Galactic Empires

Mist Demon

A Broken Frame

(The name of your species)

Average Life-span: (How long does a member of your species normally live?)

Appearance: (What a member of your species looks like. Pictures are fine)

Attributes: (Does your species have any attributes/powers that make them unique?)

Personality: (How does the majority of your species act?)


(The name of your empire/government)

Government Type: (Imperialistic, Democracy, Republic, etc.)

Leader(s): (Name of your government's leader(s))

Dominant Species: (If your empire is made up of more than one species, which one is more dominant?)

Home Planet: (The name and description of your empire's home/capital planet)

Religion: (What does the majority of your species believe in?)

Energy Source: (What does your empire use as energy?)

Galactic Travel: (How does your empire travel through space?)

History: (The history of your Empire)

Goal: (What is the end goal that your empire strives for?)

[/Main Character(s)\]

(The name of your main character)

Age: (The age of your main character)

Species: (What species is your main character?)

Appearance: (What does your main character look like? Pictures are fine.)

Equipment: (Anything of importance that your character keeps on them. This includes weapons.)

Personality: (How does your character act/think?)

History: (What has your character been through?)
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Average Life-span: It's been theorized that the Sigmaterian species is eternal. As up to a certain age the Sigmaterian body no longer begins to age or degrade. No Sigmaterian has so far ever been recorded of dying of old age; however, this is due in part to their constant war like nature.

Appearance: The Sigmaterian species looks similar to most human species. There are major differences however. Sigmaterian skin is slightly tinted orange due to Sigmaterian Energy Crystals radiation, and the pigments of the skin can't be changed. The most common hair and eye color is orange with more rare types being blue, purple, red, pink, and with black being the most rare.

Attributes: Due to the mutations caused by the Sigmaterian Energy Crystal radiation and the use of selective breeding and Eugenics, all the negative and/or harmful mutations caused by the radiation have been killed off. Over time this has left only the positive mutations to be passed on through the gene pool. As such, it could be stated that a Sigmaterian's body is stronger than that of any humans in every way. For example, a Sigmaterians immune system is so strong that disease is extremely rare.

Personality: The Sigmaterian Energy Crystal radiation caused a mutation in the minds of most all Sigmaterians, causing them to think much darker and sadistically than most normal species. This is one of the many causes of the Sigmaterian's constant war like nature.


The Sigmaterian Empire

Government Type: Imperialistic

Leader: Emperor Zabuza

Dominant Species: Counting the thousands of different species that make up D-class personnel, the Sigmaterian empire is an extremely diverse empire. However Sigmaterians solely control all aspects of the empire. D-class personnel have no power within the empire.

Home Planet: Xecron is the name of the Sigmaterian's harsh motherland. It is an extremely large Pangaea planet with the only landmass in the shape of an "X". It is covered entirely by dense forests, infested by Sigmaterian Energy Crystal mutated animals & plants that are all deadly and carnivorous. The atmosphere is extremely tinted orange, due to the Sigmaterian Energy Crystal radiation, and would be lethal to any non-Sigmaterian that stepped foot on the planet. One single large city is all that is on Xecron, the capital city named after the planet itself. It is on top the highest plateau on the planet, protected by an energy field dome that covers the entire city.

Religion: Religion is banned throughout the Sigmaterian Empire. Thus making the Sigmaterian empire an Atheist nation. They rather spend their time looking for the scientific explanation behind everything instead of wasting their time otherwise.

Energy Source: The main, and only, energy source of the Sigmaterian Empire is Sigmaterian Energy Crystals. These are bright orange crystals that radiate limitless energy like nothing else. The radiation they emit causes extreme mutations with whatever organic life it comes into contact with, proving to almost always be lethal.

Galactic Travel: The Sigmaterian Empire uses wormholes to instantly travel between any two locations in the Universe. It takes extreme amounts of energy to open, and safely keep open, a wormhole. Sigmaterian Energy Crystals are one of the few energy sources that seem to be able to accomplish such. Not only are they used for travel, but they can be extremely effective weapons if used correctly.

History: The Sigmaterian Empire's history is one that is dark, and rarely talked about throughout the empire. With the introduction of Sigmaterian Energy Crystals and the mutations they caused, an uncountable number died on the already harsh to survive on planet. Terrible things had to be done to ensure the species became "perfect" by gaining all the positive mutations possible, while killing off all those who gained negative mutations from the radiation.

Throughout their entire history one man has lead them from the very start, determined to do whatever it takes to rise the Sigmaterian species to power. He has stopped at nothing to make his people prosperous, with a military might to forcible achieve their goals.

Goal: The goal of the Sigmaterian Empire is nothing less than the Unification of the entire Universe. To unite all under one empire, one species, and one emperor. To achieve this the Sigmaterian Empire uses their military might to constantly expand their empire. When they conquer a planet the population is then assimilated into the Empire as D-class personnel, where they work on Sigmaterian Mining Planets.

[/Main Character\]

Zabuza Momochi

Age: Immortal. Due to a mutation caused by Sigmaterian Energy Crystals, he has extremely advanced Cellular Regeneration. This has also changed him, giving him row after row of fangs and a need to drink blood. He is the only Sigmaterian to date to have this mutation, however, any children he had would have this mutation as well to a degree.

Species: Sigmaterian

Appearance: Zabuza Momochi from the anime, with red eyes and dark black hair.

Equipment: The Executioner's Blade, a sword made of a unknown material that the Emperor always keeps near him.

Personality: The Emperor can best be described as a cold, sadistic, and menacing person. However, everything he does is for the good of his empire and the prosperity of his people. For that the Sigmaterian people look up to their Emperor as a hero, giving him the praise that fuels his ego.

History: The exact age of the Emperor is unknown to all those but himself, and he keeps many details of his past to himself. Everything he does is what he thinks is for the good of his empire and people.
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Average Life-span: 500 years on average, the oldest recorded was 3,000 years old.


Attributes: Morphites have the ability to morph into any species they find and gain their attributes if they're able to synchronize with them, basically harvesting the information from their DNA to be able to replicate it quickly. The downside to this is that their bodies will be bruised or hurt from the damages that the inflation and motion of muscles and bone can cause. This limits Morphite's abilities, for instance, if they tried to morph into a giant then they'd be paralyzed or dead because of the extreme growth of the bones and muscles, as they far pass the original Morphite's physical structure. Synchronization of DNA can pass on from generation to generation, leading to efficiency, especially in times of war and espionage. Despite their rather damaging ability, Morphites are indeed hard to kill due to their exoskeleton, a trait of evolution purposely made to withstand it's main ability.


