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Graded [Frontier] (Highgrove/Caelia Barony) Never too Young to be a Goblin Slayer


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

It all happened so quickly.

One moment Flare was facing down the greedy sadistic eyes of the goblins all bearing down on them. They could remember feeling their stupid bug-eyed gazes; their eager postures ready to pounce at a moments notice. Blades sharpened; shields propped. Even 2,000+ degrees of plasma and smoke wouldn't be enough to kill them all; let alone be capable of saving Amice. The next thing they knew, it all turned to utter chaos.

Time slowed for them as they struggled to process the rapid series of events erupting before them.

John struck first with a punch, but failed to take the shaman out. His knife would quickly attempt to draw blood, but was dulled just at the last moment. Behind them, a roar of utter fury echoed through the chamber as Thane rushed into the chamber! Then he proceeded to knock Flare back with the blunt of his axe with enough force to launch the flaming elemental flying back into the OVEN's cold, metal embrace! The fire elemental found themselves dazed by the suddenness of it all, a blank stare observing with utter bewilderment.

That's when they heard faint cackling of lightning fill the air before the ominous sound of rolling thunder heralding the call of death. With a crack and a flash, they could hear and see a number of lightning bolts CRASHING around them; with one lucky strike smiting upon the wicked shaman's head. It killed him instantly upon contact; the little shit didn't know what hit him. Everyone was now engaging with the goblins at this point, with their surprise attack having worked far more successfully then they could've imagined!

But as Flare was about to land straight into their suit, a goblin tried to swipe at them with wilded and panicked thrusts of its knife. Almost as if they knew what would happen the moment they got in. The first strike was enough to slice through a bit of Flare's essence, but the other two would screech against metal as the elemental entered their suit. The chest piece automatically closed as the core reignited with Flare's essence; with flame and smoke spewing from the seams as the OVEN was back online!

It took a moment for Flare to recalibrate back to the present speed of action, but as soon as they were fully in control they glared down upon their green-skinned attacker. 'We gave you a chance." An iron gauntlet reached out and grabbed ahold of the goblin's head. They lifted it up by the top of its skull so to face them eye-to-eye. "Now BURN!" Without hesitation, they [Flame Touch F] the sucker's head. They took great pleasure in watching its skin melting off its face; their face smiling gleefully as its cries of agony rekindled their vengeful retribution. Then once they were satisfied, they slammed the goblin onto the stone floor head first as strong as they could. They were desperately wanting to see its dumb little skull cave in - if not explode - upon impact.

  1. Flung back into OVEN suit (Thanks to Thane.)
  2. Grab attacking Goblin with [Flame Touch F].
  3. Pummel goblin to the ground.
- Flame Touch F - [Magic F, Continuing F] - +0 Cooldown - Flare can set objects on fire by touching them with their hands.

John’s punch landed squarely on the goblin shaman, however it wasn’t enough to take it down. The boy started panicking… Now what? He watched helplessly as the goblin shaman slit away at the gnome’s throat, his mouth wide agape in horror. But to his surprise, no blood was spilled, and half a second later lightning magic came out of nowhere, zapping the shaman into smitherins! “Hell yeah! Now that’s what I’m talking about!” John hollered as the tides were finally turning in their favour.

However, that was when his eyes landed upon the pool of blood below Amice, and what were those… things that looked like fingers… How could they! John felt his stomach churn at the sight of it and quickly averted his gaze elsewhere. His gaze then fell upon the flaming person in front of the shaman. Wait, there was someone on fire?! What in the world was going on?! John’s mind was a mess, but at some point he just gave up thinking too hard about the situation. When in doubt, just join the chaos why not! First things first…

“Eat this!” John threw yet another ranged punch for the goblin that fled to the north east. He’d then run straight to Amice’s side, kicking away the goblin shaman’s body as he did so. “Stay close, I won’t let those foul creatures lay their hands on you any further.” He watched the remaining goblins intently with his [Insight]. If they did try anything funny, he’d be able to spot it quickly.

