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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.

{Hey, hey, no problem! I'm hyperactive at the moment, so I'm feeling a bit insane. Take the time you need. Seriously! I'm in no rush. =)}

{Nah, it's alright! I feel so bad for making you wait, though!

xD }

Casper looked at the boy, his eyes not daring to dart away from him. The storm was picking up at an increasing speed and the storm boomed behind both of them. He leaned in when the human was going to introduce himself, but was cut off by the sound of the world screeching with rain and lightening. The sky was covered in complete darkness, the thunder growling in response to the other when he started to talk.

"What did you say?" The vampire asked, mentally cussing at the rain storm. As much as he had been wanting the sun to go away, the feeling of his soaking wet hair sticking to his face was making him uncomfortable. The rain was sharp, as if it was full of hail even though he knew it wasn't. Cas sighed, trying to sort out tangled strands of hair that was blowing into his face. Even though the weather was a little annoying,he decided to let it be. After all, it was better than the hot and unbearable sun smoking and burning him to a crisp. The vampire looked at the stranger, trying to pry any further information out of him.

"What did you say about storm pixies? I don't know if this school has any... I haven't met a lot of people. I prefer the shadows..." He told the boy truthfully, rustling into his pockets.

"Should we go inside?" Casper asked the boy loudly. He was intrigued by the new student. Even though personally the wind wasn't a big issue, it was making it a bit difficult to hear anything through the roars. Crossing his arms, the vampire looked back at the gothic castle. He knew that it would provide the proper shelter that would keep them dry. Even though it was eerie and the bricks were crooked, it still could do the job.
Alice smiled and waved slightly. "Hi... I'm your new room mate!" She stood up, nearly hitting the girl in the face with her wings, and said, "I'm sorry about the curtains! I thought you were asleep!"
Hannah frowned standing up. "Hi... I'm your new room mate!"The other girl said to happy for Hannah. The girl almost knocked her over with her wings. Hannah frowned more the winds and rain getting stronger with her irritation. "Hi I'm Hannah"She said coldly and distastefully. She only smiled because she was causing the chaos outside. She knew the two boys she saw earlier were still out there and from the looks of this soaked girl it was pouring. Her smile wicked and cold able to scare off more creatures even demons. She wanted to let the true demon out but she knew she couldn't or shed be dragged back to hell.
Alice smiled, and said, "Sorry about the wings... I can put them away if you want..." Her manic smile wavered slightly at the prospect.
Hannah looked at the girl. "No don't put them away. I must leave ill be back later."She said turning on her heel and walking out. Her hair automatically sticking to her face from the rain. She spotted the two boys from earlier. Her wind picking up speed making one of their robes bellow around him. She smiled wickedly. It was so cloudy that the moon was being covered by them. The only thing able to be seen were her glowing red eyes that reminded her of fire. Her clothing sticking to her body. She began walking towards the two. Smiling coldly as she did so.
{Really, don't worry about it! And don't worry about making me wait at all. I'm in threads where people reply weekly. A few extra hours is nothing. xD

. . .

Ugh. I've burnt out my muse. Sorry for the following post.}

Chandre fought down his wild urge to blast the vampire in front of him.
"Sure," he muttered, not trusting himself to speak any louder than that. He clenched his fist around his staff as if he could supress the rising impulses that threatened to overtake him.

"This storm is . . ." He gritted his teeth, and the runes flashed another bright light, whiter than before. Great black, this magic is intense! He hadn't experienced such strong waves of magic for years, and he was a hair's breadth from breaking under the strain.

With another great blast of lightning, he bolted towards the entrance of the castle without waiting for Casper. He didn't want to stand out in the storm for a second longer; he was afraid of what he'd do.


{ Don't worry! The post is beautifully written. And I'm glad. }

Casper sighed, wondering if the human was giving him a cold shoulder. He bit down on his bottom lip- not hard enough to draw blood yet not soft enough to not leave a mark. He watched as the human sprinted towards the castle.

In contrast to the boy's scurrying actions, the vampire slowly walked towards the castle. His hair pulled him down, the rain making it heavier to carry on the back of his head. He walked through the storm, heading inside to the castle.

Cas opened the giant door slowly, allowing himself entrance. Almost instantly he could feel the different between inside and outside. The vampire shook his head to dry his hair the old fashioned way.
"That storm was harsh." He told the boy, running a few fingers through his damp hair to remove any raindrops that were wetting his black hair any further than it already was.
Hannah smiled watching as the boys run towards the castle. Gottcha! She thought. She used her magic to cover the red in her eyes making them appear a forest green. She skipped over to the castle and walked in. She looked pathetic in her dripping wet clothing she looked up at the with cold sad eyes. "Do you guys have a towel I could borrow?"She asked softly trying to make her self seem as sweet as she can.
Casper glanced away from the door and the boy when the girl walked in. He glanced over at her, taking in how meek and sweet the girl looked. "I'm sorry." He told her, taking off his dripping wet shirt and throwing it onto the floor. The vampire tied his hair up in a bun to prevent any water from dripping on him. "Don't got any towels. If I did, well, then I wouldn't be soaking wet." Cas teased her. "But I do know where a bathroom is... you can get paper towels from there."

