Fur-xalted (please kill me for coming up with this)

Yeah. Play by Post games run on momentum, which we aren't seeing here. And if you can't keep it up for the recruitment, I'm not sure why I would think it would stay up for the game itself.

I'll give it a couple of more days - but I'll admit I'm thinking of withdrawing my interest.
I've been waiting very eagerly and checking daily to see if he'd responded to my questions. I can understand when an ST loses the desire to run a game, though...
This is not dead. :P

Well, hopefully. The biggest problem is the site, to be honest, since I, for some reason, frequently forget to drop by here and tell what I'm doing.
I know that you hang out at mythweavers. I wouldn't mind switching over there - if the others here who expressed interest feel the same.
I'm afraid not. Myth-weavers is my enemy; so many of my games died because of that site...

This is honestly one of the first PbP sites I've learned to check regularly.
Giant in the Playground games? I don't have an account there but I'll grab one if Axelgear wants to switch. I have an RPoL account that's active but RPoL and here are about the extent of the PbP sites I visit regularly.
GiTP? Their servers are always slow, slow and more slow. I actually left there because I kept being unable to access my games. That may have changed, but...

Honestly, I love Pattern Spider. It's just so reliable... I don't want to be difficult, this place really is just the best.
The problem is: it's small. Pattern Spider is really, really small. Therefore, the activity is always minimal, therefore I'm prone to forgetting it quite often.

GitP and myth-weavers are both respectably active sites, therefore I'm prone to checking them for updates much more than I'm prone to checking this place.

This is not a bad site (even though phpBB has a lot less functionality than vBulletin, as far as I'm aware), but unless something happens to make it much more active, any game I run here will be likely to die.
I know what you mean. It's just easier to cheek when you're going there anyways. I have three games that I'm playing on the RPG.NET forum, and it's so convenant since I cheek them all at once. Of course, since I (may) be playing another game of this forum (crosses fingers), it's also easy enough on me.

I do fully understand the sentiment, though.
Well, since I have an account, I'd be willing to try it on GITP but that place has a reputation of lagging to hell and being down a lot that worries me something fierce.
Actually, since a server (upgrade? change? addition?) something, there hasn't been any lags worth talking about.

Not to say that there won't be any, but I haven't experienced any server problems for the last six months or so.
Well, my account name there is identical to here, so... Gimme a link to a thread and I'll hop over.
There is no thread there yet. I'm still waiting for full character applications so I can choose from among them.

Also, it'd be easier for me if you posted all the relevant information here, in a single post.
Khantalas said:
There is no thread there yet. I'm still waiting for full character applications so I can choose from among them.
Also, it'd be easier for me if you posted all the relevant information here, in a single post.
I thought we were doing it by PM? I Personal Messaged you it a while ago. I'll go and grab it and post it here to, I guess.

Edit: Here we go.


Erratic Dreaming Wind


BÄ›i Qí SÅng Shu (Mutated variant of the Yucatan Squirrel (Sciurus yucatanensis))


Learn Sorcery to prove my worth.


The History of the Northern Mystic Squirrels didn’t start in the north, but it has settled there for ages. They started in the east, one of the many Squirrel tribes that made their home among branch and root. They were a reclusive group of mystics, barely social even among there own. They would have been just another footnote if their reclusiveness hadn’t paid off – over generations their slow but steady spiritual self-examination changed them into a more and more occult race. But the end of the first age, there were no finer mortal thaumaturges. Despite there unsociable nature, they had spread all throughout the east, with many individuals living further afield. When the Userption happened, they supported the Solar Anthemia to the end.

In the times immediately after the Usurpation, before it became clear that many relic races had been programmed to be loyal beyond death, the newly formed Shugunate felt they needed an example – a sacrificial lamb to establish that they’re rule was as unquestionable as their predecessors. As the branch of Squirrel-folk who would become the BÄ›i Qí SÅng Shu had no heroes among Dragonsblooded, and had resisted their assumption of power, it was decided that they would be that example. They we harried, slaughtered when they stood their ground, and slowly but steadily driven into the deep north.

