. I'm fleshing out his details now, so it'll take about a day to get it all together. I think we'll discuss this more afterwards, as I'll leave some things TBD and the sheet a work-in-progress.

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