Game Finder

Hi, I'm actually looking for anyone in the South Florida area (Ft. Lauderdale, Boca Raton, etc.) to play in an Exalted game. I'm willing to play or ST, whatever's needed. Holler back if you're interested or know someone who is. Thanks!
Have you considered an online-run game? I know that such games can be difficult, but they are also the best way to get together with people well outside your living area.

I would love to join an online game, should one be running during a time period friendly to me. (Since I'm already running Exalted locally, I don't have the energy to properly ST a new online game; otherwise I would offer.)

Was that to me? Well, I've run and played online games before, but right now I'm way too busy doing less fun things. There are a few players in my area, by the way.

Thanks for the suggestion.

I like Exalted, but there's little to no activity going on anywhere for a young dude like me in the Palm Springs area...
Added my dot to St. Paul Minnesota.

I would absolutely LOVE to get involved in another Autochthonians game, but I'd take whatever I can get, sadly however, life is too stressful currently to allow me to run a game.
To the Palm Springs you mean Palm Springs, FL? If so, where is that in relation to Ft. Lauderdale?
Man, I'm really jonesing for Exalted. Anybody running an online game that they need a player for? I'm pretty open as far as scheduling goes. Any day but Thursday and Sunday is fine. Let's see, I like character development, I'm not a munchkin, and I'm pretty open as far as what Exalted types I'll play... although I don't particularly like playing abyssals.
truthofseeker said:
To the Palm Springs you mean Palm Springs, FL? If so, where is that in relation to Ft. Lauderdale?
Sorry, Palm Springs, CA.

See, that's why I like online games. But I never seem to find any.
Guy in the Longwood and/or Orlando, FL looking for an Exalted Game.

I have pretty much all of the MoEP, so I'm open for any type of game.
I currently run/play in a game that utilizes MSN Messenger/Skype. We usually "meet" Saturday evenings (though that's been jacked up during the summer thanks to vacations). If anybody'd be interested in attending, we could stand to absorb another person or two.
When "Saturday evening" is can vary wildly depending on time zone.
Word. Typically 6:00 ish Central Standard time in the USA. Though that fluxuates somewhat wildly depending on stuff. Sometimes.
I've actually trying to get people to use Skype instead of chat rooms for online games, so yeah, I could most certainly give that a go if you could stand another person. Send me a message here or get me on AIM @ FlowersBlackwing.
Looking for an IRC based Exalted game. I'm pacific time zone and prefer a time between late friday (8pm PST) to early sunday (11am PST).
Well, might as well cast a net out. I live in Stevens Point, WI. It's one of the top 5 retirement towns in the US, which means there are a lot of industries for old people, and few for roleplaying geeks. And none at all for Exalted. So I have the dubious honor of owning almost half of all the 2nd edition books, but have never played the game. Bit of a vain hope, but if there is anyone in the area who plays, I'd love to do so. PM me if possible.
Just on the off-chance that I'm lucky, I'd like to know if there are any solid fleshy types in the UK near Leeds. I'll be away at university next year and probably need to actually concentrate on my studies, so I'm more looking for non-term-time types.

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