There are two types of Morphites, the Hiveminds, and the Winged. The Hiveminds are usually Morphites on planets closer to their home-world, where the old yet still alive Kings rule them through mind control, like ants. The Winged are free Morphites who have formed a separate group from the Hiveminds. Hiveminds, of course, act as the King acts, so their behavior is up to the king. Winged are generally supporters of freedom, however are rather devious and untrusting by nature, and can be reckless and willing to sacrifice others for their goals.


The Republic of Two Suns, [TRTS] / [Commonly referred to as Turts]

Government Type: Republic, a senate formed from politicial leaders from the Hivemind and the Winged control the government through voting. Corruption runs rather rampant, however is being reduced slowly.

Leader(s): Senator Ei-sir, Senator Vex-len, Senator Shi-to. Senator Dominus, Senator Term, Senator Geigas, Senator Meiki, Senator Gorahn, Senator Dave, Senator Gabriel, Senator Alirea, Senator Astrella, Senator Megomist, Senator Jesuir, Senator Mukubakreit.

Dominant Species: Morphites.

Home Planet: Elysium is the home planet of the Morphites. Not much is known about the development of the planet, but it's a truly beautiful world, and only one city, Unity, stands on it. This huge city covers a mountain range and the land around it, while the other land is simply open for travelers, outdoor businesses, and tourism. Historical sights are quite the attraction, and the modern city, Unity, itself, is a rather fun and big city. Elysium's Unity is where the Senate resides, and the security is quite tight in the city, however not tight enough to call it martial law. The planet is notably named as the Roman version of Heaven, this is due to the Morphites' history with Humanity. Elysium has many rich veins of fossil fuel, making it an attraction for mining companies, especially because it is huge. Elysium is rather close to the center of the galaxy, but it wont float into a black hole any time soon.

Most Morphites are Atheist simply because they don't care, but others are Agnostic. Religion seems like fairy tales to them, and they believe strongly in science, whilst some believe that there is some kind of spiritual power in the galaxy. The other races within the galactic empire are unaccounted for.

Energy Source: The TRTS have ships named Collectors that are capable of harvesting planets and suns, however they also take up lots of energy. Their main energy comes from the harvests of the Collectors, but their second source of energy would be extremely rich fossil fuel veins near the center of the galaxy, where Elysium resides.

Galactic Travel: There are different ways that the TRTS travel. The most common would be using spaceships, while the most traditional would be using the Aeilkiri animals as transport. These animals generate enough oxygen that they can breathe it and float through space, while withstanding the pressure. Many question what kind of lifeform it really is, as it produces oxygen and it's own food, while it can eat, however most people assume it's an advanced animal. They're found in large packs that fly across the galaxy, and are referred to, by humans, as space whales.

Before the TRTS was simply the Hive, where all Morphites were enslaved by their government, and before that there were many different kinds of nations on Elysium. Before that there were kingdoms, and then nomadic tribes. The way the Winged were made were through a genetic mutation due to the synchronization of a strange creature. This strand of information caused malfunctions in the mind control system, and freed Hiveminds became Winged as they escaped their shackles. More and more joined, until it finally ended with a result of 870 million Winged. Instead of war, the Hive considered peace, and the Winged accepted. The two formed the TRTS, and other races live under their banner for protection, and they're allowed to elect their own senators for the Senate.

Goal: The TRTS's goal is uncertain, however, it would seem that their dreamed achievements would be to find another galaxy, become technological gods, and to improve their races' genetic codes.

[/Main Character(s)\]


Age: 102

Species: Morphite

Appearance: (Morphing into a human)



Judge -

Judge is a large scythe equipped with a spear that acts as a zipline, chain weapon, projectile, and as a hilt. The blade is made of durasteel and the upper middle section of the hilt, which is thicker, is the hilt launcher and the combustion cylinder release valve. The combustion cylinder release valve quickly shoots out a mixture of gases that will send the user flying upwards into the sky. The only problem with it is that the scythe runs out of gas easily.

Jury - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-19_3-51-36.jpeg.08802c52f4a65442665b45fd28286466.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32214" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-19_3-51-36.jpeg.08802c52f4a65442665b45fd28286466.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

A pair of B-29 High Powered Pulse Revolvers. These revolvers can switch it's ammo's purpose due to it's pulse attachment. They can be used to inflame objects, used to electrocute or poison, and even combustible pulse rounds are used, explosive shots. The two look old fashioned, however this is simply just the style. They're mainly for compressing or for close ranger combat.

Executioner - <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-19_3-52-41.jpeg.f536272d8b8156b5bdee9542c6180e25.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="32215" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/upload_2014-10-19_3-52-41.jpeg.f536272d8b8156b5bdee9542c6180e25.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Executioner is a sniper rifle / blade. It can transform into a blade when it's needed, one made of reinforced durasteel along with an electrical arc around the blade, while it's sniper form holds the pulse attachment, a scope that allows you to, at max zoom, act as a telescope able to see other planets in the solar system, and has an auto-lock on and BulletTrack application. The BulletTrack is loaded with 3 shots, all which have AI installed within to direct them for the best result possible on the selected target. The power of it's average shot is enough to blow a person into chunks while sending them flying at point blank.

Kira believes that the hivemind must fall and that most people are weak. He is usually kind and fun acting to friends, however sometimes, usually to strangers or people he doesn't trust, he shuts off his emotions and becomes deathly honest. Kira's intelligence allows him to reign superior in a test of mind and will power, while his morping abilities aid him in diplomacy and strength. Kira hates losing, and is scared of getting close to any one. He believes that the world is full of masochists, and that he himself wonders why he continues to play the cruel yet fun and unpredictable game of life.

Kira was born on the moon of Elysium, Requiem, which is a well known safe haven for criminals. His family was killed due to his father's ties to the Galactic Mafia, and Kira was devastated (by that time he was 12 in human years). The following days he had ran away from home and taken vengeance on his father's murderers and their families. When he returned his mother refused to let him live with her anymore, and he killed her too, packed his bags, and joined his father's Mafia. They welcomed him with open arms and comforted him about his loss. Over the years he was a well known assassin and mercenary for the family until he quit after realizing how there was no difference in the way that this same family acted. Kira finished the Mafia group off and was a vigilante for awhile until bounty hunters began pursuing him. At the same time, the TRTS was founded, and Kira had quickly moved to Elysium, taken by the changes made to the once traditional city. Presently, he is on a contract to kill a company's CEO, and is still being chased by bounty hunters.



