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Graded [Frontier] Welcome to The Rubble!

Komori .png
Kōmori Fukitsu
Character Grade - D

Title(s): Fae, Ronin, Oni, mundane, Ryken Adventurer F

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Scoobie Scoobie Valkan Valkan
Notes: Combat is about to begin! Spamcelot: 3 skips Valkan: 3 skip, Scoobie: 3 skip. We are approaching the end, if I had to guess, about 4 more rounds, give or take a couple depends on combat.

  • Dark Continent Style Kaberin - Weapon Master Nodachi F, Deflect F, Flare F (Sight), Accurate F, Energized F, multidimensional F - Defying the normal laws of matter and physics Kōmori's blade is able to strike things that normal matter is not. Upon making contact with the target the targets Sight is affected, speed is reduced by 1 grade of effectiveness. - F grade - 0 Post cooldown

1. Moved to Shaman
2. Used Dark Continent Style Kaberin

Goblins Shaman
1. Used Wind Blades X
2. Moved to attack Komori
3. Swung stick

Marcus was able to quickly create a gap between himself and the goblin he was aiming at. As his mana formed and fired off the mana bullet the goblin with the hammer was still flailing around due to its sight being taken was hit dead on. As the mana bullet made contact, the goblin with the hammer fell over dead. There was a large chorus of shouting from above at the goblins, who didn't seem to be all that pleased one of their champions had been cut down. "Just keep your head about you; we don't know what those goblins will do once we get through this," Kōmori stated as she looked over at their other comrade as she unleashed her attack.

The dancing blade quickly sliced through the targets around Nox, swiftly cutting down the goblin that had broken its weapon and healing the vampire's wounds in the process. The shaman received several cuts and was bleeding profusely from the gashes, but he wasn't down for the count yet. The shouting only got louder, to the point that it was deafening that another one of their champions had been cut down so easily. However, everyone would be able to tell that the goblin shaman had taken some severe damage from the attack.

Grinning from ear to ear, Kōmori rushed forward and used Dark Continent Style Kaberin again, this time on the shaman her strike met the shaman's back, as a new gash appeared on the target. His sight didn't seem to be affected, which caught the Oni off guard as she attempted to disengage when the goblin slammed its staff on the ground as a gust of wind blades cut into both Kōmori and Nox, knocking both back 10 ft. That didn't stop there. The goblin moved at a quick speed as it rushed the Oni and brought its staff down on her as well as a surge of pain filled her body.
Marcus Hohenwald

saxon saxon Uasal Uasal

Marcus relaxed slightly as he saw the goblin which had been in battle with both him and Kōmori go down. It was one less opponent the group had to deal with, but tension once more built upon the magus as he heard the Oni’s words. Indeed, they had no idea what the many goblins that were spectating the battle would do the very next moment, the unpredictability of the creatures creating a looming shadow over the flow of battle, which appeared to favor the group of adventurers for the moment. His attention shifted, now his azure orbs watching the battle unfolding around Nox.

As the vampire cut down the goblin who had attacked her, the deafening sound coming from the spectator stands was met with wariness from the human. Keeping his wits about him, the magus had to make a decision: to use his higher level magecraft, being without them in the very next moment, or be prudent and save it in the off-chance the situation became even more chaotic. Choosing the later, over the former, he was moving on his feet once more. Approaching the Goblin Shaman, who had just attacked Ronin with his staff, he circled around the creature, facing his back in an attempt to pincer him.

Coming to a halt at 5ft from the Shaman, the human raised his right arm, index ready and pointing at the creature, aiming just below the back of its neck. “Gandr!” With mana surging through his body, the caster concentrated all of it at the very end of his fingertip, letting the mana bullet towards the target. However, that wasn’t all. Following his magical attack, the magus closed his right hand, forming a fist, moving his arm back as much as he could, suddenly bringing forward with as much speed and strength he could, attempting to clock the Shaman at the back of his head.


1 - Approaching the Goblin Shaman, while trying to encircle him from behind, staying at 5ft from the creature.
2 - Gandr - Magic F, Affinity Light F - Marcus declares the name of the ability, aiming his index finger forward, gathering raw mana and releasing it in the form of a bullet, effective at 5ft - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown
3 - Basic physical attack

Komori .png
Kōmori Fukitsu
Character Grade - D

Title(s): Fae, Ronin, Oni, mundane, Ryken Adventurer F

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Scoobie Scoobie Valkan Valkan
Notes: Combat has ended! Spamcelot: 3 skips Valkan: 3 skip, Scoobie: 3 skip, Nacht: 1 Skip. Final round

  • Dark Continent Style Kaberin - Weapon Master Nodachi F, Deflect F, Flare F (Sight), Accurate F, Energized F, multidimensional F - Defying the normal laws of matter and physics Kōmori's blade is able to strike things that normal matter is not. Upon making contact with the target the targets Sight is affected, speed is reduced by 1 grade of effectiveness. - F grade - 0 Post cooldown

1. Moved to Shaman
2. Used Dark Continent Style Kaberin

Marcus' formed the bullet out of his mana as he weaved it into existence. Firing off the mana as it flew forward and struck the goblin shaman head on and he quickly followed up with a punch which also met its mark. The shaman fell to the ground as the punch was the final straw, the whole arena went silent as the goblins above saw their three champions now lay in pools o their own blood. There was a few of them that looked at one another before they quickly started to scatter back into the holes they had taken to get up there and disappeared into the darkness.

