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Intro New


The Demon Fanatic
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Hey, you. You might want to wake up now. You don't have much time.

Your eyes flutter open, revealing a mostly blurred view of your surroundings. A few more blinks helped to clear your vision, and would allow you to see that you were inside someone's small personal quarters. You were laying on your side on the floor, just at the foot of a wall mounted sink. You could hear a series of loud clangs nearby. Metal smacking hard against metal. Someone was beating on the door to the room you were in, and from the sound of things, they weren't happy.

Get up. Carefully. You took a nasty blow to the head. You did what you could to fix the damage, like I instructed, but passed out afterwards. You have some temporary memory loss, but you should be good for now while things heal.

You roll over onto your back, your hand reaching up to clutch the side of your head. A dull, throbbing pain coursed through your skull. What hit you? A brick? You carefully look around, taking note of things about the cabin. A small cot, clad in green sheets which hung off the side haphazardly. A few shelves on the walls to your left above the cot, with various trinkets and personal items sitting on them. There was a blood trail leading away from you, across the metal floor to the narrow door. It was likely your own blood. A long, dull yellow fluorescent tube bulb was fitted to the ceiling, long past needing replacement. At least it was providing SOME light to the room. A small TV sat at the foot of the cot on an end table, atop a video cassette player. A single word sat on the black screen in the top left corner. 'STOP'. Whoever was here before you must have been watching a movie and simply paused it.

You shake your head, before reaching up and grabbing onto the corner of the metal sink. With a tug, you pull yourself up to your feet. The water was running in the sink, which had blood stains and bits of gauze, threading, and a used needle. A bloody towel hung off the side of it, at risk of falling onto the floor. It seemed as though you did manage to fix your injury.

You rub the side of your head, eventually finding a row of stitches along the back of your head. A job well done. Eventually, you force yourself to look into the mirror. There was enough light that you could see your reflection, though the mirror did need a little cleaning.

Do you remember who you are? Where you're from?

1. "My name is Scott."
2. "My name is Felicia."

A. "I'm from the planet Cordia, in the Commonwealth. I'm a technician." (Grants Technical/Electronics Skillset, Basic Weapons Knowledge)

The Commonwealth of Free Worlds, commonly known as simply the Commonwealth, is a union of independent star systems and planets. Each features their own unique governments, ranging from democratic republics to corporate conglomerates to classical monarchies, but all share a common economic system: Capitalism. They also share a common goal: the spread of 'true freedom' and capitalism throughout the galaxy, and the downfall of both of its rival factions. The Commonwealth finds its governmental capital on the core world of Asoria, a garden world which most also consider among the wealthiest in the Commonwealth due to its ideal location and ownership of larger material production worlds nearby.

B. "I'm from the planet Sieliv, in the Union. I'm an engineer." (Grants Mechanical Skillset, Basic Weapons Knowledge)

The Union of Xistrovian Socialist Systems (known more commonly as the Union) is a collective of socialist star systems and worlds, which were formerly part of the Commonwealth until their rebellion over one millennia ago. Each world features a socialist government based off the governmental model of its ideological origin world, Xistrov, which instigated and lead the revolution against the Commonwealth. Collective goal is to achieve a communist utopia that spans the galaxy (and potentially the universe), and to free neighboring worlds from the clutches of the money hungry Commonwealth and tyrannical vice-grip of the Kamoran Imperium.

C. "I'm from the planet Cozeron, in the Imperium. I'm a soldier." (Grants Survival Skillset, Advanced Weapons Knowledge)

The Kamoran Imperium, known simply as the Imperium, is a vast interstellar empire comprised of several hundred systems and planets ruled from the core world of Kamora. Originally a more democratic government, the democracy slowly eroded over the years and shifted into an autocracy due to varying crises that appeared born from the Imperium's rapid expansion into space and the death of its true origin world (Etheron) from man-made destructive environmental changes. Eventually, a civil war would erupt and, after a devastating loss, result in the birth of the Commonwealth. The Imperium would see a major shift in rule after this major loss of territory and life, resulting in a more hardline approach to governance. The Imperial family would involve themselves more directly in the running of the empire, pushing to strengthen the unity of its people and direct them toward securing a brighter future for themselves and the empire as a whole in the face of a universe that 'sought their division and destruction'. The Imperium's goals are expansion and growth, self-improvement and unity using any means necessary, and to regain their lost territory (the Commonwealth and the Union.)

1B - "My name is Scott. I'm from from the planet Sieliv, in the Union. I'm an engineer."

Union Male.png

As you examine yourself and speak the words aloud, some of your memory comes creeping back into your mind. Sieliv, a mining world on the edge of the Union's territory near the Neutral Zone. You used to work on mining equipment and rigs used for drilling through rock to find deposits of ore and oil. You were in the mining union there, and worked alongside Alisa Zvereva. She brought you and dozens of others with her when she made her move to Lethe, to become the Administrator of the Union colony of Samotsvety.