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I am also interested! I'll have my character sheet filled out and posted within the next day or so.
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The TRTS is accepted, welcome to GE. On a side note, thank you for all the effort clearly put into the CS.

Name: Gradia

Average Life-span: 200 Years of Age

Appearance: A race of humanoids, that bear many features that resemble humans, such as their general form, and facial features all similar to humans. They stand from 6-8 feet tall on average, and have very light blue skin that varies in tone. The differences between males and females is also nearly exactly like humans, but one more difference is that females have horns, and small tails while males have no horns and large tails. The race also has more distinct features, such as their eyes glow blue and have no iris or pupils. They also have small diamonds indented into the center of their forehead that shows family heritage, as well as job.

Attributes: Glowing blue eyes that illuminate the dark for them, as well as a deep spiritual connection that can sometimes lead to the unexplained.

Personality: The Gradians are an extremely spiritual race. Few outsiders could even contemplate their dedication to their religion. When it is said that their religion of Shirinism is their life, they fully mean it. Even in the face of death or other substantial circumstances they simply do not budge on it. An extremely stubborn race, some may call them dedicated, others may call them radicals.


Name: G.S.E (Gradian Sovereign Empire)

Government Type: Military/Religious Controlled- Many different Military/Reliogous leaders lead the race. If one has a seat of power they are considered a high priest as well as military commander. There are three military/religous branches:

Domestic Guardian-The control of Citizens through Law enforcement.

Satellite Control- The governing of planets, a very important branch.

Martial Forces- The Military of Gradia, they fight, defend, and conquer.


The Martial Forces Prime Ministress: Shala Telemnar.

Domestic Prime Minister: Macon Q’adel.

Minister of Satellite Control: Erek D’rak

Dominant Species: The dominant species of the empire is the Gradians, but there are two more species under the control of the GSE.

The Wardens are a race made by science. By fusing together Gradian DNA and an inferior Elf-like Race. The result of it was the perfect soldier. They contain a medium to light build, stand roughly 6-8 feet tall, and are blue in color, as the Gradian gene for skin tone is a dominant one. Though the skin tones can vary of course. Both male and female Wardens lack horns, have pointed elf-like ears, glowing blue eyes like the gradians, and have small tales. Aside from that there are the standard gender differences that are very similar to the human gender differences (You should know what those are.). Wardens are the ideal soldiers as they are naturally athletic, very quick and nimble on their feet yet strong, and have an acute sense of hearing and eyesight. The Wardens may be mass produced clones, but each one has its own unique personality and characteristics, as well as DNA variation, making it possible for them to reproduce on their own as a species, as well as making them resistant to genetic viruses, and making them as resilient as a natural species despite being made from a test tube.

Wardens that are made inside of the Cloning Stations are made in what would be called a test tube. While inside of this test tube they are exposed a serum that makes them age exponentially faster than a normal species, but only when inside of the serum. Their minds are synced in with a simulation program that takes them through what feels like over 18 years of learning, training, and just pure experiences, as well as they are taught the teachings of Shirinism. A beauty of a program, it makes the Wardens mind Mature with the Body, so the exponential growth is complete on both sides.

Wardens have to serve in the Miltary, like all citizens of the GSE. Then they have the option after five years of service to go out into the world as something else and join the GSE culture or stay in the military, but the majority remain in the military as this was how they were raised. Also many know that they are not seen as equal to Gradians, they are just as dedicated to their religion.

A species that one would be surprised to find among the ranks of the GSE. A rather recent addition, the Peraki are a ferocious reptilian race that willingly joined the GSE after accepting Shira's teaching into their hearts. Standing at a hulking a figure, the Peraki vary from 5-7 feet tall, and very muscular stature. They have bulky bodies made of pure muscle, and have a hunched over stature with due to the shape of their spine to support their stature. When standing still, they can remain upright, but when moving they must have the assistance of their arms to move quickly, needing at least three arms to remain mobile while firing. Due to their strength though that does not effect their accuracy. Those are for the males, female Peraki are built much more light, having much more light build in general. They are also taller, but they also have to move the same way as males do.

Despite being reptilian in nature, the Peraki are warm blooded due to a four valved heart, an evolutionary advantage that rose them to the top of the food chain. They come in a variety of colors, but are predominately green or white. Blue is rare...despite being in the GSE. An advanced race of tribals, they ruled over their swampy home world with an iron fist, and despite being tribals only one tribe, known as what would be translated to 'The flat heads', a name which comes from the fact that unlike the other tribes they had no horns, and had to make that up with advanced tactics, which would lead to their overall dominance over the planet. They held tribal beliefs, multiple gods, etc, however when the GSE came that all changed. They were of course converted to Shirinism.

Surprisingly enough though, the Peraki are the most Radical of the GSE to the beliefs of Shira. When the Peraki saw just how well of warriors the GSE were, nearly all of them converted with open arms, taking in the new religion as a change of life, and destroying nearly all traces of their old religion, as well as their old tribal life as they were soon introduced from their modern age to the space age, and became a valued asset to the GSE.

Home Planet: Shaigon: Shaigon is an extremely large planet, with an average temperature of 47 degrees F. The planet is composed of many rivers and lakes, and few oceans, with Pine Trees covering nearly all of the landscape that there is. Weather wise it is always raining, usually freezing cold rain or slate.

Religion: Their religion is the most important aspect of their life, above anything else. Water and Jewels were the foundation of their religion. Water represents the flow of life, as rivers have many twist and turns and can go slow or fast. Spirit and Honor were represented through Jewels, as every single Jewel is beautiful like every single Soul. Both Jewels and Souls cannot be destroyed, metaphorically. Souls in their religion are believed to radiate different colors, the brightest blue being the most honorable soul, black being the most tainted, dishonorable soul. When a Gradian were to unfortunately pass away their friends and relatives would judge their life, and give them a colored Jem that would be placed in their forehead to represent how they lived their life: Honorably, or Dishonorably. The part that baffles science: The color of the jewel changes from it's original transparent color to either black, or various shades of colors, which represents how one lived its life, honorably or dishonorably.

