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Fandom Fruit Basket:The Zodiac Curse


Nyan Nyan Cat vektör
Long, long ago, God invited thirteen animals to a feast for the next day. The cat, the rat, the ox, the tiger, the rabbit, the sheep, the dragon, the pig, the dog, the rooster, the snake, the monkey and the horse were all invited. The mischievous rat, who likes to play practical jokes, told his friend, the cat, that the banquet was the day after tomorrow.

The next day, on their way to the banquet, the rat rode on the back of the ox so he could jump off and be first to the banquet. The animals had a wonderful time, except for the cat. The foolish cat waited for the feast that would never come.

Because of this, the cat and the rat can never get along.


Now, in the twenty-first century, thirteen descendants, one of each zodiac animal, have the properties of their respective elder. Among other traits, when one of these thirteen people is; hugged by someone of the opposite gender, is under a great deal of stress or unwell, they temporarily transform into their zodiac animal.

(OK here we go) Aqua i'm going outside and playing July said. Ok then but be safe k July Aqua said. I will bye July said she said walking out the door and going to sit by a tree and stuff.
Vike was sitting in a tree liting pine cones on fire. He watched them until the turned to ash in his hands and then he would get another pine cone. It was interesting to see how them burned and transformed into ash in his hands.
Rico stepped outside stretching, taking a deep breath as his shudder against the slightly chilling air "Today is going to be great. I can feel it." He said placing his hands on his hips as he glanced out onto the yard watching two little birds peck at the ground until they pulled up a couple of worms.

Whilst Sundiata continued to slumber up in his room without a care in the world.
"Called it" Mr.Asada said from the kitchen who listened to what his daughter said,"You did didn't you" Ms.Asada replied.Mr.Asada came into the living room and handed a container of fruit salad,"Why am I handing you a container instead of a bowl.Because I know you want to find your sister in woods." Mr.Asada said handing Gabby her jacket like a mind reader.


Cadence was sitting in a tree eating some fruit salad with a fork.She saw as a man came out of his house stretching,"Weird how I never noticed this house before" Cadence thought putting a sugared strawberry in her mouth.She had just noticed this house a couple of minuted ago and decided to watch it for activity."Mabye this man has a child my age" .She checked her watch.Gabby was probably about to go out the house to find her.

@Creepypasta Hound
Rico happen to glance up noticing the young girl eating fruit, he smiled giving a friendly wave to her. He was glad to be able to see the neighbors, he wanted to introduce himself and his brother but he wasn't sure if Sundiata was awake.

Deciding to introduce himself first, he crossed the street and approached Candence "Allo young one, I'm Maurice you're somewhat new neighbor." He said smiling.

"So that's why I've never seen this house around before" Cadence thought as she jumped down from the tree her food still in her hands,"I'm Cadence.Nice to meet you.I have a sister I could introduce to you,but she's not here yet.Judging by time I'm sure she just woke up" Cadence said shrugging,"Do you have anyone you live with,or do you just live alone?" Cadence asked. @Creepypasta Hound
Gabby just went outside as she saw her big sister" sissy" she say as she hid behave herr she was nervous around new people" candy" she said called her sister nickname it was given to her when she turned 2 @WoodenZebra
Gabby was acting shy towards the stranger she just waved to him" candy play with me please" she asked nicely as she was scared of new people cause of hunters gabby hasn't tranform yet her powers were kicking in she can read people minds
Maurice thought the siblings were the cutest people he had ever met! He could not help but to continue smiling, he knew he probably looked stupid smiling like this.

"I have a younger brother, his name is Sundiata. I'm assuming he's still sleeping it'll be noon before he gets up." He glances over at his house when a idea pops into his head "I'll go wake him so ya guys can meet!"

He shouts that he'll return in a moment before racking back to his house.

@WoodenZebra @Zeldafangirl
"Okay I'll play with you in a bit." Cadence said making a note to self to duplicate herself in her head. Cadence looked at the way Maurice was staring at her and Gabby and almost laughed like an idiot,but instead Cadence kept a straight face and stayed quiet as Maurice left to get his brother,"I wonder how old his brother is" Cadence stated in her mind.