Lethe... I'm on Lethe.

Correct. You're on Lethe.

You look around the cabin quickly, before clutching at the side of your head again. The throbbing pain just wouldn't go away. Where did that voice come from, though? You were the only one in the cabin, besides whoever was screaming outside and beating on the cabin door.

I'll explain later. I need you to check your clothes. Do you have anything you can use to defend yourself with?

You reach down quickly, checking the pockets on the dull gray jumpsuit you were wearing. In your chest pocket, you find a lighter, a pair of pens, and a partially used notepad. A folding knife was found a pocket on your thigh. Your initials were printed into the steel on the blade. Not very useful to defend yourself with, but it would work in a pinch.

Look around the room. You might have dropped something on the way in.

You begin to look around the cabin, carefully moving about to avoid making the throbbing in your head any worse. Some scraps of paper, a few writing utensils, candy bar wrappings and water bottles. Eventually, you find something partially hidden under the foot of the cot. It was a high-powered, cordless nail gun, with half a stick of 12 gauge nails left and a good charge on the battery (according to a meter on the handle.)

The end of the nail gun's muzzle was stained with blood, as if you had pressed it against someone in the past and fired. The muzzle was now lodged backwards, allowing the nail gun to be fired at will instead of having to press it against something.

Excellent. That will do. Now, outside that door is your attacker. It is someone that can't be reasoned with. Not anymore. They've killed two of your comrades, and intend on bashing your brains in. I don't want that, and you certainly don't.

You look to the door, listening as the metal clanging against it got louder. They were trying their best to get in.

What do you intend to do?

1. Defense
You push the end table, the mattress from the cot, and other assorted objects over to the door. Then, you set up a position in the back of the room. If they were going to come through that door, you intended to obstruct their path as much as possible. Allowing yourself to get as many clear shots with the nail gun at them as possible.

2. Offense
Who says you have to wait for them to come to you? The switch for the door is right there. All you have to do is tap it. It'll unlock, and you can face your attacker head-on. Perhaps even catch him by surprise.

3. Mechanical
There are a variety of things that go into the makings of these automatic cabin doors. This particular model of door seems to rise upwards into the ceiling. Perhaps if you adjust the settings on the door, via the control box next to it above the door switch, you can rig it to activate with increased force. A high velocity slab of steel could come down right on their head as they step through the doorway. Crush them.

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3. Mechanical
There are a variety of things that go into the makings of these automatic cabin doors. This particular model of door seems to rise upwards into the ceiling. Perhaps if you adjust the settings on the door, via the control box next to it above the door switch, you can rig it to activate with increased force. A high velocity slab of steel could come down right on their head as they step through the doorway. Crush them.

You spot the control box, and quickly move towards it. The cover easily detaches, secured only by two little levers that lock the cover in place, and removing it exposes different switches, gauges, and wires. You know exactly what to manipulate, and set about tweaking the settings on the door. The banging gets louder and seemingly harder, as the angry individual outside continues to yell unintelligible words and obscenities. A minute passes, and you've set the door to its new specifications.

Only one way to find out if it works. You take your nail gun in your off hand, ready to use it if the door fails to work, and press your fingers against the switch to open the door.

The door darts upwards, far quicker than anticipated, and someone stumbles into the doorway. It looks as though they had been mid swing, with what appears to be a large pipe wrench. As they got into position, frantically looking about for you, you slap the door's switch again. The sliding door darts downward, and the bottom of the door collides with the person's neck just below the back of the skull. They're forced down to the floor in the blink of an eye, and with such force that you can hear the audible crunch of their spine being folded like a chair. The moment the door collides with the floor, it slices through their neck like butter. A proper beheading. Threat neutralized.

Creative. You should be alone now, at least in this area of the facility.

You tap the door to open it back up, and with a squelch, it releases the body and rises back upwards quickly. Blood dripped through the open doorway, and you can see the rest of the person's body outside. They're wearing what appears to be a miners outfit, covered in splotches of dirt and grime. Blood, as well, across their arms and torso.

You glance down to the head, taking note of its lifeless eyes gazing up at you. Well, eye, as the left one seemed to be damaged and scarred.

A memory slowly comes to the forefront of your mind. This was one of the foremen for the third shift Union mining crew down in the mines. You recall his name being Héctor. He was one of the more quiet types, really. Pretty large, too, judging from his body outside. You probably wouldn't have survived a hand-to-hand fight with him. Especially if he went to swinging that pipe wrench at you.

You rub the back of your head where your wound was, before stepping out into the hallway outside. The hexagon shaped hallway was bathed in dull flashes of alternating red and white light. A distant alarm sounded, echoing through the facility. As you glance up the hallway, you notice that there were two other bodies at the end. Likely your two comrades.