Honor is one of the most important things of their monotheistic religion, which states that honor bleeds into one’s soul and follows them into the after life where they are judged by ‘Shira’ their single Goddess. If the lived a dishonorable life, they would be sent to the waters of the Nara, which is believed to be a land of rapid waters, fierce waves, and unforgiving rocks in which one will suffer until they find salvation. On the other hand, if the soul has lived an honorable life they are sent to the Seas of Tenaria, a beautiful land with many vast beautiful, peaceful oceans.

The teachings of their religion, known as ‘Shirinism’ dictates their entire lifestyle. It specifically states that one does not have to spend their every waking second devoted to Shira, but have to obey the honorable teachings of Shira, and pray to her once a day, that is all. Shira has many teachings of honorable and dishonorable behaviors, which we won’t get into all the details. Things like kindness toward your fellow Gradians, giving to the poor, and just being a good person in general is considered honorable. Stealing, killing without cause, and other generally bad things are seen as being dishonorable. The impact of these teachings are very noticeable in current society, mainly because there is a very little lower class, known as ‘lowlings’. There are very little ‘lowlings’ because of the honorably duty of the highlings (The wealthy class) to give to the poor, the majority of the time they give so much to the poor that the poor advance in the social pyramid, becoming the middle class known as ‘Y’quinar’. Another present impact is very low crime in their society, of course there is crime, no empire is perfect but Law Enforcer takes it upon themselves to put all of their effort into their job, seeing it as a duty Shira has bestowed on them. Criminals are treated terribly in society because they have no honor, ‘kia’ as the Gradia say, and therefore will be given the harshest of punishments until they can redeem it, often serving extremely long jail sentences. Needless to say, Shirinism dictates their lifestyle tremendously.

Energy Source: Renewable Power Crystals.

Galactic Travel: A combination of Warp and Light travel

History: A very long, beautiful history that once became corrupted with war and nuclear destruction. A beautiful race, thriving with its' own culture. There were two major nations controlling the planet of what is now called ‘Lucia’, which means forsaken grounds and Gradian language.

Lucia was a planet of many different landscapes, creatures, and plants. Its most notable feature was it’s millions of river systems that covered the landscape, as well as giant lakes dotted with islands. There were oceans, but only few. The lakes and rivers served a vital part of early Gradian life, as they served as a symbol of life and death. Life because the rivers provided food, water, power, and safety from what may lie on the other side of the river. Death because of the danger of drowning in rivers, the danger of flash floods, it was also believed that if a people did not take care of their river the people’s enemies would be allowed safe passage to float down the river and invade. Lucia was home to many precious stones and crystals, which the Gradia quickly got a The skies of Lucia had many different colors, and was a beautiful place. Lucia was full of beautiful gems, crystals, and other stones. They used to incorporate these stones into their every day life, putting them on buildings, clothes, and vehicles. But the most important crystal of all: Power Crystals. Crystals that seem to radiate energy better than anything else in the planet, they didn’t naturally have electricity. But when one puts electricity into the crystal, it fluctuates and is an amazing conductor. Power Crystals of various sizes are used in their modern day machinery, from buildings to vehicles to weapons.

Shirinism was still very present in the empire, but the culture had become hidden. When culture was at its height is when the war between the two dominant nations of Lucia was at its height. Thousands of lives being lost in the bloodiest conflict of them all that destroyed the largest of cities. Both sides gained major ground against the other, and in the end one could say they both had knives to the other’s throats. Because of this, the first Nuclear Weapon was launched. It is unknown who launched the first one, but what is known is that a rapid succession of Nuclear Weapons followed. This event is called ‘Quizon Itazeca’ or Great Storm. The storm of Nuclear weapons devastated the landscape, but not the Gradia. This was predicted to have happened sooner or later, and many underground bunkers were constructed on both sides. Then History went silent for years, until it was partially safe to go back to the surface. What the Gradia found on the surface of Lucia would change them forever. Everything was destroyed, cities, forest, rivers, oceans, all polluted from fallout rain. The average Gradian health, which was roughly 100 years deteriated down to 60 because of the polluted air, and filter masks soon became a necessity in society if one needed to venture out. Nothing was built for culture anymore, only for necessity. Buildings had lack of art behind them unlike their predecessors and were fit with air filters that were the only buildings that Gradians could take their filter masks off in. They didn’t even wear their precious gems anymore, as gems were not needed for survival, only for economy at the time. Both of the nations, what was left of them decided that they needed to join together for one cause that was the only option for survival: Planetary Expansion.

In order for the Gradia to survive they would have to expand and abandon Lucia. They salvaged everything they could from Lucia, all of the metals and gems, leaving the land even more barren so that they could build up a space fleet. Hundreds of years of preparation, every citizen working their tail off (Literally in some cases) because they knew that the future of Gradia rested on them. Finally the time had come.

Scouts had spotted a planet with somewhat modern technology, but the modern tech was primitive compared to Gradia tech, and they lacked a martial space fleet. The civilization lived on a giant planet that had many rivers and oceans and lakes, and it’s landscape was covered by strange coniferous trees (Pine trees). The planet had an abundance of rain, it rained nearly all day, and seeing the system’s sun was rare. The average temperature there was from 32-47 degrees F, but the air content was adaptable for Gradia lungs, though it would take generations for the Gradia to adapt to. The planet was ripe for the taking, and Gradia saw it as a gift from Shira, so they named it in her honor Shaigon. The invasion begun, and the Gradia took over the planet in just a few months, as this had been planned for years. Upon…’relief’ of the planet from the inhabitants, it was discovered that the planet held many precious metals and jewels, just like Lucia! It even contained power crystals!

Generations passed, and eventually the filter masks were removed. There was no longer need for the dull buildings that filtered the air, and they were all torn down and salvaged for parts immediately. The old culture began to make a comeback, and mix with modern times to create a new Shirinism culture, that became more war-like, and much more conservative. It was considered dishonorable to waste resources, and to destroy the environment. The beautiful buildings that had beautiful gems over them came back, and culture became a strong part of Gradia again, as well as military. With the rebirth of their culture, the Ministry of War claims that now was the time for expansion, for far too long had they sat back just simply watching the Universe, as they sat in an isolated part of the Galaxy.

Now for the recent part. The GSE had conquered just a few systems, and acquired the Wardens and the Peraki as a result. Years passed, and the isolated nation sat within its boundaries, the surrounding nations all assumed that the small nation was contempt, and let their guard down. Then the GSE launched 'Xan Itazeca' which translates to 'Divine Storm', in which the GSE launched multiple surprise attacks all at once on the surrounding empires, using Blitzkrieg like tactics to overcome they enemy before they could react or properly set up their forces. Within days the GSE had expanded it's original size by over 800%, a feat that none thought was possible. It seemed that the size of the GSE's armed forces were extremely underestimated due to the size of the empire originally, and that is probably what helped the success of the operation.