The places they were driven to were past the line where earth dies – they were left on the drifting island without root or limp. No agaculture was possible there, and the cold never relented. Even in the height of the season of fire, the thick snow heavy clouds never broke, one could go years without seeing the face of Sol Invictus. Food was not plateful, nothing generative made it’s home in those dark lands – what life there was hunted further afield, either questing out into the wyld to consume the half form life that it birthed endlessly, or further into creation where sun and rain created bountiful lands. This place was to be a mass grave for them all - they were to die in misery. Shortly there after, the Hosts of the Dragons were distracted by other, more dangerous, more real, rebellions.

They wasted away in their northern prison, and for the first few years it seemed that there doom was certain. They were too divided, too weak, to survive in the harsh north. But they still had two resources that they could and did play on, hoping for survival – their own thaumaturgy, and the Wyld itself. Over the next few years, many of the survivors died power-questing, while the elders worked on a grand curse of loyalty that they laid upon the whole bloodline – so that, in spit of there naturally divided nature, they and their decadence would feel compelled to work together, and bound to honesty.

Years pass, and the once scholarly clans of magicians degenerate in the savage shamanistic BÄ›i Qí SÅng Shu, a dozen close-nit tribes of frigid Squirrel-Folk, who lived and breathed a communal culture that would be stifling any outsider. It was into this group that Erratic Dreaming Wind was born, the fifth of her litter. She was smart and quick to pick up new idea, but more then that, she was inspired by many of the great barbarian leaders of the nearby tribes. She became determined from a young age to become Warlord, to raid the threshold, and, ambitiously enough, to expand their territory to grab better, more productive, lands for her tribe. She wasn’t alone in this – while there were a few every generation who wished to make war on the threshold, resentment and ill conceived contempt of the ‘soft’ warm-landers hadn’t been so high in even the memories of the eldest, nor in the writings and journals of their ancestors. By her fourteenth birthday, it was generally felt that now was the time for war.

What all of this meant was that, when war parties started forming for the annual raids for food and goods, there was a great deal more competition to become bandleader for one of the many raiding parties that were forming. Where usually the young and untested traditionally joined older, well established bands for there first run on the warm lands, a record number of bands made up entirely of young, unseasoned raiders left that year. If she wanted to be Warlord, she needed to establish herself capable in the raiders, and so Erratic Dreaming Wind gathered together those she could rally, or cow, and left to claim treasure and glory in the Threshold.

It was her ambition and more then a little luck that saved her. Signs and arguers had warned of the unusually massive raids – not just from the BÄ›i Qí SÅng Shu, but from dozens of different northern tribes. There were Dragonsblooded legionnaires, and where there weren’t the armies of the Threshold kingdom were fully prepared, with levy’s fully deployed. She had wanted to raid further inland then any raider had managed in more then a century, and her band go farther west, to catch one of the frozen streams to bare them further inland the they’re own feet could take them. It was an inhospitable journey, and while it deposed them well into the threshold proper, it required many extra risks to be taken, and gave them a much smaller window to do their raiding in. And as there wouldn’t be the normal mass of harriers to shied the local forces from focusing on wiping out an individual band, it should have been suicide. Those troops, however, had been diverted further north. When she return home with her band, she was one of only five of the young bands to return at all, one of eight bands to return loaded down with goods, one of three bands to return without losses, and one of two bands that could claim all those things.

The other young, successful, bandleader was Frosting Wind Herald – and he held the same ambition as Erratic Dreaming Wind. Her success brought her to his attention, to her detriment. He was an odd beast, but his enemies… they didn’t stay around for long. At first he courted her loyalty, and when it was obvious that her own ambitions meant she would never bend to him, he began a campaign of harassment intended to scare her away. When that didn’t work, he went for dirtier tricks.

She isn’t sure why anyone would believe that she had vandalized his abode – he certainly didn’t present any evidence it was her, and she turned down his challenge, saying it wasn’t worth her time. The elders overruled her, saying that the ring would decided innocence. He beat her there, a stronger fighter with a deeper connection to the primal magics, where she was only a novice, and drove her from the tribes, striping her of all her belongings beyond the clothing on her back and a strange blade she claimed during her raid that the rest of the tribe thought was cursed. She was forced south, away from the Squirrel Tribe, knowing that no local tribe would take her in for fear of inviting there wrath. She traveled south, ever further south, into the heart of the threshold, where her people are nothing more then boogeymen.

