Fur-xalted (please kill me for coming up with this)

They're better climbers then they should be (Squirrels can climb trees, not so much cliffs), they have an icy pressence, and they're fast.

I've built them so that the early Shugunate exiled them far to the north - they were originally an eastern tribe of course, and they currently live on the drifting Islands.
I don't remember what it is for movement speed enhancements. I know my character has 5 Dexterity and Gazelle's Pace. They should've named it Gazelle's Grace, I think...

Anyway, whatever that works out to. White Masque (Mask, for short) is my character's name and they're an ace at being stealthy and stealing things. They can climb, perhaps not as well as a squirrel, but stealth and larceny are what they excel at.
Then you have a speeds of 9 and 15. I think they named it Gazelle's Pace so it matched up with the other Pace mutations.

Fire over Water is my character's name and he's a great scout, high awareness, survival and speed. He's also quite good with a bow and keeping away from people who want to do him harm.
Question for the ST, which direction is the game going to be in? North, South, East, West?
The South would be interesting if I didn't have the Hungry thing going on but I'm a rabbit, ya ken? On the other hand, the south east would be a great place.
Well, Hungry just means you need an extra 25% your usual amount of food. In the South, your character could simply buy more food when they eat. Then again, that means stopping will need to be more frequent... Perhaps the East might be better, though South-East is good too.
Now that I think about it, it did just strike me that I'm still thinking in an Exalted sort of manner. Creation is a VAST place. A journey from one end to the other will take decades. Our characters are likely not going to be traveling outside TOO great an area until and unless we Exalt. As such, we're probably best picking somewhere like the Scavenger Lands. Not just because, if we Exalt, it's easier to hide from the Immaculates but also because there are so many cities there that we can change the scenery with less of a consequence, if we want.

Of course, Gem would also be a fun place to be set...

We still don't know why our characters have come together, to be honest. I sort of imagine our characters as a band of traveling Essence-wielders who work as mercenaries or seek fame and glory or what have you. I can also imagine them as a gang trying to survive, as mortals are likely to do, in a harsh world...

What're your Motivations? Mask is trying to earn Celestial Exaltation, so they can save their race from oppression, which naturally lends them to great feats of daring.

Sorry for the babbling, people! I'm just really, really interested in this game.
To become a Celestial Circle sorcerer (Half-casts can do it, though they need higher stats to buy it then an exalt). It's not that she big on sorcery, but rather that sorcerers have speical rights in her culture.

Of course, she's starting with zero in occult.
Now that I think about it, it did just strike me that I'm still thinking in an Exalted sort of manner. Creation is a VAST place. A journey from one end to the other will take decades. Our characters are likely not going to be traveling outside TOO great an area until and unless we Exalt. As such, we're probably best picking somewhere like the Scavenger Lands. Not just because, if we Exalt, it's easier to hide from the Immaculates but also because there are so many cities there that we can change the scenery with less of a consequence, if we want.
As fast as it seems we all are I would say we could make quite some distance. On the other hand, if you're talking about vehicles then yea, it could take some time.

We still don't know why our characters have come together, to be honest. I sort of imagine our characters as a band of traveling Essence-wielders who work as mercenaries or seek fame and glory or what have you. I can also imagine them as a gang trying to survive, as mortals are likely to do, in a harsh world...
I don't think the whole gang thing would work too well. The other two are OK but we're above mortal level already so we don't really need as much protection. If someone decided to start as a Dragon-blooded even less so.

What're your Motivations? Mask is trying to earn Celestial Exaltation, so they can save their race from oppression, which naturally lends them to great feats of daring.
Fire wishes prove himself a true stalker and worthy of his ancestor's blood. His family thinks their ancestor was a god when in fact he was a Lunar. So while he doesn't worship the Anathema intentionally he still does.
I'm talking long-distance travel. Also, there's no guarantee everyone is speedy and we're only so fast as our slowest member.

Also, speaking of being above mortal level, it just struck me to point out that we wouldn't have artifacts, at least not us mortals anyway. If we do, they're likely to not be of the magical materials, unless our ST is feeling generous. Personally, as much as I'd like White Masque to go hunting around with Moonsilver Lamellar and Tiger Claws, it may be a tad powerful.

Besides, it does stretch my belief a bit and, once we Exalt, there's a decent chance of us losing our ability to attune anyway. This does further the gap between mortals and Exalts a bit more but... Hey, this is a mortal game primarily, right?
We're all Luner half-castes - we're already a great deal scarier then most mortals. And we can have artifacts, just nothing with a Repair rating.

And there is no guarente we'll exalt.
By the way, I wasn't intending for you guys to start as a troupe. Most likely, you will be all over a cardinal region, so I am looking for a small player group (say, three players at most).

So trying to figure out how you guys will start together will only end in tears.
So, we're not playing as a group? We're playing as individuals by ourselves? Or are we a small group?

Also, Khantalas, I'm waiting for approval still so I can finish my sheet and write up a backstory.
I think that Khantalas means we won't start knowing each other, or even in the same area, but event will bring the three of us (who get in) togather.

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