The GSE was able to settle the lands quickly, and they had the manpower to secure them. With this being done, the years of preparation were finally over and the GSE had now become the Nation it had dreamed of becoming, ready to play its new role in the Galaxy.

Goal: To spread the teachings of Shira along the Galaxy, and to work for a prosperous future.

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: Shala Telemnar

Age: 27


Appearance: She has very light blue skin, stands at roughly 6’3. She has dark brown hair that goes down to her shoulders, and her horns on her head go out to the side. On her forehead she has a small dark blue diamond indented into it. When handling political affairs, she wears a white robe that is encrusted with small bright pink gems. When in battle if it ever comes, she wears she wears he rcombat armor, which is very sleek and light but very protective. It bears the colors of grey, red, and white. She then wears a helmet that is custom fit for her head and horns that resembles a samurai helmet, without a mask up front.


Weapons: Pulse Rifle: A black, sleek rifle that fires out small, but extremely hot blue crystals. Pulse Sword: A metal sword with a long purple crystal in the blade that upon activation turns extremely hot. And a Pulse Pistol, sleek pistol that does the same function as a pulse rifle.

Items: many different jewels, Universal Language Data-base, and other things.

Personality: Shala is a natural born leader, and always has the best of the empire on her mind. She is kind, intelligent, and knows how to sway people. But she is extremely cruel and unforgiving to those she sees as not honorable, and is rather unpleasant to be around when she is annoyed. She focuses mainly on the good of her empire and is devoted to her religion.

History: A woman perhaps destined to rule her nation. All throughout her life, Shala has dedicated her life to both the teachings of Shira, and the military. Upon reaching the age of 14 she joined the Military, rising up slowly through the ranks. She worked a wide variety of jobs, doing things from reporting on news, to stocking weapons, to seeing combat on the front lines. Shala showed many things about herself while in the military, and her superiors always took note of how she was able to rally those around her with ease, and how sly and intelligent she could be as well as ferocious in combat, and a very honorable individual, always putting honor and religion first and always doing what the GSE believed to be the right thing. After five years in the military, and reaching rank of Sentenial (A phenomenal rank to achieve in just five years.) Shala left her military post, and headed into Religion, which in Gradian society tied into politics, so in other words she joined politics. Her reputation as a soldier gave her much respect, and she gained many followers behind her. Shala mainly gained military followers from the various parts of the military she joined with, and htat soon expanded to their entire families, and then it spread to their friends, and within two years she had gained a dedicated network of followers that would be extremely influential in her rise to Prime Ministress. Her preachings, which were once local soon became global, and she became a political force to be reckoned with. When the Prime Minister of War stepped down from his position, due to popular demand by the people, the majority of Gradians moved for Shala Telmnar to fill in the spot of Prime Ministress of War, which would give her ultimate control over the GSE, as the Prime Minister of War has power over all branches of government.

Shala was put into power, and her first major move was the Divine Storm, as well as the Warden Program and the Annexing of the Peraki. All giving her even more support of her people.

Name: Hawke

Age: 1 year. Just keep reading....

Species: Warden

Appearance: Hawke has a very youthful appearance, taking on the look of a late teenage Warden or even a young adult. He stands at roughly 6'2, and has light blue skin, with glowing blue eyes, as well as pointed elf-like ears (As well as all the other characteristics of Male Wardens). He has a very athletic build, with toned lean muscle showing both speed and physical prowess. He has Jet Black hair that is short spiky and spiky, and slight facial hair growing under his lip. He wears elite black short sleeve combat armor, with black combat pants and boots, and then a traditional Gradian combat skirt that goes down to roughly his knees, which is black as well.

Hawke always hase a pulse rifle on him, as well as a sword that is very similar to Shala's but is slightly longer. He also carries communicators, grenades, and various other equipment for combat.

Personality: Hawke has a personality that heavily favors the reason why he was created. He is a very calm, and relaxed individual. To go along with this he is very keen and intelligent, being able to logically think his way through various stressful situations, including combat situations. Hawke is indeed the perfect soldier, literally made to be the perfect soldier. With that being said though, he shows his major flaw: His arrogance, and obnoxiousness. Hawke really doesn't take many things outside of combat seriously, especially politics, which is when his...unique form of humor comes in, which involves much sarcasm. Hawke also has the slight belief that he is better than everyone else around him, useful for some situations...not so good for other situations. He has been known to mouth off to anyone, even the Prime Ministress Shala. While he is arrogent, he still uphold Shirinism like any other Gradian. Some could say he is just as dedicated to the Religion as Shala is, as he always mixes honor into his combat. FYI that usually doesn't favor the enemy....

History: Hawke, like all Wardens, was made in a test tube. He came from a special test tube though, he was made to be the most advanced and elite of all Wardens, as he would be somewhat of a representative for all of them. All throughout his life in the testable, which was substantially short, but seemed like two decades of training, education, and just general life. Soon he would become a key player in the Divine Storm, leading the majority of the ground forces against the enemy.

Name: Brutus

Age: 52

Species: Peraki

Appearance: Brutus looks like the average Peraki...which to most all look the same really. He stands at a tall 7'5, but is leaned over most of the time. He has dark green scales, and has various face pain on him at all times, along with this he has a very muscular body and has a rather small tail. For clothing he wears robes, or combat gear similar to Hawke's.

Equipment: Brutus wields a wide variety of weapons, mostly he wields heavy pulse rifles, or a specialized club just for him. But when he's peaceful he usually carries books.

Personality: Brutus seems to be an...exception to most of his race. He is extremely calm, and is very intelligent. Not saying that the Peraki are not intelligent, but his intelligence shines through. He is also a very kind individual, and Brutus tends to avoid combat if necessary but is always prepared to uphold his beliefs of Shira and do the honorable thing.

History: Brutus was originally a chieften of the tribe on the Peraki's home world. He was born into it, and inherited it at a young age. A ferocious warrior, as well as an eager scholar. Brutus sought to gain a deeper understanding of things around him, and was often called Brutus the Wise for this. When the GSE first arrived on their homeworld, he fought ferociously against them, but his opinions on them changed when he saw their skills as warriors, and put down his arms and learned from them. Soon him and his people were annexed, and he was selected to represent his people, like how Hawke represents the Wardens.
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Gilzar's CS is accepted. For future reference, you don't hit "reply" to a person to post something. You just go down to the bottom of the page and begin to type up your work and then post. Otherwise it thinks you're quoting somebody else.