I'd take that pipe wrench, if I were you.

You glance down, noting the pipe wrench that Héctor had been using lying next to your right foot. You kneel down and take it, slipping it through a small loop on your waist so that it'd be easy to carry around.

"...I think you owe me an explanation now." you say aloud, beginning to become annoyed by the random voice speaking to you out of thin air.

Don't talk to me out loud! The others will think you're crazy!

"...What? How the hell am I--"

Just... think at me. You can do that!

"...Think at you? What, are you talking to me using telepathy?"

Yes, since I can't physically talk to you. Pray we never have to meet in person.


...It wouldn't be good for you. Trust me.

You go quiet for a moment, cocking your eyebrow. The voice in your head speaks again, after a moment.

Just know that I'm trying to help you. Now, I believe one of your comrades had a pistol. You could exchange your nail gun for that.

You look up the hall again to the bodies at the end, and begin to walk in their direction. As you walk, you notice that some of the cabin doors were open. This seemed to be one of the living quarters sectors beneath one of the colonies, used by the miners. Why were we even down here? We're usually over at the repair bay.

You were on the way to the repair bay with your comrades. The main elevator here, going up to the colony, has been sabotaged. Someone cut the cables. The repair bay, as you recall, as an elevator that goes up to parts storage. Héctor intercepted you while you were passing through the miner's living quarters.

What was wrong with Héctor? Why was he acting like that? Why did he attack us?

It'd take a while to explain, and you need to get off this level before someone, or something, else finds you. They'll try to finish what Héctor started. For now, focus on getting to that elevator. Your other surviving comrades have established a base of operations in the administration sector, as have the others in the Commonwealth colony. If you encounter Imperials, however, try to avoid them.

What? Did a war start?

No, not yet. Most of them are under the influence of what drove Héctor mad. Avoid them out of caution, as most of them are trained soldiers regardless of their occupations. They might try to kill you.

You eventually reach the corpses of your comrades, and recognize both based off the nametags on their jumpsuits. One was an engine repair specialist named Aleksei, and the other was over tire and tread changes for the machines. Her name was Chen. Aleksei apparently had his head virtually destroyed by repeated pipe wrench hits, while Chen's leg and neck had been broken. Chen's head was twisted completely around to face the opposite direction.

Clutched in Aleksei's hand is a pistol. A simple Makarov. You reach down and take the pistol, setting your nail gun next to Aleksei's corpse. You check the magazine to find it was fully loaded, and decide to check to see if Aleksei had any more ammo in his jumpsuit. After a moment of searching, you discover two additional magazines.

Good. Now you can mostly defend yourself. Some armor would help, but unless you intend to strip it off a CIS officer upstairs, you might have to do some scavenging along the way.

...If I find any steel or iron plating, I could use it to fashion some crude armor for my chest. A mining helmet would work for my head. (Mechanical)

Good idea. Now, to actually get to the Repair Bay. Do you remember the way?

1. Memory

You can vaguely recall a few details about which way to go. The damage to your head prevents you from remembering the whole route. Perhaps a little wandering will be needed, but you're sure you can get there with minimal assistance.

2. Scavenge

You don't remember the way at all. There's got to be a map or something around here somewhere which will lead you to the Repair Bay. Besides, a map of the area beneath the colony could help out in other ways too, if you ever needed to come back down here.

3. Wing It

Who cares if you don't remember the way? You don't need any help, either. Especially from some weird voice in your head. Wander around till you find it. That's just how you do things, and its always worked. You think. You might find other useful things along the way as well. Like some painkillers.

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1. Memory
You can vaguely recall a few details about which way to go. The damage to your head prevents you from remembering the whole route. Perhaps a little wandering will be needed, but you're sure you can get there with minimal assistance.

Yeah, I remember some details. If this is the mining crew's quarters, I have to head out through the northern auxiliary entrance into the mining tunnels. Find the right tunnel going north, follow it a short distance, and I should be set. The Parts Storage area is on the north side of the colony, so the repair bay would be directly under it.

There's two large tunnels going north under the Union colony, isn't there? I believe several smaller ones, as well?

I'll remember which one it is in particular when I get there, but I do recall that it's one of the larger ones.

Alright. Be careful, however. The tunnels aren't safe.

Right. Tunnels aren't safe.
You look down at the pistol in your hand, making sure the safety on the weapon is off. You hope you didn't have to use this.

Looking up and around at your surroundings, you had three different directions you could go from where you were. A marking on the wall stated that this was Section 3C of the miners' living quarters, which meant you weren't far from the auxiliary entrance from the mining tunnels. The one you needed to be at, anyway, as there were two more that lead out into the south tunnels and western tunnels.

