Full Moon (Were's and Vampires) Role Play

(Lol I just got this tall too xD and i'm friggen 13 xD )

Sky smiled before he left the room and there was a sound of moving furniture and he came back with two guns and he put it in the waistband of his skinny jeans (my charries and skinny jeans~ xD )

Death took a deep breath, trying not to worry when they havn't even left the house yet. (Just like a mother :3 xD )

Yuro cuetly and softly snored, signilizing he had fallen asleep with his face squished against the cushions of the couch. (And he's just all like Whateva xD )
Sky followed after him and rolled his shoulders a little and gave a little wave at Aimi before disappearing through the door.

Death looked after Kenta and whispered, "We'll be waiting."
Dai was the last one out and closed the door behind him. Kenta looked over at Sky. "It'll be faster if we drive to the church.."
"Sure." Kenta murmured. It was kind of awkward to be talking to Sky so casually and working together with him when all they did before was try to kill each other.
Sky left the same but didn't show it as he pulled the keys from his pocket and unlocked the car and opened the drivers side and slid in.
Kenta got in angrily.

"So.." Dai murmured, glancing over at Sky. "You're my real father, huh? It's not all that suprising to me." he heard Kenta growl at him and smirked.
Dai rollled the window down and let the cool air ruffle his jet black hair.

Aimi yawed and closed her eyes. They opened when she heard a little squeak and she looked down at the floor. "Angel~" she picked her pet rabbit up and held it close to her chest.
Sky's black hair ruffled a little bit to and he pushed it out of his eyes as he cruzed down the road, obviously breaking the speed limit. He pulled out a pack of cigerettes and lit one and cracked the window as he put it to his lips.

Death looked over to her and said, "Aw you have a bunny~"
Aimi nodded, stroking the rabbit's head. It was a holland mini lop rabbit. "Her name's angel."

Dai yawned. "So Kumo's your girlfriend or wife or something?"
"Kumo is a guy, Daisuke." Kenta corrected Dai. Dai shrugged.

Aimi giggled and ran her finger over one of the rabbits floppy ears.
Sky nodded and smirked, "One of the most talented guys I know Kenta, you know besides Death." Then he smirked evily and looked into the review mirror.

Sky nodded, "Yupp kid.. I'm your dad but its pretty obvious.. You have my looks.." Then his eyes glinted.

(He's gonna know about Yuro and him somehow > :D because I'm evil but he no say it around Kenta *shakes head* XDDDD)
Sky chuckled, "He's definatly my son, no one coming from you Kenta will have a sence of humor." He purred and flicked the ashes of the cigerette out of the car and kept his eyes on the road.
(Mmhm XDD)

Sky smiled and he finished off the cigerete with one last drag and threw the bud out the window and pushed his jet black hair out of his eyes.

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