I fixed it though.




Name: Akarutian

Average Life-span: Naturally Immortal but can be killed by other things such as disease or weapons.

Attributes: They have a life-force that provides them with a magical power to make and shape shift this essence into virtually anything.

Personality: Kind, Literal, Determined, Conscious of the lives lesser and equal to theirs.


Name: Razilinian

Government Type: Monarchy

Leader(s): Father(King) Ezreal, Mother(Queen) Azura, Daughter(Princess) Sol, Son(Prince) Zero. (These people are not actually family by blood, but when they are elected as leaders they are family by tradition and law.)

Dominant Species: Humans are on this planet as well, Human settlers made a deal to live amongst the Akarutians but would never be able to hold a position of leadership. Akarutians are dominant.

Home Planet: Takaterra

Religion: Everyone has there own beliefs, however the most popular is a religion based on worshiping a massive tree. It gives the Akarutians there magic and its the religion's deity.

Energy Source: Life-force is a backup energy. The main energy source is a white crystal call Divinity.

Galactic Travel: The people of this planet can manifest their magic into a ship for them to travel in, They can even form weapons.

History: The furthest record dates back to 200 years ago when Humans came to live amongst the Akarutians. The humans also adapted and inherited the magic and immortality of the Akarutians. Anything before this has been lost or destroyed.

Goal: Galactic Peace

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: Axley (Axe-Lay)

Age: 91 (Still considered a Youth, so like 17 looking.)

Species: Half Human, and Half Akarutian.

Equipment: His wits, skill, and essentials.

Personality: Calm, Straightfoward, Kind, Determined, Reckless at times, adaptable, and Strategic.

Rank: Father(Leader) of the Space Exploration and Defense Organization.

History: Axley was an outcast for about the first 40 years of his life. Everyone who knew of his species considered him an abomination. Axley was determined to prove them all wrong, He kept his species hidden until he made it to the top and revealed it to the world. Everyone was shocked, but they learned to accept him as their leader even though he was half human. (Humans cant hold a position of power or leadership.)
Feel free to post the CS at anytime, GE will always be open to new players. I have no intention of ever closing it off from more people joining.
i'm interested



Average Life-span: 150 years

Appearance: They have the same features as human beings but, the major difference is that centrions are naturally born with diverse hair and eye colours.

Attributes: They are an intelligent race who are very curious. They are more physically ft than human beings. Their planet is similar to Earth's ecosystem only, during evolution, the early centrions had to adapt to the harmful gases and toxin that made up most of the air causing the centiron's immune systems to be stronger and much more efficient. They also have a faster reflex.

Personality: The Centrions have various personalities. The centrions are very nice people but do have a neutral stance when it comes to galactic disputes. They are the types of people that will never attack unless they are attacked first. They welcome anyone ho wishes to be their allies. They do however have a very strong stance against discrimination of all form.


U.G.F (United Galactic Federation

Government Type: Democracy. In the event of total collapse of the democratic government, the military will take over to keep order until there is a new government. Like every government, it is for the most part free from corruption. But, it does happen, and when it does, it makes galactic news. There are a few bad apples in the government but it functions normally.

Leader(s): President that is elected every 7 years. The current president of U.G.F is Norian Maverik

Dominant Species: Centrions. The AIs also live alongside the Centrions but their numbers are not as big as the centrion race.

Home Planet: Seraine. Seraine is a large planet. Half of the planet is covered in urban ares with very tall skyscrapers that can reach 900-1000 stories. The natural areas of Seraine are covered with various lakes, forests, jungles and deserts. The average temperature is 31 degrees and has four seasons. During the Spring and summer, there are a lot of rainy days.

Religion: The majority of the Centrions do not have a religion but, those that do, believe in Alkrainia which is similar to Buddhism and is the most popular religion.

Energy Source: Renewable Neutron energy

Galactic Travel: Galactic travel is only used by mining, cargo and military vessels. The cargo and mining vessels use what is called warp drive which is faster than light speed but not recommended. The military however, uses shock point which is faster than warp drive. This is mainly because if there is ever an attack, the military must be able to quickly respond without any delays.

History: The U.G.F's history was much like human history. Before the U.G.F, there were 215 independent countries on the planet of Seraine. There were many wars fought. For territory, honor, and greed. There was a point in the Centrion's history call the great change. This was the sudden change of power from the strongest nation at that time, Emria, to their former colony, Greater Gargan Republic. The Greater Gargan Republic would be the growing superpower for centuries and will eventually become one of the four superpowers of Seraine. Most of Centrion's history was painted by war and revolutions. Both industrial and rebellion. There were 3 great continental wars fought by almost all the countries of Seraine which would bring new world orders, power shifts, and big cultural changes. Eventually, Seraine was becoming over populated. To prevent extinction, the governments of Seraine all set out to begin terra-forming it's next door planet Malina, and began the colonization of their moon. 500 years later, long after the discovery of faster than light speed, the centrion race ran into a very hostile alien race who were much mor eadvanced than the centirons. This new adversary believed that the entire centrion race must be eradicated to please their gods. War between the two civilizations started. At first, it was different countries fighting, and not coordinating their attacks. Eventually, all the nations of the centrion civilization united. Realizing that their race could be completely wiped out, every government and nation set aside their differences and hatred and united into one government. The centirons eventually won the war, but at the cost of a quarter of their race. Many many years since the war ended, the U.G.F has been neutral for the most part. They have taken control of numerous solar systems and a few galaxies. They have accelerated their research in the military, medical and science fields which soon helped them become one of the universe's most advanced species but no one knows about this. For a long time, they have been enjoying a time of peace. For the most part.

