from within these(padded)walls ~asylum role-play ~


Three Thousand Club

NO GOD MODDING (pleeeeeeaaaaasse)

no being mean to others

make it real.. (nobody escapes,comes back from the dead,etc etc)

keep to the rules..(DUH)

no sexual content (coz we're not dirty like that)

CAN be romance, but not between inmates and nurses nurse+nurse OR inmate+inmate


In the middle of nowhere (surrounded by vast countryside)

all inmates must keep to a schedule

all doctors and nurses must ALSO keep to schedule (however this is totally different)

ALL inmates must keep in their cells

escape attempts will not be tolerated

torture will be put in use if inmates misbehave

each inmate has a set nurse

INMATES' schedule[color=#rinktc


[CLOR=#000000]OPEN ROLES:[/color]







Name: Carson "Crane" Reynolds, Alistair "List" Reynolds

Age: 17

Personality: Crane is a strange one. Sometimes he's perfectly fine and normal, others he takes on the persona of a five-year-old, and still others he's just as likely to scream at you as he is to ask for a hug. For the most part he's not very violent, just often confused and upset.

List is, outwardly, a gentleman. He learned at an early age to internalize emotions rather than letting them all out and so controls his actions and words very strictly. If he's spiteful, he does it quietly, hidden behind a straight face or even a small smile.

History: Their mother was never around much, spending her time either working or drinking, and their father was a abusive, so List ended up basically raising his own twin. As the more protective and responsible of the two, List took the beatings his father gave out to spare Crane, even came up with the excuses when he went to the hospital so Crane wouldn't have to leave the house that was familiar to him and so they wouldn't get separated by social services.

The one time that their father actually managed to go after Crane without List around to stop him, he got in one hit. After that, List stabbed him with a kitchen knife, then slit his throat. He was sent to the asylum, where his mother also sent Crane to be rid of him.

Appearance: (A younger version of these two, with List on the right and Crane on the left (minus long hair))

Why they are in asylum: Crane has always been a little slow. He has normal, lucid moments, but a lot of the time seems disconnected from the world. It takes a lot of effort to get him to focus on things and make sense of them like a normal person would - for the most part only List can get him to do that consistently.

List, obviously, is in for killing his own father.

Color: Crane is white, while List is red.

Other: List generally keeps himself very tidy and acts polite and helpful, hoping to endear himself to the staff and eventually be demoted to white so he can be with his brother more often. He doesn't get angry easily, but harm his brother and he'll beat you into the floor without hesitation, no matter the consequences. He doesn't raise his voice - when he's deathly quiet and you're the center of his attention, you know you're in trouble.


Name: Nicolai Kresnov

Age: 28

Personality: Nicolai is a kind soul, one that wants to help people more than he helps himself. He wants to be liked, like everyone does, but understands that not everyone will like everyone and doesn't treat anyone differently for disliking or hating him. He's a very accepting person.

History: Nicolai, as stated, enjoys helping people, and so knew from an early age he wanted to be a doctor. He studied medical science, for the most part, but also dabbled a bit in psychiatry as well. What really got him was the fact that a sort of distant family member of his was put in asylum once before he died and was treated badly. Nicolai wants to change that, so when he started working at an asylum himself he did his best to do well by the patients.


Other: A good percentage of inmates like him or are at least okay with him because he treats them like people instead of animals. He tries to help them as best he can and sometimes will try to sneak in little candies and other treats, or hunt down books or movies from the outside to make things more bearable.