1. Throw ranged punch
2. Run to Amice side
3. Use Insight to watch the goblins

Attack, or something - Fighting style F, ranged F, athletics F - user punches hard enough to hit a target 10ft away with air pressure, while augmenting the attack with sharp eyes to enable the right timing or placement - Grade F - 0 Post Cooldown

Aqua was surprised at how quick the tide of the battle turned. One moment Flare was surrounded by goblins and the next seconds the goblins were scattered, their leader dead and they're now the ones getting surrounded. The fight wasn't finished yet though.

Aqua ran forward, intent on freeing Amice. Though she noticed one of the goblin leaping towards Tahmura and decided to help. Conjuring a mana blade at the tip of her staff, she swung it downward towards the attacking goblin, hoping to cut it in two from behind.

1) Move forward
2) Mana Slash - Magic F, Focus F - Conjure a blade of mana to strike a single nearby target - F grade - 0 cooldown​
Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius LightningJay LightningJay
Languages: Common | [Terran]

Alright! With that Shaman dead, Amice was safe for the time being. Now all that's left is to clean up the rest of the monsters and they can finally get out of this forsaken cave! And with John going to guard Amice from any other goblins that would harm her further, she could direct her attention to some of the other goblins running amok. With one goblin going for Tahmuras and given that she was standing literally right next to the fox, she was about to give it a dose of lethal electricity but decided to go for other targets when Aqua began engaging the close goblin.

"May the wrath of the sky strike you down, Chain Strike!" She aimed her wand at the goblin going after Thane, another lightning bolt shooting towards the goblin once she uttered the spell's name, with an additional target along the chain being the goblin cowering in the south-west corner of the room.

  • Cast [Chain Strike E]
    • [Chain Strike E] - Magic E, Lightning Affinity F, Magic Range E, Magic Targets F, Selective Magic F, Focus F
      • Phoebe points at a target within the range of 100 feet and recites an incantation. Upon the completion of her incantation, a bolt of lightning is shot from her wand towards the target. Upon striking the target, the lightning then spreads and strikes up to an additional 4 enemies around the vicinity of the target so long as the additional targets also were within 100 feet of Phoebe at time of casting.
      • Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • Grade D Abilities: 1/2
  • Grade E Abilities: 0/1

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Relief came over Thane as he saw John quickly approach by Amice's side, but his gaze immediately went back to the few goblins already scattering from lack of leadership. He scanned the area in a moment, then directed his gaze at the goblin beside him who was already going in the offensive.

[Defend : Speed E - Light Armor F]
Thane understood that goblins were not to be underestimated, so he made sure to defend against the goblin's attacks.

[Attack: Strength E - Axe F - Swift Smite F]
Once the goblin sent out its final attack, Thane readied his axe soon as he saw Phoebe began her chanting. He took a step forward with his axe sparking into golden flames, and swung wide into the goblin as the cackling of lightning rang out.

Immediately after dealing with the goblin, Thane moved on towards the goblin by Tahmuras with purposeful steps, just in case the goblin manages to live.

Abilities Used:​

Grade F​

{F} Swift Smite (CD: 0 Posts) | {F} Fighting Style [Hellkite], {F} Blight [Divine Flame], {F} Acrobatics
Thane engulfs his axe with divine flames before flourishing it and crashing it down on the target.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice Bellamy – Deal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane Embers – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Aqua – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe Penrose – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice. Don't die.
LightningJay LightningJay John – Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.



Flare was able to grab and lift the goblin by its head and start boiling its brain whilst it was screeching and slashing in utter pain and fury. It did manage to damage the OVEN (E>F) but didn't get through it. Eventually it'd loose the grip on its knife and tried clawing at the hand that was melting its face off and boiling its braining alive. It wasn't dead yet, but it wasn't far from it either.

