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Futuristic Galactic Empires

(Would you mind if I killed the massive beast? I would end up sparing your race, Aephantitus wants to take a sample of the Dirt and minerals... Lol)

Aephantitus roared. "How much longer until it is charged?!" He questioned, bright audits flickering at the conductor. "Five minutes." He growled and watched as more parasites poured out and the wounds were healing. "Initiate the shields, they are not taking me down..."

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"What? Please rephrase, we do not understand."

500th Battalion.

"We of the GSE do not use weapons of mass destruction unless absolutely necessary, which we have an arsenal in case ourselves."

Shala adjusted her robes a bit. "Though I do belive an alliance would benefit the both of us."
[\500th battle fleet/]

"I agree too." The Senator said "I feel that our nations can benefit from an alliance."

"May I ask, what your weapons of mass destruction are capable of doing?" Kiria asked.
(Im sorry but No sadly,the Hive is really there main ship and kinda have plans for it and is the Hive so if it dies....well...self explenatory,well you could go too there planet there are lots of weak and strong akrids there)

[The Hive]

The masive creature face seem too be healing quickli,as the Purple creature would Cling on the ships Front glass were the command rooms is.as it would look inside and would screech loudly,as she would start Baging on the Glass trying too break it but dose nothing,as it keeps baging on the class the masive akrid would seem too starts too back off slowli leting the akrids do the job,as the Cat-G would see the bombers were still around,as it was on high alert

"Well, why for security reasons I won't give you all of the details on some of ours, I will give you the details of two."

Shala then brought out a remote like object, and started typing into it. It brought up a missile shaped projection. "This first one, which is named a Judgement missile, takes the inner energy core of a planet and blasts it to supernova."

Shala then brought up a ship projection on holograph. The ship was very oddly shaped. "This we call the Divine Judgement. Idea behind it is simple, launch it into a systems sun, the Sun will react to it and go supernova. Destroying the system with it."
The sphere opened up again this time all the way as two new Jupiter sized animus class ships emerged. They took up positions around the flag ship. With them came weapons they had never intended to use unless absolutely necessary. Each animus ship began attaching to each other as tendrils shot out to form a large cannon. It aimed at the front of the newly arrived fleet. The technology they were about to use came from their creator's who lived eons ago. The cannon filled with liquid carbon 12 as dark matter surrounded it. Once charged all revanent ships turned away heading towards the blue portal. Tarus connected psionicly to the dominion ships " go through the portal as fast as you can no harm will come to you." He said as all revanent ships retreated through. The fighters stayed behind protecting the animus ships. Once all ships were through projected all his psionic energy onto the dominion ships covering them in purple light and teleported them to the front of the blue portal. Once inside the shell closed just enough to were the animus ships could slip through. The cannon now sparked out wards with black electricity as several sticks hit a single point on front of the sigmaterian fleet then the antimatter shout out in a black purple beam hitting the single point. Once done the carbon 12 went with it hitting the center as a star was teleported there. The dark matter and carbon 12 reacted with the stars core collapsing it. Instantly it expanded then compressed into a single point. It then exploded creating a super noava, but the energy was pulled back as a black hole formned the energy from the dark matrer, sun and debris from the battle gave it strength. The pull of the black hole pulled on the sigmaterian ships as it was created right in front of them. The animus ships detached from eachother Going into the blue portal as the large shell then separated into large tendrils pulling back into the portal. It then dissipated leaving the sigmaterian empire to the black hole.
[QUOTE="Lord Anubis]The sphere opened up again this time all the way as two new Jupiter sized animus class ships emerged. They took up positions around the flag ship. With them came weapons they had never intended to use unless absolutely necessary. Each animus ship began attaching to each other as tendrils shot out to form a large cannon. It aimed at the front of the newly arrived fleet. The technology they were about to use came from their creator's who lived eons ago. The cannon filled with liquid carbon 12 as dark matter surrounded it. Once charged all revanent ships turned away heading towards the blue portal. Tarus connected psionicly to the dominion ships " go through the portal as fast as you can no harm will come to you." He said as all revanent ships retreated through. The fighters stayed behind protecting the animus ships. Once all ships were through projected all his psionic energy onto the dominion ships covering them in purple light and teleported them to the front of the blue portal. Once inside the shell closed just enough to were the animus ships could slip through. The cannon now sparked out wards with black electricity as several sticks hit a single point on front of the sigmaterian fleet then the antimatter shout out in a black purple beam hitting the single point. Once done the carbon 12 went with it hitting the center as a star was teleported there. The dark matter and carbon 12 reacted with the stars core collapsing it. Instantly it expanded then compressed into a single point. It then exploded creating a super noava, but the energy was pulled back as a black hole formned the energy from the dark matrer, sun and debris from the battle gave it strength. The pull of the black hole pulled on the sigmaterian ships as it was created right in front of them. The animus ships detached from eachother Going into the blue portal as the large shell then separated into large tendrils pulling back into the portal. It then dissipated leaving the sigmaterian empire to the black hole.