And yes, as his name suggests, he has a slight Russian accent.
Accepted :D

Name: cyrus lecter

Age: 21

Role: manager

Persona: cyrus is a bit of a wierdo, he gets angry really easily, and is also easily provoked,.. He is very protective over the few people he loves, including crane and list.. He dosent like too much noise, and is also afraid of the dark, crane and cyrus have known each other since crane was brought here, they are good friends, cyrus know list, but dosent like him as much, he love crane as he is easly to please, alls you have to go is mention lollypops, and he's fine, cyrus studie pycoligy at 18 and at 19 he inhereted the management of the asylum from his late father

I was up when they came for me, clothes straight and clean and not a hair out of place. I waited for the door to open fully before glancing up from where I sat and stood with a small, surprised but happy smile when I saw Cyrus has brought Crane to me. My brother ran in, after a quick look for permission, and crashed into me with a hug so hard I had to lean back against the bed to keep from falling over completely. He squeezed tighter than usual and I put my arms around him, stroking gently over his hair and hoping this was good rather than bad. "You're eager today." I said softly, letting him hold on to me as tight as he wished and mouthing a silent 'thank you' over his shoulder. Cyrus didn't have to, nor was he really supposed to let Crane come to me like this, and I was grateful.
I smilled brightly.. Watching the two boys embrace.. With tears in my eyes I walked in, locking the door behind me, they were so sweet together, these brothers.. "No problem" I mouthed to list.. I had to turn away to wipe the tears from my eyes.. I think list saw this..
Name: Luna Tabby

Age: 17

In for: Coocoo in the head.

Personality: Luna is very strange. She follows direction but in her own way sometimes. Things don't process well. She can come off as rude or nice. It depends on what you say or when you meet her. She may be strange, but she is nice in all and very bright.

Family: Adoptive mother- Ruth, Adoptive father- Ken

History: Luna was just strange, and her adoptive parents couldn't deal with her. During parties they'd hide Luna in the attic with something to do and food. Eventually Ruth and Ken just decided they couldn't take her back to foster care, but instead they took her to this asylum in hopes Luna would become better and well-rounded.

Bio: Luna talks to many things, and loves to hide in shadows thinking they are like invisibility cloaks. She drinks tea all the times and loves it. Luna has learned that adults make the rules and children follow the rules. But then she learned that everything is different in the insane asylum. Luna still has the mind of a teenage girl, even if some things are different. She still thinks boys are cute. Still loves clothes and shopping. Except, shopping and clothes is more like... dress up. Luna also has very keen senses, and is a light sleeper constantly being woken up at night.

Appearance: Short, and thin from lack of snacks and fatty foods. She has straight teeth from past braces. Her lips are slightly thin and a pale pink color. Her skin tone has paled from its natural tan state. So she has just a beige complexion. Her eyes are surprisingly large and a pale grey with hints of brown and green. To help make her eyes stand out, her voluptuous eyelashes surround her eyes. Her hair is an auburn color, with bangs that go across her forehead and reach her eyes slightly. Then the rest of her hair falls straight, the longest point reaching mid back since her hair is cut in a mermaid fashion. 
Here's my nurse.

And what kinds of clothing do the inmates wear, and what are the cells/rooms like?

Name: Katie Winters

Age: 21

Appearance: 5'6 and slightly chubby, but not too chubby and not too skinny. Pale, porcelain skin making her look fragile like a china doll. Large crystal blue eyes, framed with short but dark and lots of eyelashes. Her cheekbones are rather framed, and constantly a rosey color. Her hair is black and straight, reaching her collar bone. Her lips are plump, and pink.

In charge of: Nurse of Luna Tabby

I shook my head when he turned his back, sighing softly both in relief and a faint sense of annoyance. People were ruled by emotions. I didn't understand why he would cry. Like Crane and I had never reuinted after being seperated before. But to each his own.

When Crane loosened his hold, I sat him down on the bed, combed my fingers carefully through his hair because he so rarely decided he wanted to do anything but wake up with bedhead and walk out. "Good morning, sir." I said genially, straightening Crane's shirt out a bit and wondering why he wouldn't stop grinning at me like that. "To what do I owe this visit?"
what time is it in the schedule?

what are the cell/rooms like?

what are the clothes like?

lol ok sorry for all the questions
I turned around and smiled at crane, mouthing the word "demotion"... Knowing hed forgotten what to say already.. 
(They are about to go to breakfast)

(They are just simple, with a chair and bed in the corner)

(And just a plain whitle shirt with trousers)


I looked down at my white shirt. Hopefully I don't spill anything!