John's ranged punch was able to finish off the goblin trying to flee north-east. He didn't notice any goblins doing anything other than panicking as he stuck close to Amice, although the gnome was s till unconscious for the time being.



Aqua managed to intercept to goblin jumping at Thamuras, who'd be granted to time to fire a point-blank fireball at it to finish it off. He didn't have time to thank her, however, as he quickly got over to Amice. “Amice!” He called out, pushing against her with his snout, only to panic more when she didn't respond to it.

Fireball – Magic School [Fire], Selective F – Fires a ball of fire at enemies. - F grade – 1 Post Cooldown

Phoebe managed to annihilate the goblin going after Thane and the one cowering in the corner along with it. Her magic was simply too strong for the creatures to even defend against in their current state.

Thane managed to block the goblin trying to attack him, only to see it killed by Phoebe's lightning moments after, whilst Aqua and Tahmuras dealt with another. Before he could even attack, the only remaining goblin was the one being slow-roasted by Flare.

After all, one of the other goblins had already found itself headless due to Kawi approaching and separating its head from its body.



“{May you rot in the hells you spawned from.}” She stated, as she looked around. It seemed like everything was taken care off, other than the injured looking gnome.

Heading up to Amice, she'd use some magic. “I'm not able to heal her fully, but this should stop her from bleeding out.” She explained, as she managed to stop the bleeding from the gnome's foot and hand. “I'm Kawisenhawe, for what it's worth.” She offered them the late introduction.


Language Key:
| Common | {Sylvan} |
| Elvario Elvario | Shatter Shard Shatter Shard | Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic | LightningJay LightningJay |

Despite boiling the goblin's brains and smashing him into the ground, Flare was mildly-surprised to find it still functioning. Even if it were hanging by literal threads of scorched skin and meat as it lain pummeled in the stone. "Persistent little bastard aint ya." Flare taunted casually. Yet the goblin attempted to fight to the end, swinging its blade madly as it attempted to strike through the armor. It would knock a cap off one of the valves, releasing a bit of steam and essence back into the aether. And with all that built in pressure, it proceeded to release CRACK alongside a plate of armor across her gauntlet. Flare flinched for only a moment, but now satisfied with their sadistic streak... they began to squeeze. And Squeeze. And Squeeeeeeze-

"But in the end... ultimately futile."

Until they put the goblin out of its misery, caving in its skull with powerful iron-clad fingers.

The last damned green-skin was dead. With blood and ash on their gauntlets, Flare stood triumphant over the mess the party made. By now, all the goblins had been taken care and everyone was scrambling to deal with the aftermath. The fire elemental's once bellowing flames now reverted back to a soft glow; the rage and adrenaline having now quelled. From rage and bravery, Flare's mind was brought back to reality as they looked at the aftermath of their wake.

They felt sick. And scared.

It almost felt like they had went into hyperdrive between the time Amice had been taken and saved; as if a divine entity took control of their body and turned them into an utter beast. Frankly the past was now a blur, given that they basically went through the five stages of grief in a matter of minutes. Speaking of which, they turned towards Amice as soon as Tahmuras shouted her name. Seeing her unconscious body, Flare scrambled over to the others - nearly tripping over themselves as they approached.

"Oh gods, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-" Flare muttered anxiously as they kneeled down to check on her. She... was a mess. And Tahmuras was panicking. They couldn't blame him. The newcomer - a blue fae named Kawisenhawe - made their brief introduction as they stabilized the girl. "T... Thank you." Flare replied with a nod. Thankfully, she was now unconscious. She will live. But still the flaming furnace was hating themselves for what had transpired.

If only they kept that thought of Amice going through the hole... Even if they corrected themself last minute, it seemed not to have mattered to the eager young gnome. She meant well, of course, but she didn't deserve this.