((Holy shit.))
[\500th battle fleet./]

The senator also opened up a missile.

"This is the Grimm system. It is capable of taking out an entire solar system."

The senator then changed the image to another missile.

"This is our most destructive weapon out of all of them."

The senator said looking at Shala. "I know that you might find this one un-holy of some sorts. But this weapon is capable of taking out a third of an entire galaxy. If you are wondering how we know this, it is because we tested it on a remote galaxy. We vow to never use this weapon unless we must."

The senator turned the projection off. "I think that you should also know this. As we both agreed on our alliance, we will expect that you will be able to come to our capital city to sign our treaty. But there is one more thing you should know about our nation. We the UGF have one of the most powerful and one of the most advanced militarizes in the universe. Not a single invasion against us has succeeded so far. You are welcome to our archives when you visit. In there, you will see and read about many stories of our wars and our cultures."

"But our civilizations do have something in common. And that is that we both have honour. But Centrions also believe in justice, freedom, courage, tenacity, and we do not believe in discrimination or surrender."
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[/sigmaterian Empire\]

The Sigmaterian Emperor was no fool, it was noticed quickly that the Revanent were up to something that was more than likely going to be devastating. The signs were all there, the Revanent ships attaching to each other and the Dominion ships being forced to leave by the Revanent. The Sigmaterian Warships were prepared to wormhole away in order to dodge whatever the Revanent had in mind when alerts started sounding all around the Warships...

Before it was even completed, alerts were shouting all over the Warships that a black hole was forming. Little did the Revanent know, black holes were a major part of Sigmaterian history and tragedy. Wormholes opened up only minutes after the Sigmaterian technology detected a black hole was forming, Sigmaterian ships that looked nothing like the Warships came out from them. Four letters could be seen written on the side of each of the ships but they were written in Sigmaterian.

They began to fire pods into the still forming black-hole. At first it seemed to do nothing, but then orange gas somehow began to shoot miles out of the black hole in each direction. In seconds the gas hardened to what appeared to be an orange like amber, within the center could be seen the black hole. The black hole was no longer growing, as the amber seemed to somehow stop it.

Then just as quick as the mysterious Sigmaterian ships were there, they opened up wormholes to leave once more.
~Sigmaterian border~

The Dominion ships choose to leave with the Revanent, their sensor pods phasing out of normal space and relaying all the information back to the Dominion proper, giving more critical information.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son][/sigmaterian Empire\]
The Sigmaterian Emperor was no fool, it was noticed quickly that the Revanent were up to something that was more than likely going to be devastating. The signs were all there, the Revanent ships attaching to each other and the Dominion ships being forced to leave by the Revanent. The Sigmaterian Warships were prepared to wormhole away in order to dodge whatever the Revanent had in mind when alerts started sounding all around the Warships...

Before it was even completed, alerts were shouting all over the Warships that a black hole was forming. Little did the Revanent know, black holes were a major part of Sigmaterian history and tragedy. Wormholes opened up only minutes after the Sigmaterian technology detected a black hole was forming, Sigmaterian ships that looked nothing like the Warships came out from them. Four letters could be seen written on the side of each of the ships but they were written in Sigmaterian.

They began to fire pods into the still forming black-hole. At first it seemed to do nothing, but then orange gas somehow began to shoot miles out of the black hole in each direction. In seconds the gas hardened to what appeared to be an orange like amber, within the center could be seen the black hole. The black hole was no longer growing, as the amber seemed to somehow stop it.

Then just as quick as the mysterious Sigmaterian ships were there, they opened up wormholes to leave once more.