She’s angry, bitter about the whole affair, but there is one path to returning to her tribe. Most of the older Squirrel Folk of her tribe pick up sorcery eventually; they’re naturally inclined towards the art. It is said, however, that there is a second circle, a deeper magic – and those who master it are declared outsiders, but are still given all the rights and privileges of full clansmen. If she masters that, she could return, and claim her vengeance. Whether she would stay or not, she hasn’t decided, but her pride demands revenge against those who slandered her.

If only she had cared one wit about occult knowledge before she was banished – but among a tribe of sorcerers, she was always dismissive of the art. If she wasn’t, she might have noticed how odd everyone acted during the events that led up to her banishment… and felt fear.


Physical (3rd)

Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—

Social (2nd)

Charisma â—â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—â—

Mental (1st)

Perception â—â—

Intelligence â—â—â—

Wits â—â—â—â—



Martial Arts

Melee â—â—â—


War â—

Integrity â—â—


Presence â—â—

Resistance â—â—

Survival â—â—â—



Lore â—â—



Athletics â—â—â—

Awareness â—â—â—

Dodge â—





Ride â— (Gliders â—)


Socialize â—â—


Resources â—â—â—

Artifact â—â—â— (Mist Razor)


[Racial Merits]

Tail + 1

Air Adaptation +1

Think Skin (Hoarfrost covered fur) + 2

Night eyes + 1

Gazelle’s Pace + 2

Caste Affinity(No Moon) + 4

Fog Carrier + 6

Squirrel Climber (As Spider Legs Abomination) +6

Perfect Healing Factor + 6

Essence Abundance + 6

Supernatural Quickness + 6

40 points


[Personal Merits]


[Racial Flaws]

Aura of Power -4 (A rotating Pillar-like cyclone made entirely of sigils- green, blue, red, violet, and silver)

Limited Manifestation -1 (Spider legs, doesn’t grant extra long legs that could reach distant objects, through small holes, Et cetera.)

Limited Manifestation -1 (Fog Carrier: Intense fire or prolonged heat will strip away the cold fog, and it takes hours to reform afterwards.)

Limited Manifestation -1 (Caste Affinity: Creates spinning aura of rotating sigils, doesn’t provide -1 external penalty against attackers)

Limited Manifestation -1 (Think Skin: Every attack from fire or a heat based weapon reduces the protection by one. Prolonged exposure to intense heat will evaporate it as well)

Mood Swings - 1 (Mania)

Code Of Honor(Curse of Fellowship) -3 + -3 (+6 conv), -6



[Personal Flaws]

Artifacts and Equipment

Mist Razor (Speed 5, Accuracy +5, Damage +6L, Defense +2, Rate 4, Str-min 2, Attune 6, Cost 3, Tags -



[First Dexterity Excellency: Essence Overwhelming]


Martial Arts

Join Combat: 7


Dodge DV 1 (Dex â—â—â— + Dodge â—â— = 3, 3/2 = 1 ½, rounded down to 1)

Parry DV 4 (Dex â—â—â— + Melee â—â—â— Defence â—â— = 8, 8/2 = 4, rounded down to 4)

Soak: 4B/2L

(2B/0L Stamina + 2B/2L Think Skin)


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 4 (Willpower â—â—â—â—â—â— + Integrity â—â— + Essence â— /2 = 4.5, round down to 4)

Parry MDV 2 (Charisma â—â—â— + Presence â—â— /2 = 2.5, round down to 2)

ion â—

Conviction â—â—

Temperance â—

Valor â—â—â—â—


Own Honor (2/2)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—â—


Permanent: â—

Personal: 22/22

Peripheral: 4/10 (6 Committed)

Bonus Points

21(Base) + 12 (Inheritance) + 15 (Flaws) = 48

Mutaions - 40 points

Charms - 7 points

Specalties - 1 point

Experience Points
... Why do you have personal and peripheral essence? I also think you forgot to calculate your Essence into your DV. Your Dodge DV is (Dodge + Dex + Essence)/2, which would mean your DV is 2, not 1.

