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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

*slowly scoots in* Well..that was a thing.....

I wanted to say some things but it got closed before I could

1-Assailant, that post WAS a bit uncalled for. Pretty rude joking or not

2- Church don't go. Please, i luvs you. You arw too awesome to go D:

3- Mod people, I was joking about the troll reporting QwQ I'm sorry if I made you guys think that

4- Ryan...that was the most amazing final post ever xD That was too perfect
Yay, I got likes :D

I posted before I was done but I only have a few more things to add


I would like it to where we keep on chatting together, maybe try shooting for 1000 pages again ;D

While we all joke alot with eachother, with our little OOC Kingdom War and stuff, we should all keep in mind not to go over board. I admit there are some things I have said (Not meaning them at all of course) that I Probaly shouldn't have but that's with all of us.

This is what's going to run through Shadow's, Darks, Nava's, and who ever I misseds heads when they see the other thread.


Mockingbird said:
Yay, I got likes :D
I posted before I was done but I only have a few more things to add


I would like it to where we keep on chatting together, maybe try shooting for 1000 pages again ;D

While we all joke alot with eachother, with our little OOC Kingdom War and stuff, we should all keep in mind not to go over board. I admit there are some things I have said (Not meaning them at all of course) that I Probaly shouldn't have but that's with all of us.

I'm down with that.
ryanpk200 said:
This is what's going to run through Shadow's, Darks, Nava's, and who ever I misseds heads when they see the other thread.


I'm down with that.
I vote being the one swinging the flaming arm

Also I think that's the reaction of ANYONE who decodes to peek inside of our threads xD
ryanpk200 said:
This is what's going to run through Shadow's, Darks, Nava's, and who ever I misseds heads when they see the other thread.
No, I was reading the whole time. I just decided to keep my mouth shut. I'm still not going to say anything about specific people.

However, I would like to note that I feel the Moderators/Administrators were ignoring our comments before because they could tell we were joking, but beyond that if you say something that isn't clear I don't blame the Mods/Admins for coming in and saying something like Mordecai did.

While I still wish that the RP would continue, and I don't agree with Church calling it a dead thread (mostly because I know a couple of us are still patiently waiting for this to actually start), I'll respect her for not continuing with it if that's how she feels about it.

And @Huntrey we need to play DS2 again soon.
@Huntrey[/URL] we need to play DS2 again soon.
Mockingbird said:
Hey...we still have the Kingdoms thread :3 If you guys are still up for that then I would be more than happy to continue that
Hunter is actually going against his old lady and doing the thread himself. I don't feel right just dropping it. Everyone has worked too hard on it, too much time getting to know and love each other, and really cherishing this RP. I know i love this RP, the prelude to it was what brought the emperor and the empress together, so I'm bound to really care for it. So, we're gonna prove Autumn wrong and do this. I'll have enough time to write the post up, make the new thread, and get this started. I may not be insanely active, but I'll get post up. However, we are still doing the prelude IC. Sorry guys, but we need to establish someone relations, rivalries, and increase the characters all around personality. They would have spent nearly every moment of their lives with some of these people, so we need to reflect it.

I won't comment on the Admins or Mods, as my signature applies to then as Well. "I love this site and everyone on it!" which was a signature I wrote my first day on here and is still true. What they says goes, and I respect that. I also don't care about who called them in or if they just strolled in, irrelevant.

Now, onto even greater news. My little battle with Assailant made me remember the Kingdoms. Sadly, I don't think the empress will be joining me anymore, but I'll start that up again too. Alright, going back to sleep. Too much on my mind children. Go ahead and tag everyone who should see this Shadow and Mock.

Also, let's not bring up the other thread anymore. They might close our new one for good measures cx
The old chat? Oh God, it feels so good to be back here.

