Four Will Rise


Forever Wandering
Okay so warrior cats.

There are four Clans; ThunderClan, WindClan, RiverClan, and ShadowClan

There is the warrior code. Basically no killing other warriors, even on different Clans. Hunt for the elders and queens first.

Listen to your leader and other above you.

Can not have mates from other Clans.

And so much more.

Rank system. So this is how the Clans are.



Medicine cat




Elders (retired warriors so they are important)

Apprentices are warriors to be and the medicine cat is healer of the clan. The deputy is second in command.

These Clans live next to each other but are divided by borders.

Every full moon they have this event called, The Gathering for all Clans to come and share news and share tongues (gossip).

Name system:

So it the beginning they start out with 'kit' at the end of their name, as an apprentice they have 'paw' then as a warrior the leader picks it. So here's an example.




(All the same cat just a different ending to recognize what rank they are.)

Medicine Cats:

Have a different code to follow

No mates because taking care of the clan comes first

Every half moon they speak to StarClan

They receive the prophecies


Have nine lives granted to them by StarClan

Warriors and others only have one life.
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You got any rules on names, colors, cat ages? Also, are we supposed to put a clan, or no? Just wanna be sure on this stuff 
Ooo okie dokie. :) Question answered
Just one thing, do you want the pelt colors to be close to similar, if so I need to know what color so I can make a appearance.

Alrighty. Idk which one of these I wanna use, any sugestions? The grey one is 1 the one with spots is 2, and the brown one is 3. (For suggestion purposes)
Sorry I haven't made my character yet. I've been toggling between this and my homework, which I should be concentrating more on.
If you have homework id suggest getting it done first, not telling you what to do. But if you don't have homework you can be on the rpn site longer than if you where doing both :P
It`s okay Novie-chan. Homeworks important, just concentrate on that 

Try this again.. Was gonna get a picture of my irl cat.. He decided to avoid me by laying on me. Silly kitty >.<
Ooo Ferret. Used to have a ferret, till my aunt decided to move and take her with. 
Errp Sis irl just (Annoyingly) reminded me school starts tomorrow, so my posts may be late at time throughout this rp >.<
Cecilia said:
Ooo Ferret. Used to have a ferret, till my aunt decided to move and take her with. 
Errp Sis irl just (Annoyingly) reminded me school starts tomorrow, so my posts may be late at time throughout this rp >.<
My school started 2 weeks ago hehe.
Extended summer break due to a rule change in Wisconsin... But that only make it harder to get back into the school habit. This year, my schools starting an hour earlier, running later too >.< I think
That sucks heh, our school starts 7:30 and ends at 3:15 but as far as I know where the only school to have a thing called smart lunch which is basically a 1 hour lunch of hanging out or what ever. I don't have friends so its really normal lunch and a nap hehe.
xD Sounds fun. Starting Algebra this year, and not looking forward to it, especially since all my friends did algebra last year and passed it, so their in Algebra 2 this year.
Algebra is no big deal, basically all you have to do is right notes and do homework and it kinda just pops up when you do a problem (For me atleast.)
Im hoping it`ll be easy. At least I like the teacher. And I`m usually good at notes.. Usually.. When I`m not half asleep.
Are you in highschool? Just asking because if thats the case I can definitely tell you it will be easy if you dotn stay up all night.
Ohhh.....The freshman year. Yeah you wont have much of a problem in math if you don't absolutely hate it and pay at-least a little attention :P . My age on here is 19 but im actually 17, 11th grade this year. If you need any help with your math id gladly help you out tho hehe.
Sorry it's taking a bit longer than I thought for homework...finished working on English project but now I'm working on Pre-Cal but should be done soon. An hour maybe.

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