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Fandom Freelancer Files: Down for the Count (Red vs. Blue)

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[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]I saw all of those on tumblr before.

If you do, stick to fandom stuff. The political shit is still there and still annoying, but it can be ignore. Don't follow blogs that are heavy into shipping either. They are something so disgusting about who and how they ship.

Thanks for the tips.
ryanpk200 said:
Thanks for the tips.
I do actually agree with some of the political stuff, including stuff about that. Especially about stupid racist shit and that fucking stupid asshole named Donald Trump. But there is some political stuff that is too overboard and I just ignore it because they need to shut the fuck up. Especially those blogs that preach about equality as they hate on anyone who is either white, straight, cis gender, or a combination of all three. Because, ya know, fuckin' logic.

In short, if I agree with it, I'll reblog it. Definitely. But if I find it stupid or overboard, then fuck that. I'm out. I don't want to have to deal with that.

About 75% of my posts are fandom, 20% are funny shit, and 5% is political stuff. I mean, that's just an estimate, but it seems accurate enough.


Mysterion7514 said:
That's gotta be some cruel joke because that just brings me to the login screen.
Well, I finished Game of Thrones Telltale Episode 5 last night, and when I told my friend I was upset about it he told me to watch "A Young Doctor's Notebook and Other Stories" on Netflix.

I now have one less friend and I am sad. Very, very, sad.
Mysterion7514 said:
Log in | Tumblr

It should work.

https://www .tumblr.com/blog/basebook-page

Get rid of the space after the www
Even that brings me to the login screen. I'll just look up your url on the app when I get time. That sometimes works faster.


Mysterion7514 said:
Are Sister and Junior back somehow? Like in the next season when they tell the short stories?
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]Even that brings me to the login screen. I'll just look up your url on the app when I get time. That sometimes works faster.

Are Sister and Junior back somehow? Like in the next season when they tell the short stories?

How did you figure that I was talking about them?

Hey Church look at his rank. I just thought it was kind of cool considering your username.
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Mysterion7514 said:
How did you figure that I was talking about them?
Romance for him: Sister. She's the only character he's ever had a true romantic experience with.

Junior: Well, Junior. Duh.


ryanpk200 said:

Hey Church look at his rank. I just thought it was kind of cool considering your username.
Dude. That's fucking badass and an awesome coincidence.


TheAncientCenturion said:
Oh just wait for it! I am soo sticking my bone sword in your ginger ass.
You better fucking not, asshole.
*suddenly wakes up*

What year is this?! Where am I?!

*Notices thread name*

I'm back... how the fuck am I back?!

Remember when we used to get 100 pages in a week? Those were the days. Then RPNation's alert system started being a douche.
With a episode that has the title "The End is Near" let's hope they wrap everything up next week cause I'm really tired of all these cliffhangers.
Me: *two seconds before the end of the video while having it paused* Man. This episode is way happier than I thought it was going to be! Awesome!

Me: *two seconds later* Well shit.


ryanpk200 said:
With a episode that has the title "The End is Near" let's hope they wrap everything up next week cause I'm really tired of all these cliffhangers.
They will, because they have confirmed that there are 20 episodes this season.

This was such a great episode. I will rewatch it and give some comments after I'm done.

Also, just like last episode demonstrated why I love Wash, this episode demonstrated why I love Church. Those two assholes are the best.
Overall the episode was great. The Junior and Sister cameos were great. However, there was one thing that really disappointed me. Well, two conjoined things: Locust's betrayal and Felix's demise. Locust's betrayal was really rushed, and while they've been hyping it for awhile the execution was poorly done and gave no real reason for it. The fight with Felix was also incredibly underwhelming. He could take on the best (surviving) Freelancer singlehandedly and yet put up almost no fight against the Reds and Blues. Very disappointing
Assailant said:
Overall the episode was great. The Junior and Sister cameos were great. However, there was one thing that really disappointed me. Well, two conjoined things: Locust's betrayal and Felix's demise. Locust's betrayal was really rushed, and while they've been hyping it for awhile the execution was poorly done and gave no real reason for it. The fight with Felix was also incredibly underwhelming. He could take on the best (surviving) Freelancer singlehandedly and yet put up almost no fight against the Reds and Blues. Very disappointing

Dude. They have hinted at Locus' mistrust and doubts for quite a few episodes now. They almost got the best of him in the last episode, so it does not surprise me that he finally did it. Also, that conversation with Santa obviously really fucked him up and around the corner. Him being extremely hurt didn't help a whole lot to make him be willing to fight next to Felix. He was just so done with Felix's bullshit, and he had a real problem with being seen as just a monster and blood thirsty soldier after viewing what he was afraid of. That really messed me up. It doesn't surprise me that, in the moment when he was desperate enough to be done and Santa was with him whereas Felix was not, that be changed. Not completely for the better, but he changed. And if he had gone completely against Felix by the end and helped the Crew immensely in that last scene, I would have also thought that was rushed. But I believe that the way he acted was pretty normal. For he wasn't completely nice since it was all still new to him that he wasn't trying to kill these soldiers like he normally does, but he still knew to be civilized with the Crew and help them just enough to get out of their mess. Then, once they were out of it all, he left, because he still probably despises everything to do with the Blood Gulch Crew.