Also, here is my sheet:

Name White Masque (Mask for short)
Race Rodent-man (Mouse)

Motivation To earn Celestial Exaltation


To understand Mask requires one to understand a small amount of what it is to be a Rodent-man; to be of race that is hard working, industrious and frequently reviled all across the face of Creation. Few heroes arise amongst the mice, for they are so easily broken into the role of being Children of the Earth; their very culture survives because of it. As such, it is important to know of the culture, or else one cannot know why Mask is so unusual; to know what forces drove them into being driven to break boundaries.

Mice are an insular society to themselves, known for large, interlinked families that use their vast connections to build equally vast quantities of wealth very easily, using the assured trade of favours and obligation to secure their industries. As such, the mice are often hated for being secluded and wealthy, not sharing their opulence with others. This, combined with their frequent flouting of laws that conflict with their culture and building of underground cave systems beneath cities leads to them being frowned upon (what do they have to hide down there?) and distrusted. In time, this leads to abuse and discrimination which, in turn, leads to greater insularity. The mice have learned to deal with this with time, being capable of suffering great amounts of abuse willingly to ensure that further atrocities do not occur.

Mask, however, is fairly different. From a young age, while not particularly intelligent, they were curious and had a strong sense of right and wrong. In a society built around obedience, rigidity and willing acceptance of abuse, these features immediately singled Mask out as a target and trouble-maker. At first, these problems were simple enough to deal with; a cut purse here, a stolen crate there. These things were easy enough to hide and make up for, but they did not go unnoticed. Disciplined by his family so frequently that it became routine, Mask was eventually given one last chance to try and make an honest mouse out of themselves, sent to learn thaumaturgy with one of their five uncles.

It was as much a surprise to Mask as anyone that they actually took to learning thaumaturgy with great eagerness. They learned to read, write, understand... But fate determined that this was not to be their path. Having succeeded in their first and second seasons of learning, Mask was allowed to return home for a break, a little wiser and more learned, just as turbulent politics were turning public opinion against rodent-men. They enjoyed seeing their family again but, around two weeks after their arrival, a traumatic event occurred.

Even to this day, Mask discusses with no-one what that event was. If pressed, they make up some lie about the murder of their father or the rape of their seventh sister (their father is still alive and they only have six sisters or, at least, they did last time they were home). However, whatever this event was, it changed Mask enough to push them over the edge, leading to them killing two citizens and forcing their family to flee amongst the ensuing chaos. Mask was not openly chastised by their family but they knew that some disapproval was hanging in the air; the place of a mouse was to accept the abuse and live to see another day. Instead, they had put their whole family in jeopardy. Mask left shortly thereafter, vanishing one night and taking with them only as much money, food and water as they needed to carry them through to the next city.

Mask didn't leave because of fear of derision or being an outcast; they had dealt with that their whole life. Instead, they left because they didn't feel shame for what they had done and knew that they would do it again. They didn't blame their family for making them feel unwelcome, he loved them dearly, but rather he blamed the societies that forced his family to adopt such practices as they drew on. Mask attempted to pursue odd jobs to further their study, hoping to become a scholar and change the world but, very swiftly, Mask found that odd jobs could not afford them access to the depths of knowledge they required and the doors of power were closed to them.

Mask was not entirely discouraged by their failure. Falling back into old habits, rather than purchase entrance, they stole their way into libraries and depositories of information to learn. Much of it was beyond Mask; the desire to learn medicine or thaumaturgy was long gone. Instead, they sought ways to empower themselves, his goals focusing intently on stories of great wonders of old. It was a handful of years before Mask finally stumbled upon what they wanted to know, however, when they learned of the Cult of the Illuminated.

The tales of the Solar Exalted and the First Age instantly attracted the roguish mouse. He had no wish to devote worship to the Solar Exalts, or the Lunars, or any of these empowered once-mortals. Instead, he sought to ascertain that power for himself; to wield it to bring about the changes he desired. No more would mice have to fear the lash of oppression; the beatings that had shaped his people into the fearful mass that they were today. He knew immediately what he wanted and would stop at nothing less than achieving Exaltation.

