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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

Darkangel666 said:
Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

((i know that song))

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

((i love it)) hey

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015


Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015


Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

and its not the most amazng thing iv heard my mother was.. a god of music to war n u

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

I don't care what you think little girl

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

she growls but it is a very beautiful voice but not the best iv seen

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

HM I don't care what you think. walks off

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

ok little girl smirk

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

How om I little laughs

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

your in younger form besides it doesn't matter bought your size eiffle tower

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

goes back to normal now who is little

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

you know u should move to paris....because you and the eiffil tower have a lot in common

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

Woow asmartass much

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015


death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

Not a good thing

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

in my world it is dumb ass

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

Your a dumb ass that thinks she is smarttwists your neck off and feeds if to my wolf

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

i turn my body into solid silver before u do so I'm normal wow thats all u got

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

Silver is one of the weaker metsls irl) dumbass it comes off anyway

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

no it doesnt how do u feel u almost killed a five year old

death mirror

Jul 6, 2015

Well seeing at your a bitch and I have no emotions, I don't care laughs and leaves

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

Pearl: wow she is mean to u hu?

Yuki: ya...

Art “ClockWork” Canvas

Jul 6, 2015

Pearl: thats alright

Yuki: where the office after the throw down I'm out of this school
So the death mirror girl is a friend of mine and I was thinking of introducing her to the site but now that I've seen this... I really dont want to ._.
It amazes me that some people will rp and be that fuckin' basic and short like that.
[QUOTE="Shadowborn Omen]Dunk tank. 1 point for every grammatical error you get dunked at 25

XDD YESS a perfect addition to the Fun Room


[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]Sometimes I wonder about Joel's and Adam's sanity. Especially Joel's.

I really started questioning Adam's sanity. He really got into the whole dog thing. I don't question Joel. He has been Cabbose long enough to point of the role effecting his mental health.
ryanpk200 said:
I really started questioning Adam's sanity. He really got into the whole dog thing. I don't question Joel. He has been Cabbose long enough to point of the role effecting his mental health.
Fun fact (that you probably already knew): Caboose has always been based off of Joel's actions. He would get mad at Burnie for Caboose being the way he was, and Burnie's response is that Caboose is the way he is because of Joel. That makes me highly amused.
So, whats going to happen to the RP now? honestly, there were way too many huge posts for my tiny mind to keep up with, thats why I barely posted.
Darkangel666 said:
So, whats going to happen to the RP now? honestly, there were way too many huge posts for my tiny mind to keep up with, thats why I barely posted.
I'm working on making a new thread and posting it myself. I'm just working all the info again to make it fit better.

This is one of those pictures where whenever I see it I about die from laughter, because it is just so funny to me and I don't even know why.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36cf3090_http3A2F2F41.media.tumblr.com2Ftumblr_m1vh2xwIEX1rr5dqzo5_500.jpg.b7fd3c79f42a2972b9a7694628f3eca1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="62907" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_07/57a8c36cf3090_http3A2F2F41.media.tumblr.com2Ftumblr_m1vh2xwIEX1rr5dqzo5_500.jpg.b7fd3c79f42a2972b9a7694628f3eca1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • http%3A%2F%2F41.media.tumblr.com%2Ftumblr_m1vh2xwIEX1rr5dqzo5_500.jpg
    48.8 KB · Views: 11
Nava said:
Is this RP still up? If so, could I join?
I will be restarting it, hopefully tomorrow in another thread, but yeah, it's still technically running. Just get your CS prepared with the information already required for this thread, then you can add the rest of the information after I post the new CS format in the new thread. What state name are you considering using, or do you know yet? I have a list of all the ones that are already called for if you want me to put it here. The current list here hasn't been updated in quite a while.

Eh, fuck it. Here's the list of names that cannot be used/already called for:

State Names that CAN NOT be used by anyone:

• Washington

• North Carolina

• South Carolina

• New York

• North Dakota

• South Dakota

• Wyoming

• Maine

• Florida

• Texas

• Utah

• Georgia

• Connecticut

State Names already reserved (The people that I suspect will not be in it anymore have a ? beside their state name. If you want to use one of those, just let me know and I'll contact the original person who called it and see if they even want it anymore.):

• Oregon

• Alaska

• California

• Delaware

• Michigan

• Ohio

• New Jersey

• Oklahoma

• Nebraska

• Wisconsin (?)

• Vermont (?)

• Massachusetts

• Kansas (?)

• Rhode Island

• Iowa

• Arizona

• Nevada (?)

• Louisiana (?)

• Kentucky

• Indiana

• Arkansas (?)

• Missouri (?)

• Hawaii
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I will be restarting it, hopefully tomorrow in another thread, but yeah, it's still technically running. Just get your CS prepared with the information already required for this thread, then you can add the rest of the information after I post the new CS format in the new thread. What state name are you considering using, or do you know yet? I have a list of all the ones that are already called for if you want me to put it here. The current list here hasn't been updated in quite a while.
Eh, fuck it. Here's the list of names that cannot be used/already called for:

State Names that CAN NOT be used by anyone:

• Washington

• North Carolina

• South Carolina

• New York

• North Dakota

• South Dakota

• Wyoming

• Maine

• Florida

• Texas

• Utah

• Georgia

• Connecticut

State Names already reserved (The people that I suspect will not be in it anymore have a ? beside their state name. If you want to use one of those, just let me know and I'll contact the original person who called it and see if they even want it anymore.):

• Oregon

• Alaska

• California

• Delaware

• Michigan

• Ohio

• New Jersey

• Oklahoma

• Nebraska

• Wisconsin (?)

• Vermont (?)

• Massachusetts

• Kansas (?)

• Rhode Island

• Iowa

• Arizona

• Nevada (?)

• Louisiana (?)

• Kentucky

• Indiana

• Arkansas (?)

• Missouri (?)

• Hawaii


It's actually happening!



[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I'm working on making a new thread and posting it myself. I'm just working all the info again to make it fit better.
This is one of those pictures where whenever I see it I about die from laughter, because it is just so funny to me and I don't even know why.

View attachment 144548

Gotta love that 60s Spider-Man.




ryanpk200 said:

It's actually happening!



Gotta love that 60s Spider-Man.




Oh my god that last one though.





But Nava, you can still talk in the OCC. As you can see, its pretty active. Sometimes.

Nava said:
Meh? MEH?

I do not believe, mister, that you are enthusiastic enough to be here. This OCC requires a certain level of enthusiasm to survive, or if not the insanity will tear you apart.

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