Game Finder

Apparently I'm in the same boat as StarHawk. Noone anywhere near Utah thus far so I suppose Im looking for an online game willing to take someone with plenty or reading time but no play time with the Exalted system.
Bodhisattva said:
I'm looking for Exalted Players in Lake County, IL.  To help out with the low-budget game finder, I've linked this Frappr map for players of Exalted.  Please join it so we can see where people play and maybe that will help to find others who are willing to play as well.  Also, here is Stillborn's map for this forum.
Were about in Lake County?  How often were you planing on running?  This thread may be working  :shock:
If you check the Frappr, it will tell you that I'm in Libertyville, and it's set right where I live, rather than in the middle of town since I'm registered with Frappr as a member.
Has anyone on the forums considered Vent or Roger Willco or any other voice programs to run games with?  Sounds liek a lot of people in lots of areas looking for games if you got a mic and can get through the timezone scheduling you could run some stuff either over a chat prog or a talk prog or something.  Just an idea.

I personaly I am looking for a game I can play at work but not have to focus hours on, like a play by email or forum game or something.
Really Wanting Some Solid Players!

Alrighty, well as somemight remember I have an online forum Solar Game going on over at RPoL. and I only have 2 (maybe 3) players. I'm looking for 2 or 3 more. Return Home is the link. The game is set in the first age, to begin. Then the characters are asleep for an age, then they wake up in the second age, new to EVERYTHING. So if you want Please submit a character, either here or on either way.

I already have an Eclipse, and a Zenith, and while I'm not picky about overlaping castes, I would like a well rounded circle.

EDIT: If you're interested you can also email me at
There are only a few problems with my otherwise idyllic location in southern Ireland. One of them is the lack of STs willing to run exalted. My esteemed collegues from Cambridge, UK, are more than welcome to come over for high tea, digestives, and a decent game of any character type at all. Accomodation provided, (veggie) food provided gratis.

Not too many interested folks 'round me, but I have had some offers for Chicago area people to game with.  Haven't taken anyone up on the offer yet, though, 'cause I don't relish the drive, but I just might bite the bullet soon.
Watch out Samiel. Those English have quite the history of going over to Ireland and refusing to leave.

We've got a fairly steady game going on Sunday nights that might have a slot for someone in the Southern Maine area. We seem to be rotating ST duties so that everyone gets to play God and God's chosen at some point. Its open to any types of Exalt and is taking place in a ff7-esque setting.
Are there any groups within reasonable distance of Morristown, TN? For the love of God people, I'd like to game. I'm bored as FUCK in this town. I care not where you are, as long as you're good players and are willing for new people!
Might as well jump on the bandwagon.

I'm in detroit, michigan.  I've played and STed once or twice, but I have never found any experienced players so my games were probably shite.

Looking for an online game

All the players I know have slowly moved so now I'm looking for a game online.

If anyone knows of an email or chat game thats looking for players please PM me.
Welcome Taloren!   :D

I am also reinstating my call out to gamers in the Morristown/Russelville/Knoxville/Johnson City region!!!!
I just did a little moving and I just found myself in Charlottesville, VA, and completely devoid of a good gaming group. I'd be up for some Exalted, were anyone to be in the area by some divine providence. games?  I could go for one.  1E preferably, as I don't have anything 2E in my library.

I'm quite flexible as far as game types and characters.  I'll play any Exalt type really...although I don't have a good character idea for Siddie or Lunar *yet*.  Otherwise I'm set.  Hell, I just made my first Alchemical.

Online game

Ok.. I am running an online game starting in the next week or so. I need a Twilight and a Night caste. I also need VERY patient players as this is my first time running Exalted. Game will play out first session in First Age then more to Age of Sorrows...

Anyone interrested pm me.
I'm living in Garder Ma, I'm looking to find either a game not abjact to an Exalted Newbie or an online game with similar beliefs. I'm an experianced rper and won't hold up an action in that respect, but it'll take some time for me to get used to the more mechanic parts of the game.

Pm me, AIM me at TrowaVidel or e-mail me at
I am dying on the inside.  I ST a Solar game every monday night, but I haven't played as anything BUT an ST for'd be nice to actually play an online game.  I haven't read any 2ed yet, but I know 1ed like it's the back of my hand.  So...yes.

Games?  Anyone?  I <3 playing Exalted?
I am running an online game here that hasn't run in a few weeks due to scheduling issues. So if we can work something out maybe I can toss you into the world screaming?
Firstly...two minutes for a reply...impressive turnaround time.  Anywho, I can dig scheduling problems, I'm quite used to them.  What kind of game is it and what times are you talking about?  If you'd prefer to just PM me that's fine, I have no life and will check often.

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