{Thanks, Vaoi. My muse won't be up until tomorrow. Ugh. Bare with me!}

Chandre crept in through the front doors of the school. It was easy enough. The harsh winds practically did it for him, nearly throwing him off of his feet. Once on the other side, he leaned into the door with his shoulder and heaved with all his weight, trying to force it shut against the overpowering strength of the storm. He managed to get it shut.

With a sigh of relief, Chandre sank into the nearest chair and closed his eyes, feeling the dark energy begin to fade. That had been wild—too wild. If the school hadn't been any closer, he might have gone insane.

Blinking his eyes open, he noticed that the chandelier on the ceiling was swinging rhytmically back and forth on it's chain, the little crystals tinkling musically with every shake. His water-soaked robe was drenching the velvet chair he was sitting in, but he didn't care. The finally let the umbrella come down and closed it, water droplets dropping onto the floor.

That could have gone worse. At least the inside of the school was warm. Sadly, he eyed the large hole on his right side, wondering what to do with it. Being soaked through and through wasn't the best of feelings, and he had trouble thinking of anything besides the prevalent cold.

The human pressed his lips into a firm line. A sudden thought struck him harder than the lightning outside. My Book! He scrambled to untie the knot at the top of his sack as he pulled it into his lap. Despite the umbrella, it was nearly as wet as the rest of it. Dark water stains decorated the thin fabric holding it together. Curse it!

Hastily pulling the fabric off, he grabbed the book with his hands, his mouth agape. The entire front was dripping rain, and the pages were already warped from the water. So concerned with his book, he didn't notice Casper or the girl walk in, bringing a fresh wave of cold with him.
Hannah smiled and tried to make it seem nice and warm. "Oh thank you!"She said trying to seem happy for once. She smiled and looked over at the boy in the corner."Hang on"She said softly. She walked over to the small boy and got on her knees. "I can help with your book"She said trying to be as kind as she could.
"No problem." Casper looked over at the boy and then at Hannah. He lowered his hand from his jet black hair watching the scene suspiciously. He decided against questioning it, but followed behind the mysterious girl. The vampire walked towards the boy, sitting on the floor in front of both of them. "How the h*ll did that storm happen? It was so calm... and then out of no where.... bang. Thunderstorm!" He asked either of them.

{Thanks again, Hannah. I'll have to stick to a low-muse response. Sorry in advance.}

Chandre glanced up at the approaching girl. What was up with her hair color? As she approached, the etched runes on his robes suddenly began glowing a steady, ghostly light, different from the erratic flashes they'd been earlier. The closer she got, the brighter they glowed.

The hairs on the back of his neck rose. Keeping his face calm, he closed hugged the book tight to himself with his right hand, his left still gripped around the white staff. A warning voice went off in his head.
Danger, danger, danger . . .

He frowned slightly.
"Who are you?" he murmured, ignoring her offer to fix the book. Another brief flash from the runes. "What are you?"
{ =/ =P Heads up: I'll be dropping Casper from the roleplay - or at least, dropping him from being my main character. He doesn't really have any ties or importance to the RP so I don't think his disappearance would affect anything. Heck, I know it wouldn't. I might play him later possibly, but I don't think he's really that important either way. From now on, I'll most likely play a different character as head. Thanks! }

Hannah smiled wickedly. Her glamour over her red eyes disappearing revealing them. She leaned forward her eyes cold and hard. She whispered to the boy."I'm the one who brought the storm" she laughed and leaned back. The storm outside quit and it became clear. She stood up and waved her hand fixing the boys book. She turned to the vampire. "The bathrooms are where?"She asked her glamour back over her eyes so the vampire never saw what happened.
Alice shrugged off Hannah's departure, and tied the curtains around her neck like a cape. she jumped and, faceplanted onto her bed. She fell asleep face down using the curtains as a blanket.
Zizi twisted and turned on the bed. The storm was keeping her awake, and the uncomfortable mattress was like rocks.

Apparently the staff at Franzia didn't like dragons. Or werewolves. Whatever they thought she was.

Rubbing her eyes, Zizi sat up. She had taken her cloak off, not wanting to sleep with it on, but now that she was drenched with rain pouring through her broken window, Zizi clearly saw that that was a mistake.