Military: The U.G.F has a space navy, ocean navy, ground force, air force, and AI force. The minimum age to join the army is 18. The AI force is made up of self aware machines, to super computers that protect all of the U.G.F's cyber links and classified information. The reason why the U.G.F still uses an ocean navy is to provide more support and to make sure supplies and relief can make it faster. This is also to make sure that the space navy does not have stress over resupplying ground forces. The U.G.F is known as the neutral military but they have highly advanced technology which allows them to build more powerful weapons which led them to having one of the universe's most advanced militarizes. There is a mandatory 3 years of military service for all centrion men. In the event of war, all factories will begin producing ammunition, tanks, ships, machines, missiles, nukes, tungsten launchers, other weapons of mass destruction and armour, and every male and female centrion that is fit for service and has served in the U.G.F military will be re-activated, all the reserves will be called up and the government will also conscript more centrions and Upgrade AI citizens from civil to combat ready machines to maximize the U.G.F's fighting strength. In the event of war, all mining vessels and cargo fleets will be accompanied by an escort fleet. The U.G.F is prepared for a long bloody war if it ever comes to it. Because of known hostile civilizations, the military is trained to quickly respond to an invasion or attack within minutes of finding out.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0ab6447b_ausmmarine.png.3c4394e036d8e32f839b75d6295571e2.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33019" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0ab6447b_ausmmarine.png.3c4394e036d8e32f839b75d6295571e2.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

The armour for U.G.F military

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/MarinesConceptArt.jpg.f813bc1844c830429c1bd8bc634dde35.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33020" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/MarinesConceptArt.jpg.f813bc1844c830429c1bd8bc634dde35.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Marine armour of the U.G.F military

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ih_marine04.jpg.c1f64a85bbf23e2c23e7e0b8b5cfdbb9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33021" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/ih_marine04.jpg.c1f64a85bbf23e2c23e7e0b8b5cfdbb9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Special forces/ elite forces armour

Goal: To explore new worlds, create new allies, extend their knowledge. The U.G.F follows a very simple principle. To not attack another country unless they are attacked first, to not intervene in the conflict of others, and to not allow another nation to attack the U.G.F. The U.G.F might seem like a neutral nation but, behind the scenes, there is a ton of money being poured into the military and science sectors to make sure that any nation that even dares to cross into U.G.F territory will suffer greatly and pay a terrible price.

[/Main Character(s)\]

Kiria Maverik

Age: 21

Species: Centrion

Appearance: <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Flaky.full.1512409.jpg.ffb7c06ff6d19eba093903627fa36a92.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33015" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/Flaky.full.1512409.jpg.ffb7c06ff6d19eba093903627fa36a92.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She is a marine in the U.G.F military.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0ab58198_assaultrifle.png.32f24ef226afa08d448922162b299f85.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33016" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/57a8c0ab58198_assaultrifle.png.32f24ef226afa08d448922162b299f85.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Kv0-99E: One standard issue assault rifle of the U.G.F military. It holds 60 rounds in it's clips. The bullets are magnetic acceleration energy spikes that are created through the clip which is a glowing blue. When there is not more bullets, in this case energy left, the blue colour will be drained out and there will only be a translucent colour. The shots create a deeper penetration than regular bullets and the speed of the projectiles are faster which is why normal bullets have been phased out of service. It is also capable of attaching a grenade launcher on the rail. But also, these bullets are able to penetrate body armour that is as thick as an armoured vehicle's.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/magnum.jpg.00b29f42f895b205904f6830d36d2850.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33017" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/magnum.jpg.00b29f42f895b205904f6830d36d2850.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Kv11p-6X: One standard issue Handgun of the U.G.F military. The weapon systems are the same as the assault rifle. It also uses magnetic acceleration energy for bullets and has a maximum capacity of 20 bullets. The lowest is 10 bullets.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/bayonet.jpg.7efcdc78ac5268f6f59abf68dca929be.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="33018" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_10/bayonet.jpg.7efcdc78ac5268f6f59abf68dca929be.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bayonet: One standard issue bayonet. Usually used for close combat or trench combat. It can also be attached onto the barrel of the assault rifle.

She also knows self defence, quick reflexes

Personality: She is a very intelligent person and graduated 2 years earlier than most university students. She is very calm and very reasonable. She is very patient and a good listener. She was raised with one rule by her family. Treat others how you want to be treated. She is very social and could at times be a bit annoying because of her wanting to make new friends or get to know others. She has a very curious mind and because of this whenever she goes or meets someone new, she immediately wants to know about their religion, culture, customs and anything of that sort. She, like every other centrion, dislikes discrimination of all forms.

History: Kiria volunteered to join the military after graduating from her university in Seraine. She wanted to follow her great great grandfather who fought in the war and was later promoted to Master General. She was born on Serine in the Capital city, Serlana. From there, she attended Vixon University, and when she turned 22, which was also the year she graduated, she immediately signed up for the U.G.F marine corps as an officer.



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Name: Cyber-Entities

Average Life-span: Infinite (The creatures live inside machines and can travel throughout. If the machine is destroyed the Entity is destroyed as well.


Attributes: Can travel from machine to machine, plus are very good engineers.

Personality: Peaceful


Primary Collective

Government Type: Democratic

Leader(s): No leaders/shared minds

Dominant Species: None

Home Planet: Earth

Religion: None

Energy Source: Any

Galactic Travel: Any

History: A new empire, the Confederacy has been growing slowly. They have been kicked out of their home world, out of fear. (This race is very secretive)

Eternal Peace

[/Main Character(s)\]

Name: Entity 05 "John Abraus"

Age: Unknown

Species: Cyber-Entity

Appearance: Sometimes no body, sometimes controls this droid.


Equipment: None

Personality: He is very relaxed, but at times can be very hostile. He is intelligent and if in a physical body, great at shooting.

History: Talk to him
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Aquii, Aquilari in plural or possessive.

Average Life-span: 30 - 60 years, however forever youthful. Elder shamans are rumored to live up to 5,000 years because of a special mix of chemicals that enhance the body's general capability. This mix is usually sold on the black market or treated to the shaman's family members.





(They can grow legs to walk on land)

Attributes: Amphibious, Amazing Reflexes, Advanced Eyesight and Night Vision, Toxins do not effect them, and are Fast Swimmers.

Personality: Most are extremely adventurous and intelligent. There are two kinds of Aquii in the general species, those who dedicate their life to adventure, and the ones who dedicate their life to their race. Aquii can be extremely nice, and treat strangers with the greatest respect they might have ever experienced. Some Aquii are unlike the others, however, and can be brash, reckless, and are usually even more adventurous. Aquii are ones not to forget about family, and honor their dead by usually turning them into statues and placing them into gardens, (gardens usually serve as family graveyards, and statues are spread around them). Food is extremely important in Aquii culture, and is considered one of the galaxie's greatest treasures. Aquilari food, that is. They serve a rite of passage at the age of 21, where they go adventuring for one year and return more mature and experienced. Aquii families usually consist of the father and the children, while the mothers tend to visit the family sometimes, this is due to the females of the race being much more adventurous then the males.