@Creepypasta Hound @Zeldafangirl
Gabby went back inside as she put the container in the sink" vroooooom" she say going back outside to play as she laugh going deeper in the forest
Maurice opened the front door to his home the house still had a few thing in boxes but at least the major things were set like the table, couches, TV, bookshelves, beds. He raced up the stairs and into his brothers room pushing open the door which didn't squeak unlike their old home.

There he lay swaddled like a burrito in the blankets was Sundiata. The older brother walked forward avoiding the prosthetic leg that laid haphazardly in the middle of the room "Oi, I think that it be time ya be gettin' up." Maurice said with a quick jab to Sun's side making him twitch.

"Come on Sun, there are lasses downstairs who want to meet ya. And the good thing is that they are near your age." Maurice said picking up the leg and hurling it at the other.

Sun sat up not liking the fact he was woken up so early he groans as he pulls on his sock over his stump and then puts on the leg. Maurice smirked and heads downstairs.

When Sun finished dressing the brothers head back to the Candence and Gabby. Maurice noticed that Gabby had seemingly vanished and it was only Candence.

"Allo again! Ah were did ya sister go?" He asked curiously.

@Zeldafangirl @WoodenZebra
"She probably went deeper into the forest,but I know someone who will keep an eye on her while she's there." Cadence replied mysteriously .What happened was while Maurice went into his house she sent a duplicate after Gabby to keep her safe.After all there are hunters in the forest and dangerous zodiacs."So.Whose this.Your brother?" Cadence said referring to the boy standing next to Maurice. @Creepypasta Hound
"Oh, that's good." The blonde said glancing over at the forest, hearing the question he nods "Yup, this here be me lil brother Sundiata." Maurice said proudly pulling the younger male into a side hug causing him to yelp slightly.

Sundiata squirmed out of his brothers grasp and stepped forward "Hey, like he said my name's Sundiata but you can call me Sun for short, and you call him Rico if you want." Sun said pointing back at the Irishmen.

Gabby was playing as she went back to her sister as she saw a boy her sister" hi i'm gabby" she say to the boy she was scared her mom was supposed to teach her how to swim but it was scary she drowned when she was 3 she walked back to the house she was hiding from her mom she hid in the closet
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Cadence rolled her eyes as her sister left. Kids Right. The other Cadence was trying to sneak into the house,but failed when she stepped on a stick. The real Cadence tried to ignore it and was getting the attention of the brothers,"Well this forest is dangerous,so be careful" Cadence said,"I've had the experience"

@Zeldafangirl @Creepypasta Hound
Rico, having heighten senses looked toward the direction of the sound his eyes must've been playing tricks on him because he would swear that he was seeing double.

"Dangerous? You mean there's things in that forest? Like those crazy killers from the movies?" Sun asked sounding intrigued his eyes lighting up as his mind filled with outrageous scenarios. Before Sundiata could say anything else Rico cut in "Oi ah Candence ya don' have a twin now do ya?" He asked curiously.
Gabby went outside to get away from her mother from swimming as she went in the forest without being noticed by her sister or the boy she went far in the forest as she was playing laughing as she was running
"Uh No.Not at all. If I did you probably would've met her by now." Cadence said not sounding fishy. Then Cadence went to answer Sun's question,"You'll find out sooner or later. Who knows?" Cadence replied. She couldn't risk the brothers knowing if they weren't zodiacs. But to know if they are or not she would have to dance around the real questions. But how? Cadence was sure she heard Gabby leaving,but she wasn't sure. No matter. She was going to be tracked down sooner, or later.

@Creepypasta Hound @Zeldafangirl
Gabby was running as she was having fun by herself she didn't want to be tracked down by her sister she was jumping in the leeveas piles as she laugh making a mess of herself
Huh? What was that Emily thought. Then she looked around the couner she saw a little girl playing. She went to talk to her Hello, Little girl whats your name little one. This is going to be fun talking to her beacuse i have no friends July thinks.
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Gabby looked at the girl" gabrielle but i get called gabby" she say as she smiled" i'm nine" she told the girl as she smiled looking at the girl she read the girls mind but didn't say anything she didn't know if she was a zodiac she haven't tranform yet she knew eventually she will tranform into one of the days" what your name" she asked the girl she was worried about her sister finding her she didn't want to be found she wanted to play with this girl" wanna play" she asked
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