So, I do believe that the way that Locus was portrayed in this episode, with his reaction and everything, was understandable. He had been contemplating leaving for quite some time, and the way and time that he did was in no way unexpected. To me, anyway.

As for Felix. Sure, yeah, it may have been a bit anticlimactic and rushed. But think about it: Felix does best in close-quarters combat without utilizing his firearms, and he also does best when those close quarters aren't filled with a lot of people. With this, though, he was almost constantly fitting against enemies that were farther away, had firearms, and that surrounded him from a distance but still efficiently. That is when he started to falter and die down. The only times he was really any good was when he was right up in Tucker's face with a melee weapon (the sword) and when he dropped and held down Caboose and tried to kill him up close. He likes that type of drag down, dirty fighting with minimal enemies to face at once. Stuff from far away, though, that involves gunfire? That does not seem to be his cup of tea. Maybe it was when he was still in the military, but stuff has changed now and he has acquired a different fighting style that he does better with. That is why I think he was beat to hell so easily. I do agree, though, that his "death" (I refuse to assume that he is actually dead. It's not because of any reason like "I like him too much and I refuse to believe that he died!" or anything like that. I'm just keeping past RvB..customs in mind) was pretty rushed and kinda dumb. I mean, couldn't he have dropped his shield, ditched the grenade and sticky bomb, then fled to continue beating them? I thought he would have done that, considering who Felix is. So that is the only part that seemed off to me. But everything else seemed plausible.
[QUOTE="1stLt HChurch]
Dude. They have hinted at Locus' mistrust and doubts for quite a few episodes now. They almost got the best of him in the last episode, so it does not surprise me that he finally did it. Also, that conversation with Santa obviously really fucked him up and around the corner. Him being extremely hurt didn't help a whole lot to make him be willing to fight next to Felix. He was just so done with Felix's bullshit, and he had a real problem with being seen as just a monster and blood thirsty soldier after viewing what he was afraid of. That really messed me up. It doesn't surprise me that, in the moment when he was desperate enough to be done and Santa was with him whereas Felix was not, that be changed. Not completely for the better, but he changed. And if he had gone completely against Felix by the end and helped the Crew immensely in that last scene, I would have also thought that was rushed. But I believe that the way he acted was pretty normal. For he wasn't completely nice since it was all still new to him that he wasn't trying to kill these soldiers like he normally does, but he still knew to be civilized with the Crew and help them just enough to get out of their mess. Then, once they were out of it all, he left, because he still probably despises everything to do with the Blood Gulch Crew.

So, I do believe that the way that Locus was portrayed in this episode, with his reaction and everything, was understandable. He had been contemplating leaving for quite some time, and the way and time that he did was in no way unexpected. To me, anyway.

As for Felix. Sure, yeah, it may have been a bit anticlimactic and rushed. But think about it: Felix does best in close-quarters combat without utilizing his firearms, and he also does best when those close quarters aren't filled with a lot of people. With this, though, he was almost constantly fitting against enemies that were farther away, had firearms, and that surrounded him from a distance but still efficiently. That is when he started to falter and die down. The only times he was really any good was when he was right up in Tucker's face with a melee weapon (the sword) and when he dropped and held down Caboose and tried to kill him up close. He likes that type of drag down, dirty fighting with minimal enemies to face at once. Stuff from far away, though, that involves gunfire? That does not seem to be his cup of tea. Maybe it was when he was still in the military, but stuff has changed now and he has acquired a different fighting style that he does better with. That is why I think he was beat to hell so easily. I do agree, though, that his "death" (I refuse to assume that he is actually dead. It's not because of any reason like "I like him too much and I refuse to believe that he died!" or anything like that. I'm just keeping past RvB..customs in mind) was pretty rushed and kinda dumb. I mean, couldn't he have dropped his shield, ditched the grenade and sticky bomb, then fled to continue beating them? I thought he would have done that, considering who Felix is. So that is the only part that seemed off to me. But everything else seemed plausible.

I don't know, I'm just not buying it. It was hinted a lot that he'd betray Felix, but it was still kinda a 180. Well... more like a 120, but whatever. It just... didn't feel natural to me. I can only think of one time wherein the differences in their morals felt real, other than that it just seemed like Locust didn't like Felix. So I can buy him betraying Felix, but I can't buy him not killing the Reds and Blues. As for Felix's death, what about when the grenade hit his feet? He could have easily kicked the grenade away. I'd expect the Reds and Blues to do that, not even talking about Felix.
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