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Fantasy Freelancer Files (Red vs. Blue)

Подавить восстание ! Убейте повстанцев ! Поток их плоть медведей !

Crush the rebellion! Slay the rebels! Feed their flesh to the bears!
1stLt HChurch] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5434-theancientcenturion/ said:
@TheAncientCenturion[/URL] I have another message, quoted exactly from Hunter-
From my King, Hunter: "Give me a reason to come back TAC, be it for my people or for your demise. It is your move, old friend."
Tell Hunter that when he returns, all he loves and cares for will be ashes. Even Mock.
They wanna be ur frens

TheAncientCenturion said:
Tell Hunter that when he returns, all he loves and cares for will be ashes. Even Mock.
Since I count as one of those things that he loves and cares about, and I will never let any of you kill me, I will just say that you are a lying shisno and that that will never happen.
I know this game, it'll end with both of us at the 2998th post and waiting for someone to comment. I'll win, just like I got the 1000th post

I. . Am not losing this post. I'll stay awake however long it takes.
Really? You'd give me 3000 this easy? I was asleep for soooo long. It was such a big shot!

That's reeeeeeeeealllly bad luck, CTAC. You called it. You stopped at 2998, I took the cake.

@Darkangel666 I didn't heed your warning on the video. My dog stared at me this time.

I should merge 3000 posts together for the 3000th post...

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