Flare looked over at the fire fox with a lowered gaze. "I'm... so sorry, Tahmuas. About all this." Flare apologized, "If only... If only I had kept my damn mouth shut back when we were at the tunnel... none of this would've happened." Their fists clenched into the ground with strained breaths. "I'm... so stupid."

While they repented (or afterwards), Flare scanned the room to see if they would be able to find Amice's severed finger. Should they find it, they'd pick it up and offer it back to Tahmuras. Hopefully, a stronger healer would be able to help mend the appendage back into place once they returned to the surface.

  1. 1). Finishes off goblin via squeezing head.
  2. 2). Runs over to comfort Amice.
  3. 3). Find Amice's severed finger.
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Was it... the end? Aqua scanned the room, satisfied that the goblins were all dead. The moment she realized this through, it felts like her body was suddenly giving up and she fell on her knees. The adrenaline was gone and now she felts the toll of all those running at once, its like her muscle was burning.

"I-I'm Aqua, n-nice to meet you." She gave Kawinsenhawe a weak smile before leaning against the nearest wall.

Looking at her shaking hands, Aqua was surprised that she was relatively unscathed. Though it was by no means because she was a great fighter but more so because the others had been protecting her really well, even when she spent most of her time in the dungeon running in panic. She didn't think she would ever do another dungeon delving anytime soon, but the experience she obtained here really makes her wonder if there's any way that she would be able to do better. She needs to strengthen her will and practice her magic, that or hide in her room, just like what she did in her previous life...

Mustering little strength she had left, Aqua crawled towards Phoebe and talked to her in a rather whispering tone. Her eyes awkwardly veered to the right like a shy kid that wants to ask for more allowance from their parents.

"E-ermmm... Ahh... Uhh... Y-your offer from before... Is that still valid?" Aqua asked nervously. Now that she thought about it, this was probably the first time she asked a big favor from someone that wasn't her family. She felts like there's a big lump in her throat that almost stopped her from talking further.

"I-I would be happy if y-you're willing to teach me magic..."

As the goblins were getting finished off one by one, John happened to watch as Flare put on a brutal show of crushing the already half-dead goblin’s head. “Someone remind me not to get on their bad side.” He muttered aloud. Although he couldn’t really blame them for their rage. Flare must have been dealing with those goblins for quite some time now all by themself, and with Amice taken hostage they must have felt so powerless then. The metal tank then miserably came to over to Amice. John stepped aside to give them some space together, making his way to Kawi instead.

“Good job back there. You must be thirsty, right? Here, have some water.” John took out his waterskin from his bag, offering it to Kawi. He was glad that she didn’t suddenly turn evil and betray them at the last moment. She did kinda resemble a coldhearted assassin and showed no hesitation in killing off the goblins. “It’d be nice if I could cook something for you right now, but this doesn’t seem like the right place for that,” added John.

With the goblins finally put to rest, he felt a wave of relief surge through him. This entire day had been filled with disgusting zombie and goblin guts being splattered all over the place. It was a real contest not to throw up at every moment, but hopefully with this job well done he could finally join the adventurer’s guild or something. And finally, he could head back to an inn for a sweet bath and a good ol comfy bed! In fact, screw it! He made up his mind. From now on, he was never going on another dangerous mission like this again! He was better suited to a simple life selling flowers and herbs back in town, than risking his life fighting monsters and what not. And if need be, he could just pick up some simple fetch quests at the adventurer's guild so that they can't kick him out for being useless. "What a perfect plan..." The boy nodded proudly to himself.
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Phoebe Penrose

Interactions: Elvario Elvario Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Develius Develius LightningJay LightningJay
Languages: Common | [Terran]

With all of the goblins in the room now properly dealt with, Phoebe allowed herself to exhale a sigh of relief before rushing over to where Amice was. She was in a bad state, but at least now she’s safe from further danger now the rest of the party was with her. "I'm sorry we couldn't get here sooner...” She clenched her fists a bit as Flare brought over the gnome’s severed finger. “I wish I could help reattach that but… I’m sorry, that’s out of my magical expertise… we should hurry back to civilization for a better chance of saving her finger.” Phoebe went silent for a moment. She’s got a long path ahead of her in the field of magic, but her next venture in magical studies has been decided. If she were to learn healing magic, then she could help with situations like these in the future. Looks like it’s time to hit the books on healing magic when she returns to town tonight.