This quest has consumed Mask for years now. He was 15 when he left his family and he is now 19; the age when most Creation-born are establishing their lives, marrying and so on. He, however, has spent years roaming the Scavenger Lands, doing all he can to prove his bravery and worthiness to become one of the Celestial Exalted. He has committed daring heists in several cities, solved more than a few crimes and caused a fair amount of problems. His quest continues and grows more desperate and daring every day, for he is aware that Exaltation prefers young heroes and he knows that the older he gets, the lesser his chances become.



Strength â—â—

Dexterity â—â—â—â—â—

Stamina â—â—


Charisma â—â—

Manipulation â—â—

Appearance â—â—


Perception â—â—â—

Intelligence â—â—

Wits â—â—â—



Martial Arts â—â—â—




Integrity â—â—



Resistance â—â—â—

Survival â—


Investigate â—

Lore â—â—

Medicine â—

Occult â—

Athletics â—â—â—

Awareness â—

Dodge â—â—â—â—

Larceny â—â—â—â—â—

Stealth â—â—â—â—â—







-Inheritance 2

-Destiny 3

-Resources 3

-Artifact 2/1


[Racial Merits]

-Night Vision - 1

-Deceptive Frailty - 1

-Healing Factor - 4

-Gazelle's Pace - 2

-Impossible Joints - 2

-Tail - 1

-Cosmetic changes - 1

Total: 12

[Personal Merits]


[Racial Flaws]

-Behavourial Archetype - 2

-Obsession (Wealth) - 1

[Personal Flaws]

-Dark Secret - 3

-Enemy - 3

Artifacts and Equipment

-Silencers: A pair of orichalcum razor claws, the Silencers were taken from the museum; a display case falsely labeled the precious artifacts as being ornate devices built for a Dynast during the Shogunate, but Mask knew well what they were. It was easy enough to steal them and, as a result, they now wield two very potent weapons. The most useful element of the Silencers is, however, that they are easily concealed as ornate bracers. The actual orichalcum element of the weapon is a skeletal frame, over which is layered fine leather. The blades are spring-loaded and retracted, bursting forth with but a simple reflexive action of the wrist, and the blades point almost straight forward, making them especially useful for stealthy take-downs from behind.

-Shimmer-skin: Stolen from a treasure vault laden with other golden valuables, it was only the keen recognition of the orichalcum nature of the armour that led Mask to not pawn it with all the other stolen treasures. Instead, they kept it for themselves and have found it to be the most immensely useful suit of armour they have ever worn. More than once, Mask's life has been saved by this most useful of protective garments. However, the whispers of Anathema wearing similar clothing has led Mask to keep it hidden under their clothing.




-Second Dexterity Excellency


Martial Arts

Join Combat:


Dodge DV 6

Parry DV 5

Soak: 5B/5L


-0 [ ]

-1 [ ][ ]

-2 [ ][ ]

-4 [ ]

X [ ]

Mental Defenses

Dodge MDV 5

Parry MDV 2


Compassion â—â—

Conviction â—â—â—

Temperance â—â—

Valor â—â—


Family (Love)

Oppression of Rodent-Men (Hatred)

Keeping the secret (Fear)

Willpower: â—â—â—â—â—


Permanent: â—â—â—

Peripheral: 18/26 (8 Committed)

Bonus Points

42 total spent

-12 on Mutations

-12 on Essence (Raised to 3, which has a reduced cost, as Khantalas said)

-3 on Backgrounds

-7 for a Charm

-8 on Abilities

Experience Points
Mask, for the record, was born in a city in the Scavenger Lands that no longer exists, thanks to it being consumed in a civil war. He is about four feet tall, his under fur white, outer coat tawny with a dark stripe down the back, and two white circles, one surrounding each eye. He usually wears a grey shirt, crossed across his chest with a leather band and a short brown cloak rests upon his back, tied loosely around his neck. His wrists are wrapped in a pair of leather bracers that conceal his Silencers and he wears a pair of long shorts that end at his knee, the loose brown pants held on by a thick, black belt, a hole cut in them at the back for his tail.
Axelgear said:
... Why do you have personal and peripheral essence? I also think you forgot to calculate your Essence into your DV. Your Dodge DV is (Dodge + Dex + Essence)/2, which would mean your DV is 2, not 1.
I took the aura of power negative mutation, that splits your pool.

And we aren't major supernatural beings, so we wouldn't get to add our essence I don't think.

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