Huntrey said:
Hunter is actually going against his old lady and doing the thread himself. I don't feel right just dropping it. Everyone has worked too hard on it, too much time getting to know and love each other, and really cherishing this RP. I know i love this RP, the prelude to it was what brought the emperor and the empress together, so I'm bound to really care for it. So, we're gonna prove Autumn wrong and do this. I'll have enough time to write the post up, make the new thread, and get this started. I may not be insanely active, but I'll get post up. However, we are still doing the prelude IC. Sorry guys, but we need to establish someone relations, rivalries, and increase the characters all around personality. They would have spent nearly every moment of their lives with some of these people, so we need to reflect it.
I won't comment on the Admins or Mods, as my signature applies to then as Well. "I love this site and everyone on it!" which was a signature I wrote my first day on here and is still true. What they says goes, and I respect that. I also don't care about who called them in or if they just strolled in, irrelevant.

Now, onto even greater news. My little battle with Assailant made me remember the Kingdoms. Sadly, I don't think the empress will be joining me anymore, but I'll start that up again too. Alright, going back to sleep. Too much on my mind children. Go ahead and tag everyone who should see this Shadow and Mock.

Also, let's not bring up the other thread anymore. They might close our new one for good measures cx
I was very disappointed when I saw that the RP was canned. Despite the RP itself being fun, the entire event of coming online to this chat was a blast. This was, by far, the best RP I've been apart of here. Largely for reasons outside the RP, but that really just adds to the appeal of logging on to hang out, chat, and play the roles with everyone. So this is verryyy exciting to hear, and take your time Huntrey. We're a very patient lot, we've taken month-two month breaks from the RP before, so we'll pull on through. If you need any help with anything, I'm always around to (murder and usurp) help out in any way ya' need.
I say the other thread.

I'm still up for this. Next week, I should be okay to go on spare time on ma baby.

My computer, that is.
TheAncientCenturion said:
The old chat? Oh God, it feels so good to be back here.
I was very disappointed when I saw that the RP was canned. Despite the RP itself being fun, the entire event of coming online to this chat was a blast. This was, by far, the best RP I've been apart of here. Largely for reasons outside the RP, but that really just adds to the appeal of logging on to hang out, chat, and play the roles with everyone. So this is verryyy exciting to hear, and take your time Huntrey. We're a very patient lot, we've taken month-two month breaks from the RP before, so we'll pull on through. If you need any help with anything, I'm always around to (murder and usurp) help out in any way ya' need.
Same here TAC, it's funny how an enemy who I will destroy soon in the war can share such similar opinions. I might be enlisting help, but who knows. If I do, I'll make it a competition. And I actually plan to start it tonight, but Lord knows my dates aren't the most trustworthy.
Huntrey said:
Same here TAC, it's funny how an enemy who I will destroy soon in the war can share such similar opinions. I might be enlisting help, but who knows. If I do, I'll make it a competition. And I actually plan to start it tonight, but Lord knows my dates aren't the most trustworthy.
It's just the bond of brotherly comraderier ship, as we've spent from March till now constantly attacking one another (I was winning, totes). A competition? That sounds pretty near, what does that exactly entail? See who can get more numbers at the dance hall?

Tonight?! Sounds fanastic! I shall refresh the page EVERY five minutes, my eternal rival!

NO MILES. YOU FUCK!!!!!!! Ending a season on a cliffhanger with the next one being an anthology of mini stories that probably won't warp this one up. I'm gonna go cry in a corner.

I need a friend to cry with.
Mysterion7514 said:
NO MILES. YOU FUCK!!!!!!! Ending a season on a cliffhanger with the next one being an anthology of mini stories that probably won't warp this one up. I'm gonna go cry in a corner.
I need a friend to cry with.
Was it really necessary to say that? Because now we now something bad is going to happen.
ryanpk200 said:
Was it really necessary to say that? Because now we now something bad is going to happen.
It's not that bad. It's not like anyone's going to die. They all live and be happy. I just don't like the cliffhanger.


ryanpk200 said:
Was it really necessary to say that? Because now we now something bad is going to happen.
We all knew anyway. When does a victory like episode 19 ever last long for the reds and blues. Oh shit I just thought of something.


TheAncientCenturion said:
HEY FUCK FACE, don't even say shit like that. We got a day to go before we find out.
We all knew something bad would happen anyway.

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