As she stepped back from the group to give the injured gnome some space, she hear Aqua’s voice beside her, turning around to answer her question. “Ah, yes of course. I’d be happy to teach you magic, Aqua.” She gave her fellow mage as warm of a smile she could, given the situation.

Thane Embers
"Cleric of the Axe"


{ C }
{ F }
{ F }
{ F }
{ D }


Active Titles:
Human | Mundane | Holy Order of the Axe Apprentice | Law Cleric

Sadek County, Highgroove Barony, Faeremeadow

Code by: Shatter Shard

Thane stood there, letting out deep breaths as the entire situation finally resolved. His face was weary from all the stress he had to endure as he clasped his own face in self exasperation. Seeing the final goblin finally die in Flare's hands felt as if a heavy burden had lifted off his shoulders, but his mind was in turmoil. The momentary lapse in rationality earlier caused him to tremble a bit, before forcing himself to stand straight and look at the others.

Especially at Amice's sorry state.

The ringing in his ears intensified again, but his stiff steps still managed to carry him over a few steps away from Amice's side. He watched as Tahmuras panicked and Flare began to blaming herself. He looked at Aqua and Phoebe, then at John and Kawisenhawe. Finally, at his own trembling hands. He was physically better off than Aqua, who had quite literally lost the strength in their legs, but he was not sure if he was mentally better off than her. Maybe he had let this situation get into his head a bit too much. Or maybe he was too worried. It doesn't matter much though, when he thought of all the things he could've done better. Regret always come last. One thing was for sure: his entire week has been ruined.


He stabbed the butt end of his axe to the hard ground, before stowing it on his back. "First aid has been administered, it's time to make haste and get out." He looked at Tahmuras. "Flare should carry Amice. I hope you don't mind." He tried to keep his composure, but the slight trembling in his tone and posture leaked out subconsciously. It was his own way of saying that Flare did a good job, and trusts them to continue protecting Amice. A responsibility he failed to do.


Mentions & Character Goals:
Elvario Elvario Amice BellamyDeal with the goblin nest. Don't die.
Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Thane EmbersDeal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread AquaDeal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Phoebe PenroseDeal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.
Develius Develius FlareGet approved. Deal with the goblin nest. Save Amice. Don't die.
LightningJay LightningJay JohnDeal with the goblin nest. Save Amice.



Having tortured the goblin do death, Flare changed up their tone to apologise.



Thamuras shook his head, glad to see Amice alive, yet terrible worried about her mental state should she wake up. This might've scarred the gnome for life. He shook his head at Flare's apology. “It's my fault. I shouldn't have taken her on this quest to begin with. We should've just returned the catalysts the moment the Legendary Craftswoman made the demand for us to go clear this nest.” He sighed. “I'm the real stupid noe here... I don't even know how to explain what happened to Asuka.”

Finding Amice's finger in the cave wasn't easy and whilst Flare was trying to do so, the zombie goblins arrived. They weren't too difficult to deal with, as they were relatively slow and weak, but they were incredibly sturdy and persistent. Cutting and burning of chunks of rotten flesh off of the bastards until they finally stopped moving would take some teamwork and coordination, but with Kawi also present and the gnome already saved, they'd be able to handle it with ease. Amice's finger was nowhere to be found afterward the battle subsided. Perhaps a zombie had gotten to it or it'd been kicked into a deeper crevice between the tiled floor.



“You're welcome.” She'd reply to Flare, moving away as she didn't seen to appreciate the heat given off by the fire elemental all that much.

