Game Finder

I'm in the Indianapolis area and would love to start or join an Exalted group.

Looking for a possible ST to run a high-powered, empire-building on-line game on Sundays. Have players, just need Storyteller >_>
If you intend to use PbP, I suggest you create a thread here to look for players.

Also, there is an ongoing thread looking for an ST and some players to start a game set in the Age of Dreams, which, I believe, is pretty close to what you are looking for.
My wife is from NC, near Shelby mainly, and I believe she knows a few gamers in that area if anyone is interested in me asking around for those in that area.

BTW, still lookin for amore live game to play in my area. And knowing my chances are pretty fucking slim, I would also be up for a "live" game on the weekends.
No, not PBP, I don't know how people put up with that. OpenRPG or IRC at the worst and definitely not in the Age of Dreams.
A friend and I are looking for an ST for an online game, held over IRC more than likely-- we're in the U.S. Eastern and Central time zones and are usually available... well, honestly, whenever.

We are currently interested in a Solar/Lunar game and prefer smaller games since it is frequently difficult to acquire players, much less an ST, who can get together on a regular basis on the internet.

I should note, however, that we tend to be fairly relaxed on the rules and details-- we don't like to have to explain why we have weapons appropriate to our Exalt-type instead of more common/safe Jade weapons, and we don't want to end up dead/enslaved/imprisoned five minutes in because of this sort of thing, or have to swap around our charm-set because we focused on the wrong thing by the storyteller's reckoning. It is, after all, Exalted and giant swords made out of gold aren't that odd.

My friend usually STs, but he's burned out on it. We don't want to play AGAINST the ST, nor indeed do we want him to be out to get us and kill off our characters, although we both understand the necessity of in-game challenges. Take no offense, but if that's the kind of Storyteller style you have, we probably won't get along too well.

This post isn't meant to offend in any way! We have, however, noticed an abundance of STs who are far more strict than is to our liking, and we would not enjoy games with many of these individuals. If this is how you are, it's nothing personal, that's just not how we game.

On the other hand, if you're interested in STing for us, please contact me at, and my apologies for the longwinded nature of it all.
Hi folks. I've ST'd exalted for quite awhile and with my current free time I'm looking for a game over OpenRPG. Ill do IRC, but It rather bugs the heck out of me. Not interested in PBP. I'm comfortable with just about any exalted type and exp level. So if anyone needs a stable player, feel free to drop me a message.

I can be reached at Lassiter81 via AIM and via MSN (I don't use that email address anymore, however).
Howdy folks. My girlfriend and I are looking to find some other players in the Chattanooga, TN area. Either STs looking for some players or players looking to join in another group. We aren't really strict on rules or canon, always siding on the fun over the rules, but we don't simply toss everything out the window.

Any interested parties, please send me an IM.
Looking for a play by chat / play by IM / play by OpenRPG / play by telepathy game to play at evenings or weekends (UK time). Already STing two games IRL/over Skype now, so need something to keep my mind from drilling it's way out of my ear and escaping to freedom. Hazy still on using and abusing 2nd rules, but still have five years V:tM, M:tA and 1stEd experience.

Preferring Solar done Vanilla with canon, semi-serious tone. Private Messages or emails are fine
Hell, can't hurt. A very good friend of mine is STing (and I'm playing in) a Lunars game in the Kansas City area. Specifically the MO side of the line towards Gladstone and the like. We may be about full up, but I haven't noticed hide nor hair of anyone mentioning this side of the state in the thread. I did see the one StL person some pages back, but that's an awful long drive. ;D

In any case, just a shout in case anyone's in the area and up for a Lunars campaign. Of course, we can be a little esoteric, but I assure you we only bite if you ask very nicely!

I'm fresh to St. Louis, the Missouri side. The Hazelwood/Florissant area, to be precise. I'm formerly of THE ABSOLUTE MIDDLE OF NOWHERE, Ohio, so I'm all for actually getting a chance to play something face-to-face now that I live in a place with more people than cows. I'm also all for IRC and OpenRPG games. Anything's good, but Sidereals and Solars are my favorites. E-mail at is probably more reliable to contact me than IMs.
If any of you find yourself in Quyarrah –West Iraq I’d be more then happy to ST to break the monotony
Army, I'm normally out of Seattle area but I'm getting an all expense paid trip to Iraq complements of the US government. I'll move my dot when I get back to Seattle and see if Flyck is still looking for a game then.
If anyone is up in the Madison, WI area, we're looking for one (or possibly two, if they're well-behaved) more for our Exalted game. We meet on Mondays.

archaratar said:
I like Exalted too.
Something in a Southern Houston/Northern Galveston would be great.
haha i used to live in the "houstonish" area too. League city/webster/galveston to be more or less exact. Now I spend time between cleveland and well, wherever the hell I get sent by the reserves. Man I was pissed when I heard that Horizon Games on El Dorado blvd closed.
Hero said:
Army, I'm normally out of Seattle area but I'm getting an all expense paid trip to Iraq complements of the US government. I'll move my dot when I get back to Seattle and see if Flyck is still looking for a game then.
Good luck.

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