You orient yourself, facing a bulkhead nearby that lead into a hallway leading north. It appears to have been sealed off, the switch on the wall next to it having been damaged by something. Probably a miner or someone else fleeing from the tunnels. Luckily for you, you know where the bulkhead's emergency release is. You step over to the cold metal wall near the switch, and feel about for a small indention in the side of the bulkhead's frame. Eventually, you find it: a rectangular slot about as long and narrow as a ruler. Slipping your fingers in, you pull a panel off to reveal a long, thin metal lever. A simple pull of the lever, and the bulkhead begins to hiss.

It soon opens, and you get hit with a gust of stale air. Seems like the air filtration system's not doing to well. You'll probably need a mask and oxygen tank if it gets any worse, but for now, the air is breathable. At least the lights were still on down here.

You jog down the hallway, and notice a few more bodies at the end, near the bulkhead to the auxiliary entrance. Dead miners, one of which was still wearing a mining helmet. Its headlamp was still on, dull yellow light beaming up at the metal ceiling above. The bodies seem to have bullet wounds across the torso. Someone shot these people to death.

As you reach down to get the helmet, you notice how stiff the bodies are. They had been there for at least a day or so. How long had all this been going on?

Three days.

Three days?

Yes. You only decided to make a move this morning. You've been trapped down here with your comrades for two days now.

You take the helmet from the dead miner, slipping it onto your head and securing it via its chinstrap. At least you have some form of head protection now. Now, you just had to get through the bulkhead into the auxiliary entrance area. You take a moment to peek through the window in the bulkhead, checking out what was on the other side of the door.

More bodies. A lot more bodies.

You swallow hard, before reaching around and pulling the lever on this bulkhead as well. it opens with another hiss, and even more stale air hits you. As well as the stench of blood and corpses. There are easily a dozen or so dead here, all miners. All with bullet wounds, ranging from head shots to body shots. The bulkhead's frame and the wall surrounding it is also coated in varying bullet holes and impact marks. Across the room, scattered about the floor, are what appeared to be shell casings. Rifle rounds.

Oh, this is very, very bad.

It will only get worse. Keep moving.

You carefully step over the corpses, then move across the open room. Normally, the large square auxiliary entrances acted as sort of a break area for miners. There were areas to sit, circular tables with metal chairs scattered around them, as well as vending machines and water dispensers. The vending machines here appeared to have been broken into, the front plates smashed in and the contents taken by force. The water dispensers seemed fine, however, but you really didn't want to drink it. If the air filtration system was screwy right now, you'd hate to see what the water situation was like.

Moving across the room, you eventually hear noises coming from ahead of you. Somewhere deep in the tunnels, someone was shooting. You heard a few rapid bursts of gunfire, along with yelling and return fire. There were also other sounds. Unnatural sounds. The tunnels are not safe. You had to be careful. Cautious. You could very well die here if you weren't.

As you near the tunnel entrance, you feel cold air begin to brush against your face. The tunnels were always cold. Miners often had to wear cold weather clothing if there going to be stuck in the tunnels for long periods of time. It was just something natural on Lethe.

The tunnels themselves were circular in shape, with rows of track leading down them for mine carts and other machinery. There were large floodlights attached to the ceiling, space out just enough to provide proper lighting throughout the tunnel. The lights bathed the grey-brown rock in an off white, so that the miners could at least get a good view of what they were chipping away at with their picks and drills.

What you notice as you enter the tunnel, however, is rock scattered across some of the tracks. It apparently had fallen from the ceiling, leaving gaping holes above. The only thing that could cause something like that here on Lethe were mining accidents or blasts. With the way things were going lately, blasts seemed the more likely cause.

North. You needed to go north. You look to your right, up the small tunnel you were in, and spot a larger tunnel at the end. The larger tunnel would likely split into two, and you would have to figure out where to go from there. You begin your trek up the tunnel, walking along the tracks, and hear more gunfire. This was closer. Far closer. This wasn't the time for a leisurely stroll. You needed to move.

You start jogging, making sure to keep to the boards of the track instead of running on the rocks. Less of an echo. As you reach the end of the smaller tunnel, you then notice where the gunfire was coming from.

Immediately to your left down the larger tunnel, about twenty meters away, was what appeared to be someone hiding behind a row of overturned mine carts. Further down, someone was taking shots at them from their own cover. The closer individual was a woman, clad in a grey long-sleeve shirt and tan cargo pants. She wore some sort of backpack, and was clutching a pistol in her hand. If she was a miner, she certainly didn't look like it.

From what you could see from your position, hidden behind the corner of the smaller tunnel, you could see that the one in the distance taking shots at her was a man wearing combat armor. They had an assault rifle, from the sounds of the rapid bursts of gunfire.

1. Run

This isn't your fight. You needed to get to the Repair Bay, and get out of these tunnels. Otherwise, you'd become a target.

2. Aid

This woman clearly needs help. You have a pistol, and could give her covering fire while she retreats.


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