“Thanks.” She'd tell John, upon being offered water. Truth be told, she'd already drank water from the cave they passed through where John crossed the ice bridge, but the offer was still appreciate. At the mention of cooking, she could feel a pang of hunger, especially now that the adrenaline had faded. “Ugh. You're right, I haven't had a decent meal for a long while...” She'd probably just try to scout for the nearest (legally) edible thing the moment they got out of this cave.

Sadly enough, before she and John could enjoy a meal, they too would need to pitch in when dealing with the remaining zombies. John hadn't been off the hook dealing with rotten goblin zombie splatter just yet, nor did Kawi get her well-earned meal just yet. Luckily enough, with the whole team together, they'd manage.

Should they scout out room #1 to ensure that all goblins had indeed been dealt with, what they'd be met with wasn't any goblin. Instead, they'd meet a [Beast] drider who'd thank them for getting rid of the 'increasingly noisy neighbours'. Had they explored sooner, they might've picked up on some tips or aid, but alas, hindsight was always 20/20.



Leaving the cave, they'd see a bird with a wounded wing and the corpses of two goblins. “These two tried to enter, but somehow I managed to get them before... wait, Amice?!?” The bird would panic immediately upon seeing the state of the gnome Flare was carrying, after which the party had a long and troublesome explanation to do.

Upon eventually making it back to town, they'd report in the the Adventurer's Guild to confirm the goblins had been dealt with. With their earnings, they'd be able to eat, heal and rest. Although Amice likely wasn't going to get a finger and a toe back anytime soon, if at all. So far, she hadn't woken up during the entire way back, although a healer told them it was only exhaustion and that she was otherwise doing well. Physically, at least. Her mental state upon waking up was something of a concern, but that was for later.

The Legendary Craftswoman was nowhere to seen, sadly enough, though there were some rumours she'd left on her own mission and had never returned afterwards.

The End

[Ryken Adventurer] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
  • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.
[Goblin-Slayer] – Character is known to have taken part in efforts of ridding the world of some [monster] goblins.

[Fiery] – Character is known for their fiery nature.
[Sadistic] – Character enjoys inflicting pain upon others.

[Saltchemist] – Character is known for their ability to transmute objects and items into salt.

[Unassuming Protagonist] - Character doesn't appear to be anything special, but they regularly seem to pop up at the right place and the right time to get tangled up in something. They also just happen to do stuff and things on a whim that seem to work out. Nothing they intentionally plan has great chance of success. But the least considered things have the greatest of potentials.

[Lightning Mage] – Character has started to make a name for themselves through using their lightning magic.
[The Pink Mage] – Character is known for the combination of their magic and pink aesthetics.

[Holy Slayer] - Character slays evil in the name of the Divine. Character is the natural bane of all those opposed to the light. Those not clearly aligned are more likely to be drawn to the character's devout nature. More likely to instigate contest with others aligned to the light, but to other faiths.
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Isekai Hell Grade

Elvario Elvario Clockwork_Magic Clockwork_Magic Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread LightningJay LightningJay Develius Develius Shatter Shard Shatter Shard Uasal Uasal

Welp, this was a bit on the long side. Nifty battlemaps though. I imagine some of the slowness may stem from the level of detail trying to be covered as opposed to narratively handwaving more elements. Way to split the party lol. Good beginner mission to learn that lesson. A little curious if all the aoe's were safely executed in the tunnels of the lair. Seems prone to accidents.




All characters may take this aside from partial participants -
[Ryken Adventurer] - character is an adventurer of the ryken adventurer guild. known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable.
  • Grade F - characters are still learning the basics. They may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by themselves.

Amice Bellamy - 105pts

Phoebe Penrose - 79pts

Aqua - 41pts

John - 62pts ...not entitled to adventurer guild membership or title at this time...

Flare - 84pts

Thane Embers - 67pts

partial participant

Amanda Steelhaven - 6pts

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