"Ready for breakfast?" Came Katie, my nurse,'s voice

"I guess so." I sighed and waves to my room as she led me out of my room and towards the cafeteria. It was obvious she was taking the long way, hopefully passing Cyrus. Oh love. When will I experience anything such great as it? Maybe like Romeo and Juliet. Everything dies in the end!

I frowned when Crane looked at Cyrus with his 'I'm concentrating' expression, but waited patiently. When he finally twitched like he'd come up with something, he looked at me and grabbed me by the head with both hands so I would look at him. "Demotion!" I admit I stood there a moment, just staring at him, before looking sidelong at Cyrus. Was this real or was Crane just being hopeful? I didn't want him getting hurt if he was wrong.

I blinked, eyes a little wide, and just looked at Crane again. He gripped my head still, so I put my hands over his and pulled them away, just letting him hold on that way instead. "To what, sir?" I asked, looking at Cyrus now because Crane was lost, leaning his head against me and humming quietly to himself. "Purple? White?" I was still, technically, a sociopath with homicidal tendencies, but I had been on my best behavior and I hoped to be Crane's color one day, and then to eventually take him out of here with me when my term was served.

"Can I have some tea?" I chirped.

"We'll have to ask Cyrus." Katie replied. I was hopeful. They didn't serve tea normally during lunch as it it saved for tea time. But sometimes they gave me tea knowing that it always made me happier.

I just smiled and skipped down the hall, swinging her hand.


"Um Luna?"

"Yes?" She asked, still smiling (rather oddly) and skipping down the hall towards the cafeteria. She swung our hands.

"Have you ever thought about trying to be a normal 17 year old girl?"

She stopped, cold. "What?"

I shrugged and looked at her. I loved her to death, but unless she wanted to live the rest of her life in here, she'd have to shape up. It's not her fault.
Purple.. I muttered..and please, you really don't have to call me that, I don't mind cyrus when its you two..

(That's where crane is right?)
((Yeah. I realized purple was better, not white lol So they're both purple))


I didn't say anything at first, holding myself in check, then finally just looked down at the top of Crane's head where he'd leaned against my chest. My fingers curled tighter around his. "Thank you. . . Cyrus." He couldn't know how much this meant, but I looked at him again, even if I was going to ruin everything I worked for. "I won't promise anything, you know." I said, because he had to know if this was going to happen legitimately. "If someone hurts him, I won't hold back." And only then. Whatever else happened didn't matter, but if someone so much as made him cringe, bones would break.
We're all purple buddies now!))


"I .... can't... he-help it." She strained to say every word, dragging it out as she struggled to get the words out.

"We'll discuss this later. Let's just.. get you some tea." I try to lighten the subject. I take out my pager. All nurses got one so we could easily interact with each other.

'i need help with Luna. just to talk with her at least. and can she have some tea?' I paged Cyrus.
I know list, I know.. I've become quite protective other your brother too, I have to admit.. But.. If anyone hurts him, you probably won't even need to be there, because I will have taken care of it.. I smiled slighty..

Good. At least he knew. I had to wait a while but was able to get Crane away again and made him as presentable as I could. "Thank you again, Cyrus. We should go now, or we'll be late for breakfast. Shall I change now, or afterwards?" I didn't mind the red, really, but if I still wore it now I had less of a chance of sitting with Crane. I wasn't sure if my change in status was official yet.

I took the uniform from him and gave Crane a gentle push to sit him up straight on his own. I got him to his feet and passed him off to Cyrus since he wasn't in full possession of his mental faculties at the moment, then dressed and followed them out. Crane was mostly back after the minute or so it took to change and neatly fold my old uniform on the bed, so he grabbed one of my hands and one of Cyrus' and we started walking.

"Will I change rooms, sir?" I asked, leaving off his name for now. We were in public corridors, after all, and favoritism was frowned upon.

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