She heard monsters calling in the night, and they made her want to hide under her bed. But she knew they wouldn't hurt her. They wouldn't dare.

Zizi looked around her room, but there wasn't much else she could do to occupy her sleepless time. The door was barely remaining shut. The room was no bigger than a closet, and the only furniture in it was the mattress she was sitting on.

She sighed. Someone really didn't like her.

Quietly she laid back down, grabbing her cloak to drape over her. She shivered under it, but curled up and tried to fall asleep.

She didn't even know that she was being watched.

((Okay. So, didn't know what to post, but there you go. I don't know who's watching her, but it could basically be anyone. So if anyone wants to come in and spook her or whatever, be my guest.))
{Whatever. My muse is so low right now, it would break records.}

Chandre grumbled under his breath, staring hard at the demon in front of him--for that is what it was. Though still seeping wet, he only had eyes for the Book. A strange, black aura surrounded it, most likely some side effect from the magic. Anxiously, he flipped through some of the pages and found that many of the shifting runes were acting . . . wrong. He frowned, looking at some more. He could still read the demonic words--barely--but they didn't make sense. Like something was interfering with the book's magic.

He stopped cold, a burning rage filling him like a flaming coal. "Idiot!" the human screamed at the demon. "You can't use magic on this--especially not demon magic!" He lifted the book so she could see the ruined pages. Most creatures couldn't make sense of the characters, but demons often had the ability to read them. "Why would you do this!"
Hannah stopped cold in her tracks. Her eyes turning a deep color of red. More like blood. Her teeth lengthen and sharpened piercing her lip making it bleed a little. Her blood was black. Her nails grew longer and darker at the tips the nails laced with poison. She turned on her heel and looked the boy straight in the eye. Her eyes cold and filled with anger. "What did you call me boy?!"She asked almost yelling angrily. The wind inside the castle blowing and outside the rain and wind coming back worse than they were when they left. The castle door flew open sending rain into the castle. Her hair flew around her and made her look even scarier than before. She had no care for the people around her anymore only for the destruction of this pathetic human. She looked at the book and finally smiling her smile adding no warmth to her face. The rooms temperature dropped almost 10 degrees. "I tried to help you you pathetic little human. You will find that demon magic is much more effective than what you were using. Especially for what you want."She said coldly.
Chandre should have backed down. He should have looked away. He should have kept silent. He should have taken back those words.

He didn't.

Instead, he rose from the chair he was in, his dark brown eyes seething with hatred. "You," he hissed, his voice dangerously low as he pointed an accusing finger at the demon girl. "Ignorant, repulsive, worthless waste of matter. Do you know what you have done?" He lowered his finger and raised his bone-white staff with his other hand, the end of it mere inches away from her. It glowed with a strange power. It brought a wicked light to the darkened atmosphere, as if drawing in all the energy in the room.

"I'll make an exception today, creature, because you obviously haven't the slightest wit about you, otherwise you wouldn't have touched my Book. But," he spat, gripping his staff in a white-knuckle clutch, "I'm warning you now. Do not mess with me. You should know, I am necromancer."

He took an intimating step forward, his staff glowing even more brightly. Most people would have shied away from staring a demon straight on, but it only fueled his anger.

"Attack me."
He grinned knowingly, eyes blazing with determination. "If you dare."
Hannah smiled her wicked smile. She grabbed the staff and moved it off of her. "oh well little necromancer. I do know what I have done to your precious book and if you really want to know I'm happy I did it. Attack me if you will just remember demons dont die and the only feelings they have are hate and anger. They burn everything they touch and cause chaos everywhere they go. So try and kill me if you dare it'll only send me to hell which will male me angrier than I already am."She said. She winked and turned away grabbing the vampires hand and pulling him away from the necromancer. The doors flew shut and the storm calmed but still going. She looked at the vampire with her blood red eyes and asked"You said you know where the bathrooms were?"

@UltraFomi @HesitationOblivion
Casper looked up from his book. He sighed, looking at the demon. "Take a left turn around this corner and it should be on the right beyond the sparring classroom." He told her with a slight and tiny smile. The vampire pointed over to give her an idea of where it was. "Oh, by the way... totally off topic but I like your red eyes. They give off the whole 'don't you dare touch me'." He teased harmlessly, not wanting to anger her.

Hannah smiled coldly. "Thanks I like your fangs."She said. She walked towards the bathroom and dried her self off. She came back and sat across from the vampire. "I understand you are nocturnal but since the school is during the day time dont you want to sleep?"
Casper nodded and grinned at the compliment. "We both really know how to scare off the people we want dead." He teased before looking over at the demon. "You have no idea how tired I am right now." He yawned. "But I guess I still have to come. What about you and your sleeping pattern- I mean, if you have one."

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