Aquilari Empire

Government Type: Pure Communism, everyone is equal, however their leader is usually an elder shaman.

Leader(s): Prophet Chi'lee, (Shy-luh).

Dominant Species: The Aquii are dominant, however the other races are usually primitive races enlightened by the Aquii who return the favor by becoming citizens of their empire. They may be separate from the Aquii worlds, however they are still considered apart of the Empire as allies and if either empire is attacked, the other must help them.

Home Planet: Aquiara, the World of Wonders.

(On land)


On land, there are many cities and villages scattered across the fungal forests dense with animals and food. The general views are extremely beautiful compared to other worlds, and attract many tourists. Many of the Aquii respect animals and their habitats, and conduct most of their industrialization on the high mountains scattered across the planet. It rains almost every day at least for an hour, and some rain storms can last for a week to a month, giving the Aquii a large supply of fresh water. Due to all of the living creatures on the planet, the Aquii are allowed to use biotechnology for their energy. Pets are extremely common on Aquii, and there are no limit of what kind of pet an Aquii can own. This is part of the Aquilari's main resources, as they usually sell many shipments of domesticated animals to other empires and races.

(In sea)


In the sea, there are the majority of the Aquii race. Cities are almost everywhere, and are made habitable to foreign races by large pockets of air contained by energy and produced by small reactors. Bio-luminescent lights produced by large sphere-shaped animals called Globei are used as the main source of light. Defense systems consist of extremely large aquatic creatures, mainly known by foreigners as "Sea Dragons", or "Sea Serpents". These varieties of creatures are domesticated by the shaman of the Aquii, and are generally wary of foreign creatures, however do not attack unless their master tells them too. The sea is filled with many varieties of fish, however the deeper you go, the bigger the fish. The deep sea is not too dark, actually, due to the large hordes of Globei that light it up. Many cities are visible from far away, some even are visible from the surface of the water. Most cities have elevators that lead up to the surface of the waters they're under, and are generally used to quickly get to the cities.

Religion: Alkrainia, about 30% of the population. Agnostic, about 50% of the population. Atheist, about 20% of the population.

Energy Source: Large bio-factories that use the many animals and plants of Aquiara as a key ingredient. Parts that remain after hunting are usually donated to these factories, or the parts that are not used in cooking at the various restaurants in the cities. Due to this major network of support, energy runs high and the people are happy about it. The electrical insides of dead Globei are also used, however most Globei are preserved within the underwater cities.

Galactic Travel: They use dragon-styled ships, or may use colossal Globei, a rare type of Globei found on the sea floors, to float through space. These extremely large Globei are used to pressure, and do not have to breath. They are usually armored and upgraded by bio-tech, adding thrusters, armored plating, and interior to them. The interior is heated by the Globei's body, and can be cooled by AC. The interior is usually rather large, and generally hold up to 50 people.

History: In the year of 1998 (of their world, which spins basically as fast as Earth) the Empire and advanced space faring technology had made its way into usage. The Aquii had reached five other solar systems by 1999, and the Empire was fully born when they made contact with another race. The Aquii have always been unified, and crime rarely ever takes place, making people consider their empire a Utopia. Before the Empire, there were small pockets of villages in their earlier history, that later formed cities. Aquii mastered basic space faring 1913, when they landed on Aquiara's moon. This considered, most people feel that the Aquii are one of the most intelligent races, placing their value above many others in the slave markets. Shamanism has always been very important in Aquii culture, and Shamans were once seen as gods, and later seen as fully enlightened Aquii. Shamanism began with ancient Aquii religion, Vei Laru (Vay Lar-ugh), the belief that the mighty Sea Dragons had a King, who had died, and the remnants of his body became the first Aquii. This religion lasted in the race until 1320, when most of the Aquii started becoming agnostic or just didn't care. Shamans are presently rare, and still use scripts from the Ein Je (I-nuh-Jay), the Vei Laru bible, in their preachings and rituals.

To explore, enlighten, and eat. The 3 E's. (Food is important in their culture)

[/Main Character(s)\]

Chi Zhao / "Chi Chi"

Age: 32



Equipment: A universal utility gadget, Holo Communicator, Eichin (a Aquii sword resembling a katana), Warrior Eis (A Kimono that is layered with extremely hard metal that is covered by various fabrics to make it seem normal and feel comfortable), and her box of beauty-utilities, such as hair sprays, and lotions.

(Her Katana, Momo)

Personality: Chi Zhao is an extremely fun person to be with, and also extremely kind. She is a generous person, and will help whoever needs her help. Chi Zhao personally is Agnostic, and she doesn't think any different of those of other beliefs. Chi Zhao loves other races, mostly because she finds them interesting. She is adventurous herself, but tends to remain stylish while exploring. Chi Zhao's alignment would be Neutral Good, as she sometimes breaks the law yet tends to follow it as best as she can, even though she doesn't call herself a good person. Chi Zhao likes women and men, and sees no difference in the two either. Chi Zhao loves to fight, even though she has not participated in any wars, she serves as a vigilante for many empires around the galaxy, but never forgets her homeland. Chi Zhao's movements are sharp when she fights, and this is due to her rather large problem of OCD. When Chi Zhao eats sugar, she tends to begin to get in a drunk-like state, this is a rare condition for Aquii. Chi Zhao is scared of insects, heights, and the dark. When she's scared or lost, she tends to cling unto the nearest stranger and call them her new friend. Usually when no one is around, Chi Zhao can get extremely emotional, however just seems to be happy to any others.

History: Chi Zhao grew up in an underwater city, Bei Fiu (Bay-Few), the capital city. It being extremely large, she made many friends and learned many things on her own. Chi Zhao was educated in the public schools, however, and was proven to be extremely smart like most other Aquii, however didn't look down on the others who proved average and below average, and often helped them. Due to this, Chi Zhao has many child-hood friends who still support her. Chi Zhao's father is the head Shaman, Chi'lee, and she supports and takes care of him when she is home. Chi Zhao, at the age of 21, had left home to go adventuring, which most Aquii do as a rite of adulthood. In this rite, they must return in one year, no earlier. Chi Zhao explored many worlds and encountered many obstacles and new friends, but nothing she couldn't handle. She returned much more mature and caring, and her father welcomed her with open arms. Chi Zhao later obtained the title of the Aquilari Ambassador, due to her kindness and her grand view on equality. Due to this title, she is usually sent out to greet other empires, and in her free time she usually tends to explore due to her adventurous side.

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