[JUAN-JAN] FInally, at long last, the Juan-jan had decided to interfere. Several green portals appeared along the Sigmaterians' flanks, as unique vessels came out of them. The vessels were rather small. However, when they opened fire when ultra-high-intensity laser fire on the Sigmaterians, before reopening portals and dissappearing.
[QUOTE="Zabuzas Son][/sigmaterian Empire\]
The Sigmaterian Emperor was no fool, it was noticed quickly that the Revanent were up to something that was more than likely going to be devastating. The signs were all there, the Revanent ships attaching to each other and the Dominion ships being forced to leave by the Revanent. The Sigmaterian Warships were prepared to wormhole away in order to dodge whatever the Revanent had in mind when alerts started sounding all around the Warships...

Before it was even completed, alerts were shouting all over the Warships that a black hole was forming. Little did the Revanent know, black holes were a major part of Sigmaterian history and tragedy. Wormholes opened up only minutes after the Sigmaterian technology detected a black hole was forming, Sigmaterian ships that looked nothing like the Warships came out from them. Four letters could be seen written on the side of each of the ships but they were written in Sigmaterian.

They began to fire pods into the still forming black-hole. At first it seemed to do nothing, but then orange gas somehow began to shoot miles out of the black hole in each direction. In seconds the gas hardened to what appeared to be an orange like amber, within the center could be seen the black hole. The black hole was no longer growing, as the amber seemed to somehow stop it.

Then just as quick as the mysterious Sigmaterian ships were there, they opened up wormholes to leave once more.

(Doesn't that defy the physics behind black holes?)
TheOnionofShrek said:
~Sigmaterian border~
The Dominion ships choose to leave with the Revanent, their sensor pods phasing out of normal space and relaying all the information back to the Dominion proper, giving more critical information.
The revanent and dominion ships emerged in the revanent home system. It swarmed with fighters, and other various ships as the portal closed the three Jupiter sized ships along with the space stations stayed near the massive gateway structure which was a little ways away from the sun. Tarus then immediately contacted the dominion ships " I do apologies for forcing your ships this way, but to stay would of bin dangerous. " He said over thre radio.

Alma looked at the vic president" It would seem I will haft to return shortly perhaps you would like to continue this another time " She said.

-Shala- -5ooth Battalion-

"Very well. Seeing how we are both nations who pride ourselves on our Military, it should only make sense that I shall sign the treaty at your home world. So long as I can bring Hawke, and Brutus, they represent the Wardens and Peraki in my nation, then I shall sign one."

"Oh. And we hold nothing against you for your wmds...so long as they don't end up in the wrong hands." Shala then bowed her head slowly, as a sign of respect.
[\500th battle fleet./]

"Of course. Our president will also be there to personally accompany you and your representatives." The senator said.
[The Agadon]


"Get it off my ship!!!" He roared, rather frustrated. He figure it out, though, and immediately opened communications. "Fine! All we need is a few samples from your planet, and that is it." He rambled in a foreign language to his crew members and returned to the comm. "Stop this ignorance, and let us board the planet, and we'll take a few samples and be on with our way..." He grumbled. E.D.N. III really was an interesting one, and it intrigued most.
[The leviathan]

"Ignorance!...You were thus one that started this!....Fine...Limited time is all you will have or the queen will Accept you as her Throphy"he says as that sounds can be heard again,as the akrid Cling on the front of the ship would stop baging on the Glass and would let go and Fly away towards the masive Ship,as the small akrids would be healing what is left of wounds as the ones that were guarding would maintain there place as ho knows what they might do,as the large Cat-G Akrid would go back inside the ship,as the unknown akrid watch closly the visitors as he was alert,and aswell there new ships were still in progres of creation too a 47%
SirDerpingtonIV said:
[JUAN-JAN] FInally, at long last, the Juan-jan had decided to interfere. Several green portals appeared along the Sigmaterians' flanks, as unique vessels came out of them. The vessels were rather small. However, when they opened fire when ultra-high-intensity laser fire on the Sigmaterians, before reopening portals and dissappearing.
(For the moment I have no intention of replying to this. There was never any post of this species/empire ever watching the battle or that they had any clue it was going on, so it looks like you just intended to throw them in last minute just because.)

[/sigmaterian Empire\]

With the Sigmaterian galaxy seemingly finally clear of hostiles, preparations were made to deal with the aftermath. All structures the Dominion attempted to create within or on the edge of Sigmaterian space were decimated, this included the modified sanctum. What titanium scrap that could be scavenged was. What organic material that could be used was taken. Precious metals to others but useless to Sigmaterians were taken to the bounty hunter stations to be used as payment.

