[Fropm Malfeas with Love] Backstages

Tyler and Jackal are in.

Anyone else interested in entering?

(If JayTee is nonresponsive for a while we can assume Yugo is around doing stuff).
Gots stuff will be doing. If I post before midnight PST I'll be surprised, but its on the list of thing to do before sleep...
Yugo is hanging back to secure an exit for the rest of the party, just in case things go horribly bad.

That, and warriors with a seven foot slab of orichalcum don't exactly blend in well at a party. He passed this information off to Kana in a post earlier.
I made clear in the intro text that you'd need a way to be inconspicuous.

Are you telling me that you are strolling about a Immaculate-enthusiast city with a seven foot slab of orichalcum?
No, it's wrapped up and disguised, I'm just not taking any chances by going to a social gathering where a drunk Dragon-Blooded general might want to talk shop with what he thinks is a fellow Exalted warrior.
Like this, only less sloppy, and with a tarp covering it completely instead of some dumb bandages. It's a common way to keep giant swords "sheathed", although in the case of a Grand Daiklave it's more to keep it free of dust and dirt rather than to avoid scratches and damage.

So, they know it's a sword, but they assume it's a Jade Grand Daiklave, rather than an Orichalcum one.
Which means you are a) a Dynast, therefore will attract attention or b) an outcaste, therefore will attract attention.
@karregan42: I know that in US English, "suspenders" are what men wear to hold their trousers (pants) up, but in British English they're something else entirely (I think you call them a garter in the US). This has created a very strange image of your character in my head, just for a moment before my brain kicked in with the transatlantic translation.

Thought I'd just share that.
Haha, yeah, we could have a couple of strippers instead than only one... ^_^

In other news, I might need a couple of days before I can post.
@Iron Penguin better discuss ooc if you want to make such heavy edits.

I think kana wanted to use the armor herself (does the armour have boobs?)

Also the duchess is not in the room yet.
OK - post deleted, and I meant to put the text of that post (spoilered) here for discussion but I seem to have managed to delete it. Balls, as the Duchess might say.

OK, so basically the plan was for Jackal to swan in pretending to be an arrogant DB and hope the Duchess falls at his feet and does whatever he says. Sorry guys - I was planning to discuss the plan with everyone else between getting the invite and going to the ball (a few days, as I understood it), but that time period vanished into Elsewhere so I panicked slightly :oops: Basically, the Duchess seems to like the Realm and Jackal's the only one who could convincingly pass as a DB, since he speaks High Realm.

I'm willing to change the plan if people think it's a bad idea/their character wouldn't go along with it.

@xarvh: I'm assuming that an heirloom set of jade armour, passed down the generations in a Dragon-Blooded house, is adjustable. Looking back at this thread, I see it's lamellar - building boobs into lamellar armour seems a bit silly given that the individual plates (lamellae?) have quite a bit of relative movement (plus I'm not sure how you'd do it - I don't think I've ever come across the phrase "jade-steel underwiring" in any of the splatbooks ;) ). This probably isn't the place to discuss the practical and aesthetic considerations of armour design in a culture with relatively high levels of gender equality, and whether binding is necessary for battle or an artifact of male-centred armour design, but the upshot is I don't think the DBs would build lamellar armour with boobs :)

Also - you described the hosts of the party being in the room. Why is the Duchess not one of the hosts? Maybe I'm just :confused: but I thought this was her party...
Technically speaking, an armor with boobs is a really bad idea, but exalted is not exactly about realism.

Anyway, I'm not entirely fond of over sexualizef bad girls in my games, so I'd say no boobs.

Also the armour may be from lookshy.

Regarding the duchess, i wrote an hypothetical, as it's easy to assume that the host would reserve for herself the nicest spot.

Anyway, I'll let you plan with your circle mates.
Ok, the armour is dynastic.

Also, below your post there is a history button that should allow you to recover your old post.
Sorry for absence. Kana is definitely wanting Jackal in the armor. She can probably handle any necessary adjustments in the time available.

Kana is dressed nicely in a locally fashioned gown but has fashioned a "holster" for her decorative sais that is basically carefully braided chain and fine threads that accentuate her gown. Given she's not a great beauty she needs some excuse to be at the side of a DB she can be date/bodyguard as you prefer Jackal.

I will try to post something IC today.
Ok, Tyler's great plan is to get the Duchess drunken and kidnap her during the ball....

Don't ask me why he wants to kidnap her, he's got his own will
@xarvh: I think I may have misunderstood your post. Did the servant go inside to fetch the duchess, or did she let Yugo inside so he could get to her himself?

The servant just went in.

The protocol would be for him to tell the Duchess and then for someone to come fetch you.

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