Komori looked around as the place was now silent, which gave her a chance to go look at the ring that was at the center of the room. Stopping at the strange structure, she placed her hand on the metal. There was something about it that was advanced, too advanced for any normal person in this world to create it. The whole place reminded her of a bunker and that led to more questions than answers. Taking a quick glance around the room there didn't seem to be anything that would tell them much more about the place or the large ring structure. Though it did resemble a portal that one would see in the largest cities minus the strange symbols carved along the edges.

"Well it looks like the goblin problem took care of itself, I doubt the others will be coming back here. But that doesn't really solve the matter of this mystery or why the villagers didn't want us to come down here," Komori stated as she stood up and walked back over to the goblins to see if there was anything of note but there wasn't much either. Letting out a small sigh she looked back over at the others, "Well I'm ready to head back whenever you are," She concluded.
Marcus Hohenwald

saxon saxon Uasal Uasal

Marcus sighed in relief, seeing that his mana bullet and punch were enough to bring down the Goblin Shaman. While rubbing his right hand with his left, not really used to physical attacks, his azure eyes darted towards the spectator stands, noticing the goblins disappeared into the darkness. With that, it appeared the group had finished their task successfully. He would then walk towards the ring, following Komori’s lead. Looking at the edges of the circle, he approached it, trying to see if his [Arcana F] could give him any insight of what they might be.

“I have my suspicions, but nothing that can be backed up with proof.” He said, taking a few steps back. That had been a curious first step into this new world, yet much was still unknown. Looking back at the oni, with a composed expression once more, he nodded. “I am ready to leave.”


With the three goblin champions defeated Nox paused for a second to feed on the corpse of the shamen before returning her gaze to the fleeing goblins. Her bloodlust rage suppressed by the monster's blood brought her back to her senses as the crimson fluid dripped to stain her white coat.

Nox's predatory instincts remained keen even as the chaos in her mind and the arena subsided. With a calculated gaze, she surveyed the fleeing goblins, understanding the repercussions of allowing them to escape. With her bloodlust momentarily sated by the shaman's essence, she felt a renewed sense of purpose, a determination to ensure that no remnants of the goblin threat would linger to trouble the villagers again.

As Komori voiced her observations, Nox couldn't help but interject, her tone tinged with grim realism. "Letting any goblin live and flee will only result in another nest emerging nearby. Letting this many escape will undoubtedly result in many," she remarked, her crimson eyes flashing with a fierce resolve.

With a graceful leap, Nox ascended to the spectator stands, her silhouette against the dim light casting a haunting shadow. Despite the bloodstains marring her once pristine coat, there was a sense of purpose in her demeanour, a readiness to confront the remaining goblins head-on.

Turning back to the group, she offered them a rare smile, her fangs glinting in the dim light. "But that's why I'm here. Report back to the Guild. I'll handle the stragglers," she assured them, her voice carrying a weight of determination. "Most of you did well today. Especially Markus and Komori, I'll make sure to let the receptionist know when I return. Farewell."

With that, Nox vanished into the darkness, her form disappearing down one of the many paths the fleeing goblins had taken. In her wake, she left a sense of reassurance, a guardian of the shadows ready to confront any lingering threats that dared to emerge.

Komori .png
Kōmori Fukitsu
Character Grade - D

Title(s): Fae, Ronin, Oni, mundane, Ryken Adventurer F

Mentions: Maxxob Maxxob Uasal Uasal Scoobie Scoobie Valkan Valkan
Notes: Combat has ended! Spamcelot: 3 skips Valkan: 3 skip, Scoobie: 3 skip, Nacht: 1 Skip. The End.


1. Moved to Shaman
2. Used Dark Continent Style Kaberin

Kōmori looked over at Marcus as he spoke, though she wasn't quick enough to say anything to Nox as she didn't waste any time as she started to chase after the goblins. With their moonlight vampire plugged into darkness, she would be able to hunt down a great deal of the goblins before some of them escaped. Though she severely culled the number that did get away. However, she would lose track of them as they ran around a sulfur pit that masked their scent.

Meanwhile the two that were left in the depths of the mine, the duo would make their way back up to the surface and return to the adventurer's guild where they originally took up the request. Kōmori would also inform the guild of the information that had been left out, and a letter was sent to the village chief reprimanding him. The area had been given a warning notice to any adventures that move through to validate any information they receive.

The End.

For me to know and you to find out later :p
Isekai Hell Grade

The group was successfully able to eleminate the goblins and clear out the nest and Nox was successful in hunting a few of the stragglers down that had managed to escape. Upon the groups return to the guild, the town that had put up the request was fined for the lack of information and hiding of information pertaining to the request. Adventueres in the area have been told to keep a look out for any more goblin nests in the area.

Everyone:+1 Rep to the Ryken adventurers Guild

Komori- 60 Points
Acquired optional title- [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
Acquired optional title- [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.

Nox- 40 Points
Acquired optional title- [Feral] - This character has traits or has acted in a manner that some would call feral. While this makes them more intimidating, others might find it hard to trust an individual due to their unpredictability.
Acquired optional title- [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.

Marcus- 61Points
Acquired optional title- [Do-Gooder] - character can't seem to help themselves but get involved in other people's problems. Npcs are quicker to take advantage of character's good nature and those truly in need will be quicker to ask character for help. No good deed goes unpunished. Perhaps helping others enough will result in a good harvest eventually.
Acquire skill Energized E (Add 14 points to spent and earned)Acquired optional title- [Delver] - Not all people are accustomed to descending into dark places and even fewer of them have experience with it. Character is now more able to cope with the deep and dark.

Aureus- 14 Points
Scoobie- DM me for Points
Spamsalot- DM me for Points

Uasal Uasal Maxxob Maxxob Valkan Valkan Scoobie Scoobie Spamcelot Spamcelot Novama Novama

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