All other useless scrap and wreckage leftover was engulfed by wormholes, leading out to a star that would deal with them. Images of all known Dominion, Revanent, and Naturii "ships" were sent out to all patrol fleets and stored in the Sigmaterian High Command database alongside the report of the battle detailing everything that happened.

Warnings were sent out that should ships from any three of these empires be spotted around or in Sigmaterian space they should be fired upon immediately without warning, the only exception being if they attempt to open communications. For this reason it became notably difficult for the Dominion to plot out Sigmaterian space, it was more than likely far larger than they were initially assuming, and it was constantly expanding and changing.
~Sigmaterian Empire~

With the Dominion structures phased out of normal space, it became incredibly hard to destroy or even locate them. Additionally, after the first few aggressive yet futile attempts at defending their border, the Dominion fleets simply opt to send in cloaked drones to act as listening posts. With Quantum Drives and Sanctums littered all over known space, the size was little issue for the thousands of wandering fleets that took on the task.


"The gesture is appreciated if unneeded. Our scans of your vessels have yielded important data. Coupled with your assistance against the primitive aggression of others, we see no reason not to give you any tactical data regarding these "Sigmaterians". To this end we will leave a vessel here to act as a joint liaison between our respective powers." As always, the voice that spoke was monotoned, during its speech all of the Dominion war ships began to jump out of the sector, heading back to a dozen different fleets that they had left to join the battle, leaving only a single corvette sized ship.

Norian looked outside of his window watching the protests.

He walked back to his table and turned on his communications.

"Yes, Mr. President. What is it you wish for?" A female voice spoke.

"Yes, can you please get the military to set up and send a request to the sigmatron emperor directly. I would like to personally speak with him in my office through my communications relay." Norian said as he turned off his communications and sat on his presidential seat waiting for his message to be sent to the Sigmatron's emperor.
(Yea no Insidious, I clearly see what you've been trying to do here from the start. I more or less have a rough sketch of the plot for GE right at the moment. Right now this early on is just for two goals: empires to meet and for Sigma to initially be shown as the powerhouse it is. As such I have no intention of you immediately getting away with shifting the power away from them this early..)


It would seem from whatever long history Sigma has had, known to truly none others than themselves, voids were something they had a rather large amount of knowledge and history with just as they did black holes. The Sigmaterian Warships were not only able to detect the Dominion structures phased out of normal space, but they seemingly possessed the technology to damage and destroy them as well. As all of the supposedly hidden Quantum Drives and Sanctums in and even remotely around Sigmaterian space were fiercely hunted down and destroyed.

The Dominions cloaked drones, regardless of whatever sort of cloak they used, were also seemingly coming under fire. It would seem some highly advanced Sigmaterian trackers were being used that could detect areas of supposed empty space being taken up by cloaked drones.

[/sigmaterian Empire\]

Zabuza was rather pre-occupied organizing the attacks to repel all forms of the Dominion in and around Sigmaterian space, but at the U.G.F.'s transmission he stopped what he was doing to receive and respond to it.
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Norian sat on his chair and when the hologram turned on, Norian pressed the blue button on the side of the hologram.

The video turned on and Norian looked at Zabuza in the eyes. "I hope you are happy."

Norian walked over to the window and opened the curtains to show a clash between civilian protesters and military personnel. There was a column of tanks driving down the streets as the soldiers began to use tear gas, stun grenades, and smoke grenades to disperse the protesters.

"You are very gutty. Very gutty, I'll tell you that. You think you can target a neutral nation's CIVILIAN PASSENGER craft with children in it, and did not know where they were until the last minute. What did those 203 INNOCENT people ever do to you? They were lost. That was all. And you have the guts to try and take them? Are you trying to start a war?"

The sigmatron Emperor looked like he was about to speak and Norian decided to cut him off.

"No." Norian said putting a finger down on the table. "No. Don't you dare try and make an excuse. I don't care if this other ship took our civilians in and they did nothing to protect our civilians. Because they will hear about this from us as well. But ultimately, it was your weapon that killed all 203 people." Norian pointed an accusing finger at Zabuza.

"You want to play this game? Alright. From this point forward. Any Sigmatron ship withing a 60 mile radius from our borders will be dealt with with extreme and brutal force. I don't care if I hit a civilian cruiser or a government cruiser. If you so much as dare send even a negotiator to calm us down, I will order my generals to destroy that ship."

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