Game Finder

I've just returned to the States and I'm in Orlando for the nonce. Anyone in the Orlando area looking for another player? If so, I'd love to play.....
Alright, and once again I am back on the market for online Exalted games.  I'm beginning to feel desperate.
Where are all the people in FL suddenly coming from!? KHAAAAAAAAAAAAANNNNNNN! Thank God I'm going back soon...
The thoughts come up a few times in our gaming group that we might be able to use some fresh blood...   :twisted:   South of Seattle area of Washington State.

I would like to join a online gaming group for Exalted.

I mainly played a Night Cast Solar and Water Aspect Young Dynast Dragon-Blooded throught Boarding School. Those on first edition.

I would like to play second edition. Depending of the group experience in Exalted, I would stick with usual archetypes. But if more strange concept are suitable, I have gaming experience as a Dragon-Demoned Bloodded. One concept I would like to try is Silver/Iron Faction Sidereals.

The Exalted type I would like less to play are Abyssal and Fair-Folk.

As storyteller, I explore the theme of barbarian and the fall of the civilisation. I would prefer not being ST. I'm not confident enough to do it while speaking english.


I'm also looking for potential 1E chat-based online games, game type isn't all that important. Reply here or send an IM to FlowersBlackwing on AIM.
I'm in Brookings, SD currently with a tabletopping group.  I may be able to be talked into joining another but am mainly looking for an online game, either forum or IRC based.  I don't know anything about 2ed and not much about 1st ed, but I am learning.  I have not st'ed and do not yet feel comfortable doing it until I have at least done it once for a tabletop.  I've been playing a paragon dawn for some time now and am just starting to play a realm exile DB wood aspect.
I am dieing to get into a new game.  I am in Guthrie, OK so if anyone is close then that would be great, but a Play by Chat game would be good as well.  

I am 28, an English major and Lunar fan.  If anyone wanted to get into a local game I can supply beer (if you are over 21) and snacks for up to 4 players (5 people total) I don't like to ST and I am bad at it.  For Online games I can't supply food, but I am smart and own every book (1e and 2e less Games of Divinity.)
Looking for online game, forum based preferably.

Have experience in playing DB/Dawn caste solar

Looking for a frequently updated game but for a group of casual players.

Let me know
Might as well toss my calling card in once again, in case you people are too lazy to go back a few pages. I'm in Wisconsin, the Milwaukee area, although transportation is tricky for me, as I have a '86 set of feet as my pimed ride. Always interested in online games, and I have a desperate urge to play for a change, instead of being the ONLY ST in my group...and, my work schedule is semi-adaptable for making it to games
Currently in Stafford (England), looking for a game, also open for chat or voice chat games I guess, though I haven't had much experience with those

to play only mind, I suck as an ST

not just Exalted, I've had a jonesing for In Nomine, and most OWoD games lately
Meh, I'm based in Plymouth, England, and I currently run a game every other Saturday. We could use some more players if anyone's located nearby.
I'm in the NYC area.  I've pretty much resigned myself to playing Play-by-Post games only, simply because of the schedule I'm on.
I am now in Weilerbach Germany, located in the Rhineland area (Kaiserslautern/Ramstein AB)

I would love to hook with some fellow Exalted gamers.
I'm on Araraquara, São Paulo, Brasil, but I believe we are not even in the same hemisphere...

Anyway, if I ever come to England I might take a visit on your off-line games, Tome.
In San Francisco here.

Been a gamer since 1982, just got Exalted though. I've been a GM for most of the years I've been at this hobby, but obviously I'm not ready for that role with Exalted at the moment, however if a group wanted a spare GM I could fill those shoes in time.
Unlikely, I know... is anyone in SW Ohio/N. Kentucky looking to get all Exalted and stuff? And in what capacity?
I am in Texas so I can't attest much to that, but there is decently populated PbP site linked to this one. There is a West game forming that you could possibly still get in on if Haku is game for another person, should start in the next week or so. So far there are like 4 Solars and 2 Sids, one Ronin (me) the other sounds like he is Heavenly but we will see, I may be missing some people.

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